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Clin Kidney J ; 7(4): 431-436, 2014 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25349696


The Latin American Dialysis and Renal Transplant Registry (RLADTR) was founded in 1991; it collects data from 20 countries which are members of Sociedad Latinoamericana de Nefrología e Hipertension. This paper presents the results corresponding to the year 2010. This study is an annual survey requesting data on incident and prevalent patients undergoing renal replacement treatment (RRT) in all modalities: hemodialysis (HD), peritoneal dialysis (PD) and living with a functioning graft (LFG), etc. Prevalence and incidence were compared with previous years. The type of renal replacement therapy was analyzed, with special emphasis on PD and transplant (Tx). These variables were correlated with the gross national income (GNI) and the life expectancy at birth. Twenty countries participed in the surveys, covering 99% of the Latin American. The prevalence of end stage renal disease (ESRD) under RRT in Latin America (LA) increased from 119 patients per million population (pmp) in 1991 to 660 pmp in 2010 (HD 413 pmp, PD 135 pmp and LFG 111 pmp). HD proportionally increased more than PD, and Tx HD continues to be the treatment of choice in the region (75%). The kidney Tx rate increased from 3.7 pmp in 1987 to 6.9 pmp in 1991 and to 19.1 in 2010. The total number of Tx's in 2010 was 10 397, with 58% deceased donors. The total RRT prevalence correlated positively with GNI (r2 0.86; P < 0.05) and life expectancy at birth (r2 0.58; P < 0.05). The HD prevalence and the kidney Tx rate correlated significantly with the same indexes, whereas the PD rate showed no correlation with these variables. A tendency to rate stabilization/little growth was reported in the most regional countries. As in previous reports, the global incidence rate correlated significantly only with GNI (r2 0.63; P < 0.05). Diabetes remained the leading cause of ESRD. The most frequent causes of death were cardiovascular (45%) and infections (22%). Neoplasms accounted for 10% of the causes of death. The prevalence of RRT continues to increase, particularly in countries with 100% public health or insurance coverage for RRT, where it approaches rates comparable to those displayed by developed countries with a better GNI. The incidence also continues to increase in both countries that have not yet extended its coverage to 100% of the population as well as in those that have an adequate program for timely detection and treatment of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and its associated risk factors. PD is still an underutilized strategy for RRT in the region. Even though renal Tx is feasible, its growth rate is still not as fast as it should be in order to compensate for the increased prevalence of patients on waiting lists. Diagnostic and prevention programs for hypertension and diabetes, appropriate policies promoting the expansion of PD and organ procurement as well as transplantation as cost-effective forms of RRT are needed in the region. Regional cooperation among Latin American countries, allowing the more developed to guide and train others in starting registries and CKD programs, may be one of the key initiatives to address this deficit.

Kidney Int Suppl (2011) ; 3(2): 153-156, 2013 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25018980


In 2008, 563,294,000 people were living in Latin America (LA), of which 6.6% were older than 65. The region is going through a fast demographic and epidemiologic transition process, in the context of an improvement in socio-economic indices. The Latin American Dialysis and Renal Transplant Registry has collected data since 1991, through an annual survey completed by 20 affiliated National Societies. Renal replacement treatment (RRT) prevalence and incidence showed an increase year by year. The prevalence rate (in all modalities) correlated with the World Bank country classification by income and the epidemiologic transition stage the countries were experiencing. RRT prevalence and kidney transplantation rates correlated significantly with gross national income (GNI), health expenditure in constant dollars (HeExp), % older than 65, life expectancy at birth, and % of the population living in urban settings. Kidney transplantation increased also, year by year, with more than 50% of transplants performed using kidneys from deceased donors. Double transplants were performed in six countries. RRT prevalence and incidence increased in LA, and are associated with indexes reflecting higher and more evenly distributed national wealth (GNI and HeExp), and the stage of demographic and epidemiological transition.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1390104


Este consenso fue ideado por el Director del Programa Nacional de Prevención Cardiovascular del M.S P. y B.S. (Paraguay) a raíz de que se necesitaba un documento actualizado que sirva como guía a los profesionales de la salud de todos los niveles de atención incluyendo a las diferentes especialidades, que tratan la hipertensión arterial y sus complicaciones agudas y crónicas. A través del convenio entre el Programa Nacional de Prevención Cardiovascular y la Sociedad Paraguaya de Cardiología de realizar actualizaciones de las Guías o documentos para difusión de manejo de patologías cardiovasculares y factores de riesgo asociados, se ha decidido elaborar y lanzar este material, que será utilizado como guía oficial en todo el territorio nacional. Con mesas de trabajo de varios días y la colaboración de representantes de sociedades científicas afines y asesores internacionales se ha logrado esta guía. Se presentan recomendaciones para facilitar el manejo de los pacientes con hipertensión arterial y sus complicaciones, con el propósito de disminuir la morbimortalidad cardiovascular. Han sido elaboradas según las evidencias científicas y conocimiento de expertos, con un enfoque práctico y sencillo. Todos los participantes aprobaron las decisiones finales. Los autores reconocen que la publicación y difusión de directrices serán siempre una guía práctica y que permitirá a los médicos ampliar los conocimientos con las recomendaciones propuestas, detectar precozmente el daño de órganos blancos y mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes hipertensos.

This consensus was conceived by the Director of the National Program of Cardiovascular Prevention of the M.S P. y B.S. (Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare, Paraguay) because an updated document was necessary as a guide for health professional of all care levels including different specialties that treat arterial hypertension and its acute and chronic complications. Through this consensus between the National Program of Cardiovascular Prevention and the Paraguayan Cardiology Society of updating Guides or documents for the dissemination of the management of cardiovascular pathologies and associated risk factors it was decided to elaborate and launch this material that will be used as an official guide in the national territory. This guide was achieved after working tables held during several days and the collaboration of representatives of related scientific societies and international advisers. Recommendations for facilitating the management of patients with arterial hypertension and its complications are presented in order to reduce the cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. They have been elaborated according to scientific evidence and knowledge of experts with a practical and simple approach. All the participants approved the final decisions. The authors recognize that the publications and dissemination of guidelines will always be a practical guide that will allow physicians to increase their knowledge with the proposed recommendation in order to early detect the damage of target organs and improve the quality of life of the hypertensive patients.

Rev. Soc. Parag. Cardiol. (Impr.) ; 1(3): 295-306, dic. 2003. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-435327


A pesar de las extensas investigaciones la nefropatía por contraste constituye una causa común de insuficiencia renal aguda adquirida en el hospital. Las recientes investigaciones establecieron mejor los riesgos independientes, en particular la insuficiencia renal preexistente. La patogénesis está mejor definida y ayuda a las intervenciones terapéuticas para minimizar el riesgo. Las claves del manejo comprenden: la suspensión de drogas nefrotóxicas, dosis mínima del medio de contraste, el uso de los nuevos medios de contraste, asegurar adecuada hidratación, antes y después del procedimiento. En el futuro agentes farmacológicos como acetilcisteína, fenoldopam, antagonistas de ET-A pueden ser útil

Injúria Renal Aguda , Meios de Contraste