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Eur Phys J E Soft Matter ; 44(9): 120, 2021 Sep 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34580779


We perform numerical simulations of the jamming transition of non-spherical particles in two dimensions. In particular, we systematically investigate how the physical quantities at the jamming transition point behave when the shapes of the particle deviate slightly from the perfect disks. For efficient numerical simulation, we first derive an analytical expression of the gap function, using the perturbation theory around the reference disks. Starting from disks, we observe the effects of the deformation of the shapes of particles by the n-th-order term of the Fourier series [Formula: see text]. We show that the several physical quantities, such as the number of contacts, gap distribution, and characteristic frequencies of the vibrational density of states, show the power-law behaviors with respect to the linear deviation from the reference disks. The power-law behaviors do not depend on n and are fully consistent with the mean-field theory of the jamming of non-spherical particles. This result suggests that the mean-field theory holds very generally for nearly spherical particles.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 115(46): 11736-11741, 2018 11 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30381457


Amorphous packings of nonspherical particles such as ellipsoids and spherocylinders are known to be hypostatic: The number of mechanical contacts between particles is smaller than the number of degrees of freedom, thus violating Maxwell's mechanical stability criterion. In this work, we propose a general theory of hypostatic amorphous packings and the associated jamming transition. First, we show that many systems fall into a same universality class. As an example, we explicitly map ellipsoids into a system of "breathing" particles. We show by using a marginal stability argument that in both cases jammed packings are hypostatic and that the critical exponents related to the contact number and the vibrational density of states are the same. Furthermore, we introduce a generalized perceptron model which can be solved analytically by the replica method. The analytical solution predicts critical exponents in the same hypostatic jamming universality class. Our analysis further reveals that the force and gap distributions of hypostatic jamming do not show power-law behavior, in marked contrast to the isostatic jamming of spherical particles. Finally, we confirm our theoretical predictions by numerical simulations.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(3): 038001, 2020 Jul 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32745410


Extensive numerical simulations in the past decades proved that the critical exponents of the jamming of frictionless spherical particles are the same in two and three dimensions. This implies that the upper critical dimension is d_{u}=2 or lower. In this Letter, we study the jamming transition below the upper critical dimension. We investigate a quasi-one-dimensional system: disks confined in a narrow channel. We show that the system is isostatic at the jamming transition point as in the case of standard jamming transition of the bulk systems in two and three dimensions. Nevertheless, the scaling of the excess contact number shows the linear scaling. Furthermore, the gap distribution remains finite even at the jamming transition point. These results are qualitatively different from those of the bulk systems in two and three dimensions.

Phys Rev Lett ; 124(20): 208001, 2020 May 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32501092


We introduce a new model to study the effect of surface roughness on the jamming transition. By performing numerical simulations, we show that for a smooth surface, the jamming transition density and the contact number at the transition point both increase upon increasing asphericity, as for ellipsoids and spherocylinders. Conversely, for a rough surface, both quantities decrease, in quantitative agreement with the behavior of frictional particles. Furthermore, in the limit corresponding to the Coulomb friction law, the model satisfies a generalized isostaticity criterion proposed in previous studies. We introduce a counting argument that justifies this criterion and interprets it geometrically. Finally, we propose a simple theory to predict the contact number at finite friction from the knowledge of the force distribution in the infinite friction limit.

J Chem Phys ; 158(5): 056101, 2023 Feb 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36754809
J Chem Phys ; 147(23): 234506, 2017 Dec 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29272924


The swap Monte Carlo algorithm combines the translational motion with the exchange of particle species and is unprecedentedly efficient for some models of glass former. In order to clarify the physics underlying this acceleration, we study the problem within the mean field replica liquid theory. We extend the Gaussian Ansatz so as to take into account the exchange of particles of different species, and we calculate analytically the dynamical glass transition points corresponding to the swap and standard Monte Carlo algorithms. We show that the system evolved with the standard Monte Carlo algorithm exhibits the dynamical transition before that of the swap Monte Carlo algorithm. We also test the result by performing computer simulations of a binary mixture of the Mari-Kurchan model, both with standard and swap Monte Carlo. This scenario provides a possible explanation for the efficiency of the swap Monte Carlo algorithm. Finally, we discuss how the thermodynamic theory of the glass transition should be modified based on our results.

