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J Voice ; 2023 Jul 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37438212


OBJECTIVES: Defining the laryngeal and vocal alterations in the pediatric group studied in private speech therapy facilities; and estimating the time period between the problem being identified by the parents and the access to the proper provided services. METHODS: A cross-sectional analytical observational research with data collected from medical records by the speech therapist of each private facility. A written form was prepared and sent to the speech therapists of the 40 existing facilities. We received 124 of them from the pediatric group being assisted in 15 of the facilities. The form included questions about gender, age, vocal complaints; general degree of dysphonia; otorhinolaryngological diagnosis of vocal fold alterations; the age that the problem was identified by the parents and the beginning of speech therapy. The larynx was examined by videonasopharyngolaryngoscopy, and voice quality by auditory-perceptual assessment. RESULTS: The time period between the identification of the participant's dysphonia by the parents and the start of speech therapy was considered long (3.5years). The group showed variance in the proportion of nodule and cyst between genders. The highest prevalence of nodules occurred in boys; and the cyst in girls. Moderate general dysphonia occurred between 4 and 17years old, average age of 7years and 7months, with greater distribution between 5 and 10years of age. CONCLUSIONS: The average time delay until the start of speech therapy was 3.5years, more frequently in the 5-10years group and due to nodules in boys and cysts in girls.

Codas ; 28(6): 678-686, 2016.
Artigo em Português, Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27849215


PURPOSE: To describe how public prosecutors self-assess their communication approaches and how listeners react to them; to analyze how this relates to gender, age, and work experience. METHODS: Descriptive, transversal study. A questionnaire was developed and sent to 126 public prosecutors for completion. Thirty-three completed questionnaires were sent back. The independent variables were gender, age, and number of years of professional experience. The dependent variables were communication self-assessment throughout the years of work, communication parameters used, and listeners' reactions. A descriptive analyzis and Fisher's Exact Test was carried out. RESULTS: the sample contained both male and female participants with a median age of 43 years and an average of 20 years of professional experience. Most of the respondents claimed they had experienced demotivation, insecurity, tension, and difficulty when trying to convince listeners. More women than men reported they felt that their communication had worsened throughout their careers. All the women reported they experienced insecurity when speaking in public. One third of the public prosecutors stated they suffered from disorders on their voice. Those respondents aged over 43, experienced greater proportion on voice change than younger ones. In contrast to their younger colleagues, the majority of public prosecutors with more than 20 years of professional experience revealed that they felt insecure when speaking in public. CONCLUSION: the public prosecutors identified their strong and weak communication parameters. Gender, age, and work experience affect communicative performance.

Advogados , Comunicação Persuasiva , Autoavaliação (Psicologia) , Adulto , Fatores Etários , Brasil , Estudos Transversais , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Fatores Sexuais , Percepção da Fala
CoDAS ; 28(6): 678-686, nov.-dez. 2016. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-828587


RESUMO Objetivo Descrever a autoavaliação do promotor de justiça quanto à sua comunicação e reação do ouvinte e analisar a relação com o gênero, idade e anos de trabalho. Método Desenho descritivo, transversal. Foi elaborado um questionário e enviado aos 126 promotores, sendo devolvidos 33 questionários preenchidos. As variáveis independentes foram o gênero, idade e anos do exercício profissional. As variáveis dependentes foram a autoavaliação da comunicação ao longo dos anos de trabalho, os parâmetros de comunicação utilizados e a reação do ouvinte. Foi realizada análise descritiva e o Teste Exato de Fisher. Resultados A amostra foi constituída por ambos os gêneros, mediana de 43 anos de idade e 20 anos de trabalho. A maioria dos respondentes referiu que ao falar em público sente desmotivação, insegurança, tensão e dificuldade de persuadir o ouvinte. Houve maior proporção em mulheres de piora da comunicação ao longo dos anos de trabalho que em homens. Todas as mulheres relataram insegurança ao falar em público. Um terço dos promotores referiu alteração de voz. Os respondentes com mais de 43 anos de idade tiveram maior proporção de voz alterada que aqueles com idade menor. A maioria dos promotores com mais de 20 anos de trabalho revelou insegurança ao falar em público comparado com aqueles com idade menor. Conclusão Os promotores identificam seus parâmetros fortes e fracos da comunicação. O gênero, idade e tempo de profissão influenciam o desempenho comunicativo.

ABSTRACT Purpose To describe how public prosecutors self-assess their communication approaches and how listeners react to them; to analyze how this relates to gender, age, and work experience. Methods Descriptive, transversal study. A questionnaire was developed and sent to 126 public prosecutors for completion. Thirty-three completed questionnaires were sent back. The independent variables were gender, age, and number of years of professional experience. The dependent variables were communication self-assessment throughout the years of work, communication parameters used, and listeners’ reactions. A descriptive analyzis and Fisher’s Exact Test was carried out. Results the sample contained both male and female participants with a median age of 43 years and an average of 20 years of professional experience. Most of the respondents claimed they had experienced demotivation, insecurity, tension, and difficulty when trying to convince listeners. More women than men reported they felt that their communication had worsened throughout their careers. All the women reported they experienced insecurity when speaking in public. One third of the public prosecutors stated they suffered from disorders on their voice. Those respondents aged over 43, experienced greater proportion on voice change than younger ones. In contrast to their younger colleagues, the majority of public prosecutors with more than 20 years of professional experience revealed that they felt insecure when speaking in public. Conclusion the public prosecutors identified their strong and weak communication parameters. Gender, age, and work experience affect communicative performance.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Comunicação Persuasiva , Autoavaliação (Psicologia) , Advogados , Percepção da Fala , Brasil , Fatores Sexuais , Estudos Transversais , Fatores Etários
Distúrb. comun ; 27(3): 630-641, set. 2015. tab, ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-775874


