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Vet Surg ; 50(1): 53-61, 2021 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33155732


OBJECTIVE: To describe the innervation of the thyrohyoideus (TH) muscle and to confirm our findings with stimulation of first cervical (C1) nerve branches. STUDY DESIGN: Ex vivo phase 1 and clinical phase 2. ANIMALS: Fourteen head and neck specimens and 17 client-owned horses. METHODS: In phase 1, the cranial nerve (CN) XII and the C1 nerve were dissected with their branches in 20 dissections were performed on 14 specimens (6 left and right side and 8 only left or right) Anatomy was noted. Samples of nerve bifurcations were collected for histological confirmation of anatomical findings. First cervical nerve branches were stimulated in horses undergoing cervical nerve graft to treat laryngeal hemiplegia. RESULTS: The nerve innervating the TH muscle arose directly from the C1 nerve in 17 of 20 dissections, from an anastomotic branch between CN XII and the C1 nerve in two of 20 dissections, and from the C1 nerve and the anastomotic branch in one of 20 dissections. No direct connection between the TH muscle and CN XII was found. Histological examination revealed that the anastomosis was composed of C1 nerve fibers passing over to CN XII. First cervical stimulation resulted in TH muscle contraction in 16 of 17 horses. CONCLUSIONS: The innervation of the TH muscle originated from the C1 nerve according to dissection, histological, and conduction studies, with variation in the branching pattern. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Care should be taken to preserve the C1 nerve during prosthetic laryngoplasty. The surgical technique for C1 nerve grafts should be reconsidered in light of these findings, along with new options to treat dorsal displacement of the soft palate..

Doenças dos Cavalos/cirurgia , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , Laringoplastia/veterinária , Músculos do Pescoço/inervação , Paralisia das Pregas Vocais/veterinária , Animais , Cadáver , Feminino , Masculino , Paralisia das Pregas Vocais/cirurgia
Int. j. morphol ; 37(3): 1095-1100, Sept. 2019. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1012402


This study investigated the anatomy of the arteries of the brain, including the arterial circle of the brain, its branches and junctions, in five camel (Camelus dromedarius, Linnaeus 1758) following intravascular injection of colored latex via common carotid artery. The course and distribution of the arterial supply to the brain was described and morphological analysis was made. The basilar artery contributed to the blood supply of the brain in the camel in contrast to the situation in other Artiodactyla order.

En presente estudio se analizó la anatomía de las arterias del encéfalo en cinco camellos (Camelus dromedarius, Linnaeus 1758). Después de administrar una inyección intravascular de látex coloreado en la arteria carótida común se estudiaron las arterias incluyendo al círculo arterial del cerebro, sus ramas y uniones. Fueron descritos en detalle el curso y la distribución del suministro arterial al encéfalo y se realizó un análisis morfológico. La arteria basilar contribuyó al suministro de sangre del encéfalo del camello, diferenciando este aspecto en otras especies de Artiodactyla.

Animais , Encéfalo/irrigação sanguínea , Camelus/anatomia & histologia , Círculo Arterial do Cérebro/anatomia & histologia , Artérias Cerebrais/anatomia & histologia
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 33(3): 670-674, may/jun. 2017. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-966225


This paper aims to describe the origin of the brachial plexus of 12 iguanas, male and female, which were donated already dead by the Wild Animal Screening Center and Independent Company of Highway and Environmental Police of the Araguaína, Tocantins State, to Veterinary Anatomy Laboratory of Federal University of Tocantins, Araguaína campus These animals were fixed by intramuscular injections of aqueous 10% formalin. It was made a parallel incision to dorsal midline from the skull to the caudal ribs. It was pulled all the epiaxial muscles eight ribs, the periosteum, exposing and individualizing the ventral rami of spinal nerves that make up the brachial plexus. The ventral rami of spinal nerves C6, C7, C8, T1 and T2 form the brachial plexus in 12 iguanas. In 41.6% of cases, the branches involved were C6, C7, C8 and T1; in 33.4%, the branches C6, C7, C8, T1 and T2; 16.6% the branches C7, C8, T1 and T2 and in 8.4%, the branches C7, C8 and T1. The branches ventral C7, C8 and T1 formed three trunks and C6 and T2, when present, consisted of nervous fillet. There was variation in number of vertebrae in Iguana iguana iguana which caused oscillations in anastomoses, that constitute the nerves of brachial plexus. The axillary, subscapular, cutaneous, pectoral, coracobrachialis, radial, median, ulnar, thoracodorsal nerves are the main nerves that constitute the brachial plexus in iguanas.

