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J Chem Ecol ; 2024 Aug 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39186175


Plants defend themselves chemically against herbivory through secondary metabolites and phytohormones. Few studies have investigated how constitutive variation in secondary metabolites contributes to systemic herbivory response. We hypothesized that plants with lower constitutive defenses would induce a stronger phytohormone response to spatially separated herbivory than plants with high constitutive defense. We used growth chamber bioassays to investigate how aboveground herbivory by Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata, CPB) and belowground herbivory by northern root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne hapla, RKN) altered phytohormones and glycoalkaloids in roots and shoots of two lines of wild potato (Solanum chacoense). These lines had different constitutive levels of chemical defense, particularly leptine glycoalkaloids, which are only present in aboveground tissues. We also determined how these differences influenced the preference and performance of CPB. The susceptible wild potato line responded to aboveground damage by CPB through induction of jasmonic acid (JA) and OPDA. However, when challenged by both RKN and CPB, the susceptible line retained high levels of JA, but not OPDA. Beetles gained more mass after feeding on the susceptible line compared to the resistant line, but were not affected by nematode presence. Belowground, JA, JA-Isoleucine, and OPDA were higher in the resistant line compared to the susceptible line, and some compounds demonstrated response to local herbivory. In contrast, the susceptible line did not induce phytohormone defenses belowground. These findings allow us to predict that constitutive level of defense may influence the threshold of herbivory that may lead to plant-mediated effects on spatially separated herbivores.

Phytopathology ; 113(2): 142-149, 2023 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36053666


Humulus lupulus (commonly known as hop) is an herbaceous plant that is used in brewing throughout the world. Hop cones are an essential ingredient in the production of beer, which makes hops of critical importance to global craft beverage industries. The hop cyst nematode, Heterodera humuli, is a plant-parasitic nematode with the potential to substantially limit yields of hop. H. humuli has been detected in many of the most significant regions for hop production worldwide, and infestations of H. humuli can consequently impact hop growth and limit cone production. Despite documented reports on the distribution of and damage caused by H. humuli since its description in 1934, there have been limited studies on the biology, pathogenicity, management, and consequences of infestations on hop production over time. Inconsistencies and gaps in the available information (e.g., the number of H. humuli generations per season, host status of alternate crops), exacerbate difficulties in understanding how H. humuli can be managed. Resolving the existing knowledge gaps identified within this review can lead to determining effective H. humuli management strategies for hop growers.

Humulus , Nematoides , Animais , Doenças das Plantas
J Nematol ; 55(1): 20230015, 2023 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37469487


Plant-parasitic nematodes (PPNs) can cause substantial economic yield losses to many agronomic crops in the United States. A regional-scale survey was completed across 20 counties to determine PPNs prevalence in Michigan corn and how factors such as soil type, tillage, irrigation, and cropping systems influence their distribution. Ten different major genera of PPNs were identified in Michigan corn fields: Longidorus (needle), Helicotylenchus (spiral), Pratylenchus (lesion), Meloidogyne (root-knot), Heterodera (cyst), Hoplolaimus (lance), Tylenchorhynchus or Merlinius (stunt), Paratylenchus (pin), Criconemella (ring), and Xiphinema (dagger). No significant differences among different categories of tillage for lesion, stunt, or needle nematode prevalence was detected. Lesion nematodes were most prevalent in muck soil, while stunt nematode prevalence was significantly affected by the soil type. Needle nematodes were least abundant in irrigated soils and in contrast, stunt nematodes were higher in non-irrigated soils. Spiral nematodes were the most common PPNs in Michigan corn in all cropping systems. These findings will be helpful in planning future nematode studies in Michigan and in developing and evaluating corn nematode management strategies.

