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Conserv Biol ; : e14295, 2024 May 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38766922


Purse-seine fishers using drifting fish aggregating devices (dFADs), mainly built with bamboo, plastic buoys, and plastic netting, to aggregate and catch tropical tuna, deploy 46,000-65,000 dFADs per year in the Pacific Ocean. Some of the major concerns associated with this widespread fishing device are potential entanglement of sea turtles and other marine fauna in dFAD netting; marine debris and pollution; and potential ecological damage via stranding on coral reefs, beaches, and other essential habitats for marine fauna. To assess and quantify the potential connectivity (number of dFADs deployed in an area and arriving in another area) between dFAD deployment areas and important oceanic or coastal habitat of critically endangered leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea) and hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata) sea turtles in the Pacific Ocean, we conducted passive-drift Lagrangian experiments with simulated dFAD drift profiles and compared them with known important sea turtle areas. Up to 60% of dFADs from equatorial areas were arriving in essential sea turtle habitats. Connectivity was less when only areas where dFADs are currently deployed were used. Our simulations identified potential regions of dFAD interactions with migration and feeding habitats of the east Pacific leatherback turtle in the tropical southeastern Pacific Ocean; coastal habitats of leatherback and hawksbill in the western Pacific (e.g., archipelagic zones of Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Solomon Islands); and foraging habitat of leatherback in a large equatorial area south of Hawaii. Additional research is needed to estimate entanglements of sea turtles with dFADs at sea and to quantify the likely changes in connectivity and distribution of dFADs under new management measures, such as use of alternative nonentangling dFAD designs that biodegrade, or changes in deployment strategies, such as shifting locations.

Simulación de las trayectorias de dispositivos de concentración de peces a la deriva para identificar las interacciones potenciales con las tortugas marinas en peligro de extinción Resumen Los pescadores que usan redes de cerco con dispositivos de concentración de peces a la deriva (dFADs), hechos principalmente con bambú, boyas de plástico y redes de plástico, para concentrar y capturar atún, instalan entre 46,000 y 65,000 dFADs al año en el Océano Pacífico. Algunas de las problemáticas principales asociadas con este dispositivo de pesca de uso extenso son el enredamiento potencial de tortugas marinas y otras especies marinas en las redes de los dFADs; los desechos marinos y la contaminación; y el potencial daño ecológico por el varamiento en los arrecifes de coral, playas y otros hábitats esenciales para la fauna marina. Realizamos experimentos lagrangianos de deriva pasiva con la simulación de perfiles de deriva de los dFADs y los comparamos con áreas conocidas de importancia para las tortugas marinas. Esto fue con el objetivo de evaluar y cuantificar la conectividad potencial (número de dFADs instalados en un área que llegan a otra área) entre las áreas de instalación de dFADs y los hábitats oceánicos o costeros importantes para la tortuga laúd (Dermochelys coriacea) y la tortuga de carey (Eretmochelys imbricata), ambas en peligro crítico de extinción, en el Océano Pacífico. Hasta el 60% de los dFADs de las áreas ecuatoriales llegaron a los hábitats esenciales para las tortugas marinas. La conectividad fue menor sólo cuando se usaron áreas en donde actualmente hay dFADs instalados. Nuestras simulaciones identificaron regiones potenciales de interacción entre los dFADs y los hábitats de migración y alimentación de la tortuga laúd en el sureste tropical del Océano Pacífico; los hábitats costeros de ambas especies en el Pacífico occidental (p. ej.: zonas de archipiélagos en Indonesia, Papúa Nueva Guinea y en las Islas Salomón); y en el hábitat de forrajeo de la tortuga laúd en una gran área ecuatorial al sur de Hawái. Se requiere de mayor investigación para estimar el enredamiento de las tortugas marinas con los dFADs en el mar y para cuantificar los cambios probables en la conectividad y la distribución de los dFADs bajo nuevas medidas de manejo, como el uso alternativo de diseños que eviten el enredamiento y sean biodegradables, o cambios en las estrategias de instalación, como la reubicación.

