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Glob Chang Biol ; 27(16): 3718-3731, 2021 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33887083


Human activity and land use change impact every landscape on Earth, driving declines in many animal species while benefiting others. Species ecological and life history traits may predict success in human-dominated landscapes such that only species with "winning" combinations of traits will persist in disturbed environments. However, this link between species traits and successful coexistence with humans remains obscured by the complexity of anthropogenic disturbances and variability among study systems. We compiled detection data for 24 mammal species from 61 populations across North America to quantify the effects of (1) the direct presence of people and (2) the human footprint (landscape modification) on mammal occurrence and activity levels. Thirty-three percent of mammal species exhibited a net negative response (i.e., reduced occurrence or activity) to increasing human presence and/or footprint across populations, whereas 58% of species were positively associated with increasing disturbance. However, apparent benefits of human presence and footprint tended to decrease or disappear at higher disturbance levels, indicative of thresholds in mammal species' capacity to tolerate disturbance or exploit human-dominated landscapes. Species ecological and life history traits were strong predictors of their responses to human footprint, with increasing footprint favoring smaller, less carnivorous, faster-reproducing species. The positive and negative effects of human presence were distributed more randomly with respect to species trait values, with apparent winners and losers across a range of body sizes and dietary guilds. Differential responses by some species to human presence and human footprint highlight the importance of considering these two forms of human disturbance separately when estimating anthropogenic impacts on wildlife. Our approach provides insights into the complex mechanisms through which human activities shape mammal communities globally, revealing the drivers of the loss of larger predators in human-modified landscapes.

Animais Selvagens , Características de História de Vida , Animais , Ecossistema , Atividades Humanas , Humanos , Mamíferos , América do Norte
J Anim Ecol ; 90(4): 875-885, 2021 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33368272


Anthropogenic noise is a complex disturbance known to elicit a variety of responses in wild animals. Most studies examining the effects of noise on wildlife focus on vocal species, although theory suggests that the acoustic environment influences non-vocal species as well. Common mammalian prey species, like mule deer and hares and rabbits (members of the family Leporidae), rely on acoustic cues for information regarding predation, but the impacts of noise on their behaviour has received little attention. We paired acoustic recorders with camera traps to explore how average daily levels of anthropogenic noise from natural gas activity impacted occupancy and detection of mammalian herbivores in an energy field in the production phase of development. We consider the effects of noise in the context of several physical landscape variables associated with natural gas infrastructure that are known to influence habitat use patterns in mule deer. Our results suggest that mule deer detection probability was influenced by the interaction between physical landscape features and anthropogenic noise, with noise strongly reducing habitat use. In contrast, leporid habitat use was not related to noise but was influenced by landscape features. Notably, mule deer showed a stronger predicted negative response to roads with high noise exposure. This study highlights the complex interactions of anthropogenic disturbance and wildlife distribution and presents important evidence that the effects of anthropogenic noise should be considered in research focused on non-vocal specialist species and management plans for mule deer and other large ungulates.

El ruido de origen antropogénico es una perturbación compleja que provoca una variedad de respuestas en la fauna silvestre. La mayoría de los estudios que examina los efectos del ruido en fauna silvestre se enfoca en especies que se comunican con vocalizaciones, sin embargo, la teoría sugiere que el ambiente acústico es también un recurso clave para especies no-vocales. Especies de mamíferos comunes como el venado bura, liebres y conejos (miembros de la familia Leporidae), dependen de señales acústicas para detectar depredadores, pero los impactos del ruido en el comportamiento de estas especies han recibido poca atención de los investigadores. Usando grabadoras y cámaras trampa en conjunto, exploramos como los niveles diarios de ruido antropogénico generados por la extracción de gas natural impactaron la ocupación y detección de mamíferos herbívoros en un campo de extracción de energía en la fase de producción de desarrollo. Consideramos los efectos del ruido en el contexto de varias variables físicas del paisaje asociadas con la infraestructura del gas natural, que sabemos, influencian los patrones de uso de hábitat del venado bura. Nuestros resultados sugieren que la probabilidad de detección del venado bura fue influenciada por la interacción de las características físicas del paisaje y el ruido antropogénico, este último reduciendo de manera importante el uso de hábitat. En contraste, el uso de hábitat de lepóridos no se relacionó con ruido, pero fue influenciado por variables del paisaje. Notablemente, el venado bura mostro una predicción de respuesta fuerte a los caminos con niveles altos de ruido. Este estudio señala las complejas interacciones entre perturbaciones antropogénicas y la distribución de fauna silvestre. También presentamos evidencia importante que señala que los efectos del ruido antropogénico deben ser considerados en investigaciones enfocadas en especies especialistas no-vocales y planes de manejo para el venado bura y otros ungulados grandes.

