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IEEE Trans Appl Supercond ; 1: 1, 2021 Jan 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33531792


Pulses of narrow line-width optical photons can be used to calibrate and test sub-2 eV full-width at halfmaximum (FWHM) energy resolution transition-edge sensor (TES) microcalorimeters at low energies (< 1 keV), where it is very challenging to obtain X-ray calibration lines comparable to (or narrower than) the detector resolution. This scheme depends on the ability to resolve the number of 3 eV photons in each pulse, which we have recently demonstrated up to photon numbers of about 300. At LTD-18 we showed preliminary results obtained with this technique on a 0.25 eV baseline resolution TES microcalorimeter designed for the ultra-high-resolution subarray of the Lynx mission. The line-shape was well described by a simple Gaussian. However, the difficulty of delivering photons to the small 46 µm square absorbers resulted in a large thermal crosstalk signal, whose random nature is expected to rapidly degrade the observed energy resolution towards higher photon numbers/energies. We have since improved the coupling between the optical fiber and the TES absorber and report here our current results.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31360050


Transition-edge sensors (TES) are widely used as sensing elements in X-ray microcalorimeters. Further improvement of their energy resolution hinges on a thorough understanding of the transition surface (as function of temperature, current, and magnetic field) to achieve high sensitivity (α) and low noise (small ß), as well as the capability to repeatably fabricate the proximity superconducting/normal metal bilayers with a predictable transition surface. One aspect that is poorly understood is the impact of film stress on the transition. Data from Mo films deposited using e-beam evaporation onto heated substrates, as well as sputtered films, show a strong correlation between film stress and superconducting transition temperature (≈-0.2K/GPa, corresponding to shift of about -0.1 K for a 0.1% change in biaxial strain). However, this correlation is of opposite sign and much larger than one would expect from the pressure dependence of bulk Mo. Furthermore, modifications in fabrication details of the devices, such as membrane perforations and absorber attachment, have been observed to result in large qualitative differences in the transition surface for otherwise identical TES geometry. It seems reasonable to ask whether associated changes in film stress distribution can cause these differences. To shed some light on this issue, we have subjected a bare Mo film as well as Mo/Cu bilayers to in-situ tunable uniaxial stress produced by a piezo-electric stack. Our results indicate that the direct strain induced changes to the transition temperature are rather small (about +0.3 mK for a 0.1% strain change on a Mo film) and consistent in sign and order of magnitude with that derived from the bulk.

J Appl Phys ; 128(17)2020 Nov 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33518796


Here we present a general algorithm for processing microcalorimeter data with special applicability to data with high photon count rates. Conventional optimal filtering, which has become ubiquitous in microcalorimeter data processing, suffers from its inability to recover overlapped pulses without sacrificing spectral resolution. The technique presented here was developed to address this particular shortcoming, and does so without imposing any assumptions beyond those made by the conventional technique. We demonstrate the algorithm's performance with a data set that approximately satisfies these assumptions, and which is representative of a wide range of microcalorimeter applications. We also apply the technique to a highly non-linear data set, examining the impact on performance in the limit that these assumptions break down.

J Astron Telesc Instrum Syst ; 5(2): 021017, 2019 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33442556


Lynx is an x-ray telescope, one of four large satellite mission concepts currently being studied by NASA to be a flagship mission. One of Lynx's three instruments is an imaging spectrometer called the Lynx x-ray microcalorimeter (LXM), an x-ray microcalorimeter behind an x-ray optic with an angular resolution of 0.5 arc sec and ∼2 m2 of area at 1 keV. The LXM will provide unparalleled diagnostics of distant extended structures and, in particular, will allow the detailed study of the role of cosmic feedback in the evolution of the Universe. We discuss the baseline design of LXM and some parallel approaches for some of the key technologies. The baseline sensor technology uses transition-edge sensors, but we also consider an alternative approach using metallic magnetic calorimeters. We discuss the requirements for the instrument, the pixel layout, and the baseline readout design, which uses microwave superconducting quantum interference devices and high-electron mobility transistor amplifiers and the cryogenic cooling requirements and strategy for meeting these requirements. For each of these technologies, we discuss the current technology readiness level and our strategy for advancing them to be ready for flight. We also describe the current system design, including the block diagram, and our estimate for the mass, power, and data rate of the instrument.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 78(4): 043105, 2007 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17477647


Impedance measurements provide a useful probe of the physics of bolometers and calorimeters. We describe a method for measuring the complex impedance of these devices. In previous work, stray impedances and readout electronics of the measurement apparatus have resulted in artifacts in the impedance data. The technique allows experimenters to find an independent Thevenin or Norton equivalent circuit for each frequency. This method allows experimenters to easily isolate the device impedance from the effects of parasitic impedances and frequency dependent gains in amplifiers.

J Appl Phys ; 121(7)2017 Feb 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31359885


We have measured the resistance R(T, I, B ext) of a superconducting transition edge sensor over the entire transition region on a fine scale, producing a 4-dimensional map of the resistance surface. The dimensionless temperature and current sensitivities ( α ≡ ∂ log R / ∂ log T | I and ß ≡ ∂ log R / ∂ log I | T ) of the TES resistance have been determined at each point. α and ß are closely related to the sensor performance, but show a great deal of complex, large amplitude fine structure over large portions of the surface that is sensitive to the applied magnetic field. We discuss the relation of this structure to the presence of Josephson "weak link" fringes.

J Low Temp Phys ; 184(3-4): 647-653, 2016 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31186583


Superconducting/normal metal bilayers with tunable transition temperature are a critical ingredient to the fabrication of high performance transition edge-sensors (TES). Popular material choices include Mo/Au and Mo/Cu, which exhibit good environmental stability and provide low resistivity films to achieve adequate thermal conductivity. The deposition of high quality Mo films requires sufficient adatom mobility, which can be provided by energetic ions in sputter deposition, or by heating the substrate in an e-beam evaporation process. The bilayer T c depends sensitively on the exact deposition conditions of the Mo layer and the superconducting/normal metal interface. Because the individual contributions (strain, crystalline structure, contamination) are difficult to disentangle and control, reproducibility remains a challenge. Recently, we have demonstrated that low energy ion beam assist during e-beam evaporation offers an alternative route to reliably produce high quality Mo films without the use of substrate heating. The energy and momentum delivered by the ion beam provides an additional control knob to tune film properties such as resistivity and stress. In this report we describe modifications made to the commercial end-Hall ion-source to avoid iron contamination allowing us to produce superconducting Mo films. We show that the ion beam is effective at enhancing the bilayer interface transparency and that bilayers can be further tuned to reduced T c and higher conductivity by vacuum annealing.