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Chaos ; 34(4)2024 Apr 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38579152


It is a well-understood fact that the transport of excitations throughout a lattice is intimately governed by the underlying structures. Hence, it is only natural to recognize that the dispersion of information also has to depend on the lattice geometry. In the present work, we demonstrate that two-dimensional lattices described by the Bose-Hubbard model exhibit information scrambling for systems as little as two hexagons. However, we also find that the out-of-time-ordered correlator (OTOC) shows the exponential decay characteristic for quantum chaos only for a judicious choice of local observables. More generally, the OTOC is better described by Gaussian-exponential convolutions, which alludes to the close similarity of information scrambling and decoherence theory.

Entropy (Basel) ; 25(2)2023 Jan 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36832558


We are in the noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices' era, in which quantum hardware has become available for application in real-world problems. However, demonstrations of the usefulness of such NISQ devices are still rare. In this work, we consider a practical railway dispatching problem: delay and conflict management on single-track railway lines. We examine the train dispatching consequences of the arrival of an already delayed train to a given network segment. This problem is computationally hard and needs to be solved almost in real time. We introduce a quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) model of this problem, which is compatible with the emerging quantum annealing technology. The model's instances can be executed on present-day quantum annealers. As a proof-of-concept, we solve selected real-life problems from the Polish railway network using D-Wave quantum annealers. As a reference, we also provide solutions calculated with classical methods, including the conventional solution of a linear integer version of the model as well as the solution of the QUBO model using a tensor network-based algorithm. Our preliminary results illustrate the degree of difficulty of real-life railway instances for the current quantum annealing technology. Moreover, our analysis shows that the new generation of quantum annealers (the advantage system) does not perform well on those instances, either.

Sci Rep ; 14(1): 4555, 2024 Feb 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38402296


We investigate the computational efficiency and thermodynamic cost of the D-Wave quantum annealer under reverse-annealing with and without pausing. Our demonstration on the D-Wave 2000Q annealer shows that the combination of reverse-annealing and pausing leads to improved computational efficiency while minimizing the thermodynamic cost compared to reverse-annealing alone. Moreover, we find that the magnetic field has a positive impact on the performance of the quantum annealer during reverse-annealing but becomes detrimental when pausing is involved. Our results, which are reproducible, provide strategies for optimizing the performance and energy consumption of quantum annealing systems employing reverse-annealing protocols.

Phys Rev E ; 110(1-1): 014120, 2024 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39160965


We demonstrate the unique capabilities of the Wigner function, particularly in its positive and negative parts, for exploring the phase diagram of the spin -(1/2-1/2) and spin-(1/2-1) Ising-Heisenberg chains. We highlight the advantages and limitations of the phase-space approach in comparison with the entanglement concurrence in detecting phase boundaries. We establish that the equal angle slice approximation in the phase space is an effective method for capturing the essential features of the phase diagram but falls short in accurately assessing the negativity of the Wigner function for the homogeneous spin-(1/2-1/2) Ising-Heisenberg chain. In contrast, we find for the inhomogeneous spin-(1/2-1) chain that an integral over the entire phase space is necessary to accurately capture the phase diagram of the system. This distinction underscores the sensitivity of phase-space methods to the homogeneity of the quantum system under consideration.

Sci Rep ; 14(1): 21809, 2024 Sep 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39294235


Motivated by recent efforts to develop quantum computing for practical, industrial-scale challenges, we demonstrate the effectiveness of state-of-the-art hybrid (not necessarily quantum) solvers in addressing the business-centric optimization problem of scheduling Automatic Guided Vehicles (AGVs). Some solvers can already leverage noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices. In our study, we utilize D-Wave hybrid solvers that implement classical heuristics with potential assistance from a quantum processing unit. This hybrid methodology performs comparably to existing classical solvers. However, due to the proprietary nature of the software, the precise contribution of quantum computation remains unclear. Our analysis focuses on a practical, business-oriented scenario: scheduling AGVs within a factory constrained by limited space, simulating a realistic production setting. Our approach maps a realistic AGVs problem onto one reminiscent of railway scheduling and demonstrates that the AGVs problem is better suited to quantum computing than its railway counterpart, the latter being denser in terms of the average number of constraints per variable. The main idea here is to highlight the potential usefulness of a hybrid approach for handling AGVs scheduling problems of practical sizes. We show that a scenario involving up to 21 AGVs, significant due to possible deadlocks, can be efficiently addressed by a hybrid solver in seconds.

