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Sci Rep ; 11(1): 8638, 2021 04 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33883642


The global demand for fine-flavour cocoa has increased worldwide during the last years. Fine-flavour cocoa offers exceptional quality and unique fruity and floral flavour attributes of high demand by the world's elite chocolatiers. Several studies have highlighted the relevance of cocoa fermentation to produce such attributes. Nevertheless, little is known regarding the microbial interactions and biochemistry that lead to the production of these attributes on farms of industrial relevance, where traditional fermentation methods have been pre-standardized and scaled up. In this study, we have used metagenomic approaches to dissect on-farm industrial fermentations of fine-flavour cocoa. Our results revealed the presence of a shared core of nine dominant microorganisms (i.e. Limosilactobacillus fermentum, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Pestalotiopsis rhododendri, Acetobacter aceti group, Bacillus subtilis group, Weissella ghanensis group, Lactobacillus_uc, Malassezia restricta and Malassezia globosa) between two farms located at completely different agro-ecological zones. Moreover, a community metabolic model was reconstructed and proposed as a tool to further elucidate the interactions among microorganisms and flavour biochemistry. Our work is the first to reveal a core of microorganisms shared among industrial farms, which is an essential step to process engineering aimed to design starter cultures, reducing fermentation times, and controlling the expression of undesirable phenotypes.

Cacau/química , Cacau/microbiologia , Fermentação/genética , Metagenoma/genética , Chocolate/microbiologia , Aromatizantes/química , Microbiologia de Alimentos/métodos
Rev. colomb. biotecnol ; 19(2): 141-151, jul.-dic. 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-900445


RESUMEN Se obtuvieron aislamientos de levaduras a partir de muéstreos en tanques de combustible de vehículos urbanos, con el objeto de evaluar su potencial actividad de degradación de hidrocarburos aromáticos derivados del petróleo. Se realizaron ensayos de crecimiento en medio mínimo mineral sólido utilizando distintos hidrocarburos (benceno, tolueno, naftaleno, fenantreno, y pireno). Los aislamientos que presentaron crecimiento notorio en alguno de los hidrocarburos aromáticos policíclicos fueron identificados mediante secuenciación Sanger de los marcadores moleculares ITS1 e ITS2 del ARNr. Se obtuvieron 16 aislados de levaduras, de las cuales tres presentaron crecimiento conspicuo con hidrocarburos aromáticos como única fuente de carbono. Las cepas identificadas pertenecen al género Rhodotorula y corresponden a las especies Rhodotorula calyptogenae (99,8% de identidad) y Rhodotorula dairenensis (99,8% de identidad). Dichas cepas presentaron crecimiento en benceno, tolueno, naftaleno, fenantreno. En este estudio se reporta por primera vez la presencia de levaduras del género Rhodotorula que habitan los ductos y tanques de gasolina de vehículos urbanos, así como su capacidad para utilizar distintos hidrocarburos aromáticos que son contaminantes para el medio ambiente. Estos resultados sugieren que dichas levaduras constituyen potenciales candidatos para la degradación de éstos compuestos, como parte de estrategias de biorremediación.

ABSTRACT Yeast isolates were obtained from fuel tanks of vehicles in order to assess their potential use in the degradation of aromatic hydrocarbons. Growth assays were performed in minimum mineral medium using different aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene, naphthalene, phenanthrene, and pyrene) as the sole carbon source. Isolates that showed growth in any of the tested polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were identified by Sanger sequencing of the ITS1 and ITS2 rDNA molecular markers. A total of 16 yeasts strains were isolated, and three showed remarkable growth in media with aromatic hydrocarbons as the sole carbon source. These strains belong to the genus Rhodotorula, and correspond to the species Rhodotorula calyp-togenae (99,8% identity) and Rhodotorula dairenensis (99,8% identity). These strains grew in benzene, toluene, naphthalene, phenanthrene and pyrene. This study demonstrates for the first time that yeasts of the genus Rhodotorula inhabit pipelines and fuel tanks of vehicles and that remove aromatic hydrocarbons that are environmental pollutants. Our results suggest that these yeasts are potential candidates for aromatic hydrocarbon degradation as part of bioremediation strategies.

Acta biol. colomb ; 21(1): 5-15, Jan.-Apr. 2016. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-769028


During the last decade, there has been increasing awareness of the massive number of microorganisms, collectively known as the human microbiota, that are associated with humans. This microbiota outnumbers the host cells by approximately a factor of ten and contains a large repertoire of microbial genome-encoded metabolic processes. The diverse human microbiota and its associated metabolic potential can provide the host with novel functions that can influence host health and disease status in ways that still need to be analyzed. The microbiota varies with age, with features that depend on the body site, host lifestyle and health status. The challenge is therefore to identify and characterize these microbial communities and use this information to learn how they function and how they can influence the host in terms of health and well-being. Here we provide an overview of some of the recent studies involving the human microbiota and about how these communities might affect host health and disease. A special emphasis is given to studies related to tuberculosis, a disease that claims over one million lives each year worldwide and still represents a challenge for control in many countries, including Colombia.

En las últimas décadas ha incrementado nuestro conocimiento sobre la gran cantidad de microorganismos que conviven con nosotros, comunidades que colectivamente se conocen como la microbiota humana. El número de microorganismos que conforman la microbiota supera el número de células del cuerpo humano por un factor de diez aproximadamente y aporta un gran repertorio de genes y procesos metabólicos. La diversidad de la microbiota humana y su potencial metabólico brindan al hospedero una serie de funciones que complementan sus procesos y a su vez pueden influir sobre la salud del ser humano en formas que apenas se empiezan a conocer. La microbiota varía desde el nacimiento hasta la vejez del individuo, con características que dependen del sitio corporal, del estilo de vida y del estado de salud del hospedero. El reto actual es aprovechar el conocimiento derivado de la identificación y caracterización de estas comunidades microbianas para entender cómo funcionan estos microorganismos y cómo pueden influir de forma positiva o negativa sobre la salud del humano. En este documento ofrecemos una revisión general de algunos estudios recientes sobre la microbiota humana y su posible efecto en el hospedero en términos de salud y bienestar. Igualmente, se mencionan estudios sobre microbiota y su posible asociación con la tuberculosis, una enfermedad que todavía cobra más de un millón de vidas anualmente a nivel mundial y cuyo control todavía representa un gran reto en varios países del mundo, incluido Colombia.