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Plant Dis ; 2023 Nov 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38085963


Soybean (Glycine max L.) is produced in over 70,000 ha in the Altillanura Region, eastern Colombia (Agronet 2023). From 2018 to 2020, foliar symptoms like green stem and foliar retention of soybean, which in Brazil can cause up to 100% soybean yield losses (Meyer et al. 2017), were observed in soybean fields in Colombia. During 2020, samples from symptomatic plants in reproductive stages (R1-R8) were collected from different commercial soybean fields in the Altillanura Region. Over 200 samples were processed, using an incubation method described in Coyne et al. (2014). Nematodes were recovered from photosynthetic leaf tissues and enlarged nodes/buds with population densities ranging from 13 to 132 and 36 to 936 nematodes/10g, respectively. Adult females were morphologically and molecularly characterized as Aphelenchoides pseudobesseyi (Oliveira et al. 2019; Subbotin et al. 2020). Female body length (n = 20) ranged from 653.3 to 806.3 µm (mean = 723 µm ± 52.7), stylet length from 11.0 to 12.3 µm (11.8 µm ± 0.3), body diameter from 14.8 to 17.9 µm (16.3 µm ± 1.1), post-uterine sac length from 38.7 to 51.9 µm (44.6 µm ± 5.1), vulva to anus from 145.5 to 223.2 µm (172.2 µm ± 22.4), and 26% of the vulva-anus distance. Genomic DNA was extracted (QIAGEN DNeasy® Blood & Tissue kit) from a pool of nematodes. The D2A/D3B (Tenente et al. 2004) primers were used to amplify and sequence the D2/D3 expansion region of the 28S rRNA gene. PCR product (~759 bp) was purified, sequenced, deposited in GenBank (OQ930285), and compared to previously deposited sequences (e.g., KX356756, KY510840, KY510839, KY510841, KT692694, KY510842, MH187565) by means of the BLAST algorithm. Similarly, 988F and 18SR-Burs (De Jesus et al. 2016) primers were used to amplify and sequence the near full-length 18S RNA gene (SSU). PCR product was purified, sequenced, deposited in GenBank (OQ954344), and compared to previously deposited sequences (e.g., KT454962, KT943534, KT943535, KY510835, KY510836, KY510837, KY510838, MH187565). Phylogenetic Bayesian analysis (Ronquist et al. 2012) of the of the D2/D3 and 18S regions placed this nematode from Colombia in the A. pseudobesseyi clade (PP = 100). To fulfill a modified Koch's postulates, the A. pseudobesseyi population described above was used in a greenhouse assay. In total, 120 soybean plants (cv. Flor Blanca) were infected with 200 A. pseudobesseyi (females + males)/plant. Briefly, at cotyledon stage (VC), 50 µl aliquot containing 50 A. pseudobesseyi was delivered onto each cotyledon and unifoliolate leaves (200 nematodes/plant). Sterile water was delivered to 80 plants which served as control. Plants were kept in the greenhouse at approximately 25°C and covered with clear plastic bag for 72 h to maintain over 90% relative humidity. After 15, 30, 45, and 60 days, soybean plants (n = 20) were processed, A. pseudobesseyi quantified, and the average reproduction factor (final population/initial population) was 0.1, 2.9, 14.0, and 1.8, respectively. Infected plants showed symptoms of blistering leaves with malformation (midrib vein twist), and A. pseudobesseyi was not observed in control plants. To our knowledge, this is the first report of A. pseudobesseyi parasitizing soybean buds and leaves in Colombia. Soybean is an important commodity for the Altillanura Region, and it is important to monitor the risk posed by this nematode. Furthermore, a better understanding of the nematode-host interaction and epidemiology in Colombia soybean producing regions is needed.

Rev. luna azul ; (39): 165-185, jul.-dic. 2014. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-735019