J Nematol ; 55(1): 20230023, 2023 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37533965


Tomato plants are susceptible to significant yield losses when infested by the northern root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne hapla. While there are many options for conventional chemical management, few of these options offer effective control for organic growers or those who seek to adopt more environmentally considerate strategies. In this study, we showed that a new, biologically based product (referred to as "MN21.2") has potential for controlling populations of the northern root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne hapla, as a pest of susceptible tomato (cv. Rutgers) in a greenhouse trial. This is significant because if this product's efficacy is supported under field conditions, it may provide organic tomato growers with a valuable tool for fighting the plant-parasitic nematode pest, M. hapla.

Plant Dis ; 2020 Dec 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33325745


Cyst nematodes are ranked as the second most damaging plant-parasitic nematode genus of crops worldwide (Jones et al. 2013). The hop cyst nematode, Heterodera humuli, has been reported to cause up to 38% reduction in dry hops per bine (Hay and Pethybridge 2003). America is the top hop producing country worldwide, with 75% of production occurring in Washington state, with the majority of this production occurring in the Yakima Valley region (USDA, 2019). In late 2019, 30 soil samples from 15 different fields were collected from the hop cvs. HBC 394, HBC 369, and YCR 14. Nematodes were extracted using an adapted centrifugal floatation method (Jenkins 1964) from 100 cc subsamples of soil. Twenty of these samples contained at least one cyst and 23 contained at least one juvenile. Body length of juveniles (n = 5) averaged + standard deviation 377.62 ± 4.76 µm which is consistent with H. humuli juvenile body measurements (Sen 1968). Three samples from Yakima County and two from Benton County were identified to the species level using sequences from the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the 5.8S gene. The sequences (GenBank accession numbers MT840678 to MT840682) were amplified using forward primer 5.8S-F (5'-GTGATTCCATTCACCAHCTACCTG-3'), and reverse primer 5.8S-R (5'-TTCGCACTAATTATCGCAGTTGG-3'). Sequence comparison with available ITS (5.8S) sequences in GenBank using BLAST showed 99.85% identity to H. humuli for all five samples. Because COI sequences of H. humuli are not available, to provide an additional marker for species identification, we amplified the COI sequences by using (forward primer Hete-COI-F (5'-TTTGGDCAYCCHGARGTTTATGTT-3'), and reverse primer Hete-COI-R (5'-AYWGTAAAAAGGRRAATAAAACC-3') for these samples. Four COI sequences (GenBank accession numbers MT840683 to MT840686) were obtained. These COI sequences will be used to identify future H. humuli samples. To confirm pathogenicity, eight 1-gal pots were filled with a 90:10 play sand to potting soil mixture and one hop rhizome cv. 'Centennial' was planted in pots and maintained in a greenhouse. After above ground plant growth was observed, half the pots were inoculated with hand-picked H. humuli cysts from Yakima soil samples at a density of 10 cysts/100 cc of soil. The life cycle of H. humuli in potted experiments is 40 days (McNamara and Mende 1995). Forty-five days after inoculation, plant measurements were recorded and nematodes extracted from five 100 cc soil samples per pot as described above. Soil samples revealed that H. humuli populations had an average Reproductive Factor (RF = final nematode population/initial nematode population) of 2.08. Five cysts were crushed to determine eggs/cyst, which yielded an average of 101 eggs/cyst. Young infected hops lacked vigor, with all replicates stunted both in bine height and leaf length compared to healthy controls. Bine heights were reduced by an average of 40.4% in pots inoculated with H. humuli compared to control plants (P = 0.0016). Distribution of hop cyst within the United States is limited to the top four states for hop production: Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Michigan (Cobb 1962; Sen and Jensen 1967; Hafez et al. 2010, Warner and Bird, 2015). In 1962, Cobb reported H. humuli in Pierce County, Washington, but it had not been reported in Benton County and Yakima County until now. This is a significant finding that has the potential to impact the Washington state hop industry, valued at $475.7 million in 2019 (USDA, 2019). Due to the lack of known effective nematode control measures, the discovery of H. humuli in the major hop-growing region of Washington warrants concern.