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J Chem Phys ; 152(23): 234302, 2020 Jun 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32571059


We continue the development of the in-house molecular dynamics software package SpaCIAL and test it for the computation of the collision-induced absorption coefficients for a neon (Ne) and krypton (Kr) gas mixture. An apodization procedure for the dipole autocorrelation function is implemented and tested. We also carry out a statistical study of the convergence rate with respect to ensemble size. The resulting absorption coefficients show a good accordance with quantum mechanical results. Comparison with laboratory measurements shows agreement within 10%-20% at T = 295 K. At T = 480 K, a larger difference of 40%-80% is observed, which can presumably be explained by experimental uncertainties. For the study, an empirical (Barker, Fisher, and Watts) interaction-potential [Mol. Phys. 21, 657 (1971)] for Ne-Kr has been developed. Ab initio {coupled cluster with singles and doubles (triples) [CCSD(T)]} potentials for Ne-Ne, Kr-Kr, and Ne-Kr have been computed, as well as the CCSD(T) interaction-induced Ne-Kr dipole moment curve.

J Chem Phys ; 151(14): 144303, 2019 Oct 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31615255


We have implemented a scheme for classical molecular dynamics simulations of collision-induced absorption. The program has been applied to a gas mixture of argon (Ar) and krypton (Kr). The simulations are compared with accurate quantum dynamical calculations. The comparisons of the absorption coefficients show that classical molecular dynamics is correct within 10% for photon wave numbers up to 220 cm-1 at a temperature of 200 K for this system. At higher temperatures, the agreement is even better. Molecular dynamics accounts for many-body interactions, which, for example, give rise to continuous dimer formation and destruction in the gas. In this way, the method has an advantage compared with bimolecular classical (trajectory) treatments. The calculations are carried out with a new empirical Ar-Kr pair potential. This has been obtained through extensive analysis of experimental thermophysical and transport properties. We also present a new high level ab initio Ar-Kr potential curve for comparison, as well as ab initio interaction-induced dipole curves computed with different methods. In addition, the Ar-Kr polarizability and hyperpolarizability are reported. A comparison of the computed absorption spectra with an experiment taken at 300 K shows satisfactory agreement although a difference in absolute magnitude of 10%-15% persists. This discrepancy we attribute mainly to experimental uncertainty.

J Chem Phys ; 131(4): 044314, 2009 Jul 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19655874


The binary isotropic and anisotropic collision-induced light scattering spectra of gaseous methane at room temperature are analyzed in terms of a recent ab initio intermolecular potential and interaction-induced pair polarizability trace and anisotropy models, using quantum line-shapes computations. The translational spectra at relatively low frequencies are determined largely by the effects of bound and free transitions. At intermediate frequencies the spectra are sensitive to both the attractive part of the potential and the short-range part of the polarizability trace and anisotropy. The high frequency wings are discussed in terms of the collision-induced rotational Raman effect and estimates for the dipole-quadrupole polarizability A and the dipole-octopole polarizability E are obtained and checked with recent ab initio theoretical values.

J Adv Res ; 4(6): 501-8, 2013 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25685458


An approximate empirical isotropic interatomic potentials for CH4-inert gas mixtures are developed by simultaneously fitting the Exponential-Spline-Morse-Spline-van der Waals (ESMSV) potential form to viscosity, thermal conductivity, thermal diffusion factors, diffusion coefficient, interaction second pressure virial coefficient and scattering cross-section data. Quantum mechanical lineshapes of collision-induced absorption (CIA) at different temperatures for CH4-He and at T = 87 K for CH4-Ar are computed using theoretical values for overlap, octopole and hexadecapole mechanisms and interaction potential as input. Also, the quantum mechanical lineshapes of collision-induced light scattering (CILS) for the mixtures CH4-Ar and CH4-Xe at room temperature are calculated. The spectra of scattering consist essentially of an intense, purely translational component which includes scattering due to free pairs and bound dimers, and the other is due to the induced rotational scattering. These spectra have been interpreted by means of pair-polarizability terms, which arise from a long-range dipole-induced-dipole (DID) with small dispersion corrections and a short-range interaction mechanism involving higher-order dipole-quadrupole A and dipole-octopole E multipole polarizabilities. Good agreement between computed and experimental lineshapes of both absorption and scattering is obtained when the models of potential, interaction-induced dipole and polarizability components are used.