Med Intensiva ; 47(1): 23-33, 2023 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34720310


Objective: To determine if the use of corticosteroids was associated with Intensive Care Unit (ICU) mortality among whole population and pre-specified clinical phenotypes. Design: A secondary analysis derived from multicenter, observational study. Setting: Critical Care Units. Patients: Adult critically ill patients with confirmed COVID-19 disease admitted to 63 ICUs in Spain. Interventions: Corticosteroids vs. no corticosteroids. Main variables of interest: Three phenotypes were derived by non-supervised clustering analysis from whole population and classified as (A: severe, B: critical and C: life-threatening). We performed a multivariate analysis after propensity optimal full matching (PS) for whole population and weighted Cox regression (HR) and Fine-Gray analysis (sHR) to assess the impact of corticosteroids on ICU mortality according to the whole population and distinctive patient clinical phenotypes. Results: A total of 2017 patients were analyzed, 1171 (58%) with corticosteroids. After PS, corticosteroids were shown not to be associated with ICU mortality (OR: 1.0; 95% CI: 0.98-1.15). Corticosteroids were administered in 298/537 (55.5%) patients of "A" phenotype and their use was not associated with ICU mortality (HR = 0.85 [0.55-1.33]). A total of 338/623 (54.2%) patients in "B" phenotype received corticosteroids. No effect of corticosteroids on ICU mortality was observed when HR was performed (0.72 [0.49-1.05]). Finally, 535/857 (62.4%) patients in "C" phenotype received corticosteroids. In this phenotype HR (0.75 [0.58-0.98]) and sHR (0.79 [0.63-0.98]) suggest a protective effect of corticosteroids on ICU mortality. Conclusion: Our finding warns against the widespread use of corticosteroids in all critically ill patients with COVID-19 at moderate dose. Only patients with the highest inflammatory levels could benefit from steroid treatment.

Objetivo: Evaluar si el uso de corticoesteroides (CC) se asocia con la mortalidad en la unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI) en la población global y dentro de los fenotipos clínicos predeterminados. Diseño: Análisis secundario de estudio multicéntrico observacional. Ámbito: UCI. Pacientes: Pacientes adultos con COVID-19 confirmado ingresados en 63 UCI de España. Intervención: Corticoides vs. no corticoides. Variables de interés principales: A partir del análisis no supervisado de grupos, 3 fenotipos clínicos fueron derivados y clasificados como: A grave, B crítico y C potencialmente mortal. Se efectuó un análisis multivariado después de un propensity optimal full matching (PS) y una regresión ponderada de Cox (HR) y análisis de Fine-Gray (sHR) para evaluar el impacto del tratamiento con CC sobre la mortalidad en la población general y en cada fenotipo clínico. Resultados: Un total de 2.017 pacientes fueron analizados, 1.171 (58%) con CC. Después del PS, el uso de CC no se relacionó significativamente con la mortalidad en UCI (OR: 1,0; IC 95%: 0,98-1,15). Los CC fueron administrados en 298/537 (55,5%) pacientes del fenotipo A y no se observó asociación significativa con la mortalidad (HR = 0,85; 0,55-1,33). Un total de 338/623 (54,2%) pacientes del fenotipo B recibieron CC sin efecto significativo sobre la mortalidad (HR = 0,72; 0,49-1,05). Por último, 535/857 (62,4%) pacientes del fenotipo C recibieron CC. En este fenotipo, se evidenció un efecto protector de los CC sobre la mortalidad HR (0,75; 0,58-0,98). Conclusión: Nuestros hallazgos alertan sobre el uso indiscriminado de CC a dosis moderadas en todos los pacientes críticos con COVID-19. Solamente pacientes con elevado estado de inflamación podrían beneficiarse con el tratamiento con CC.

Persoonia ; 47: 178-374, 2021 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37693795


Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Antartica, Cladosporium austrolitorale from coastal sea sand. Australia, Austroboletus yourkae on soil, Crepidotus innuopurpureus on dead wood, Curvularia stenotaphri from roots and leaves of Stenotaphrum secundatum and Thecaphora stajsicii from capsules of Oxalis radicosa. Belgium, Paraxerochrysium coryli (incl. Paraxerochrysium gen. nov.) from Corylus avellana. Brazil, Calvatia nordestina on soil, Didymella tabebuiicola from leaf spots on Tabebuia aurea, Fusarium subflagellisporum from hypertrophied floral and vegetative branches of Mangifera indica and Microdochium maculosum from living leaves of Digitaria insularis. Canada, Cuphophyllus bondii from a grassland. Croatia, Mollisia inferiseptata from a rotten Laurus nobilis trunk. Cyprus, Amanita exilis on calcareous soil. Czech Republic, Cytospora hippophaicola from wood of symptomatic Vaccinium corymbosum. Denmark, Lasiosphaeria deviata on pieces of wood and herbaceous debris. Dominican Republic, Calocybella goethei among grass on a lawn. France (Corsica), Inocybe corsica on wet ground. France (French Guiana), Trechispora patawaensis on decayed branch of unknown angiosperm tree and Trechispora subregularis on decayed log of unknown angiosperm tree. Germany, Paramicrothecium sambuci (incl. Paramicrothecium gen. nov.) on dead stems of Sambucus nigra. India, Aureobasidium microtermitis from the gut of a Microtermes sp. termite, Laccaria diospyricola on soil and Phylloporia tamilnadensis on branches of Catunaregam spinosa. Iran, Pythium serotinoosporum from soil under Prunus dulcis. Italy, Pluteus brunneovenosus on twigs of broadleaved trees on the ground. Japan, Heterophoma rehmanniae on leaves of Rehmannia glutinosa f. hueichingensis. Kazakhstan, Murispora kazachstanica from healthy roots of Triticum aestivum. Namibia, Caespitomonium euphorbiae (incl. Caespitomonium gen. nov.) from stems of an Euphorbia sp. Netherlands, Alfaria junci, Myrmecridium junci, Myrmecridium juncicola, Myrmecridium juncigenum, Ophioceras junci, Paradinemasporium junci (incl. Paradinemasporium gen. nov.), Phialoseptomonium junci, Sporidesmiella juncicola, Xenopyricularia junci and Zaanenomyces quadripartis (incl. Zaanenomyces gen. nov.), from dead culms of Juncus effusus, Cylindromonium everniae and Rhodoveronaea everniae from Evernia prunastri, Cyphellophora sambuci and Myrmecridium sambuci from Sambucus nigra, Kiflimonium junci, Sarocladium junci, Zaanenomyces moderatricis-academiae and Zaanenomyces versatilis from dead culms of Juncus inflexus, Microcera physciae from Physcia tenella, Myrmecridium dactylidis from dead culms of Dactylis glomerata, Neochalara spiraeae and Sporidesmium spiraeae from leaves of Spiraea japonica, Neofabraea salicina from Salix sp., Paradissoconium narthecii (incl. Paradissoconium gen. nov.) from dead leaves of Narthecium ossifragum, Polyscytalum vaccinii from Vaccinium myrtillus, Pseudosoloacrosporiella cryptomeriae (incl. Pseudosoloacrosporiella gen. nov.) from leaves of Cryptomeria japonica, Ramularia pararhabdospora from Plantago lanceolata, Sporidesmiella pini from needles of Pinus sylvestris and Xenoacrodontium juglandis (incl. Xenoacrodontium gen. nov. and Xenoacrodontiaceae fam. nov.) from Juglans regia. New Zealand, Cryptometrion metrosideri from twigs of Metrosideros sp., Coccomyces pycnophyllocladi from dead leaves of Phyllocladus alpinus, Hypoderma aliforme from fallen leaves Fuscopora solandri and Hypoderma subiculatum from dead leaves Phormium tenax. Norway, Neodevriesia kalakoutskii from permafrost and Variabilispora viridis from driftwood of Picea abies. Portugal, Entomortierella hereditatis from a biofilm covering a deteriorated limestone wall. Russia, Colpoma junipericola from needles of Juniperus sabina, Entoloma cinnamomeum on soil in grasslands, Entoloma verae on soil in grasslands, Hyphodermella pallidostraminea on a dry dead branch of Actinidia sp., Lepiota sayanensis on litter in a mixed forest, Papiliotrema horticola from Malus communis, Paramacroventuria ribis (incl. Paramacroventuria gen. nov.) from leaves of Ribes aureum and Paramyrothecium lathyri from leaves of Lathyrus tuberosus. South Africa, Harzia combreti from leaf litter of Combretum collinum ssp. sulvense, Penicillium xyleborini from Xyleborinus saxesenii, Phaeoisaria dalbergiae from bark of Dalbergia armata, Protocreopsis euphorbiae from leaf litter of Euphorbia ingens and Roigiella syzygii from twigs of Syzygium chordatum. Spain, Genea zamorana on sandy soil, Gymnopus nigrescens on Scleropodium touretii, Hesperomyces parexochomi on Parexochomus quadriplagiatus, Paraphoma variabilis from dung, Phaeococcomyces kinklidomatophilus from a blackened metal railing of an industrial warehouse and Tuber suaveolens in soil under Quercus faginea. Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Inocybe nivea associated with Salix polaris. Thailand, Biscogniauxia whalleyi on corticated wood. UK, Parasitella quercicola from Quercus robur. USA, Aspergillus arizonicus from indoor air in a hospital, Caeliomyces tampanus (incl. Caeliomyces gen. nov.) from office dust, Cippumomyces mortalis (incl. Cippumomyces gen. nov.) from a tombstone, Cylindrium desperesense from air in a store, Tetracoccosporium pseudoaerium from air sample in house, Toxicocladosporium glendoranum from air in a brick room, Toxicocladosporium losalamitosense from air in a classroom, Valsonectria portsmouthensis from air in men's locker room and Varicosporellopsis americana from sludge in a water reservoir. Vietnam, Entoloma kovalenkoi on rotten wood, Fusarium chuoi inside seed of Musa itinerans, Micropsalliota albofelina on soil in tropical evergreen mixed forests and Phytophthora docyniae from soil and roots of Docynia indica. Morphological and culture characteristics are supported by DNA barcodes. Citation: Crous PW, Osieck ER, Jurjevic Z, et al. 2021. Fungal Planet description sheets: 1284-1382. Persoonia 47: 178-374.

