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J Chem Phys ; 157(15): 154503, 2022 Oct 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36272802


The assembly of colloidal cubic diamond is a challenging process since the shape and interaction parameters and the thermodynamic conditions where this structure is stable are elusive. The simultaneous use of shape-anisotropic particles and strong directional interactions has proven to be a successful path to exclusively nucleate this structure. Here, using molecular dynamics simulations, we explore in detail the conditions where the nucleation of cubic diamond from tetrahedral building blocks is favored. In particular, we focus on the effect of depletion and DNA-mediated interactions to form and stabilize this cubic diamond crystal. We find that a particular balance between the strength and the range of the depletion interactions enhances the self-assembly of stable cubic diamond, leading to a narrow region where this structure is nucleated. Moreover, we determine that stronger short-range depletion attractions may arrest the system, leading to the formation of percolating diamond networks or fully disordered gel structures. Accordingly, the internal arrangements of these structures exhibit a distinct variation in terms of fractal dimension and the presence of six-membered rings that increasingly acquire internal strain as the arrest gets more pronounced. With these results, we provide a clear route for the self-assembly of cubic colloidal diamond, toward the realization of crystals with superior photonic properties.

Coloides , Diamante , Coloides/química , Termodinâmica , Anisotropia , DNA/química
J Chem Phys ; 157(2): 024902, 2022 Jul 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35840375


Spherically symmetric atom-centered descriptors of atomic environments have been widely used for constructing potential or free energy surfaces of atomistic and colloidal systems and to characterize local structures using machine learning techniques. However, when particle shapes are non-spherical, as in the case of rods and ellipsoids, standard spherically symmetric structure functions alone produce imprecise descriptions of local environments. In order to account for the effects of orientation, we introduce two- and three-body orientation-dependent particle-centered descriptors for systems composed of rod-like particles. To demonstrate the suitability of the proposed functions, we use an efficient feature selection scheme and simple linear regression to construct coarse-grained many-body interaction potentials for computationally efficient simulations of model systems consisting of colloidal particles with an anisotropic shape: mixtures of colloidal rods and non-adsorbing polymer coils, hard rods enclosed by an elastic microgel shell, and ligand-stabilized nanorods. We validate the machine-learning (ML) effective many-body potentials based on orientation-dependent symmetry functions by using them in direct coexistence simulations to map out the phase behavior of colloidal rods and non-adsorbing polymer coils. We find good agreement with the results obtained from simulations of the true binary mixture, demonstrating that the effective interactions are well described by the orientation-dependent ML potentials.

J Chem Phys ; 156(7): 074503, 2022 Feb 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35183088


The correlation between the local structure and the propensity for structural rearrangements has been widely investigated in glass forming liquids and glasses. In this paper, we use the excess two-body entropy S2 and tetrahedrality ntet as the per-particle local structural order parameters to explore such correlations in a three-dimensional model glass subjected to cyclic shear deformation. We first show that for both liquid configurations and the corresponding inherent structures, local ordering increases upon lowering temperature, signaled by a decrease in the two-body entropy and an increase in tetrahedrality. When the inherent structures, or glasses, are periodically sheared athermally, they eventually reach absorbing states for small shear amplitudes, which do not change from one cycle to the next. Large strain amplitudes result in the formation of shear bands, within which particle motion is diffusive. We show that in the steady state, there is a clear difference in the local structural environment of particles that will be part of plastic rearrangements during the next shear cycle and that of particles that are immobile. In particular, particles with higher S2 and lower ntet are more likely to go through rearrangements irrespective of the average energies of the configurations and strain amplitude. For high shear, we find very distinctive local order outside the mobile shear band region, where almost 30% of the particles are involved in icosahedral clusters, contrasting strongly with the fraction of <5% found inside the shear band.

J Chem Phys ; 154(17): 174501, 2021 May 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34241071


Glass formers are characterized by their ability to avoid crystallization. As monodisperse systems tend to rapidly crystallize, the most common glass formers in simulations are systems composed of mixtures of particles with different sizes. Here, we make use of the ability of patchy particles to change their local structure to propose them as monodisperse glass formers. We explore monodisperse systems with two patch geometries: a 12-patch geometry that enhances the formation of icosahedral clusters and an 8-patch geometry that does not appear to strongly favor any particular local structure. We show that both geometries avoid crystallization and present glassy features at low temperatures. However, the 8-patch geometry better preserves the structure of a simple liquid at a wide range of temperatures and packing fractions, making it a good candidate for a monodisperse glass former.