Esse trabalho tem como objetivo descrever a origem do plexo braquial de 12 iguanas, machos e fêmeas, doados mortos pelo Centro de Triagem de Animais Silvestres e Companhia Independente de Polícia Rodoviária e Ambiental ­ Araguaína ­ Tocantins, ao Laboratório de Anatomia da Universidade Federal do Tocantins, campus de Araguaína. Fixou-se os animais com injeções intramusculares de solução aquosa de formalina a 10%. Realizou-se uma incisão paralela a linha mediana dorsal desde o crânio até a região caudal das costelas. Retirou toda a musculatura epiaxial, oito costelas, o periósteo, expondo e individualizando os ramos ventrais dos nervos espinhais que compõem o plexo braquial. Os ramos ventrais dos nervos espinhais C6, C7, C8, T1 e T2 formam o plexo braquial nas 12 iguanas. Em 41,6% dos casos, os ramos envolvidos foram C6, C7, C8 e T1; em 33,4%, os ramos C6, C7, C8, T1 e T2; em 16,6 % os ramos C7, C8, T1 e T2 e em 8,4%, os ramos C7, C8 e T1. Dos ramos ventrais C7, C8 e T1 formavam três troncos e C6 e T2, quando presentes, consistiam de filetes nervosos. Houve variação no número de vértebras na Iguana iguana iguana, que provocaram oscilações nas anastomoses que constituem os nervos do plexo braquial nas iguanas. Os nervos axillar, subscapular, cutâneo, peitoral, coracobraquial, radial, mediano, ulnar e toracodorsal são os principais nervos que constituem o plexo braquial nas iguanas.

Répteis , Plexo Braquial/anatomia & histologia , Extremidade Superior , Iguanas , Sistema Nervoso/anatomia & histologia
Int. j. morphol ; 34(4): 1429-1435, Dec. 2016. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-840905


In camels, the rostral epidural rete mirabile had a spongy appearance, and consisted of a dense network of anastomosing arteries occupying the entire cavity of the cavernous sinus. In this study, we measured the length of each rostral epidural rete mirabile lobe, taken between the rostral and the caudal roots dissected in situ before spreading and after reconstitution, and the total length of the rostral epidural rete mirabile after linear reconstitution. The length of the left lobe of the rete was 6.0±0.4 mm and the length of the right lobe was 5.8 ± 0.5 mm. The combined length of the RERM after separation of the arteries was 305.2±9.7 cm. To conclude, we added information to literature in relation to morphometry of the camel RERM and showed this interesting structure with photographic documentation of dissections with latex injection in arterial and venous vessels.

En los camellos, la rete mirabile epidural rostral (RMER) tenía una apariencia esponjosa y consistía en una densa red de arterias anastomosadas que ocupaban toda la cavidad del seno cavernoso. En este estudio se midió la longitud de cada lóbulo epitelial rostral de la rete mirabile, tomado entre las raíces rostral y caudal, disecadas in situ, antes de su propagación y después de la reconstitución, como así también la longitud total de la rete mirabile epidural rostral tras la reconstitución lineal. La longitud del lóbulo izquierdo de la rete mirabile fue de 6,0±0,4 mm y la longitud del lóbulo derecho fue de 5,8±0,5 mm. La longitud combinada del RMER después de la separación de las arterias fue de 305,2±9,7 cm. Para concluir, se agregó información de la literatura en relación con la morfometría del RMER de camellos y se mostró esta interesante estructura con documentación fotográfica de disecciones con inyección de látex en vasos arteriales y venosos.

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Artérias/anatomia & histologia , Encéfalo/irrigação sanguínea , Camelus/anatomia & histologia
Int. j. morphol ; 34(4): 1266-1270, Dec. 2016. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-840878


The macroscopic anatomy of the stomach in four adult dorcas gazelle was described. Four adult, two male and two female dorcas gazelle (Gazella dorcas) of the Frigya Zoological Park, Enfidha, Tunisie, were used in this study. The ruminal papillae were distributed unequally in the rumen, and were larger and more abundant within the atrium and in the two saccus cecus. The papillae were absent in dorsal part of the dorsal sac. The ruminal pillars had no papillae. The cellulae reticuli were divided and contained secondary and tertiary crests. The curvatura omasi measured 12.1±0.1 cm. A comparison with literature data for sand gazelles (Gazella subgutturosa marica) emphasises that differences between closely related species that fill similar niches cannot be expected to follow a clear pattern, but yield an inhomogenous picture, with some measurements more tending towards a specific feeding type in the one, and some other measurements tending more towards that feeding type in the other species.We concluded that the stomach morphology of the dorcas gazelle indicates the'cattle-type' morphophysiology representative for intermediate feeders.

