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Children (Basel) ; 11(1)2024 Jan 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38255383


This study focuses on understanding the relationship between moral disengagement mechanisms in adolescents who engage in law-breaking activities and those who violate school norms. To do so, we administered the Mechanisms of Moral Disengagement Scale (MMDS), which evaluates moral justification, euphemistic labeling, advantageous comparison, deflection of responsibility, diffusion of responsibility, distortion of consequences, dehumanization, and attribution of blame, to 366 adolescents (60.1% males (n = 220) and 39.9% females (n = 146)). Our results confirmed the hypothesis that law-breaking adolescents presented a higher degree of moral disengagement than those adolescents who violate school norms. Additionally, we found that adolescents who violated school norms displayed significantly higher levels of dehumanization than the controls, and law-breaking adolescents obtained the highest score in this domain. Our findings allow us to suggest that the presence of the dehumanization mechanism in adolescents who violate school norms could be used as an early indicator of the emergence of antisocial behaviors, since this was the only component of moral disengagement that significantly differentiated this group from the controls in the study.

Diversitas perspectiv. psicol ; 18(1): 88-104, ene.-jun. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421360


Resumen La gestión del riesgo de desastres es un proceso social, por ello toda la comunidad debe estar incluida en ella. El objetivo del estudio fue analizar las percepciones del riesgo de desastres en habitantes del municipio de Pijao (Quindio). Para esto se siguió un enfoque cualitativo desde el diseño de la teoría fundamentada. Se realizó un muestreo no probabilístico en los barrios aledaños al recorrido del Río Lejos del municipio de Pijao (Quindío, Colombia). La muestra estuvo compuesta por un total de 60 sujetos. La teoría sustantiva producto de la investigación es la naturalización de la gestión del riesgo de desastres. Se considera que la naturalización de acciones para la mitigación del riesgo de desastres se posibilita por el nivel de conocimiento de conceptos y acciones de la gestión del riesgo, además del nivel de arraigo cultural. El estudio permitió conocer de primera mano sobre los elementos que se deben trabajar para fortalecer la gestión del riesgo a nivel comunitario.

Abstract Disaster risk management is a social process; therefore, the whole community must be included in it. The objective of the study was to analyze the perceptions of disaster risk in the inhabitants of the municipality of Pijao (Quindio). A qualitative approach was followed from the design of the grounded theory. A non‑probabilistic sampling was carried out in the neighborhoods adjacent to the course of the Lejos River in the municipality of Pijao (Quindio, Colombia). The sample was composed of a total of 60 subjects. The substantive theory resulting from the research is the naturalization of disaster risk management. It is considered that the naturalization of actions for disaster risk mitigation is made possible by the level of knowledge of risk management concepts and actions, in addition to the level of cultural rootedness. The study provided first-hand knowledge of which elements level should be worked on in the community to strengthen risk management.

Psychol. av. discip ; 14(2): 107-120, jul.-dic. 2020. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1250623


Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue establecer diferencias en las puntuaciones en una tarea de teoría de la mente (ToM) en mujeres con y sin antecedentes de conducta delictiva e indicar el nivel de predicción de la teoría de la mente sobre la conducta antisocial. El estudio resulta de una búsqueda sobre investigaciones en el tema que dan cuenta de la importancia de entender los factores asociados en la conducta antisocial, principalmente el de ToM. Por otro lado, no existe suficiente documentación sobre el funcionamiento de ToM, específicamente en mujeres. El estudio se realizó desde un enfoque empírico analítico, comparativo-predictivo. Muestra: participaron 68 mujeres, 34 con antecedentes penales y 34 sin antecedentes penales. Se aplicó una ficha de caracterización y el Test de las Miradas.: Se encontraron diferencias significativas en la tarea de ToM para los dos grupos (Con antecedentes X̄ = 22.97[SD= 4.75] vs. Sin antecedentes X̄ = 25.50[SD = 3.87]; U = 406,500; P = 0.03). La ToM predice la conducta delictiva (OR = 1,152; IC 95 % [1,017 a 1,306]; P = 0.02). De los hallazgos, se concluye la importancia de la teoría de la mente para la neurociencia cognitiva, dado su valor modulador y predictor de conductas de riesgo.

Abstract It is intended to establish to establish differences in scores on a theory of mind (ToM) task in women with and without a history of criminal behavior and to indicate the level of prediction of the theory of mind on antisocial behavior. The study is the result of a search on research in the field that shows the importance of understanding the factors associated with antisocial behavior, mainly the ToM. On the other hand, there is not enough documentation on the functioning of ToM, specifically in women. The study was conducted from an empirical analytical, comparative-predictive approach. Sample: 68 women participated, 34 with criminal records and 34 without. A characterization card and the Gaze Test were applied. Significant differences were found in the ToM task for the two groups (With criminal record X̄= 22.97 [SD= 4.75] vs Without criminal record X̄ = 25.50 [SD = 3.87]; U = 406,500; P = 0.03). The ToM predicts criminal behavior (OR = 1,152; 95% CI [1,017 to 1,306]; P = 0.02). From the findings, it is concluded the importance of the theory of mind for cognitive neuroscience, given its modulating and predicting value of risk behaviors.