Cervos , Herbivoria , Animais , Ecossistema , Gás Natural , Comportamento Predatório , Coelhos
J Anim Ecol ; 85(2): 487-96, 2016 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26395576


There are several alternative hypotheses about the effects of territoriality, kinship and prey availability on individual carnivore distributions within populations. The first is the land-tenure hypothesis, which predicts that carnivores regulate their density through territoriality and temporal avoidance. The second is the kinship hypothesis, which predicts related individuals will be clumped within populations, and the third is the resource dispersion hypothesis, which suggests that resource richness may explain variable sociality, spatial overlap or temporary aggregations of conspecifics. Research on the socio-spatial organization of animals is essential in understanding territoriality, intra- and interspecific competition, and contact rates that influence diverse ecology, including disease transmission between conspecifics and courtship behaviours. We explored these hypotheses with data collected on a solitary carnivore, the cougar (Puma concolor), from 2005 to 2012 in the Southern Yellowstone Ecosystem, Wyoming, USA. We employed 27 annual home ranges for 13 cougars to test whether home range overlap was better explained by land tenure, kinship, resource dispersion or some combination of the three. We found support for both the land tenure and resource dispersion hypotheses, but not for kinship. Cougar sex was the primary driver explaining variation in home range overlap. Males overlapped significantly with females, whereas the remaining dyads (F-F, M-M) overlapped significantly less. In support for the resource dispersion hypothesis, hunting opportunity (the probability of a cougar killing prey in a given location) was often higher in overlapping than in non-overlapping portions of cougar home ranges. In particular, winter hunt opportunity rather than summer hunt opportunity was higher in overlapping portions of female-female and male-female home ranges. Our results may indicate that solitary carnivores are more tolerant of sharing key resources with unrelated conspecifics than previously believed, or at least during periods of high resource availability. Further, our results suggest that the resource dispersion hypothesis, which is typically applied to social species, is applicable in describing the spatial organization of solitary carnivores.

Comportamento de Retorno ao Território Vital , Puma/fisiologia , Animais , Ecossistema , Feminino , Masculino , Dinâmica Populacional , Estações do Ano , Territorialidade , Wyoming
Ecol Evol ; 13(1): e9738, 2023 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36636426


Prairie dogs have declined by 98% throughout their range in the grasslands of North America. Translocations have been used as a conservation tool to reestablish colonies of this keystone species and to mitigate human-wildlife conflict. Understanding the behavioral responses of prairie dogs to translocation is of utmost importance to enhance the persistence of the species and for species that depend on them, including the critically endangered black-footed ferret. In 2017 and 2018, we translocated 658 black-tailed prairie dogs on the Lower Brule Indian Reservation in central South Dakota, USA, a black-footed ferret recovery site. Here, we describe and evaluate the effectiveness of translocating prairie dogs into augered burrows and soft-released within presumed coteries to reestablish colonies in previously occupied habitat. We released prairie dogs implanted with passive integrated transponders (PIT tags) and conducted recapture events approximately 1-month and 1-year post-release. We hypothesized that these methods would result in a successful translocation and that prairie dogs released as coteries would remain close to where they were released because of their highly social structure. In support of these methods leading to a successful translocation, 69% of marked individuals was captured 1-month post-release, and 39% was captured 1-year post-release. Furthermore, considerable recruitment was observed with 495 unmarked juveniles captured during the 1-year post-release trapping event, and the reestablished colony had more than doubled in the area by 2021. Contrary to our hypothesis, yet to our knowledge a novel finding, there was greater initial movement within the colony 1-month post-release than expected based on recapture locations compared with the published average territory size; however, 1 year after release, most recaptured individuals were captured within the expected territory size when compared to capture locations 1-month post-release. This research demonstrates that while translocating prairie dogs may be socially disruptive initially, it is an important conservation tool.

