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Sci Rep ; 13(1): 12041, 2023 Jul 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37491481


Iron oxide-copper-gold (IOCG) deposits are a globally important source of copper, gold and critical commodities. Despite their relevance, IOCG deposits remain an ill-defined clan, with a range of characteristics that has complicated development of the general genetic model. Here we focus on the Candelaria IOCG deposit in Chile and reveal that by using micro-textural and compositional variations in actinolite, a common alteration mineral found in many IOCG deposits, we can constrain the evolution of these systems. We demonstrate that Candelaria formed by the superposition of at least two pulses of mineralization with a late Cu-rich event overprinting and superimposed over an early, and probably higher temperature, iron oxide-apatite (IOA) mineralization event. These distinct pulses were likely caused by episodic injections of magmatic-hydrothermal fluids from crystallizing magmas at depth. Our data provide empirical evidence of grain-to-deposit scale compositional and potentially temperature changes in an IOCG system. The results support the use of actinolite chemistry as a novel approach to understand the formation of IOCG deposits and a potential tool for vectoring in exploration.

Sci Rep ; 11(1): 18424, 2021 09 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34531472


Magnetite is the main constituent of iron oxide-apatite (IOA) deposits, which are a globally important source of Fe and other elements such as P and REE, critical for modern technologies. Geochemical studies of magnetite from IOA deposits have provided key insights into the ore-forming processes and source of mineralizing fluids. However, to date, only qualitative estimations have been obtained for one of the key controlling physico-chemical parameters, i.e., the temperature of magnetite formation. Here we reconstruct the thermal evolution of Andean IOA deposits by using magnetite thermometry. Our study comprised a > 3000 point geochemical dataset of magnetite from several IOA deposits within the Early Cretaceous Chilean Iron Belt, as well as from the Pliocene El Laco IOA deposit in the Chilean Altiplano. Thermometry data reveal that the deposits formed under a wide range of temperatures, from purely magmatic (~ 1000 to 800 °C), to late magmatic or magmatic-hydrothermal (~ 800 to 600 °C), to purely hydrothermal (< 600 °C) conditions. Magnetite cooling trends are consistent with genetic models invoking a combined igneous and magmatic-hydrothermal origin that involve Fe-rich fluids sourced from intermediate silicate magmas. The data demonstrate the potential of magnetite thermometry to better constrain the thermal evolution of IOA systems worldwide, and help refine the geological models used to find new resources.

Nat Commun ; 12(1): 4930, 2021 Aug 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34389716


The subduction of oceanic plates beneath continental lithosphere is responsible for continental growth and recycling of oceanic crust, promoting the formation of Cordilleran arcs. However, the processes that control the evolution of these Cordilleran orogenic belts, particularly during their early stages of formation, have not been fully investigated. Here we use a multi-proxy geochemical approach, based on zircon petrochronology and whole-rock analyses, to assess the early evolution of the Andes, one of the most remarkable continental arcs in the world. Our results show that magmatism in the early Andean Cordillera occurred over a period of ~120 million years with six distinct plutonic episodes between 215 and 94 Ma. Each episode is the result of a complex interplay between mantle, crust, slab and sediment contributions that can be traced using zircon chemistry. Overall, the magmatism evolved in response to changes in the tectonic configuration, from transtensional/extensional conditions (215-145 Ma) to a transtensional regime (138-94 Ma). We conclude that an external (tectonic) forcing model with mantle-derived inputs is responsible for the episodic plutonism in this extensional continental arc. This study highlights the use of zircon petrochronology in assessing the multimillion-year crustal scale evolution of Cordilleran arcs.

Sci Rep ; 8(1): 14855, 2018 Oct 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30291283


The genetic link between magmas and ore deposit formation is well documented by studies of fossil hydrothermal systems associated with magmatic intrusions at depth. However, the role of explosive volcanic processes as active agents of mineralization remains unexplored owing to the fact that metals and volatiles are released into the atmosphere during the eruption of arc volcanoes. Here, we draw on observations of the uniquely preserved El Laco iron deposit in the Central Andes to shed new light on the metallogenic role of explosive volcanism that operates on a global scale. The massive magnetite (Fe3O4) ore bodies at El Laco have surface structures remarkably similar to basaltic lava flows, stimulating controversy about their origin. A long-standing debate has endured because all proposed models were constructed based exclusively on samples collected from surface outcrops representing the uppermost and most altered portion of the deposit. We overcome this sampling bias by studying samples retrieved from several drill cores and surface outcrops. Our results reveal complex lithological, textural and geochemical variations characterized by magmatic-like features and, most notably, a systematic increase in titanium concentration of magnetite with depth that account for an evolving system transitioning from purely magmatic to magmatic-hydrothermal conditions. We conclude that El Laco, and similar deposits worldwide, formed by a synergistic combination of common magmatic processes enhanced during the evolution of caldera-related explosive volcanic systems.

Sci Rep ; 7(1): 16054, 2017 11 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29167505


Rhenium and osmium isotopes have been used for decades to date the formation of molybdenite (MoS2), a common mineral in ore deposits and the world's main source of molybdenum and rhenium. Understanding the distribution of parent 187Re and radiogenic daughter 187Os isotopes in molybdenite is critical in interpreting isotopic measurements because it can compromise the accurate determination and interpretation of mineralization ages. In order to resolve the controls on the distribution of these elements, chemical and isotope mapping of MoS2 grains from representative porphyry copper-molybdenum deposits were performed using electron microprobe and nano-scale secondary ion mass spectrometry. Our results show a heterogeneous distribution of 185,187Re and 192Os isotopes in MoS2, and that both 187Re and 187Os isotopes are not decoupled as previously thought. We conclude that Re and Os are structurally bound or present as nanoparticles in or next to molybdenite grains, recording a complex formation history and hindering the use of microbeam techniques for Re-Os molybdenite dating. Our study opens new avenues to explore the effects of isotope nuggeting in geochronometers.

Nat Commun ; 8(1): 843, 2017 10 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29018198


Gold enrichment at the crustal or mantle source has been proposed as a key ingredient in the production of giant gold deposits and districts. However, the lithospheric-scale processes controlling gold endowment in a given metallogenic province remain unclear. Here we provide the first direct evidence of native gold in the mantle beneath the Deseado Massif in Patagonia that links an enriched mantle source to the occurrence of a large auriferous province in the overlying crust. A precursor stage of mantle refertilisation by plume-derived melts generated a gold-rich mantle source during the Early Jurassic. The interplay of this enriched mantle domain and subduction-related fluids released during the Middle-Late Jurassic resulted in optimal conditions to produce the ore-forming magmas that generated the gold deposits. Our study highlights that refertilisation of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle is a key factor in forming large metallogenic provinces in the Earth's crust, thus providing an alternative view to current crust-related enrichment models.The lithospheric controls on giant gold deposits remain unclear. Here, the authors show evidence for native gold in the mantle from the Deseado Massif in Patagonia demonstrating that refertilisation of the lithospheric mantle is key in forming metallogenic provinces.