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Autism Dev Lang Impair ; 9: 23969415241275931, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39221433


The current diagnostic criteria for the autism spectrum disorder (ASD) include the possibility to specify concomitant language difficulties. Purpose: Our main aim was to explore whether children with ASD-Level 1 (ASD-L1) present difficulties in the acquisition of structural language, as little work has been done in this regard so far. As a secondary aim we evaluated the degree to which the potential language impairment in ASD is directly associated with their social communication deficits or it represents a distinct deficit. Methods: To further clarify the nature and characteristics of putative language difficulties in ASD-L1, we evaluated language skills in 89 children and preadolescents diagnosed with ASD-L1, and a group of typically developing participants (TD). All of them were between 8 and 13 years old and had similar socioeconomic backgrounds. Results: Children with ASD-L1 obtained lower scores than those in TD group in repeating sentences, in finding the semantic relationships between words, and in applying word structure rules (morphology). Congruently, the core language standard score was lower in the ASD-L1 group, and the proportion of language delay was significantly higher in the ASD-L1 group than in the control group. Conclusion: Language scores were associated with autistic traits; thus, language performance in ASD-L1 is closely related to autistic symptoms. These results are discussed according to the literature on linguistic deficits in ASD-L1 and their relations with phonological working memory.

Front Psychol ; 12: 718988, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34690876


The Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) is a delay in language skills that cannot be explained by sensory or cognitive difficulties. Currently, there are limited studies that analyze how socioeconomic, educational, and family variables influence reading skills of Spanish-speaking children with DLD at school. This study identifies how oral language performance and reading skills of children with DLD are linked to socioeconomic, educational, and family factors. Oral language, phonological awareness and reading abilities were assessed in a sample of 15 children diagnosed with DLD and their controls by age and gender. Children's parents answered a Likert scale questionnaire inquiring about some aspects related to the family's socioeconomic status, mothers' educational level, family support, academic average, and repetition of school years of the participants. The results indicate that children with DLD have a lower performance in phonological awareness tasks as well as in reading abilities. There is also a direct relationship between their performance in language and reading skills and variables as mother's educational level and family support. Likewise, children in the sample have a lower academic average as well as a higher school year repetition rate interfering in their academic life. Educational implications of these findings and a discussion on possible causality axes and protective factors that contributes to support this population are presented.

PLoS One ; 14(5): e0215561, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31067282


Audiovisual educational material has been used effectively as a knowledge translation strategy in patient education. Given the need to impact maternal mortality rates, 12 video clips related to maternal and neonatal health information were designed based on the results of a previous systematic review (SR). The content was formulated based on clinical practice guideline recommendations and validated following a formal consensus methodology. This study evaluated the effectiveness of knowledge transfer from the 12 video clips in terms of attention, emotional response, and recall by using neuroscience tools. In a randomized cross-over trial, 155 subjects (pregnant women, non-pregnant women, and men) received random sequences of 13 video clips, including a control video clip. Participants' attention levels were evaluated through eye tracking, their emotional reactions were monitored by electrodermal activity and pupillary diameter, and their recall was tested via a questionnaire. An analysis was performed to evaluate differences in the groups and between the video clips and the control clip using variance analysis models that considered period, sequence, and carry-over effects. Results revealed that fixation length was greater in women than in men, while the greatest emotional effects occurred in men. All three groups had good recall results, without any significant differences between them. Although the sequencing did influence attentional processes, no carry-over effect was demonstrated. However, a differential effect was noted among video clips in all three outcomes, that is, when adjusted for group, level of education, and having had children. The control clip generated less attention, emotional reaction, and recall than the experimental video clips. The video clips about maternal and neonatal health were shown to be effective in the transference and comprehension of information. Therefore, cognitive neuroscience techniques are useful in evaluating knowledge translation strategies through audiovisual formats.

Saúde do Lactente , Conhecimento , Saúde Materna , Adulto , Recursos Audiovisuais , Estudos Cross-Over , Emoções , Feminino , Humanos , Lactente , Masculino , Rememoração Mental , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Gravidez , Inquéritos e Questionários , Adulto Jovem
Rev. Fac. Med. (Bogotá) ; 70(3): e300, July-Sept. 2022. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431332