PeerJ ; 6: e5324, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30083459


Carrion is a rich, ephemeral resource vital to biodiversity and ecosystem health. In temperate ecosystems in which cold temperatures and snowfall influence the accessibility and availability of small prey and seasonal mast crops, carrion may also be a limiting resource for mesocarnivores like red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), which are too small to predate ungulates. Using motion-triggered video cameras and generalized linear mixed models, we studied the spatial and temporal patterns of red fox scavenging at 232 mountain lion kills in the southern Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE) from 2012-2015. We found that red foxes scavenged mountain lion kills across all habitats throughout the year, however, red fox behaviors varied with season. In winter, we documented red foxes at a greater proportion of mountain lion kills (70.3% in winter vs. 48.9% in summer), and in greater numbers (1.83 foxes per kill in winter vs. 1.16 in summer). In winter, red foxes fed longer (= 102.7 ± 138.3 minutes feeding in winter vs. = 39.7 ± 74.0 in summer), and they more often scavenged while the mountain lion was nearby. We speculated that red foxes may have increased risk taking in winter due to hunger driven by resource scarcity. Our research highlighted an important ecological relationship between red foxes and mountain lions in the GYE. Mountain lions tolerate high levels of scavenging, so the frequency and intensity of red fox scavenging at their kills may not impact mountain lions, but instead facilitate the dispersion and benefits of resources created by this apex predator. Large carnivores, and mid-trophic felids like mountain lions in particular, are essential producers of carrion vital to biodiversity and ecosystem health. In turn, scavengers play critical roles in distributing these resources and increasing the heterogeneity of resources that support biodiversity and ecosystem structure, as well as ecological resilience.

Zool Stud ; 54: e41, 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31966128


BACKGROUND: Niche differentiation may betray current, ongoing competition between two sympatric species or reflect evolutionary responses to historic competition that drove species apart. The best opportunity to test whether ongoing competition contributes to niche differentiation is to test for behavioral shifts by the subordinate competitor in controlled experiments in which the abundance of the dominant competitor is manipulated. Because these circumstances are difficult to coordinate in natural settings for wide-ranging species, researchers seize opportunities presented by species reintroductions. We tested for new competition between reintroduced wolves and resident cougars in the Southern Yellowstone Ecosystem to assess whether wolves might be impacting the realized niche of sympatric cougars. RESULTS: Between2002 and 2012, a period during which wolves increased from 15 to as high as 91 in the study area, cougars significantly increased the percentage of deer and decreased the percentage of elk in their diet in summer. Our top models explaining these changes identified elk availability, defined as the number of elk per wolf each year, as the strongest predictor of changing cougar prey selection. Both elk and deer were simultaneously declining in the system, though deer more quickly than elk, and wolf numbers increased exponentially during the same time frame. Therefore,we concluded that prey availability did not explain prey switching and that competition with wolves at least partially explained cougar prey switching from elk to deer. We also recorded 5 marked cougar kittens killed by wolves and 2 more that were killed by an undetermined predator. In addition, between 2005 and 2012, 9 adult cougars and 10 cougar kittens died of starvation, which may also be in part explained by competition with wolves. CONCLUSIONS: Direct interspecific predation and shifting cougar prey selection as wolves increased in the system provided evidence for competition between recolonizing wolves and resident cougars. Through competition, recolonizing wolves have impacted the realized niche of resident cougars in the Southern Yellowstone Ecosystem (SYE), and current resident cougars may now exhibit a realized niche more reflective of an era when these species were previously sympatric in the Yellowstone Ecosystem.