J Chem Phys ; 153(12): 126102, 2020 Sep 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33003763
Phys Rev E ; 110(2-1): 024140, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39295011


The driving forces of chiral active particles and deformations of cells are often modeled by spatially inhomogeneous but temporally periodic driving forces. Such inhomogeneous oscillatory driving forces have only recently been proposed in the context of active matter, and their effects on the systems are not yet fully understood. In this work, we theoretically study the impact of spatially inhomogeneous oscillatory driving forces on continuous symmetry breaking. We first analyze the linear model for the soft modes in the ordered phase to derive the lower critical dimension of the model, and then analyze the spherical model to investigate more detailed phase behaviors. Interestingly, our analysis reveals that symmetry breaking occurs even in one and two dimensions, where the Hohenberg-Mermin-Wagner theorem prohibits continuous symmetry breaking in equilibrium. Furthermore, fluctuations of conserved quantities, such as density, are anomalously suppressed in the long-wavelength, i.e., show hyperuniformity.

Phys Rev E ; 108(6-1): 064119, 2023 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38243493


In equilibrium, the Mermin-Wagner theorem prohibits the continuous symmetry breaking for all dimensions d≤2. In this work, we discuss that this limitation can be circumvented in nonequilibrium systems driven by the spatiotemporally long-range anticorrelated noise. We first compute the lower and upper critical dimensions of the O(n) model driven by the spatiotemporally correlated noise by means of the dimensional analysis. Next we consider the spherical model, which corresponds to the large-n limit of the O(n) model and allows us to compute the critical dimensions and critical exponents, analytically. Both results suggest that the critical dimensions increase when the noise is positively correlated in space and time and decrease when anticorrelated. We also report that the spherical model with the correlated noise shows the hyperuniformity and giant number fluctuation even well above the critical point.

Phys Rev E ; 106(2-1): 024904, 2022 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36109905


Several mean-field theories predict that the Hessian matrix of amorphous solids converges the Wishart matrix in the limit of the large spatial dimensions d→∞. Motivated by these results, we calculate here the density of states of random packing of harmonic spheres by mapping the Hessian of the original system to the Wishart matrix. We compare our result with that of previous numerical simulations of harmonic spheres in several spatial dimensions d=3, 5, and 9. For small pressure p≪1 (near jamming), we find a good agreement even in d=3, and obtain better agreements in larger d, suggesting that the approximation becomes exact in the limit d→∞.

J Chem Phys ; 145(21): 216101, 2016 Dec 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28799348
Phys Rev E ; 103(3-1): 032902, 2021 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33862705


Critical properties of frictionless spherical particles below jamming are studied using extensive numerical simulations, paying particular attention to the nonaffine part of the displacements during the athermal quasistatic compression. It is shown that the squared norm of the nonaffine displacement exhibits a power-law divergence toward the jamming transition point. A possible connection between this critical exponent and that of the shear viscosity is discussed. The participation ratio of the displacements vanishes in the thermodynamic limit at the transition point, meaning that the nonaffine displacements are localized marginally with a fractal dimension. Furthermore, the distribution of the displacement is shown to have a power-law tail, the exponent of which is related to the fractal dimension.

Phys Rev E ; 103(2-1): 022613, 2021 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33736072


We extend the replica liquid theory in order to describe the multiple glass transitions of binary mixtures with large size disparities, by taking into account the two-step replica symmetry breaking (2RSB). We determine the glass phase diagram of the mixture of large and small particles in the large-dimension limit where the mean-field theory becomes exact. When the size ratio of particles is beyond a critical value, the theory predicts three distinct glass phases; (i) the one-step replica symmetery breaking (1RSB) double glass where both components vitrify simultaneously, (ii) the 1RSB single glass where only large particles are frozen while small particles remain mobile, and (iii) a glass phase called the 2RSB double glass where both components vitrify simultaneously but with an energy landscape topography distinct from the 1RSB double glass.

Phys Rev E ; 103(3): L030104, 2021 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33862778


The random Lorentz gas (RLG) is a minimal model of transport in heterogeneous media that exhibits a continuous localization transition controlled by void space percolation. The RLG also provides a toy model of particle caging, which is known to be relevant for describing the discontinuous dynamical transition of glasses. In order to clarify the interplay between the seemingly incompatible percolation and caging descriptions of the RLG, we consider its exact mean-field solution in the infinite-dimensional d→∞ limit and perform numerics in d=2...20. We find that for sufficiently high d the mean-field caging transition precedes and prevents the percolation transition, which only happens on timescales diverging with d. We further show that activated processes related to rare cage escapes destroy the glass transition in finite dimensions, leading to a rich interplay between glassiness and percolation physics. This advance suggests that the RLG can be used as a toy model to develop a first-principle description of particle hopping in structural glasses.

