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PeerJ Comput Sci ; 8: e947, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35494820


Influencing and framing debates on Twitter provides power to shape public opinion. Bots have become essential tools of 'computational propaganda' on social media such as Twitter, often contributing to a large fraction of the tweets regarding political events such as elections. Although analyses have been conducted regarding the first impeachment of former president Donald Trump, they have been focused on either a manual examination of relatively few tweets to emphasize rhetoric, or the use of Natural Language Processing (NLP) of a much larger corpus with respect to common metrics such as sentiment. In this paper, we complement existing analyses by examining the role of bots in the first impeachment with respect to three questions as follows. (Q1) Are bots actively involved in the debate? (Q2) Do bots target one political affiliation more than another? (Q3) Which sources are used by bots to support their arguments? Our methods start with collecting over 13M tweets on six key dates, from October 6th 2019 to January 21st 2020. We used machine learning to evaluate the sentiment of the tweets (via BERT) and whether it originates from a bot. We then examined these sentiments with respect to a balanced sample of Democrats and Republicans directly relevant to the impeachment, such as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, senator Mitch McConnell, and (then former Vice President) Joe Biden. The content of posts from bots was further analyzed with respect to the sources used (with bias ratings from AllSides and Ad Fontes) and themes. Our first finding is that bots have played a significant role in contributing to the overall negative tone of the debate (Q1). Bots were targeting Democrats more than Republicans (Q2), as evidenced both by a difference in ratio (bots had more negative-to-positive tweets on Democrats than Republicans) and in composition (use of derogatory nicknames). Finally, the sources provided by bots were almost twice as likely to be from the right than the left, with a noticeable use of hyper-partisan right and most extreme right sources (Q3). Bots were thus purposely used to promote a misleading version of events. Overall, this suggests an intentional use of bots as part of a strategy, thus providing further confirmation that computational propaganda is involved in defining political events in the United States. As any empirical analysis, our work has several limitations. For example, Trump's rhetoric on Twitter has previously been characterized by an overly negative tone, thus tweets detected as negative may be echoing his message rather than acting against him. Previous works show that this possibility is limited, and its existence would only strengthen our conclusions. As our analysis is based on NLP, we focus on processing a large volume of tweets rather than manually reading all of them, thus future studies may complement our approach by using qualitative methods to assess the specific arguments used by bots.

Soc Netw Anal Min ; 12(1): 1-21, 2022 Jun 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35845751


Suicide is the second leading cause of death among youth ages 10-19 in the USA. While suicide has long been recognized as a multifactorial issue, there is limited understanding regarding the complexities linking adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) to suicide ideation, attempt, and fatality among youth. In this paper, we develop a map of these complex linkages to provide a decision support tool regarding key issues in policymaking and intervention design, such as identifying multiple feedback loops (e.g., involving intergenerational effects) or comprehensively examining the rippling effects of an intervention. We use the methodology of systems mapping to structure the complex interrelationships of suicide and ACEs based on the perceptions of fifteen subject matter experts. Specifically, systems mapping allows us to gain insight into the feedback loops and potential emergent properties of ACEs and youth suicide. We describe our methodology and the results of fifteen one-on-one interviews, which are transformed into individual maps that are then aggregated and simplified to produce our final causal map. Our map is the largest to date on ACEs and suicide among youth, totaling 361 concepts and 946 interrelationships. Using a previously developed open-source software to navigate the map, we are able to explore how trauma may be perpetuated through familial, social, and historical concepts. In particular, we identify connections and pathways between ACEs and youth suicide that have not been identified in prior research, and which are of particular interest for youth suicide prevention efforts.

Proc IEEE ACM Int Conf Adv Soc Netw Anal Min ; 12(1): 339-342, 2021 Nov 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37216196


Suicide rates are steadily increasing among youth in the USA. Although several theories and frameworks of suicide have been developed, they do not account for some of the features that define suicide as a complex problem, such as a large number of interrelationships and cycles. In this paper, we create the first c omprehensive m ap o f a dverse c hildhood experiences (ACEs) and suicide for youth, by combining a participatory approach (involving 15 subject-matter experts) and network science. This results in a map of 946 edges and 361 concepts, in which we identify ACEs to be the most important factor (per degree centrality). The map is openly shared with the community to support further network analyses (e.g., decomposition into clusters). Similarly to the high-impact Foresight Map developed in the context of obesity, the largest map on suicide and ACEs to date presented in this paper can start a discussion at the crossroad of suicide research and network science, thus bringing new means to address a complex public health challenge.