Como consecuencia de la alimentación de Radopholus similis, se generan daños en las raíces y el cormo que conllevan a un crecimiento deficiente de las plantas y reducción en rendimiento hasta 80%. Por tal motivo, el objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar el efecto de la integración de prácticas de manejo como limpieza sanitaria de cormos y biológicas como Micorrizas Arbusculares (MA), Purpureocillium lilacinum y Bacillus subtilis sobre el crecimiento de las plántulas de Dominico Hartón y la población de nematodos fitoparásitos. El experimento se realizó en la granja Montelindo de la Universidad de Caldas, a 1010 msnm, 23ºC de temperatura promedio y 1800 mm de precipitación. Los tratamientos fueron asignados en un diseño experimental completamente aleatorio, cada uno conformado por 20 cormos (unidades experimentales) sembrados en bolsas negras de 5 kg de capacidad, así: cormos con limpieza sanitaria sin aplicación de productos (T1), cormos con limpieza sanitaria + MA (T2), cormos con limpieza sanitaria + P. lilacinum (T3), cormos con limpieza sanitaria + B. subtilis (T4), y cormos con limpieza sanitaria + MA + P. lilacinum + B. subtilis (T5). El anterior procedimiento también se realizó a cormos tradicionales sembrados en suelo sin esterilizar (T6 a T10, respectivamente). En los tratamientos que fueron establecidos en suelo esterilizado y cormos con limpieza sanitaria, no hubo presencia de individuos de los principales géneros de nematodos fitoparásitos del plátano como Radopholus, Meloidogyne y Helicotylenchus. Los tratamientos en los cuales se utilizó suelo infestado y cormos con limpieza sanitaria, presentaron una disminución de hasta un 64% en la población de nematodos fitoparásitos en comparación con la inicial, aunque mostraron también una cantidad de nematodos menor al testigo. De estos tratamientos el que menor población presentó fue el T10 (Suelo infestado + cormos con limpieza sanitaria + MA + P. lilacinum + B. subtilis) con una población promedio de 472 nematodos fitoparásitos en 100 g de suelo. La integración de todas las medidas de manejo resultó más eficiente en el control de los nematodos fitoparásitos en plátano, con o sin la esterilización del suelo; y la limpieza sanitaria de cormos no afectó negativamente el desarrollo de las raíces ni de la parte aérea de las plantas, pues no se presentaron diferencias significativas respecto a los tratamientos donde se usaron cormos tradicionales.

As a result of feeding of Radopholus similis, both roots and corms are damaged and this results in plant growth deficiency and yield losses up to 80%. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the effect of the integration of management practices such as corms sanitary cleaning and biological cleaning such as Arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM), Purpureocillium lilacinum and Bacillus subtilis on the development of Dominico Hartón plantain seedlings and phytoparasitic nematods populations. The experiment was conducted at the Universidad de Caldas Montelindo farm located at 1,010 m.a.s.l.., average temperature 23ºC and 1,800 mm rainfall. The treatments were assigned in a completely randomized block design, each one with 20 corms (experimental units) planted in 5 kg black plastic bags as follows: corms with sanitary seed cleaning without application of products (T1); corms with sanitary cleaning + AM (T2); corms with sanitary cleaning + P. lilacinum (T3); corms with sanitary cleaning + B. subtilis (T4); and corms with sanitary cleaning + AM + P. lilacinum + B. subtilis (T5). The described procedure was also applied to traditional corms planted in soil without sterilization (T6 to T10, respectively). In the treatments established in sterilized soil and cleaned corms, there was not presence of individuals of the main plant parasitic nematodes of plantain, such as, Radopholus, Meloidogyne and Helicotylenchus. Treatments with infested soil with nematodes and cleaned corms, showed a reduction in plant parasitic nematodes up to 64% compared with the initial population, although they also showed lower amount of nematodes than the control population. From these treatments, the one that had the lowest population of nematodes was the T10 (Infested soil + cleaned corms + AM + P. lilacinum + B. subtilis) with an average population of 472 phytoparasitic nematodes/100 g of soil). The integration of all management practices resulted in the most efficient way to control the plant phytoparasitic nematodes of plantain, with or without soil sterilization, and the corms sanitary cleanness did not affect either the root development or the aerial parts of the seedlings, since there were not significant differences with respect to the treatments using traditional corms.

Humanos , Bacillus subtilis , Parasitos , Musa , Micorrizas
Rev. luna azul ; (37): 130-154, jul.-dic. 2013. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-696596


Las raíces del guayabo son parasitadas por el nematodo del nudo radical (Meloidogyne spp.), ocasionando pérdidas de la producción entre 30 y 60%. Debido a esto, el principal objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar en condiciones de almácigo la reacción de cuatro variedades de guayabo al ataque del complejo Meloidogyne incognita y M. javanica. En el vivero Jaibaná Frutales, del municipio de Pereira (Risaralda), plántulas de cuatro variedades: Pera y Común (Psidium guajava), Agrio (Psidium friedrichsthalianum) y Peruano (Psidium cattleianum), fueron sembradas en bolsas de plástico que contenían suelo y cascarilla de arroz en proporción 3:1. Veinte días después de sembradas, a 15 plántulas de cada una de las variedades le fueron inoculadas una mezcla de 1.000, 5.000 y 10.000 huevos y juveniles de Meloidogyne, y los respectivos testigos sin inocular. Las plántulas fueron asignadas bajo un diseño experimental completamente aleatorio. Las variedades Peruano con 5,75g y 8,03g de peso seco de raíces y parte aérea, respectivamente, y Agrio con 10,27g y 9,23g de peso seco de raíces y parte aérea, respectivamente, presentaron el menor índice de nudosidad con 0,1 y 1,1, y reproducción de Meloidogyne spp. con valores entre 75 y 4.575 huevos y juveniles/100g de raíces. Estas variedades fueron estadísticamente diferentes a la variedad Pera con 13,96g y 11,33g de peso seco de raíces y parte aérea, respectivamente, y Común con 11,35g y 13,9g de peso seco de raíces y parte aérea, respectivamente, quienes presentaron mayor índice de nudosidad con 5 y reproducción con 149.775 huevos y 72.950 juveniles/100g de raíces. Las variedades Agrio y Peruano fueron resistentes e inmunes, respectivamente, al ataque de Meloidogyne incognita y M. javanica, permitiendo ser utilizadas como portainjertos o patrones; mientras que las variedades Pera y Común fueron altamente susceptibles.

