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Sci Rep ; 7(1): 16936, 2017 12 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29208953


The paleogeographic reconstruction of the successive inland positions of a retreating ice sheet is generally constrained by mapping moraines. However, deltaic complexes constructed by sediment-charged meltwater can also provide a record of the retreating ice-margin positions. Here, we examine a serie of ice-contact, ice-distal glaciofluvial and paraglacial depositional systems that developed along the Québec North Shore (eastern Canada) in the context of falling relative sea level during the northward retreat of the Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS). Ice-contact depositional systems formed when the LIS was stillstanding along the Québec North Shore. Subsequent inland retreat of the ice margin generated glacial meltwaters feeding sediment to glaciofluvial deltas, leading to their rapid progradation. The retreat of the ice margin from drainage basins was marked by the onset of paraglacial processes such as the shutdown of delta progradation, severe fluvial entrenchment, and deposition of shallow-marine strata. Four end-member scenarios describe the spatial and stratigraphic distribution of these three depositional systems (ice-contact deposits, ice-distal glaciofluvial deltas, and paraglacial suites). They reflect both the inherited drainage basin physiography and the retreat pattern of the ice margin. Applied to twenty deltaic complexes, these end-members allowed us to refine the model of LIS-margin retreat over southeastern Québec.

Nat Commun ; 5: 4485, 2014 Sep 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25174941


The end-Ordovician was an enigmatic interval in the Phanerozoic, known for massive glaciation potentially at elevated CO2 levels, biogeochemical cycle disruptions recorded as large isotope anomalies and a devastating extinction event. Ice-sheet volumes claimed to be twice those of the Last Glacial Maximum paradoxically coincided with oceans as warm as today. Here we argue that some of these remarkable claims arise from undersampling of incomplete geological sections that led to apparent temporal correlations within the relatively coarse resolution capability of Palaeozoic biochronostratigraphy. We examine exceptionally complete sedimentary records from two, low and high, palaeolatitude settings. Their correlation framework reveals a Cenozoic-style scenario including three main glacial cycles and higher-order phenomena. This necessitates revision of mechanisms for the end-Ordovician events, as the first extinction is tied to an early phase of melting, not to initial cooling, and the largest δ(13)C excursion occurs during final deglaciation, not at the glacial apex.

Science ; 311(5762): 821, 2006 Feb 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16469920


In the Sahara region, the age of onset of the desert condition has been uncertain until now. Here we report on the discovery of 7,000,000-year-old eolian dune deposits from the northern Chad Basin. This geological archive is the oldest known evidence for desert occurrence in the Sahara.