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Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 26(30): 20261-20272, 2024 Jul 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38958416


We present an investigation of the ultrafast dynamics of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon fluorene initiated by an intense femtosecond near-infrared laser pulse (810 nm) and probed by a weak visible pulse (405 nm). Using a multichannel detection scheme (mass spectra, electron and ion velocity-map imaging), we provide a full disentanglement of the complex dynamics of the vibronically excited parent molecule, its excited ionic states, and fragments. We observed various channels resulting from the strong-field ionization regime. In particular, we observed the formation of the unstable tetracation of fluorene, above-threshold ionization features in the photoelectron spectra, and evidence of ubiquitous secondary fragmentation. We produced a global fit of all observed time-dependent photoelectron and photoion channels. This global fit includes four parent ions extracted from the mass spectra, 15 kinetic-energy-resolved ionic fragments extracted from ion velocity map imaging, and five photoelectron channels obtained from electron velocity map imaging. The fit allowed for the extraction of 60 lifetimes of various metastable photoinduced intermediates.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 26(16): 12725-12737, 2024 Apr 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38616653


C-I bond extension and fission following ultraviolet (UV, 262 nm) photoexcitation of 2- and 3-iodothiophene is studied using ultrafast time-resolved extreme ultraviolet (XUV) ionization in conjunction with velocity map ion imaging. The photoexcited molecules and eventual I atom products are probed by site-selective ionization at the I 4d edge using intense XUV pulses, which induce multiple charges initially localized to the iodine atom. At C-I separations below the critical distance for charge transfer (CT), charge can redistribute around the molecule leading to Coulomb explosion and charged fragments with high kinetic energy. At greater C-I separations, beyond the critical distance, CT is no longer possible and the measured kinetic energies of the charged iodine atoms report on the neutral dissociation process. The time and momentum resolved measurements allow determination of the timescales and the respective product momentum and kinetic energy distributions for both isomers, which are interpreted in terms of rival 'direct' and 'indirect' dissociation pathways. The measurements are compared with a classical over the barrier model, which reveals that the onset of the indirect dissociation process is delayed by ∼1 ps relative to the direct process. The kinetics of the two processes show no discernible difference between the two parent isomers, but the branching between the direct and indirect dissociation channels and the respective product momentum distributions show isomer dependencies. The greater relative yield of indirect dissociation products from 262 nm photolysis of 3-iodothiophene (cf. 2-iodothiophene) is attributed to the different partial cross-sections for (ring-centred) π∗ ← π and (C-I bond localized) σ∗ ← (n/π) excitation in the respective parent isomers.

J Phys Chem A ; 128(22): 4548-4560, 2024 Jun 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38713032


We present results from a covariance ion imaging study, which employs extensive filtering, on the relationship between fragment momenta to gain deeper insight into photofragmentation dynamics. A new data analysis approach is introduced that considers the momentum partitioning between the fragments of the breakup of a molecular polycation to disentangle concurrent fragmentation channels, which yield the same ion species. We exploit this approach to examine the momentum exchange relationship between the products, which provides direct insight into the dynamics of molecular fragmentation. We apply these techniques to extensively characterize the dissociation of 1-iodopropane and 2-iodopropane dications prepared by site-selective ionization of the iodine atom using extreme ultraviolet intense femtosecond laser pulses with a photon energy of 95 eV. Our assignments are supported by classical simulations, using parameters largely obtained directly from the experimental data.