Persoonia ; 47: 178-374, 2021 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38352974


Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Antartica, Cladosporium austrolitorale from coastal sea sand. Australia, Austroboletus yourkae on soil, Crepidotus innuopurpureus on dead wood, Curvularia stenotaphri from roots and leaves of Stenotaphrum secundatum and Thecaphora stajsicii from capsules of Oxalis radicosa. Belgium, Paraxerochrysium coryli (incl. Paraxerochrysium gen. nov.) from Corylus avellana. Brazil, Calvatia nordestina on soil, Didymella tabebuiicola from leaf spots on Tabebuia aurea, Fusarium subflagellisporum from hypertrophied floral and vegetative branches of Mangifera indica and Microdochium maculosum from living leaves of Digitaria insularis. Canada, Cuphophyllus bondii from a grassland. Croatia, Mollisia inferiseptata from a rotten Laurus nobilis trunk. Cyprus, Amanita exilis on calcareous soil. Czech Republic, Cytospora hippophaicola from wood of symptomatic Vaccinium corymbosum. Denmark, Lasiosphaeria deviata on pieces of wood and herbaceous debris. Dominican Republic, Calocybella goethei among grass on a lawn. France (Corsica), Inocybe corsica on wet ground. France (French Guiana), Trechispora patawaensis on decayed branch of unknown angiosperm tree and Trechispora subregularis on decayed log of unknown angiosperm tree. Germany, Paramicrothecium sambuci (incl. Paramicrothecium gen. nov.) on dead stems of Sambucus nigra. India, Aureobasidium microtermitis from the gut of a Microtermes sp. termite, Laccaria diospyricola on soil and Phylloporia tamilnadensis on branches of Catunaregam spinosa. Iran, Pythium serotinoosporum from soil under Prunus dulcis. Italy, Pluteus brunneovenosus on twigs of broadleaved trees on the ground. Japan, Heterophoma rehmanniae on leaves of Rehmannia glutinosa f. hueichingensis. Kazakhstan, Murispora kazachstanica from healthy roots of Triticum aestivum. Namibia, Caespitomonium euphorbiae (incl. Caespitomonium gen. nov.) from stems of an Euphorbia sp. Netherlands, Alfaria junci, Myrmecridium junci, Myrmecridium juncicola, Myrmecridium juncigenum, Ophioceras junci, Paradinemasporium junci (incl. Paradinemasporium gen. nov.), Phialoseptomonium junci, Sporidesmiella juncicola, Xenopyricularia junci and Zaanenomyces quadripartis (incl. Zaanenomyces gen. nov.), from dead culms of Juncus effusus, Cylindromonium everniae and Rhodoveronaea everniae from Evernia prunastri, Cyphellophora sambuci and Myrmecridium sambuci from Sambucus nigra, Kiflimonium junci, Sarocladium junci, Zaanenomyces moderatricis-academiae and Zaanenomyces versatilis from dead culms of Juncus inflexus, Microcera physciae from Physcia tenella, Myrmecridium dactylidis from dead culms of Dactylis glomerata, Neochalara spiraeae and Sporidesmium spiraeae from leaves of Spiraea japonica, Neofabraea salicina from Salix sp., Paradissoconium narthecii (incl. Paradissoconium gen. nov.) from dead leaves of Narthecium ossifragum, Polyscytalum vaccinii from Vaccinium myrtillus, Pseudosoloacrosporiella cryptomeriae (incl. Pseudosoloacrosporiella gen. nov.) from leaves of Cryptomeria japonica, Ramularia pararhabdospora from Plantago lanceolata, Sporidesmiella pini from needles of Pinus sylvestris and Xenoacrodontium juglandis (incl. Xenoacrodontium gen. nov. and Xenoacrodontiaceae fam. nov.) from Juglans regia. New Zealand, Cryptometrion metrosideri from twigs of Metrosideros sp., Coccomyces pycnophyllocladi from dead leaves of Phyllocladus alpinus, Hypoderma aliforme from fallen leaves Fuscopora solandri and Hypoderma subiculatum from dead leaves Phormium tenax. Norway, Neodevriesia kalakoutskii from permafrost and Variabilispora viridis from driftwood of Picea abies. Portugal, Entomortierella hereditatis from a biofilm covering a deteriorated limestone wall. Russia, Colpoma junipericola from needles of Juniperus sabina, Entoloma cinnamomeum on soil in grasslands, Entoloma verae on soil in grasslands, Hyphodermella pallidostraminea on a dry dead branch of Actinidia sp., Lepiota sayanensis on litter in a mixed forest, Papiliotrema horticola from Malus communis, Paramacroventuria ribis (incl. Paramacroventuria gen. nov.) from leaves of Ribes aureum and Paramyrothecium lathyri from leaves of Lathyrus tuberosus. South Africa, Harzia combreti from leaf litter of Combretum collinum ssp. sulvense, Penicillium xyleborini from Xyleborinus saxesenii, Phaeoisaria dalbergiae from bark of Dalbergia armata, Protocreopsis euphorbiae from leaf litter of Euphorbia ingens and Roigiella syzygii from twigs of Syzygium chordatum. Spain, Genea zamorana on sandy soil, Gymnopus nigrescens on Scleropodium touretii, Hesperomyces parexochomi on Parexochomus quadriplagiatus, Paraphoma variabilis from dung, Phaeococcomyces kinklidomatophilus from a blackened metal railing of an industrial warehouse and Tuber suaveolens in soil under Quercus faginea. Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Inocybe nivea associated with Salix polaris. Thailand, Biscogniauxia whalleyi on corticated wood. UK, Parasitella quercicola from Quercus robur. USA, Aspergillus arizonicus from indoor air in a hospital, Caeliomyces tampanus (incl. Caeliomyces gen. nov.) from office dust, Cippumomyces mortalis (incl. Cippumomyces gen. nov.) from a tombstone, Cylindrium desperesense from air in a store, Tetracoccosporium pseudoaerium from air sample in house, Toxicocladosporium glendoranum from air in a brick room, Toxicocladosporium losalamitosense from air in a classroom, Valsonectria portsmouthensis from air in men's locker room and Varicosporellopsis americana from sludge in a water reservoir. Vietnam, Entoloma kovalenkoi on rotten wood, Fusarium chuoi inside seed of Musa itinerans, Micropsalliota albofelina on soil in tropical evergreen mixed forests and Phytophthora docyniae from soil and roots of Docynia indica. Morphological and culture characteristics are supported by DNA barcodes. Citation: Crous PW, Osieck ER, Jurjevic Z, et al. 2021. Fungal Planet description sheets: 1284-1382. Persoonia 47: 178-374.

BJOG ; 127(5): 537-547, 2020 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31912613