Abstract The aim of this article is to describe the bases and general aspects of the design and implementation process of the Comprehensive model for the humanization of health care of the Faculty of Medicine at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, which began to be developed in 2016 and is also being implemented at the Hospital Universitario Nacional (HUN). Through this model, the Humanizing Health Care Research Group of the Faculty of Medicine seeks to produce a cultural change, from a biopsychosocial approach, in the perception of the humanization of health care in the country, the training of health care professionals, the provision of health care, and the working conditions of health care personnel. The model is based on three axes: humanization of health care, focused on the patient, their family and caregivers; humanization of health sciences education processes, with an emphasis on students; and humanization of the quality of life and working conditions of health professionals. Likewise, the model considers humanistic education, music and sports as means to achieve such cultural change in the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

Resumen El objetivo de este artículo fue describir las bases y generalidades del proceso de diseño e implemen-tación del Modelo de humanización integral en salud de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, el cual empezó a desarrollarse en 2016 y en la actualidad también se ha implementado en el Hospital Universitario Nacional (HUN). Con este modelo, el Grupo de Investigación en Humanización en Salud de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia busca generar un cambio cultural en la percepción de la humanización de la salud en el país, de la formación de los profesionales de la salud, de la prestación de atención en salud y de las condiciones laborales del personal de salud, a partir de una aproximación biopsicosocial. El modelo se fundamenta en tres ejes: la humanización en la atención en salud, enfocada en el paciente, la familia y los cuidadores; la humanización en los procesos de educación en ciencias de la salud, con énfasis en los estudiantes, y la humanización en la calidad de vida y las condiciones laborales de los profesionales de la salud. Asimismo, el modelo considera la formación humanística, la música y el deporte como medios para lograr dicho cambio cultural en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

Rev. iberoam. psicol. (En línea) ; 12(2): 1-12, 2019. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1253273


Las funciones ejecutivas incluyen habilidades como la memoria de trabajo, el control inhibitorio, la planeación y la flexibilidad cognitiva. Estas habilidades, resultan fundamentales para el desarrollo de procesos cognitivos complejos como el aprendizaje de la lectoescritura, encontrando que aquellos niños con dificultades de lectura tienden a presentar un nivel menor en el rendimiento en tareas de funciones ejecutivas. Objetivo: Caracterizar el rendimiento en funciones ejecutivas y su relación con el nivel de lenguaje y lectura en niños de 8 a 12 años con dificultades de lectura y sus controles por edad y género en relación a los patrones de seguimiento visual. Método: Participantes: 9 niños con dificultades de lectura y 9 controles. Procedimiento: Se evaluó el nivel de lenguaje, funciones ejecutivas y lectura haciendo uso del Eye Tracker Tobii Tx300. Se analizaron los mapas de calor, glaze plot y las áreas de interés. Resultados y Conclusiones: Los niños con dificultades de lectura presentan un nivel de desempeño menor en tareas de funciones ejecutivas especialmente en el control inhibitorio y la planeación, estando estas asociadas directamente con el nivel de lenguaje y el rendimiento lector. De igual forma, las métricas visuales a partir del uso del Eye Tracker permite corroborar estas fallas en el procesamiento en tiempo real frente a tareas que implican demandas cognitivas de alto nivel

Executive functions include skills such as working memory, inhibitory control, planning, and cognitive flexibility, which are fundamental to the development of complex cognitive tasks such as learning to read and write (literacy). Children with reading difficulties tend to demonstrate a lower level of performance on executive function and linguistic tasks. Objectives: To characterize 8 to 12 year-olds with reading difficulties performance on tasks of executive function compared to age and gender matched controls using patterns of visual tracking in order to evaluate the relationship between executive function, language level and reading. Methods: Participants: 9 children with reading difficulties and 9 controls. Procedure: Language level, executive functions and reading were evaluated using the Eye Tracker Tobii Tx300. Heat maps, glaze plots and areas of interest were analyzed. Results and Conclusions: Children with reading difficulties perform at a lower level on executive function tasks especially those involving inhibitory control and planning, which are directly associated with language level and reading performance. Visual metrics from the use of the Eye Tracker allow for the corroboration of these failures in real time processing compared with tasks that involve high cognitive demands

Humanos , Leitura , Função Executiva , Alfabetização , Seguimentos , Planejamento , Idioma , Aprendizagem , Linguística , Métodos
Rev. colomb. rehabil ; 18(1): 18-27, 2019.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-995174