Faraday Discuss ; 238(0): 682-699, 2022 10 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35781475


Recently, covariance analysis has found significant use in the field of chemical reaction dynamics. When coupled with data from product time-of-flight mass spectrometry and/or multi-mass velocity-map imaging, it allows us to uncover correlations between two or more ions formed from the same parent molecule. While the approach has parallels with coincidence measurements, covariance analysis allows experiments to be performed at much higher count rates than traditional coincidence methods. We report results from electron-molecule crossed-beam experiments, in which covariance analysis is used to elucidate the dissociation dynamics of multiply-charged ions formed by electron ionisation over the energy range from 50 to 300 eV. The approach is able to isolate signal contributions from multiply charged ions even against a very large 'background' of signal arising from dissociation of singly-charged parent ions. Covariance between the product time-of-flight spectra identifies pairs of fragments arising from the same parent ions, while covariances between the velocity-map images ('recoil-frame covariances') reveal the relative velocity distributions of the ion pairs. We show that recoil-frame covariance analysis can be used to distinguish between multiple plausible dissociation mechanisms, including multi-step processes, and that the approach becomes particularly powerful when investigating the fragmentation dynamics of larger molecules with a higher number of possible fragmentation pathways.

Elétrons , Espectrometria de Massas/métodos , Íons/química
Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 24(37): 22699-22709, 2022 Sep 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36106844


We present results from an experimental ion imaging study into the fragmentation dynamics of 1-iodopropane and 2-iodopropane following interaction with extreme ultraviolet intense femtosecond laser pulses with a photon energy of 95 eV. Using covariance imaging analysis, a range of observed fragmentation pathways of the resulting polycations can be isolated and interrogated in detail at relatively high ion count rates (∼12 ions shot-1). By incorporating the recently developed native frames analysis approach into the three-dimensional covariance imaging procedure, contributions from three-body concerted and sequential fragmentation mechanisms can be isolated. The angular distribution of the fragment ions is much more complex than in previously reported studies for triatomic polycations, and differs substantially between the two isomeric species. With support of simple simulations of the dissociation channels of interest, detailed physical insights into the fragmentation dynamics are obtained, including how the initial dissociation step in a sequential mechanism influences rovibrational dynamics in the metastable intermediate ion and how signatures of this nuclear motion manifest in the measured signals.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 24(38): 23096-23105, 2022 Oct 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35876592


We investigated the dissociation of dications and trications of three polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), fluorene, phenanthrene, and pyrene. PAHs are a family of molecules ubiquitous in space and involved in much of the chemistry of the interstellar medium. In our experiments, ions are formed by interaction with 30.3 nm extreme ultraviolet (XUV) photons, and their velocity map images are recorded using a PImMS2 multi-mass imaging sensor. Application of recoil-frame covariance analysis allows the total kinetic energy release (TKER) associated with multiple fragmentation channels to be determined to high precision, ranging 1.94-2.60 eV and 2.95-5.29 eV for the dications and trications, respectively. Experimental measurements are supported by Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics (BOMD) simulations.

J Phys Chem A ; 126(40): 7221-7229, 2022 Oct 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36194389


The dissociation of C2F6 following electron ionization at 100 eV has been studied using multimass velocity-map ion imaging and covariance-map imaging analysis. Single ionization events form parent C2F6+ cations in an ensemble of electronic states, which follow a multiplex of relaxation pathways to eventually dissociate into ionic and neutral fragment products. We observe CF3+, CF2+, CF+, C+, F+, C2F5+, C2F4+, C2F2+, and C2F+ ions, all of which can reasonably be formed from singly charged parent ions. Dissociation along the C-C bond typically forms slow-moving, internally excited products, whereas C-F bond cleavage is rapid and impulsive. Dissociation from the à state of the cation preferentially forms C2F5+ and neutral F along a purely repulsive surface. No other electronic state of the ion will form this product pair at the electron energies studied in this work, nor do we observe any crossing onto this surface from higher-lying states of the parent ion. Multiply charged dissociative pathways are also explored, and we note characteristic high kinetic energy release channels due to Coulombic repulsion between charged fragments. The most abundant ion pair we observe is (CF2+, CF+), and we also observe ion pair signals in the covariance maps associated with almost all possible C-C bond cleavage products as well as between F+ and each of CF3+, CF2+, CF+, and C+. No covariance between F+ and C2F5+ is observed, implying that any C2F5+ formed with F+ is unstable and undergoes secondary fragmentation. Dissociation of multiply charged parent ions occurs via a number of mechanisms, details of which are revealed by recoil-frame covariance-map imaging.