BACKGROUND: Physical, psychological and sexual intimate partner violence (IPV) has been described in the literature as different types of IPV experienced by women during pregnancy all over the world. OBJECTIVES: To review and summarise systematically the empirical evidence on the links between IPV during pregnancy and the perinatal health of mothers and fetuses/neonates. SEARCH STRATEGY: MEDLINE (Ovid), CINAHL, Embase, Nursing@ovid (Ovid) and LILACS were searched (2008-2018). SELECTION CRITERIA: Observational studies that examined perinatal health outcomes (i.e. pre-term birth, low birthweight, miscarriage, perinatal death and premature rupture of membranes) in pregnant women exposed to IPV. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Information on study characteristics, type of IPV measured, study design, methodological quality and outcome variable extracted. RESULTS: Fifty studies were included. Twenty-nine analysed undifferentiated IPV (n = 25 489), 34 included physical IPV (n = 7333), 22 analysed psychological IPV (n = 7833) and 18 examined sexual IPV (n = 2388). Fifteen studies were from Asia, 12 from North America and Oceania, and 12 from Central and South America. The studies examined the association between IPV and 39 different perinatal health outcomes. The most frequent outcomes reported were pre-term birth (50%), low birthweight (46%), miscarriage (30%), perinatal death (20%) and premature rupture of membranes (20%). A significant association with perinatal health outcomes was reported by 12 of the studies analysing undifferentiated IPV, 18 physical IPV, six psychological IPV and two sexual IPV. CONCLUSIONS: The relation between IPV and perinatal health outcomes can be seen in different epidemiological designs and countries. In all, 39 different outcomes were identified and 29 were associated with IPV. TWEETABLE ABSTRACT: A variety of poor perinatal health outcomes are associated with psychological, physical and sexual IPV.

Violência por Parceiro Íntimo , Gestantes , Aborto Espontâneo/epidemiologia , Feminino , Ruptura Prematura de Membranas Fetais/epidemiologia , Humanos , Recém-Nascido de Baixo Peso , Recém-Nascido , Violência por Parceiro Íntimo/psicologia , Morte Perinatal , Gravidez , Gestantes/psicologia , Nascimento Prematuro/epidemiologia
Aging Ment Health ; 24(2): 259-271, 2020 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30450952


Introduction: Caring for a family member with a long-term illness is a significant source of chronic stress that might significantly accelerate the cognitive ageing of informal caregivers. Nevertheless, the absence of a defined theoretical body of literature on the neuropsychology of this population makes it difficult to understand what the characteristic neuropsychological deficits of these caregivers are.Aims: The main aim of this study is to carry out a systematic review of studies of cognitive deficits present in informal caregivers of people with several chronic pathologies, and analyse the effects of cognitive-behavioural interventions on caregivers' cognition.Methods: The scientific literature was reviewed following the PRISMA quality criteria for reviews using the following digital databases: PubMEd, PsycINFO, and Dialnet.Results: Identification of 2046 abstracts and retrieval of 211 full texts led to the inclusion of 38 papers. The studies showed heterogeneous results, but most of the cross-sectional studies reviewed that employed neuropsychological assessments concluded that informal caregivers reported a generalized cognitive deterioration, especially memory dysfunctions (i.e. learning verbal, visuospatial, and digit information). Moreover, they also presented low selective attention and capacity for inhibition, along with slow processing speed. Longitudinal studies confirmed that caregivers whose care situation was more prolonged showed a marked deterioration in their overall cognitive state, memory, processing speed, and vocabulary richness. However, although the patient's death does not seem to reverse the neuropsychological alterations in caregivers, cognitive-behavioural interventions that employ techniques to reduce stress levels, cognitive biases, and inadequate adaptation schemas seem to improve some of the aforementioned cognitive abilities.Conclusions: Results from this synthesis and critical analysis of neuropsychological deficits in informal caregivers offer guidelines for diagnosing caregivers' cognitive status by including a test battery covering all the domains considered relevant. Finally, given the ability of cognitive behavioural interventions to improve cognition in caregivers, further studies on their long-term effects on caregivers are warranted.Chronic stress entails an acceleration of the cognitive ageingCross-sectional studies concluded that informal caregivers reported a generalized cognitive deteriorationCognitive-behavioural interventions seem to improve cognitive abilities of caregivers.

Cuidadores/psicologia , Transtornos Cognitivos/diagnóstico , Cognição/fisiologia , Estresse Psicológico , Idoso , Estudos Transversais , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Memória de Curto Prazo , Testes Neuropsicológicos , Apoio Social
Geophys Res Lett ; 46(10): 5284-5293, 2019 May 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31423034


Gross primary productivity (GPP), the gross uptake of carbon dioxide (CO2) by plant photosynthesis, is the primary driver of the land carbon sink, which presently removes around one quarter of the anthropogenic CO2 emissions each year. GPP, however, cannot be measured directly and the resulting uncertainty undermines our ability to project the magnitude of the future land carbon sink. Carbonyl sulfide (COS) has been proposed as an independent proxy for GPP as it diffuses into leaves in a fashion very similar to CO2, but in contrast to the latter is generally not emitted. Here we use concurrent ecosystem-scale flux measurements of CO2 and COS at four European biomes for a joint constraint on CO2 flux partitioning. The resulting GPP estimates generally agree with classical approaches relying exclusively on CO2 fluxes but indicate a systematic underestimation under low light conditions, demonstrating the importance of using multiple approaches for constraining present-day GPP.