En este estudio se describe la anatomía macroscópica del estómago de cuatro gacelas dorcas adultas. Se utilizaron cuatro animales adultos, dos machos y dos hembras (Gazella dorcas) del Parque Zoológico Frigya, Enfidha, Túnez. Las papilas ruminales estaban distribuidas de manera desigual en el rumen, y se observaron de mayor tamaño y abundantes dentro de la aurícula, y en ambos saccus cecus. No se observaron papilas en la parte dorsal del saco dorsal. Los reticuli cellulae se dividieron y contenían crestas secundarias y terciarias. La curvatura omasi media 12,1±0,1 cm. Una comparación con los datos de la literatura en gacelas de arena (Gazella subgutturosa marica) indica que no se puede esperar un patrón exacto en las especies estrechamente relacionadas que llenan nichos similares, pero no cuentan con una imagen homogénea. En algunas de las mediciones se observa la tendencia hacia un tipo específico de alimentación en una especie, mientras que otras medidas tienden a asociar este tipo de alimentación a otras especies. La morfología del estómago de la gacela dorcas indica que la morfofisiologia de este tipo de ganado es representativa de alimentadores intermedios.

Animais , Antílopes/anatomia & histologia , Estômago de Ruminante/anatomia & histologia
Int. j. morphol ; 31(2): 388-391, jun. 2013. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-687073


The barbary stag is an intermediate feeder ruminant of the Cervidae family. The macroscopic anatomy of the stomach in one adult barbary stag was described. The stomach of the barbary stag was composed of the four classic compartments of the ruminants. The weight of the full stomach was 10.5 Kg. The ruminal papillae were distributed unevenly in the rumen. The maximum height of the cristae reticuli was 0.2 cm. The cellulae reticuli were mostly undivided. The curvatura omasi measured 15.0 cm and the omasum had 15 primary, 10 secondary, 10 tertiary and 17 cuaternaryLaminae omasi. The abomasum had about 12 plicae spirales abomasi.We concluded that the stomach morphology of the barbary stag had characteristics of other intermediate feeder ruminants.

El ciervo de Berbería es un rumiante perteneciente a la familia Cervidae family. Se describió la anatomía macroscópica del estómago de un ciervo de Berbería. El estómago del ciervo estaba compuesto por los clásicos cuatro componentes de los rumiantes. El peso lleno del estómago fue de 10,5 Kg. Las papilas ruminales estaban distribuidas de manera desigual en el rumen. La altura máxima de las crestas reticulares fue de 0,2 cm. La mayoría de las celdas reticulares estaban divididas. La curvatura del omasi medía 15,0 cm y la del omasum presentaba 15 láminas primarias, 10 secundaria, 10 terciarias y 17 cauternarias. El abomasum presentaba alrededor de 12 pliegues espirales. Concluimos que la morfología del estómago del ciervo de Berbería es semejante al de otros rumiantes.

Masculino , Animais , Abdome/anatomia & histologia , Cervos/anatomia & histologia , Estômago/anatomia & histologia
Int. j. morphol ; 30(1): 322-329, mar. 2012. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-638807


The giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) is both the largest extant ruminant and a strict browser. We dissect and describe the macroscopic anatomy of the mouth of the giraffe. The heads of two adult giraffes and one fetus were used in this study. The lips were well developed, the upper one was predominant and dorsally flattened near the nostrils. The tongue had a lift or lingual torus and rostrally to it a groove-shaped depression or fossa linguae. There was no adipose body of cheek (Corpus adiposum buccae). The hard palate in the giraffe had 18 Rugae palatinae. The final roughness reaches the caudal border of the premolar 3. Caudal ridges had no papillae. The parotid gland was small and consisted of two lobes, one rostral and one caudal to be separated dorsally to accommodate the parotid lymph node. The parotid duct followed the same way as in the cow, ended in front of the upper premolar tooth 2 in the parotid papilla, (not evident at mucosal surface). Mandibular gland was divided into two lobes, the rostral one placed in the intermandibular space and the caudal hidden by the parotid gland. Giraffes have the monostomatic and polistomatic sublingual glands. The monostomatic sublingual gland was located rostrally and joined to the monostomatic of the other side in the very narrow rostral intermandibular space. The polistomatic sublingual gland was caudally located and reached the level of the third molar and at a deeper level than the monostomatic. The studied giraffes had dorsal, ventral and intermediate bucal salivary glands. Leaving aside the differences caused by different dimensions, the mouth of the giraffe had in general a similar anatomical arrangement to the cow.