O objetivo desta comunicação é descrever ações de fonoaudiologia no Centro de Referência em Educação Especial, junto aos usuários e familiares, realizadas por graduandos de uma universidade do Nordeste do Brasil. Trata-se de estudo longitudinal aprovado pelo CEP(Conselho de Ensino e Pesquisa). Os dados foram coletados em prontuários e em relatos de pais e discentes e as ações ocorreram no único Centro de Referência em Educação Especial do Estado. Foram realizadas ações fonoaudiológicas individuais e grupais pelos discentes sob supervisão, encaminhando a esse Centro 47 escolares provenientes de serviços de Saúde e de Educação, de diferentes municípios, com queixas de dificuldades de linguagem/ aprendizagem. A amostra final constituiu-se de 27 usuários, 19 (70%) meninos e 23 (85%) inseridos em ensino regular. Os usuários foram organizados em oito grupos, participando de cinco oficinas de linguagem conduzidas por duplas de graduandos sob supervisão docente. Os pais participaram de dois encontros. Após as oficinas, observou-se favorecimento dos aspectos linguístico-cognitivos e de interação do grupo estudado, além de se ter propiciado espaço de escuta para os responsáveis. Os resultados evidenciam a eficácia das ações a partir da evolução das crianças e dos adolescentes e também a partir dos depoimentos dos familiares e dos graduandos. Os usuários foram encaminhados para atendimento fonoaudiológico na Clínica-Escola da Universidade, considerando-se o sistema de referência e contrarreferência entre os serviços. Os futuros profissionais tiveram a oportunidade de experienciar ações de fonoaudiologia norteadas pela Promoção da Saúde, no âmbito da educação inclusiva, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento do grupo estudado com repercussão em seu processo de inclusão sócio educacional.

The aim is to describe SLP activities carried out by undergraduates of a university in the Northeast of Brazil at a Reference Center for Special Education. It?s a longitudinal study approved by CEP. Data was collected from records and statements made by users? parents and the SLP students. The activities took place at the only Reference Center in the state and included supervised SLP individuals and groups activities carried out by the undergraduates. Among the students referred to the center were 47 with speech and language/learning problems, beneficiaries of other public services from different municipalities. The sample group was made up of 27 participants, 19 (70%) boys and 23 (85%) coming from mainstreameducation. The participants were allocated to eight groups and took part in five language workshops, run by two undergraduates and supervised by a tutor, while the participants? parents were invited to two meetings. Apart from giving the parents the opportunity to receive advice, the workshops proved to favour linguistic-cognitive abilities and to improve the interaction in the researched group. For further SLP treatment, the participants were referred to the school clinic of the university, considering the reference and counter-reference system between services. Both, the development the users underwent and the parents? and undergraduate students? testemonies show that activities were effective. The future professionals had the opportunity to experience SLP activities aiming to promote health in the areaof inclusive education, besides made a contribution to the further development and process of socioeducational inclusion of the researched group.

El objetivo de esta comunicación es describir acciones de fonoaudiología en el Centro de Referencia en Educación Especial junto a usuarios y sus familiares, realizadas por graduandos de una universidad delnordeste de Brasil. Es un estudio longitudinal aprobado por el Consejo de Enseñanza e Investigación de una universidad. Los datos fueron recolectados por medio de informes y del relato de padres y discentes.Las acciones ocurrieron en el único Centro de Referencia en Educación Especial del estado. Los discentes realizaron acciones fonoaudiológicas individuales y en grupobajo supervisión y direccionaron a eseCentro 47 estudiantes de servicios de Salud y de Educación, de distintos municipios, con dificultades de lenguaje/aprendizaje. La muestra final constó de 27 usuarios, de los cuales 19(70%)eran niños y 23(85%) estaban inseridos en la enseñanza regular. Los usuarios fueron divididos en ocho grupos y participaron de cinco talleres de lenguaje, conducidos por parejas de graduandos bajo supervisión docente. Los padres participaron de dos encuentros. Tras los talleres, se observó una mejora en los aspectos lingüístico-cognitivos y de interacción del grupoestudiado, además de haberse propiciado espacio para escuchar a losresponsables por los niños. Los resultados demuestran la eficacia de las acciones a partir de la evolución de losniños y de los adolescentes y también por los testimonios de familiares y graduandos. Los usuarios fueron dirigidos a la Clínica-Escuela de la Universidad para recibir atención fonoaudiológica, gracias a un convenio entre los sistemas de educación y salud. Los futuros profesionales tuvieron la oportunidad de experimentar acciones fonoaudiológicas para la Promoción de la Salud en el ámbito de la educación inclusiva, lo que contribuyó con el desarrollo del grupo e influyó en su proceso de inclusión socio educacional.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Patologia da Fala e Linguagem , Comunicação , Educação Inclusiva , Fonoaudiologia , Aprendizagem , Serviços de Saúde Escolar , Fala , Inclusão Escolar , Família