Por años la ciencia ha explorado el desarrollo de las habilidades sensoriales en personas ciegas o con discapacidad visual como mecanismo de plasticidad cerebral. Sin embargo, existe en el estudio de este campo un sinfín de diferencias individuales que dificultan la formulación de teorías absolutas que permitan argumentar en su totalidad el hallazgo de dichas capacidades. Objetivo: este artículo se realizó con el interés de caracterizar las habilidades auditivas en personas adultas ciegas y no ciegas, con la finalidad de comparar y establecer si existen diferencias entre estos dos grupos. Método: participó una muestra de 32 personas constituida por dos grupos, uno de hombres y otro de mujeres, en edades entre 17 y 59 años. Se evaluaron habilidades de localización y lateralización del sonido, discriminación auditiva, reconocimiento de patrones auditivos, aspectos temporales de la audición, rendimiento auditivo en señales acústicas en competencia y rendimiento auditivo con señales acústicas degradadas. Resultados: a pesar de que existieron diferencias en la mayoría de las pruebas aplicadas a ambos grupos, los resultados obtenidos mostraron, de acuerdo con la prueba de U de Mann Whitney, una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en el procesamiento auditivo central del grupo de personas con discapacidad visual comparadas con el grupo sin discapacidad. Particularmente, en las habilidades de reconocimiento de la frecuencia del sonido y de discriminación bajo un enmascaramiento temporal. Discusión: es claro que la rigurosidad en la aplicación del método (incluida la ecología de la prueba), el uso de otros instrumentos y el abordaje de otras variables relacionadas (de tipo cognitivo y diferencias individuales) son factores influyentes para nuevos hallazgos.

For years, science has explored the development of sensory abilities in blind or visually impaired people as a mechanism of cerebral plasticity. However, there are endless individual differences in the researches of this field that hinder the formulation of absolute theories capable to argue the finding of these capacities. Objective: The main interest of this article was to characterize and compare the auditory skills in blind and non-blind adults, and establish if there are differences between these two groups. Method: The participant group was made by 32 people divided in two groups, one of men and another one of women, with ages between 17 and 59 years. The following skills were evaluated: Location and sound lateralization, auditory discrimination, recognition of auditory patterns, temporal aspects of hearing, auditory performance in competing acoustic signals and auditory performance with degraded acoustic signals. Results: Although there were differences in most of the tests applied to both groups, the results obtained showed a statistically significant difference in the central auditory processing between the group of people with visual impairment and the with the group without disability, according to the Mann Whitney U test. These differences were particularly found in the skills of recognition of the sound frequency and discrimination under a temporary masking. Discussion: it is clear that a rigorous application of the method (including the ecology of the test), the use of other instruments, and the approach of other related variables (of cognitive type and individual differences) are influential factors for new findings.

Humanos , Pessoas com Deficiência Visual , Pessoas com Deficiência , Educação de Pessoas com Deficiência Visual , Audição
Rev. iberoam. psicol. (En línea) ; 12(2): 79-92, 2019. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1253285


Según la hipótesis del déficit procedimental de (Ullman & Pierpont, 2005) las dificultades de los niños con Trastorno Especifico de Lenguaje (TEL) son producto de fallas en la memoria procedimental, por lo cual, resulta imperativo analizar las tareas de evaluación que permitan su identificación. Metodología: Se realizó una búsqueda documental en las principales bases de datos de estudios que examinaran la memoria procedimental en niños con TEL entre el 2012 y 2018. Resultados y discusión: De los 219 artículos compilados fueron seleccionados dieciséis para su análisis, extrayendo nueve tareas experimentales, las cuales se analizaron. Se encontró que las fallas en la memoria procedimental se producen específicamente para el aprendizaje implícito de secuencias. No obstante, las tareas con las que hasta el momento se ha buscado comprobar la relación entre lenguaje y memoria procedimental poseen baja confiabilidad en sus medidas (West, Vadillo, & Shanks, 2017). Conclusiones: La hipótesis del déficit procedimental solo puede ser confirmada mediante el desarrollo de nuevos estudios que controlen las variables relacionadas con los participantes y a las tareas experimentales, aumentado así la confiabilidad de los resultados

According to the procedural deficit hypothesis of (Ullman & Pierpont, 2005) the difficulties of children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI) are the result of failures in procedural memory, so it is imperative to analyze the evaluation tasks that allow their identification. Methodology: A documentary search was carried out in the main databases of studies examining procedural memory in children with SLI between 2012 and 2018. Results and discussion: From the 219 articles compiled, sixteen were selected for analysis, extracting nine experimental tasks, which were analyzed. Procedural memory failures were found to occur specifically for implicit sequence learning. However, the tasks with which so far we have sought to prove the relationship between language and procedural memory have low reliability in their measures (West, Vadillo, & Shanks, 2017)). Conclusions: The procedural deficit hypothesis can only be confirmed through the development of new studies that control variables related to participants and experimental tasks, thus increasing the reliability of the results