Persoonia ; 42: 127-185, 2019 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31551617


A comprehensive morphological and genetic study of type material and new collections of sequestrate Russulales species formerly belonging to the genera Arcangeliella, Elasmomyces, Gymnomyces, Hydnangium, Hymenogaster, Macowanites, Martellia, Secotium and Zelleromyces is here undertaken, for the purpose of providing a complete taxonomical revision of sequestrate Russulaceae species in the Mediterranean and temperate regions of Europe. As a result, seven distinct taxa in the genus Lactarius and 18 in the genus Russula are identified. Six of them are new species: L. populicola, L. subgiennensis, R. bavarica, R. candidissima, R. hobartiae and R. mediterraneensis, and seven represent new combinations: L. josserandii (≡ Zelleromyces josserandii), L. soehneri (≡ Hydnangium soehneri), R. candida (≡ Hydnangium candidum), R. cerea (≡ Hydnangium cereum), R. messapica var. messapicoides (≡ Macowanites messapicoides), R. meridionalis (≡ Zelleromyces meridionalis) and R. neuhoffii (≡ Hydnangium neuhoffii). Twenty-two of the 25 taxa are illustrated, while descriptions, microscopy images, as well as extensive information on the ecology, chorology and phylogeny for all taxa are provided. A key is further included to facilitate their identification.

Persoonia ; 43: 223-425, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32214501


Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Antarctica, Apenidiella antarctica from permafrost, Cladosporium fildesense from an unidentified marine sponge. Argentina, Geastrum wrightii on humus in mixed forest. Australia, Golovinomyces glandulariae on Glandularia aristigera, Neoanungitea eucalyptorum on leaves of Eucalyptus grandis, Teratosphaeria corymbiicola on leaves of Corymbia ficifolia, Xylaria eucalypti on leaves of Eucalyptus radiata. Brazil, Bovista psammophila on soil, Fusarium awaxy on rotten stalks of Zea mays, Geastrum lanuginosum on leaf litter covered soil, Hermetothecium mikaniae-micranthae (incl. Hermetothecium gen. nov.) on Mikania micrantha, Penicillium reconvexovelosoi in soil, Stagonosporopsis vannaccii from pod of Glycine max. British Virgin Isles, Lactifluus guanensis on soil. Canada, Sorocybe oblongispora on resin of Picea rubens. Chile, Colletotrichum roseum on leaves of Lapageria rosea. China, Setophoma caverna from carbonatite in Karst cave. Colombia, Lareunionomyces eucalypticola on leaves of Eucalyptus grandis. Costa Rica, Psathyrella pivae on wood. Cyprus, Clavulina iris on calcareous substrate. France, Chromosera ambigua and Clavulina iris var. occidentalis on soil. French West Indies, Helminthosphaeria hispidissima on dead wood. Guatemala, Talaromyces guatemalensis in soil. Malaysia, Neotracylla pini (incl. Tracyllales ord. nov. and Neotracylla gen. nov.) and Vermiculariopsiella pini on needles of Pinus tecunumanii. New Zealand, Neoconiothyrium viticola on stems of Vitis vinifera, Parafenestella pittospori on Pittosporum tenuifolium, Pilidium novae-zelandiae on Phoenix sp. Pakistan, Russula quercus-floribundae on forest floor. Portugal, Trichoderma aestuarinum from saline water. Russia, Pluteus liliputianus on fallen branch of deciduous tree, Pluteus spurius on decaying deciduous wood or soil. South Africa, Alloconiothyrium encephalarti, Phyllosticta encephalarticola and Neothyrostroma encephalarti (incl. Neothyrostroma gen. nov.) on leaves of Encephalartos sp., Chalara eucalypticola on leaf spots of Eucalyptus grandis × urophylla, Clypeosphaeria oleae on leaves of Olea capensis, Cylindrocladiella postalofficium on leaf litter of Sideroxylon inerme, Cylindromonium eugeniicola (incl. Cylindromonium gen. nov.) on leaf litter of Eugenia capensis, Cyphellophora goniomatis on leaves of Gonioma kamassi, Nothodactylaria nephrolepidis (incl. Nothodactylaria gen. nov. and Nothodactylariaceae fam. nov.) on leaves of Nephrolepis exaltata, Falcocladium eucalypti and Gyrothrix eucalypti on leaves of Eucalyptus sp., Gyrothrix oleae on leaves of Olea capensis subsp. macrocarpa, Harzia metrosideri on leaf litter of Metrosideros sp., Hippopotamyces phragmitis (incl. Hippopotamyces gen. nov.) on leaves of Phragmites australis, Lectera philenopterae on Philenoptera violacea, Leptosillia mayteni on leaves of Maytenus heterophylla, Lithohypha aloicola and Neoplatysporoides aloes on leaves of Aloe sp., Millesimomyces rhoicissi (incl. Millesimomyces gen. nov.) on leaves of Rhoicissus digitata, Neodevriesia strelitziicola on leaf litter of Strelitzia nicolai, Neokirramyces syzygii (incl. Neokirramyces gen. nov.) on leaf spots of Syzygium sp., Nothoramichloridium perseae (incl. Nothoramichloridium gen. nov. and Anungitiomycetaceae