Phys Rev Lett ; 124(20): 208005, 2020 May 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32501099


The link between local structure and dynamical slowdown in glassy fluids has been the focus of intense debate for the better part of a century. Nonetheless, a simple method to predict the dynamical behavior of a fluid purely from its local structural features is still missing. Here, we demonstrate that the diffusivity of perhaps the most fundamental family of glass formers-hard sphere mixtures-can be accurately predicted based on just the packing fraction and a simple order parameter measuring the tetrahedrality of the local structure. Essentially, we show that the number of tetrahedral clusters in a hard sphere mixture is directly linked to its global diffusivity. Moreover, the same order parameter is capable of locally pinpointing particles in the system with high and low mobility. We attribute the power of the local tetrahedrality for predicting local and global dynamics to the high stability of tetrahedral clusters, the most fundamental building and densest-packing building blocks for a disordered fluid.

J Chem Phys ; 152(8): 084501, 2020 Feb 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32113356


We explore the effect of directionality on rotational and translational relaxation in glassy systems of patchy particles. Using molecular dynamics simulations, we analyze the impact of two distinct patch geometries, one that enhances the local icosahedral structure and the other one that does not strongly affect the local order. We find that in nearly all investigated cases, rotational relaxation takes place on a much faster time scale than translational relaxation. By comparing to a simplified dynamical Monte Carlo model, we illustrate that rotational diffusion can be qualitatively explained as purely local motion within a fixed environment, which is not coupled strongly to the cage-breaking dynamics required for translational relaxation. Nonetheless, icosahedral patch placement has a profound effect on the local structure of the system, resulting in a dramatic slowdown at low temperatures, which is strongest at an intermediate "optimal" patch size.

Soft Matter ; 15(48): 9886-9893, 2019 Dec 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31799588


Glasses remain an elusive and poorly understood state of matter. It is not clear how we can control the macroscopic dynamics of glassy systems by tuning the properties of their microscopic building blocks. In this paper, we propose a simple directional colloidal model that reinforces the optimal icosahedral local structure of binary hard-sphere glasses. We show that this specific symmetry results in a dramatic slowing down of the dynamics. Our results open the door to controlling the dynamics of dense glassy systems by selectively promoting specific local structural environments.

Nanoscale ; 16(9): 4724-4736, 2024 Feb 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38289471


The intricate interplay between colloidal particle shape and precisely engineered interaction potentials has paved the way for the discovery of unprecedented crystal structures in both two and three dimensions. Here, we make use of anisotropic triblock colloidal particles composed of two distinct materials. The resulting surface charge heterogeneity can be exploited to generate regioselective depletion interactions and directional bonding. Using extensive molecular dynamics simulations and a dimensionality reduction analysis approach, we map out state diagrams for the self-assembly of such colloids as a function of their aspect ratio and for varying depletant features in a quasi two-dimensional set-up. We observe the formation of a wide variety of crystal structures such as a herringbone, brick-wall, tilted brick-wall, and (tilted) ladder-like structures. More specifically, we determine the optimal parameters to enhance crystallization, and investigate the nucleation process. Additionally, we explore the potential of using crystalline monolayers as templates for deposition, thereby creating complex three-dimensional structures that hold promise for future applications.

J Colloid Interface Sci ; 629(Pt A): 322-333, 2023 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36081211


HYPOTHESIS: Colloidal molecules with anisotropic shapes and interactions are powerful model systems for deciphering the behavior of real molecules and building units for creating materials with designed properties. While many strategies for their assembly have been developed, they typically yield a broad distribution or are limited to a specific type. We hypothesize that the shape and relative sizes of colloidal particles can be exploited to efficiently direct their assembly into colloidal molecules of desired valence. EXPERIMENTS: We exploit electrostatic self-assembly of negatively charged spheres made from either polystyrene or silica onto positively charged hematite cubes. We thoroughly analyze the role of the shape and size ratio of particles on the cluster size and yield of colloidal molecules. FINDINGS: Using a combination of experiments and simulations, we demonstrate that cubic particle shape is crucial to generate high yields of distinct colloidal molecules over a wide variety of size ratios. We find that electrostatic repulsion between the satellite spheres is important to leverage the templating effect of the cubes, leading the spheres to preferentially assemble on the facets rather than the edges and corners of the cube. The sixfold symmetry of cubes favors the assembly of molecules with six, four, and two satellite spheres at appropriate size ratios and interaction strength. Furthermore, we reveal that our protocol is not affected by the specific choice of the material of the colloidal particles. Finally, we show that the permanent magnetic dipole moment of the hematite cubes can be utilized to separate colloidal molecules from non-assembled satellite particles. Our simple and effective strategy might be extended to other templating particle shapes, thereby greatly expanding the library of colloidal molecules that can be achieved with high yield and purity.