Teoria da Mente , Comportamento Criminoso , Transtorno da Personalidade Antissocial , Assunção de Riscos , Mulheres , Comportamento , Risco , Compreensão , Criminosos , Neurociência Cognitiva , Previsões
Pensam. psicol ; 18(1): 103-115, ene.-jun. 2020. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1143383


Resumen Objetivo. Establecer el grado de relación entre la desregulación emocional y la conducta antisocial y delictiva en adolescentes que se encuentran en conflicto con la ley. Método. Diseño no experimental, enfoque cuantitativo, con alcance descriptivo-correlacional de temporalidad transversal. Participaron 62 adolescentes en conflicto con la ley. Se implementaron la ficha de caracterización MINI KID y la Escala de Desregulación Emocional (DERS-E). Resultados. El 54.8% de los adolescentes reportaron problemas de conducta. Según los hallazgos, la desatención emocional es diferente entre las personas con trastorno disocial y las que no lo presentan (t =4.853, p =0.031). La desatención emocional predice la aparición de trastorno disocial (β =0.030, p= 0.05, Exp(β)= 1.362). Conclusión. Los datos dan cuenta de la importancia de la revisión teórica de la conducta antisocial y de los factores asociados a ella, para establecer mejores modelos de intervención y de comprensión del fenómeno, principalmente la influencia de la regulación emocional en la aparición de la conducta disocial en adolescentes.

Abstract Objective. To establish the degree of relationship between emotional dysregulation and antisocial and criminal behavior in adolescents who conflict with the law. Method. Non-experimental design, quantitative approach, with descriptive scope - correlation of transversal temporality. Sixty-two adolescents in conflict with the law participated. The instruments used were the Characterization Sheet, MINI KID and Emotional Deregulation Scale (DERS-E). Results. 54.8% of adolescents reported behavioral problems. Emotional neglect is different between people with antisocial personality disorder and those who do not have it (t = 4.853, p = 0.031). Emotional neglect predicts the onset of antisocial personality disorder (A = 0.030, p = 0.05; Exp(-) = 1,362). Conclusion. The data showed the importance of the theoretical review of antisocial behavior and the factors associated with it in order to establish better models of intervention and understanding of the phenomenon, mainly the influence of emotional regulation on the onset of dissocial behaviour in adolescents.

Resumo Escopo. Estabelecer o grau de relação entre a desregulação emocional e a conduta antissocial e delitiva em adolescentes que estão em conflito com a lei. Metodologia. Desenho não experimental, enfoque quantitativo, com alcance descritivo-correlacional de temporalidade transversal. Participaram 62 adolescentes em conflito com a lei. Foi implementada a ficha de caracterização MINI KID e a escada de Desregulação Emocional (DERS-E). Resultados. O 54.8% dos adolescentes reportaram problemas de conduta. Segundo os achados, a desatenção emocional é diferente entre as pessoas com transtorno dissocial e as que não a presentam (t= 4.853, p= 0.031). A desatenção emocional prediz a aparição de transtorno dissocial (β = 0.030, p= 0.05, Exp(β) = 1.362). Conclusão. Os dados dão conta da importância da revisão teórica da conduta antissocial e dos fatores associados a ela, para estabelecer melhores modelos de intervenção e de compreensão do fenómeno, principalmente a influencia da regulação emocional na aparição da conduta dissocial em adolescentes.

Arch. med ; 18(1): 97-104, 20 jun. 2018.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-963626


Objetivo: revisar los niveles del síndrome de burnout en parte del personal asistencialde una clínica oncológica. Materiales y métodos: la investigación fue de tipo descriptiva, la muestra estuvo compuesta por un total de 19 personas, de las cuales 7 son hombres (36.8%) y 12 personas fueron mujeres (63.2%), todos tienen un cargo dentro de la clínica oncológica, se aplicó el M.B.I. y una ficha de caracterización. Resultados: las subescalas del MBI no indican que existe burnout, ya que la mayoría de las personas han puntuando nivel bajo en las escalas de agotamiento emocional y despersonalización, no así para el de realización personal que puntuó alto. Hay un (69%) de personas que no presentan ninguno de los síntomas, en cambio hay un (31,6%) de personas que si manifiestan o puntúan alto o intermedio en algunas de las subescalas agotamiento emocional o despersonalización o baja en realización personal. Conclusiones: no existe evidencia de que las personas que hacen parte del personal asistencial de una clínica oncológica tengan el síndrome de burnout, tampoco hay diferencias significativas entre los grupos asistenciales..(AU)

Objective: to review levels of burnout syndrome in part of the nursing staff of an oncology clinic. Materials and methods: the research was descriptive, the sample was composed of 19 people, seven were men (36.8%) and twelve were women (63.2%), all have a position within the Oncology clinic, It was applied an MBI and a fact sheet of characterization. Results: the subscales of the MBI does not indicate that there is burnout, since most of the people have scoring low on the scales of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, not for the personal fulfilment that scored high. It shows that (69%) of people do not have any of the symptoms; instead, (31.6%) of people manifested the condition or scored high or intermediate in some of the subscales of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization or low personal fulfilment. Conclusions: there is no evidence that people who are part of the nursing staff of the Oncology clinic have burnout syndrome, nor there are significant differences between the health care groups..(AU)

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