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Aquat Geochem ; 22(5): 401-417, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32355451


Long time-series studies are critical to assessing impacts of climate change on the marine carbon cycle. A 27-year time-series study in the abyssal northeast Pacific (Sta. M, 4000 m depth) has provided the first concurrent measurements of sinking particulate organic carbon supply (POC flux) and remineralization by the benthic community. Sediment community oxygen consumption (SCOC), an estimate of organic carbon remineralization, was measured in situ over daily to interannual periods with four different instruments. Daily averages of SCOC ranged from a low of 5.0 mg C m-2 day-1 in February 1991 to a high of 31.0 mg C m-2 day-1 in June 2012. POC flux estimated from sediment trap collections at 600 and 50 m above bottom ranged from 0.3 mg C m-2 day-1 in October 2013 to 32.0 mg C m-2 day-1 in June 2011. Monthly averages of SCOC and POC flux correlated significantly with no time lag. Over the long time series, yearly average POC flux accounted for 63 % of the estimated carbon demand of the benthic community. Long time-series studies of sediment community processes, particularly SCOC, have shown similar fluctuations with the flux of POC reaching the abyssal seafloor. SCOC quickly responds to changes in food supply and tracks POC flux. Yet, SCOC consistently exceeds POC flux as measured by sediment traps alone. The shortfall of ~37 % could be explained by sediment trap sampling artifacts over decadal scales including undersampling of large sinking particles. High-resolution measurements of SCOC are critical to developing a realistic carbon cycle model for the open ocean. Such input is essential to evaluate the impact of climate change on the oceanic carbon cycle, and the long-term influences on the sedimentation record.

Sci Robot ; 6(60): eabl4925, 2021 Nov 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34731026


The deep-ocean carbon cycle is poorly quantified. An abyssal benthic rover was developed to make long time-series measurements of seafloor processes related to organic carbon remineralization and sequestration. Benthic Rover II (BR-II) is an autonomous dual-tracked vehicle that measures bottom water temperature and oxygen concentration, current velocity, and sediment community oxygen consumption (SCOC; respiration). BR-II is programmed to transit with low surface-contact pressure across the seafloor, photograph bottom conditions, and stop regularly to occupy respirometer incubation sites, with deployment periods up to 1 year. Now, continuously operational at a 4000-m station in the northeast Pacific over 5 years, substantial weekly, seasonal, annual, and episodic events have been recorded, which are critical to assessing the deep-ocean carbon cycle. There was a significant increase in phytodetritus cover (P < 0.01) arriving on the seafloor from the overlying water column between 2015 and 2020 that was negatively correlated with bottom water dissolved oxygen concentration (P < 0.01). Over the continuous 5-year monitoring period from November 2015 to November 2020, SCOC was positively correlated with phytodetritus cover (P < 0.01) and increased significantly from 2015 to 2020 (P < 0.01). These results show important influences of biological processes on the carbon cycle. The demonstrated success of BR-II now creates opportunities to expand the long-term monitoring of the deep sea to resolve the coupling of water column and benthic processes key to understanding the oceanic carbon cycle on a planet engulfed in a changing climate.

Mar Biol ; 162(3): 617-624, 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25705055


Changes in habitat-forming organisms can have complex consequences for associated species. Sessile epibenthic glass "plate" sponges (Porifera: Hexactinellida) are conspicuous inhabitants of soft-sediment abyssal areas and their siliceous spicules create persistent spicule patches on the seafloor. Sponge spicule patch density, spatial dispersion, and percent cover were examined over a seven-year period (2006-2013) using remotely operated vehicle videos from Station M in the abyssal northeast Pacific (50˚00N, 123˚00W, ~4,000 m depth). There was an apparent large increase in newly dead plate sponges in February 2007 compared with December 2006, with this trend continuing through June 2007 (mean 0.03 % cover increasing to 0.33 %). A second increase in mean percent cover of dead plate sponges occurred from May 2011 (0.24 %) through June 2012 (0.60 %). Among the 28 megafaunal taxa occurring in association with the patches, the distributions of three taxa [two sponge taxa (Porifera) and brittle stars (Ophiuroidea)] suggested selectivity for the sponge spicule patches. The community structure of visible megafauna within sponge spicule patches was different when compared with that outside the patches suggesting that the sponges, after death, provide preferred habitat patches for certain benthic megafauna. These findings indicate that sponge spicule patches contribute to habitat heterogeneity in space and time.

Mar Biol ; 161(12): 2735-2751, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25414525


Pelagic forms of the brown algae (Phaeophyceae) Sargassum spp. and their conspicuous rafts are defining characteristics of the Sargasso Sea in the western North Atlantic. Given rising temperatures and acidity in the surface ocean, we hypothesized that macrofauna associated with Sargassum in the Sargasso Sea have changed with respect to species composition, diversity, evenness, and sessile epibiota coverage since studies were conducted 40 years ago. Sargassum communities were sampled along a transect through the Sargasso Sea in 2011 and 2012 and compared to samples collected in the Sargasso Sea, Gulf Stream, and south of the subtropical convergence zone from 1966 to 1975. Mobile macrofauna communities exhibited changes in community structure and declines in diversity and evenness within a 6-month time period (August 2011-February 2012). Equivalent declines in diversity and evenness were recorded in the same region (Sargasso Sea, 25°-29°N) in 1972-1973. Recent community structures were unlike any documented historically, whether compared to sites of the same latitude range within the Sargasso Sea, or the broader historical dataset of sites ranging across the Sargasso Sea, Gulf Stream, and south of the subtropical convergence zone. Recent samples also recorded low coverage by sessile epibionts, both calcifying forms and hydroids. The diversity and species composition of macrofauna communities associated with Sargassum might be inherently unstable. While several biological and oceanographic factors might have contributed to these observations, including a decline in pH, increase in summer temperatures, and changes in the abundance and distribution of Sargassum seaweed in the area, it is not currently possible to attribute direct causal links.