Humanos , Transtorno Específico de Linguagem , Aprendizagem , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Idioma , Memória
Univ. psychol ; 15(spe5): 1-13, oct.-dic. 2016. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-963231


Uno de los aspectos afectados en la Enfermedad de Alzheimer es el lenguaje. La naturaleza y manifestaciones de estas dificultades se relacionan con la forma como los pacientes con EA perciben y comprenden el mundo que les rodea. En la presente investigación se analizaron las fijaciones visuales de siete pacientes con EA y sus controles durante tareas de percepción de escenas estáticas y dinámicas (imagen y video respectivamente). De igual forma se analizó una muestra de lenguaje producida por los pacientes al narrar el evento dinámico. Los resultados indican diferencias significativas en cuanto a la búsqueda visual, en la cual el grupo con EA presento disminución de la velocidad. En tareas de rastreo se evidencia que las personas con EA identifican menos elementos en una imagen realizando menos fijaciones, con estrategias de exploración poco eficientes. En cuanto al evento dinámico, el rastreo visual fue similar entre los dos grupos sin embargo la expresión lingüística de lo observado está afectada en el grupo con EA revelando la relación de la percepción y el lenguaje ya que a pesar de observar los eventos dentro de una escena en movimiento, estos no son recobrados posteriormente para ser expresados lingüísticamente. Estos resultados tienen importantes implicaciones tanto en la identificación de la naturaleza de las dificultades lingüísticas en la EA como en el manejo de la misma.

One of the aspects affected by AD is the language. The nature and manifestations of the difficulties on it. Are closely related with the way in which AD patients perceive and understand the world that surrounds them. This research analyzed the perception of images and a scene in motion as static and dynamic events, observing the relationship perception-language, in a sample of seven patients with AD and their respective controls. In the same way we explored a sample of language produced by patients telling the dynamic event. The results indicated significant differences in visual search, in which for the group with AD the speed decreased. In scan tasks is evidence that people with AD identified fewer elements in an image made less fixations with ineffective exploration strategies. On the Boston tests image "Theft Cookie", visual fixation parameters were similar to the control group. As for the dynamic event, the visual tracking was similar between the two groups but the linguistic expression of what is observed is affected in the group with AD revealing the relationship between perception and language as though watching the events within a moving scene, these are not subsequently recovered to be expressed linguistically. These results have important implications in identifying the nature of language difficulties in AD and in the fonoaudiological evaluation and subsequent treatment

Rev. Fac. Med. (Bogotá) ; 63(supl.1): 75-82, set. 2015. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-765689


Antecedentes. El incremento de personas mayores de 60 años en Colombia, cuya cifra representa el 10% del total de la población (1), secundario al aumento de la esperanza de vida, trae consigo nuevos desafíos en las políticas de salud y evidencia la necesidad de establecer nuevas estrategias de capacitación, especialmente en situaciones de dependencia o discapacidad en las cuales el cuidado de los adultos mayores está a cargo de un familiar, quien asume el rol de cuidador informal. Lo anterior impacta negativamente su calidad de vida. Objetivo. Determinar el efecto generado en un grupo de cuidadores informales de personas mayores con la implementación de un curso de capacitación en la ciudad de Bogotá. Materiales y métodos. El proyecto incluyó cuatro fases: a) Caracterización inicial y establecimiento de línea de base; b) Implementación del curso de formación; c) Medición final que incluyo evaluación de calidad de vida, dependencia y satisfacción con el programa, y d) Análisis de resultados obtenidos. Los resultados se analizaron mediante estadísticos descriptivos, mientras que para valorar las diferencias entre las mediciones se utilizó la prueba no paramétrica de rangos de Wilcoxon. Resultados. Inicialmente se observó un alto índice de sobrecarga de los cuidadores; al finalizar el programa se reportaron cambios positivos en calidad de vida, dependencia y mejor utilización de los tiempos dedicados al autocuidado y al cuidado de los otros. Conclusiones. Las estrategias dirigidas a la formación de cuidadores informales permiten el empoderamiento de los cuidadores y una menor dependencia por parte de la persona cuidada, lo que redunda en la mejora de la calidad de vida de los dos.

