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J Biomed Inform ; 52: 231-42, 2014 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25051403


PURPOSE: Data generated in the care of patients are widely used to support clinical research and quality improvement, which has hastened the development of self-service query tools. User interface design for such tools, execution of query activity, and underlying application architecture have not been widely reported, and existing tools reflect a wide heterogeneity of methods and technical frameworks. We describe the design, application architecture, and use of a self-service model for enterprise data delivery within Duke Medicine. METHODS: Our query platform, the Duke Enterprise Data Unified Content Explorer (DEDUCE), supports enhanced data exploration, cohort identification, and data extraction from our enterprise data warehouse (EDW) using a series of modular environments that interact with a central keystone module, Cohort Manager (CM). A data-driven application architecture is implemented through three components: an application data dictionary, the concept of "smart dimensions", and dynamically-generated user interfaces. RESULTS: DEDUCE CM allows flexible hierarchies of EDW queries within a grid-like workspace. A cohort "join" functionality allows switching between filters based on criteria occurring within or across patient encounters. To date, 674 users have been trained and activated in DEDUCE, and logon activity shows a steady increase, with variability between months. A comparison of filter conditions and export criteria shows that these activities have different patterns of usage across subject areas. CONCLUSIONS: Organizations with sophisticated EDWs may find that users benefit from development of advanced query functionality, complimentary to the user interfaces and infrastructure used in other well-published models. Driven by its EDW context, the DEDUCE application architecture was also designed to be responsive to source data and to allow modification through alterations in metadata rather than programming, allowing an agile response to source system changes.

Sistemas de Gerenciamento de Base de Dados , Aplicações da Informática Médica , Interface Usuário-Computador , Humanos , Internet
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24303270


Large amounts of information, as well as opportunities for informing research, education, and operations, are contained within clinical text such as radiology reports and pathology reports. However, this content is less accessible and harder to leverage than structured, discrete data. We report on an extension to the Duke Enterprise Data Unified Content Explorer (DEDUCE), a self-service query tool developed to provide clinicians and researchers with access to data within the Duke Medicine Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW). The DEDUCE Clinical Text module supports ontology-based text searching, enhanced filtering capabilities based on document attributes, and integration of clinical text with structured data and cohort development. The module is implemented with open-source tools extensible to other institutions, including a Java-based search engine (Apache Solr) with complementary full-text indexing library (Lucene) employed with a negation engine (NegEx) modified by clinical users to include to local domain-specific negation phrases.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24303271


Data within a continuing use context (also known as secondary use) can require translation into the variables necessary for project analysis. We have developed and applied a framework in which: Project objectives inform the curation of data elements. Data elements are rendered into system-readable metadata. Metadata are applied to the source data and used to produce data sets. This process distinguishes between data sets and source data. Data sets contain project-specific variables that are structured for analytic activities. This can differ from source data, which may be stored in a structure dictated by the original source system for data collection, or in a data structure contrary to what is desired for analysis. Data elements mediate this translation, and the process of curation refines their definitions and associated attributes. This framework improves analysis workflow through the application of best practices, consistent processes, and centralized decision-making.