J Phys Chem A ; 125(32): 7092-7098, 2021 Aug 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34351156


When applied to multimass velocity-map imaging data, covariance analysis reveals correlations between different fragment ions formed from the same parent molecule and can provide detailed insights into the fragmentation dynamics. Covariances between the time-of-flight signals for two different ions show that they are formed in the same event, while covariances between their velocity-map images, often referred to as "recoil-frame covariances", reveal details of the correlated motion of the two fragments. In many cases, covariance analysis is complicated by the fact that fluctuations in experimental parameters such as laser or molecular beam intensities can lead to apparent correlations between unrelated ions. In the context of time-of-flight covariance signals, this problem has been overcome by the introduction of partial covariance and contingent covariance approaches. Here, we apply these approaches to recoil-frame covariance-map images. We also demonstrate that in many cases the total signal within each experimental cycle can be used as a useful proxy for independent explicit measurements of the varying experimental parameter(s).

J Phys Chem A ; 125(5): 1117-1133, 2021 Feb 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33476155


Over the past decade or so, the state-of-the-art in the field of chemical reaction dynamics has progressed from studies of few-atom systems to wide-ranging investigations into a variety of photoinduced and collision-induced processes in much larger molecules. Many of these studies are of direct relevance to a wide audience of chemists, spanning fields such as atmospheric chemistry, astrochemistry, synthetic chemistry, and chemical biology. Key to this work has been the technique of velocity-map imaging, which allows complete product scattering distributions to be recorded for the process of interest. Recent advances in camera technology have enabled the development of multimass velocity-map imaging, in which the scattering distributions of all reaction products can be recorded in a single measurement. In addition to the scattering distributions of individual reaction products, the data set now contains information on correlations between the scattering distributions of two or more fragments. These correlations can be revealed using the technique of statistical covariance, yielding an approach known as covariance-map imaging. This review will introduce the reader to covariance mapping and will describe various applications of the technique within the field of chemical dynamics. The underlying concepts will be illustrated through a series of simple simulations, before moving on to describe a number of recent experimental studies in which covariance mapping has been used to obtain mechanistic insight and information on molecular structure on the femtosecond time scale.

J Phys Chem A ; 125(23): 5220-5225, 2021 Jun 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34097418


We report a new implementation of three-dimensional (3D) momentum imaging for electrons, employing a two-dimensional (2D) imaging detector and a silicon photomultiplier tube (siPMT). To achieve the necessary time resolution for 3D electron imaging, a poly(p-phenylene)-dye-based fast scintillator (Exalite 404) was used in the imaging detector instead of conventional phosphors. The system demonstrated an electron time-of-flight resolution comparable with that of electrical MCP pick-off (tens of picoseconds), while achieving an unprecedented dead time reduction (∼0.48 ns) when detecting two electrons.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 21(26): 14296-14305, 2019 Jul 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30643915


We present a comprehensive experimental study into the dissociative electron ionization dynamics of CF3I at energies ranging from 20 to 100 eV. A beam-gas instrument has been used to measure the absolute total ionization cross-section for the molecule over the energy range from 0 to 300 eV. Coupled with data from an electron-molecule crossed beam velocity-map imaging instrument, this allows absolute partial ionization cross-sections to be determined for formation of each ionic fragment. These reveal a number of fragmentation channels involving both C-I and C-F bond cleavage, in some cases followed by further fragmentation of the resulting molecular ion. Velocity-map images have been recorded for the I+ and CF3+ products of C-I bond cleavage and the CF2I+ products of C-F bond cleavage. Analysis of fragment kinetic energy distributions extracted from the images reveals that CF3+ product of C-I bond cleavage appears to be formed via a statistical mechanism occurring over long timescales, while the CF2I+ products of C-F cleavage are formed via a much faster, more direct dissociation mechanism involving one or more repulsive states of the parent molecular ion. The I+ fragments arising from C-I bond cleavage display behaviour intermediate between the two extremes. For all fragments, the images show little or no dependence on the energy of the incident electron, implying that the initially excited ion state or states undergo rapid relaxation to the dissociative state(s) in all cases. Only a very small fraction of the incident electron's kinetic energy is released into kinetic energy of the recoiling atomic and molecular fragments, implying that most of the available energy remains with the two departing electrons. The kinetic energy distributions obtained for the various fragments of dissociative electron ionization are compared with the corresponding distributions reported from photoionization studies in order to gain insight into the electronic states involved.

