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Front Plant Sci ; 13: 893994, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35620701


More frequent droughts and an increased pressure on water resources, combined with social licence to operate, will inevitably decrease water resources available for fully irrigated cotton production. Therefore, the long-term future of the cotton industry will require more drought tolerant varieties that can perform well when grown in rainfed cropping regions often exposed to intermittent drought. A trait that limits transpiration (TRLim) under an increased vapour pressure deficit (VPD) may increase crop yield in drier atmospheric conditions and potentially conserve soil water to support crop growth later in the growing season. However, this trait has not been tested or identified in cotton production systems. This study tested the hypotheses that (1) genetic variability to the TRLim VPD trait exists amongst 10 genotypes in the Australian cotton breeding programme; (2) genotypes with a TRLim VPD trait use less water in high VPD environments and (3) variation in yield responses of cotton genotypes is linked with the VPD environment and water availability during the peak flowering period. This study combined glasshouse and field experiments to assess plant transpiration and crop yield responses of predominantly locally bred cotton genotypes to a range of atmospheric VPD under Australian climatic conditions. Results indicated that genetic variation to the limiting transpiration VPD trait exists within cotton genotypes in the Australian breeding programme, with five genotypes identified as expressing the TRLim VPD trait. A modelling study suggests that this trait may not necessarily result in overall reduced plant water use due to greater transpiration rates at lower VPD environments negating the water conservation in high VPD environments. However, our study showed that the yield response of cotton genotypes is linked with both VPD environment and water availability during the peak flowering period. Yield performance of the TRLim genotype was improved at some high VPD environments but is unlikely to out-perform a genotype with a lower yield potential. Improved understanding of integrated plant- and crop-level genotypic responses to the VPD environments will enhance germplasm development to benefit cotton production in both rainfed and semi-irrigated cotton systems, thereby meeting the agricultural challenges of the twenty-first Century.

Front Plant Sci ; 13: 904131, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35646011


The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) cotton breeding program is the sole breeding effort for cotton in Australia, developing high performing cultivars for the local industry which is worth∼AU$3 billion per annum. The program is supported by Cotton Breeding Australia, a Joint Venture between CSIRO and the program's commercial partner, Cotton Seed Distributors Ltd. (CSD). While the Australian industry is the focus, CSIRO cultivars have global impact in North America, South America, and Europe. The program is unique compared with many other public and commercial breeding programs because it focuses on diverse and integrated research with commercial outcomes. It represents the full research pipeline, supporting extensive long-term fundamental molecular research; native and genetically modified (GM) trait development; germplasm enhancement focused on yield and fiber quality improvements; integration of third-party GM traits; all culminating in the release of new commercial cultivars. This review presents evidence of past breeding successes and outlines current breeding efforts, in the areas of yield and fiber quality improvement, as well as the development of germplasm that is resistant to pests, diseases and abiotic stressors. The success of the program is based on the development of superior germplasm largely through field phenotyping, together with strong commercial partnerships with CSD and Bayer CropScience. These relationships assist in having a shared focus and ensuring commercial impact is maintained, while also providing access to markets, traits, and technology. The historical successes, current foci and future requirements of the CSIRO cotton breeding program have been used to develop a framework designed to augment our breeding system for the future. This will focus on utilizing emerging technologies from the genome to phenome, as well as a panomics approach with data management and integration to develop, test and incorporate new technologies into a breeding program. In addition to streamlining the breeding pipeline for increased genetic gain, this technology will increase the speed of trait and marker identification for use in genome editing, genomic selection and molecular assisted breeding, ultimately producing novel germplasm that will meet the coming challenges of the 21st Century.

Funct Plant Biol ; 44(2): 267-278, 2017 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32480562


Alterations in climate factors such as rising CO2 concentration ([CO2]), warming and reduced precipitation may have significant impacts on plant physiology and growth. This research investigated the interactive effects of elevated [CO2], warming and soil water deficit on biomass production, leaf-level physiological responses and whole-plant water use efficiency (WUEP) in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Cotton was grown in the glasshouse under two [CO2] treatments (CA, 400µLL-1; CE, 640µLL-1) and two temperature treatments (TA, 28°C:17°C day:night; TE, 32°C:21°C day:night). Plants were subjected to two progressive water deficit cycles, with a 5-day recovery period between the water deficit periods. CE increased vegetative biomass and photosynthetic rates, and decreased stomatal conductance in TA; however, these responses to CE were not evident under TE. CE increased whole-plant water loss under TA, but increased WUEp, whereas increased whole-plant water loss in TE decreased WUEp regardless of atmospheric [CO2]. CE may provide some positive growth and physiological benefits to cotton at TA if sufficient water is available but CE will not mitigate the negative effects of rising temperature on cotton growth and physiology in future environments.

Funct Plant Biol ; 44(12): 1207-1218, 2017 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32480645


Changes in atmospheric [CO2], temperature and precipitation under projected climate change scenarios may have significant impacts on the physiology and yield of cotton. Understanding the implications of integrated environmental impacts on cotton is critical for developing cotton systems that are resilient to stresses induced by climate change. The objective of this study was to quantify the physiological and growth capacity of two cotton cultivars under current and future climate regimes. This experiment compared the early-season growth and physiological response of an older (DP16, released in the 1970s) and a modern (Sicot 71BRF, released in 2008) cotton cultivar grown in ambient and elevated atmospheric [CO2] (CA, 400µLL-1 and CE, 640µLL-1 respectively) and two temperature (TA, 28/17°C and TE, 32/21°C, day/night, respectively) treatments under well-watered conditions. CE increased biomass and photosynthetic rates compared with CA, and TE increased plant biomass. Although limited by the comparison of one older and one modern cultivar, our results suggest that substantial potential may exist to increase breeding selection of cotton cultivars that are responsive to both TE and CE.