Guava roots are parasitized by the root knot nematode (Meloidogyne spp.), which causes production losses between 30 and 60%. Due to this, the main goal of this research was to evaluate the reaction of four varieties of guava under nursery conditions to the attack of Meloidogyne incognita and M. javanica complex. In the Jaibaná Frutales nursery, in the municipality of Pereira (Risaralda), seedlings of four varieties of guava: Guava pear and Common guava (Psidiumguajava), Cas guava (Psidiumfriedrichsthalianum), and Peruvian guava (Psidiumcattleianum), were planted in plastic bags containing soil and rice hull in a 3:1 proportion. Twenty days after planted, 15 seedlings of each variety were inoculated with a mixture of 1,000, 5,000 and 10,000 eggs and Meloidogyne spp juveniles, and their respective controls without inoculation. Seedlings were assigned under a completely randomized design. The Peruvian guava variety with 5.75g and 8.03g roots and aerial parts dry weight respectively, and Cas guava variety with 10.27g and 9.23g roots and aerial parts dry weight, respectively, had the lowest root gall index with 0.1 and 1.1, and Meloidogyne spp. reproduction with values between 75 and 4.575 eggs and juveniles/100g of roots. These varieties were statistically different from the guava Pear variety with 13,96g y 11,33g roots and aerial parts dry weight respectively, and Common guava with 11,35g y 13,9g roots and aerial parts dry weight respectively, which had the highest root gall index with 5 and reproduction with 149.775 eggs and 72.950 juveniles/100g of roots. In conclusion, the Cas and Peruvian varieties were resistant and immune respectively, to Meloidogyne incognita and M. javanica, allowing them to be used as rootstocks or patronages, while guava Pear and Common guava were highly susceptible to both species.

Humanos , Nematoides , Reprodução , Tylenchoidea , Psidium
Rev. luna azul ; (33): 137-153, jul.-dic. 2011. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-659376


Radopholus similis es un nematodo fitoparásito que se alimenta de raíces y cormos de banano y plátano en todo el mundo, afectando el crecimiento y desarrollo de este cultivo, con pérdidas en producción entre el 20 y 100%. Debido a que estas musáceas han sido tradicionalmente propagadas por semilla asexual mediante colinos "cormos" o cepas "rizomas" y a que este fitonematodo se caracteriza por ingresar y movilizarse dentro de las células de raíces y los cormos, esto ha permitido que el intercambio de material de siembra infectado sea el principal medio de su diseminación alrededor del mundo. Por tales motivos, se describe a R. similis registrando su distribución, biología, pérdidas, hospedantes, supervivencia, medios de diseminación y prácticas de manejo como evitar el ingreso de los nematodos en el suelo antes de establecer un cultivo, reducir la cantidad de ellos en el material de siembra, promover la sanidad de las raíces de las plantas para ayudarlas a tolerar o competir con la presión de los nematodos u otros patógenos y reducir la oportunidad de que el nematodo ingrese a las raíces o rizomas.

Radopholus similis is a phytoparasitic nematode which feeds itself from banana and plantain roots and corms worldwide, affecting the crops' growth and development with a loss in production between 20 and 100%. Because these musaceae has been traditionally spread by asexual seeds through young coffee trees "corms" or "rhizome" stumps, and because this phytonemtode is characterized because it penetrates and moves into the roots' cells and the corms, this has allowed the exchange of infected sowing material to be the main means for its dissemination around the world. Because of this, R. similis is described registering its distribution, biology, losses, hosting, survival, dissemination means and management practices such as avoiding the penetration of nematodes in the soil before planting, reducing their quantity in the sowing material, promoting sanity of the roots in order to help them tolerate or compete with the nematodes or any other pathogen pressure, and reducing the probabilities for the nematode to penetrate roots and rhizomes.

Humanos , Musaceae , Produção Agrícola , Raízes de Plantas , Nematoides