OBJECTIVE: To characterize herbal product use (prevalence, types, indications) among Certified Nurse Midwives/Certified Midwives (CNMs/CMs) and Licensed Midwives (LMs) practicing in the state of California and to describe formal education related to herbal products received by midwives during midwifery education. DESIGN/SETTING/PARTICIPANTS: Cross-sectional survey/California/Practicing midwives. METHODS: A list of LMs and CNMs/CMs practicing in California was obtained through the California Medical Board (CMB) and the American College of Nurse Midwives (ACNM), respectively. The survey was mailed to 343 CNMs/CMs (one third of the ACNM mailing list) and 157 LMs (the complete CMB mailing list). RESULTS: Of the 500 surveys mailed, 40 were undeliverable, 146 were returned, and 7 were excluded (30% response rate). Of the 139 completed surveys, 58/102 (57%) of CNMs/CMs and 35/37 (95%) of LMs used herbs, and LMs were more comfortable than CNMs/CMs in recommending herbs to their patients. A majority of LMs had >20 hours of midwifery education on herbs whereas a majority of CNMs/CMs received 0 to 5 hours. Some CNMs/CMs indicated that their practice site limited their ability to use herbs. Common conditions in which LMs and CNMs/CMs used herbs were nausea/vomiting (86% vs. 83%), labor induction (89% vs. 58%), and lactation (86% vs. 65%). Specific herbs for all indications are described. CONCLUSION: Licensed midwives were more likely than CNMs/CMs to use herbs in clinical practice. This trend was likely a reflection of the amount of education devoted to herbs as well as herbal use limitations that may be encountered in institutional facilities.