Background. The increase in the number of people over 60 years in Colombia, which represents 10% of the total population (1) secondary to increased life expectancy brings with it new challenges in health policy and highlights the need for establishing new training strategies, especially in situations of dependency and / or disability in which the care of the elderly is run by a family who assumes the role of informal caregiver. This condition has a negative impact in their quality of life. Objective. To determine the effect caused in a group of informal caregivers of dependent elderly and/or disabled in Bogotá. Materials and Methods. The project included four phases: (a) Initial characterization and establishment of baseline; (b) implementation of the training; (c) final assessment, which included measurement of quality of life, dependence and satisfaction with the program, and (d) analysis of the obtained results. The results were analyzed using descriptive statistics and to assess the differences between measurements the nonparametric Wilcoxon rank test was used. Results. Initially a high index of overload in caregivers was observed. At the end of the program, positive changes in life quality, level of dependence and a better use of the times spending in self-care activities and elderly caring routines were observed. Conclusions. The strategies focusing on educating informal caregivers allow for their empowering and to lessen the level of dependence of the elder person being cared, which in turn increases the quality of life in both parts of the caring dyad.

Rev. colomb. rehabil ; 13|(1): 54-61, 2014. ilus, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-911562


Las tareas de Denominación por confrontación visual (DCV) y fluidez verbal (FV) son amplia-mente utilizadas para evaluar el funcionamiento cognitivo de personas con diagnóstico de enfer-medad de Alzheimer (EA), un desempeño más bajo con respecto a controles, ha sido asociado a un deterioro la memoria semántica. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar el desempeño de pacientes con EA leve con un grupo control en tareas de fluidez verbal y denominación por confrontación visual; analizando los errores cometidos por los participantes a fin de comprobar si las fallas en estas tareas tienen origen en el déficit de la memoria semántica. Los resultados muestran una gran heterogeneidad en los procesos cognitivos vinculados a la producción oral de palabras en personas con EA. Estos resultados sugieren la necesidad de evaluar a cada paciente de forma individual por medio del análisis cuantitativo y sobre todo cualitativo e interpretar los signos y síntomas independientemente de la patología

The tasks of visual confrontation naming (DCV) and verbal fluency (VF) are widely used to assess cognitive functioning in persons diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease (AD), lower perfor-mance relative to controls, has been associated with a semantic memory impairment. The goal of this study was to compare the performance of patients with mild AD with a control group on tasks of verbal fluency and visual confrontation naming; analyzing the errors made by the par-ticipants in order to ascertain whether the failure in these tasks are rooted in semantic memory deficits. The results show a great heterogeneity in production-related words in persons with AD cognitive processes. These results suggest the need to evaluate each patient individually and es-pecially by means of qualitative and quantitative analysis to interpret the signs and symptoms regardless of pathology

Humanos , Doença de Alzheimer , Idioma , Linguística , Semântica
Rev. latinoam. psicol ; 43(2): 241-254, mayo 2011. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-637096


El Inventario del Desarrollo Comunicativo MacArthur- Bates (CDI Fenson, Marchman, Thal, Dale & Reznick, 2007) es un instrumento que permite evaluar de forma válida y confiable el desarrollo comunicativo y lingüístico de niños pequeños. Este estudio da cuenta del proceso de adaptación del CDI a los usos lingüísticos y al contexto cultural colombiano, así como su primera fase de baremación en la ciudad de Bogotá y sus alrededores. Los padres de 825 niños y niñas entre 8 y 30 meses de edad de diferentes estratos socioeconómicos, residentes en la ciudad de Bogotá y poblaciones aledañas, diligenciaron los inventarios adaptados para la población. El análisis estadístico incluyó medidas de confiabilidad y validez, las cuales avalan la consistencia interna y el valor predictivo de las escalas. Los resultados del presente estudio permiten identificar el ritmo evolutivo del proceso de adquisición del lenguaje en los niños colombianos, observando reorganizaciones y discontinuidades tal y como se reporta en otras adaptaciones del CDI.

The MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories- CDI (Fenson et al., 2007) is an instrument that allows a valid and reliable assessment of the communicative and linguistic development in young children. This paper describes the normalization process of the instrument to the language and cultural context of Colombia, as well as the first part of creation of the age-expected scores for the Capital city (Bogotá). The parents of 825 children, between 8 and 30 months from different socioeconomic backgrounds residing in Bogota's greater area, completed the adapted inventories. Statistical analysis included reliability and validity measures, which suggest internal consistency and a good predictive value for the scales version. Results allow the identification of developmental rhythms in language acquisition for colombian children, where discontinuities and reorganizations are the common note with different CDI adaptations around the world.