Coloides , Poliestirenos , Compostos Férricos , Dióxido de Silício
Nat Commun ; 14(1): 7896, 2023 Nov 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38036561


It is commonly believed that the most efficient way to pack a finite number of equal-sized spheres is by arranging them tightly in a cluster. However, mathematicians have conjectured that a linear arrangement may actually result in the densest packing. Here, our combined experimental and simulation study provides a physical realization of the finite sphere packing problem by studying arrangements of colloids in a flaccid lipid vesicle. We map out a state diagram displaying linear, planar, and cluster conformations of spheres, as well as bistable states which alternate between cluster-plate and plate-linear conformations due to membrane fluctuations. Finally, by systematically analyzing truncated polyhedral packings, we identify clusters of 56 ≤ N ≤ 70 number of spheres, excluding N = 57 and 63, that pack more efficiently than linear arrangements.

ACS Nano ; 17(13): 12234-12246, 2023 Jul 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37363931


Colloidal molecules are ideal model systems for mimicking real molecules and can serve as versatile building blocks for the bottom-up self-assembly of flexible and smart materials. While most colloidal molecules are rigid objects, the development of colloidal joints has made it possible to endow them with conformational flexibility. However, their unrestricted range of motion does not capture the limited movement and bond directionality that is instead typical of real molecules. In this work, we create flexible colloidal molecules with an in situ controllable motion range and bond directionality by assembling spherical particles onto cubes functionalized with complementary surface-mobile DNA. By varying the sphere-to-cube size ratio, we obtain colloidal molecules with different coordination numbers and find that they feature a constrained range of motion above a critical size ratio. Using theory and simulations, we show that the particle shape together with the multivalent bonds creates an effective free-energy landscape for the motion of the sphere on the surface of the cube. We quantify the confinement of the spheres on the surface of the cube and the probability to change facet. We find that temperature can be used as an extra control parameter to switch in situ between full and constrained flexibility. These flexible colloidal molecules with a temperature switching motion range can be used to investigate the effect of directional yet flexible bonds in determining their self-assembly and phase behavior, and may be employed as constructional units in microrobotics and smart materials.

ACS Nano ; 17(14): 13648-13658, 2023 Jul 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37406164


The manipulation of nano-objects through heating is an effective strategy for inducing structural modifications and therefore changing the optoelectronic properties of semiconducting materials. Despite its potential, the underlying mechanism of the structural transformations remains elusive, largely due to the challenges associated with their in situ observations. To address these issues, we synthesize temperature-sensitive CsPbBr3 perovskite nanoplatelets and investigate their structural evolution at the nanoscale using in situ heating transmission electron microscopy. We observe the morphological changes that start from the self-assembly of the nanoplatelets into ribbons on a substrate. We identify several paths of merging nanoplates within ribbons that ultimately lead to the formation of nanosheets dispersed randomly on the substrate. These observations are supported by molecular dynamics simulations. We correlate the various paths for merging to the random orientation of the initial ribbons along with the ligand mobility (especially from the edges of the nanoplatelets). This leads to the preferential growth of individual nanosheets and the merging of neighboring ones. These processes enable the creation of structures with tunable emission, ranging from blue to green, all from a single material. Our real-time observations of the transformation of perovskite 2D nanocrystals reveal a route to achieve large-area nanosheets by controlling the initial orientation of the self-assembled objects with potential for large-scale applications.

Nat Commun ; 11(1): 5479, 2020 Oct 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33127927


Few questions in condensed matter science have proven as difficult to unravel as the interplay between structure and dynamics in supercooled liquids. To explore this link, much research has been devoted to pinpointing local structures and order parameters that correlate strongly with dynamics. Here we use an unsupervised machine learning algorithm to identify structural heterogeneities in three archetypical glass formers-without using any dynamical information. In each system, the unsupervised machine learning approach autonomously designs a purely structural order parameter within a single snapshot. Comparing the structural order parameter with the dynamics, we find strong correlations with the dynamical heterogeneities. Moreover, the structural characteristics linked to slow particles disappear further away from the glass transition. Our results demonstrate the power of machine learning techniques to detect structural patterns even in disordered systems, and provide a new way forward for unraveling the structural origins of the slow dynamics of glassy materials.