J Phys Chem B ; 125(23): 6244-6254, 2021 Jun 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34096720


The random Lorentz gas (RLG) is a minimal model of both percolation and glassiness, which leads to a paradox in the infinite-dimensional, d → ∞ limit: the localization transition is then expected to be continuous for the former and discontinuous for the latter. As a putative resolution, we have recently suggested that, as d increases, the behavior of the RLG converges to the glassy description and that percolation physics is recovered thanks to finite-d perturbative and nonperturbative (instantonic) corrections [Biroli et al. Phys. Rev. E 2021, 103, L030104]. Here, we expand on the d → ∞ physics by considering a simpler static solution as well as the dynamical solution of the RLG. Comparing the 1/d correction of this solution with numerical results reveals that even perturbative corrections fall out of reach of existing theoretical descriptions. Comparing the dynamical solution with the mode-coupling theory (MCT) results further reveals that, although key quantitative features of MCT are far off the mark, it does properly capture the discontinuous nature of the d → ∞ RLG. These insights help chart a path toward a complete description of finite-dimensional glasses.

Phys Rev E ; 104(1-1): 014102, 2021 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34412313


Jamming criticality defines a universality class that includes systems as diverse as glasses, colloids, foams, amorphous solids, constraint satisfaction problems, neural networks, etc. A particularly interesting feature of this class is that small interparticle forces (f) and gaps (h) are distributed according to nontrivial power laws. A recently developed mean-field (MF) theory predicts the characteristic exponents of these distributions in the limit of very high spatial dimension, d→∞ and, remarkably, their values seemingly agree with numerical estimates in physically relevant dimensions, d=2 and 3. These exponents are further connected through a pair of inequalities derived from stability conditions, and both theoretical predictions and previous numerical investigations suggest that these inequalities are saturated. Systems at the jamming point are thus only marginally stable. Despite the key physical role played by these exponents, their systematic evaluation has yet to be attempted. Here, we carefully test their value by analyzing the finite-size scaling of the distributions of f and h for various particle-based models for jamming. Both dimension and the direction of approach to the jamming point are also considered. We show that, in all models, finite-size effects are much more pronounced in the distribution of h than in that of f. We thus conclude that gaps are correlated over considerably longer scales than forces. Additionally, remarkable agreement with MF predictions is obtained in all but one model, namely near-crystalline packings. Our results thus help to better delineate the domain of the jamming universality class. We furthermore uncover a secondary linear regime in the distribution tails of both f and h. This surprisingly robust feature is understood to follow from the (near) isostaticity of our configurations.

Phys Rev E ; 101(5-1): 052308, 2020 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32575263


We numerically study the relaxation dynamics of the single-layer perceptron with the spherical constraint. This is the simplest model of neural networks and serves a prototypical mean-field model of both convex and nonconvex optimization problems. The relaxation time of the gradient descent algorithm rapidly increases near the SAT-UNSAT (satisfiable-unsatisfiable) transition point. We numerically confirm that the first nonzero eigenvalue of the Hessian controls the relaxation time. This first eigenvalue vanishes much faster upon approaching the SAT-UNSAT transition point than the prediction of the Marchenko-Pastur law in random matrix theory derived under the assumption that the set of unsatisfied constraints are uncorrelated. This leads to a nontrivial critical exponent of the relaxation time in the SAT phase. Using a simple scaling analysis, we show that the isolation of this first eigenvalue from the bulk of spectrum is attributed to the force balance at the SAT-UNSAT transition point. Finally, we show that the estimated critical exponent of the relaxation time in the nonconvex region agrees very well with that of frictionless spherical particles, which have been studied in the context of the jamming transition of granular materials.

Phys Rev E ; 99(5-1): 050901, 2019 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31212547


Amorphous solids have excess soft modes in addition to the phonon modes described by the Debye theory. Recent numerical results show that if the phonon modes are carefully removed, the density of state of the excess soft modes exhibit universal quartic scaling, independent of the interaction potential, preparation protocol, and spatial dimensions. We hereby provide a theoretical framework to describe this universal scaling behavior. For this purpose, we extend the mean-field theory to include the effects of finite-dimensional fluctuation. Based on a semiphenomenological argument, we show that mean-field quadratic scaling is replaced by the quartic scaling in finite dimensions. Furthermore, we apply our formalism to explain the pressure and protocol dependence of the excess soft modes.