J Chem Phys ; 147(1): 013941, 2017 Jul 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28688414


N,N-dimethylformamide, HCON(CH3)2, is a useful model compound for investigating the peptide bond photofragmentation dynamics. We report data from a comprehensive experimental and theoretical study into the photofragmentation dynamics of N,N-dimethylformamide in the gas phase at 193 nm. Through a combination of velocity-map imaging and hydrogen atom Rydberg tagging photofragment translational spectroscopy we have identified two primary fragmentation channels, namely, fission of the N-CO "peptide" bond and N-CH3 bond fission leading to the loss of CH3. The possible fragmentation channels leading to the observed products are rationalised with recourse to CASPT2 calculations of the ground and first few excited-state potential energy curves along the relevant dissociation coordinates, and the results are compared with the data from previous experimental and theoretical studies on the same system.

Psychooncology ; 24(4): 371-81, 2015 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25146298


OBJECTIVE: Systematic reviews highlight a broad range of cancer-related post-traumatic stress disorder (CR-PTSD) prevalence estimates in cancer survivors. This meta-analysis was conducted to provide a prevalence estimate of significant CR-PTSD symptoms and full diagnoses to facilitate the psychological aftercare of cancer survivors. METHODS: A systematic literature search was conducted for studies using samples of cancer survivors by using validated clinical interviews and questionnaires to assess the prevalence of CR-PTSD (k = 25, n = 4189). Prevalence estimates were calculated for each assessment method using random-effects meta-analysis. Mixed-effects meta-regression and categorical analyses were used to investigate study-level moderator effects. RESULTS: Studies using the PTSD Checklist-Civilian Version yielded lower event rates using cut-off [7.3%, 95% confidence intervals (CI) = 4.5-11.7, k = 10] than symptom cluster (11.2%, 95% CI = 8.7-14.4, k = 9). Studies using the Structured Clinical Interview for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fourth Edition (SCID), yielded low rates for lifetime (15.3%, 95% CI = 9.1-25, k = 5) and current CR-PTSD (5.1%, 95% CI = 2.8-8.9, k = 9). Between-study heterogeneity was substantial (I(2) = 54-87%). Studies with advanced-stage samples yielded significantly higher rates with PTSD Checklist-Civilian Version cluster scoring (p = 0.05), and when assessing current CR-PTSD on the SCID (p = 0.05). The effect of mean age on current PTSD prevalence met significance on the SCID (p = 0.05). SCID lifetime prevalence rates decreased with time post-treatment (R(2) = 0.56, p < 0.05). DISCUSSION: The cancer experience is sufficiently traumatic to induce PTSD in a minority of cancer survivors. Post-hoc analyses suggest that those who are younger, are diagnosed with more advanced disease and recently completed treatment may be at greater risk of PTSD. More research is needed to investigate vulnerability factors for PTSD in cancer survivors. © 2014 The Authors. Psycho-Oncology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Neoplasias/psicologia , Transtornos de Estresse Pós-Traumáticos/epidemiologia , Sobreviventes/psicologia , Fatores Etários , Humanos , Prevalência , Fatores de Risco , Índice de Gravidade de Doença , Transtornos de Estresse Pós-Traumáticos/psicologia