Phys Rev E ; 104(2-2): 025308, 2021 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34525633


We devise a deterministic algorithm to efficiently sample high-quality solutions of certain spin-glass systems that encode hard optimization problems. We employ tensor networks to represent the Gibbs distribution of all possible configurations. Using approximate tensor-network contractions, we are able to efficiently map the low-energy spectrum of some quasi-two-dimensional Hamiltonians. We exploit the local nature of the problems to compute spin-glass droplets geometries, which provides a new form of compression of the low-energy spectrum. It naturally extends to sampling, which otherwise, for exact contraction, is #P-complete. In particular, for one of the hardest known problem-classes devised on chimera graphs known as deceptive cluster loops and for up to 2048 spins, we find on the order of 10^{10} degenerate ground states in a single run of our algorithm, computing better solutions than have been reported on some hard instances. Our gradient-free approach could provide new insight into the structure of disordered spin-glass complexes, with ramifications both for machine learning and noisy intermediate-scale quantum devices.

Sci Rep ; 10(1): 13534, 2020 Aug 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32782306


Recent years have witnessed an unprecedented increase in experiments and hybrid simulations involving quantum computers. In particular, quantum annealers. There exist a plethora of algorithms promising to outperform classical computers in the near-term future. Here, we propose a parallel in time approach to simulate dynamical systems designed to be executed already on present-day quantum annealers. In essence, purely classical methods for solving dynamics systems are serial. Therefore, their parallelization is substantially limited. In the presented approach, however, the time evolution is rephrased as a ground-state search of a classical Ising model. Such a problem is solved intrinsically in parallel by quantum computers. The main idea is exemplified by simulating the Rabi oscillations generated by a two-level quantum system (i.e. qubit) experimentally.

Sci Rep ; 8(1): 17191, 2018 Nov 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30464296


Near term quantum hardware promises unprecedented computational advantage. Crucial in its development is the characterization and minimization of computational errors. We propose the use of the quantum fluctuation theorem to benchmark the accuracy of quantum annealers. This versatile tool provides simple means to determine whether the quantum dynamics are unital, unitary, and adiabatic, or whether the system is prone to thermal noise. Our proposal is experimentally tested on two generations of the D-Wave machine, which illustrates the sensitivity of the fluctuation theorem to the smallest aberrations from ideal annealing. In addition, for the optimally operating D-Wave machine, our experiment provides the first experimental verification of the integral fluctuation in an interacting, many-body quantum system.

Sci Rep ; 8(1): 4539, 2018 Mar 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29540761


The shift of interest from general purpose quantum computers to adiabatic quantum computing or quantum annealing calls for a broadly applicable and easy to implement test to assess how quantum or adiabatic is a specific hardware. Here we propose such a test based on an exactly solvable many body system-the quantum Ising chain in transverse field-and implement it on the D-Wave machine. An ideal adiabatic quench of the quantum Ising chain should lead to an ordered broken symmetry ground state with all spins aligned in the same direction. An actual quench can be imperfect due to decoherence, noise, flaws in the implemented Hamiltonian, or simply too fast to be adiabatic. Imperfections result in topological defects: Spins change orientation, kinks punctuating ordered sections of the chain. The number of such defects quantifies the extent by which the quantum computer misses the ground state, and is, therefore, imperfect.

Sci Rep ; 6: 23408, 2016 Mar 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27003686


Thermodynamics is the phenomenological theory of heat and work. Here we analyze to what extent quantum thermodynamic relations are immune to the underlying mathematical formulation of quantum mechanics. As a main result, we show that the Jarzynski equality holds true for all non-hermitian quantum systems with real spectrum. This equality expresses the second law of thermodynamics for isothermal processes arbitrarily far from equilibrium. In the quasistatic limit however, the second law leads to the Carnot bound which is fulfilled even if some eigenenergies are complex provided they appear in conjugate pairs. Furthermore, we propose two setups to test our predictions, namely with strongly interacting excitons and photons in a semiconductor microcavity and in the non-hermitian tight-binding model.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26565187


The Carnot statement of the second law of thermodynamics poses an upper limit on the efficiency of all heat engines. Recently, it has been studied whether generic quantum features such as coherence and quantum entanglement could allow for quantum devices with efficiencies larger than the Carnot efficiency. The present study shows that this is not permitted by the laws of thermodynamics-independent of the model. We will show that rather the definition of heat has to be modified to account for the thermodynamic cost of maintaining non-Gibbsian equilibrium states. Our theoretical findings are illustrated for two experimentally relevant examples.