La jirafa (Giraffa camelopardalis) es a la vez el rumiante más grande que existe y un ramoneador estricto. Nosotros disecamos y describimos la anatomía macroscópica de la boca de la jirafa. En este estudio se utilizaron las cabezas de dos jirafas adultas y de un feto. Los labios estaban bien desarrollados, el superior era el predominante y estaba aplastado dorsalmente cerca de las narinas. La lengua tenía una protuberancia o Torus lingual y rostralmente a él una depresión en forma de surco o Fossa linguae. No había cuerpo adiposo de la mejilla (Corpus adiposum buccae). El paladar duro en la jirafa tenía 18 rugae palatinae. Las rugosidades finales alcanzaban el borde caudal del premolar 3. Las crestas caudales no tenían papilas. La glándula parótida era pequeña y consistía de dos lóbulos, uno rostral y otro caudal que se separaban dorsalmente para acomodar al nódulo linfático parotídeo. El conducto parotídeo seguía el mismo trayecto que en la vaca, terminando frente al segundo diente premolar superior en la papila parotídea (no evidente en la superficie de la mucosa). La glándula mandibular estaba dividida en dos lóbulos, el rostral se colocaba en el espacio intermandibular y el caudal estaba oculto por la glándula parótida. Las jirafas tenían glándulas sublinguales monostomática y polistomática. La glándula sublingual monostomática estaba localizada rostralmente y se unía a la monostomática del otro lado en el muy estrecho espacio intermandibular. La glándula sublingual polistomática estaba localizada caudalmente y alcanzaba el nivel del tercer molar en un plano más profundo que la monostomática. Las jirafas estudiadas tenían glándulas salivares bucales dorsales, ventrales e intermedias. Dejando de lado las diferencias causadas por las diferentes dimensiones, la boca de la jirafa tenía en general una disposición anatómica similar a la de la vaca.

Animais , Boca/anatomia & histologia , Boca/ultraestrutura , Ruminantes/anatomia & histologia , Anatomia Comparada/métodos , Anatomia Veterinária/métodos , Herbivoria
Vet Res ; 33(4): 371-82, 2002.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12199364


The objective of this study was to assess the effects of asymmetric placement of the foot on the three-dimensional motions of the interphalangeal joints. Four isolated forelimbs were used. Trihedrons, made of three axes fitted with reflective markers, were screwed into each phalanx. They allowed to establish a local frame associated with each bone and thus to define the spatial orientation of the phalanges. The limbs were then placed under a power press, and subjected to compression with gradually increasing force (from 500 to 6 000 N). The procedure was performed in neutral position and with the lateral or medial part of the foot raised by a 12 degrees wedge. Flexion, collateromotion (passive abduction/adduction) and axial rotation of the interphalangeal joints were measured using a cardan angle decomposition according to the principle of the "Joint Coordinate System" described by Grood and Suntay. Raising the lateral or medial part of the hoof induced collateromotion (about 5.6 degrees +/- 0.8) and axial rotation (about 6.5 degrees +/- 0.5) of the distal interphalangeal joint. The proximal interphalangeal joint underwent axial rotation (about 4.7 degrees +/- 0.5 at 6 000 N) and slight collateromotion. Both interphalangeal joints underwent collateromotion in the direction of the raised part of the foot (i.e., narrowing of the articular space on the side of the wedge), whereas axial rotation occurred in the direction opposite to the raised part of the foot. These results confirm the functional importance of interphalangeal joint movements outside the sagittal plane. In particular they demonstrate the involvement of the proximal interphalangeal joint in the digital balance. These data are helpful for the identification of biomechanical factors that may predispose to interphalangeal joint injury. Also the data may be of use for the rational decision making with respect to exercise management and corrective shoeing of the lame horse.

Membro Anterior/fisiologia , Casco e Garras/fisiologia , Cavalos/fisiologia , Articulações/fisiologia , Articulação do Dedo do Pé/fisiologia , Animais , Fenômenos Biomecânicos , Membro Anterior/anatomia & histologia , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , Locomoção , Modelos Biológicos , Rotação , Suporte de Carga