PLoS One ; 8(12): e83375, 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24349498


We tested for seasonal differences in cougar (Puma concolor) foraging behaviors in the Southern Yellowstone Ecosystem, a multi-prey system in which ungulate prey migrate, and cougars do not. We recorded 411 winter prey and 239 summer prey killed by 28 female and 10 male cougars, and an additional 37 prey items by unmarked cougars. Deer composed 42.4% of summer cougar diets but only 7.2% of winter diets. Males and females, however, selected different proportions of different prey; male cougars selected more elk (Cervus elaphus) and moose (Alces alces) than females, while females killed greater proportions of bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis), pronghorn (Antilocapra americana), mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) and small prey than males. Kill rates did not vary by season or between males and females. In winter, cougars were more likely to kill prey on the landscape as: 1) elevation decreased, 2) distance to edge habitat decreased, 3) distance to large bodies of water decreased, and 4) steepness increased, whereas in summer, cougars were more likely to kill in areas as: 1) elevation decreased, 2) distance to edge habitat decreased, and 3) distance from large bodies of water increased. Our work highlighted that seasonal prey selection exhibited by stationary carnivores in systems with migratory prey is not only driven by changing prey vulnerability, but also by changing prey abundances. Elk and deer migrations may also be sustaining stationary cougar populations and creating apparent competition scenarios that result in higher predation rates on migratory bighorn sheep in winter and pronghorn in summer. Nevertheless, cougar predation on rare ungulates also appeared to be influenced by individual prey selection.

Cadeia Alimentar , Preferências Alimentares/fisiologia , Comportamento Predatório/fisiologia , Puma/fisiologia , Migração Animal/fisiologia , Animais , Feminino , Masculino , Ruminantes
PLoS One ; 8(5): e64548, 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23691246


BACKGROUND: Migration is an adaptive strategy that enables animals to enhance resource availability and reduce risk of predation at a broad geographic scale. Ungulate migrations generally occur along traditional routes, many of which have been disrupted by anthropogenic disturbances. Spring migration in ungulates is of particular importance for conservation planning, because it is closely coupled with timing of parturition. The degree to which oil and gas development affects migratory patterns, and whether ungulate migration is sufficiently plastic to compensate for such changes, warrants additional study to better understand this critical conservation issue. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We studied timing and synchrony of departure from winter range and arrival to summer range of female mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) in northwestern Colorado, USA, which has one of the largest natural-gas reserves currently under development in North America. We hypothesized that in addition to local weather, plant phenology, and individual life-history characteristics, patterns of spring migration would be modified by disturbances associated with natural-gas extraction. We captured 205 adult female mule deer, equipped them with GPS collars, and observed patterns of spring migration during 2008-2010. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Timing of spring migration was related to winter weather (particularly snow depth) and access to emerging vegetation, which varied among years, but was highly synchronous across study areas within years. Additionally, timing of migration was influenced by the collective effects of anthropogenic disturbance, rate of travel, distance traveled, and body condition of adult females. Rates of travel were more rapid over shorter migration distances in areas of high natural-gas development resulting in the delayed departure, but early arrival for females migrating in areas with high development compared with less-developed areas. Such shifts in behavior could have consequences for timing of arrival on birthing areas, especially where mule deer migrate over longer distances or for greater durations.

Migração Animal , Cervos , Fenômenos Ecológicos e Ambientais , Atividades Humanas , Animais , Colorado , Feminino , Modelos Teóricos , Gás Natural , Campos de Petróleo e Gás , Estações do Ano