fam. nov.) on leaves of Persea americana, Paramycosphaerella watsoniae on leaf spots of Watsonia sp., Penicillium cuddlyae from dog food, Podocarpomyces knysnanus (incl. Podocarpomyces gen. nov.) on leaves of Podocarpus falcatus, Pseudocercospora heteropyxidicola on leaf spots of Heteropyxis natalensis, Pseudopenidiella podocarpi, Scolecobasidium podocarpi and Ceramothyrium podocarpicola on leaves of Podocarpus latifolius, Scolecobasidium blechni on leaves of Blechnum capense, Stomiopeltis syzygii on leaves of Syzygium chordatum, Strelitziomyces knysnanus (incl. Strelitziomyces gen. nov.) on leaves of Strelitzia alba, Talaromyces clemensii from rotting wood in goldmine, Verrucocladosporium visseri on Carpobrotus edulis. Spain, Boletopsis mediterraneensis on soil, Calycina cortegadensisi on a living twig of Castanea sativa, Emmonsiellopsis tuberculata in fluvial sediments, Mollisia cortegadensis on dead attached twig of Quercus robur, Psathyrella ovispora on soil, Pseudobeltrania lauri on leaf litter of Laurus azorica, Terfezia dunensis in soil, Tuber lucentum in soil, Venturia submersa on submerged plant debris. Thailand, Cordyceps jakajanicola on cicada nymph, Cordyceps kuiburiensis on spider, Distoseptispora caricis on leaves of Carex sp., Ophiocordyceps khonkaenensis on cicada nymph. USA, Cytosporella juncicola and Davidiellomyces juncicola on culms of Juncus effusus, Monochaetia massachusettsianum from air sample, Neohelicomyces melaleucae and Periconia neobrittanica on leaves of Melaleuca styphelioides × lanceolata, Pseudocamarosporium eucalypti on leaves of Eucalyptus sp., Pseudogymnoascus lindneri from sediment in a mine, Pseudogymnoascus turneri from sediment in a railroad tunnel, Pulchroboletus sclerotiorum on soil, Zygosporium pseudomasonii on leaf of Serenoa repens. Vietnam, Boletus candidissimus and Veloporphyrellus vulpinus on soil. Morphological and culture characteristics are supported by DNA barcodes.

Diabet Med ; 35(1): 63-71, 2018 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29120503


AIM: To use general practice-level data for England, available through the National Diabetes Audit, and primary care prescribing data to identify prescription treatment factors associated with variations in achieved glucose control (HbA1c ). METHODS: General practice-level National Diabetes Audit data on Type 1 diabetes, including details of population characteristics, services, proportion of people achieving target glycaemic control [HbA1c ≤58 mmol/mol (7.5%)] and proportion of people at high glycaemic risk [HbA1c >86 mmol/ml (10%)], were linked to 2013-2016 primary care diabetes prescribing data on insulin types and blood glucose monitoring for all people with diabetes. RESULTS: A wide variation was found between the 10th percentile and the 90th percentile of general practices in both target glycaemic control (15.6% to 44.8%, respectively) and high glycaemic risk (4.8% to 28.6%, respectively). Our analysis suggests that, given the extrapolated total of 280 000 people with Type 1 diabetes in the UK, there may be the potential to increase the number of those within target glycaemic control from 80 000 to 101 000; 53% of this increase (11 000 people) would result from service improvements and 47% (10 000 people) from medication and technology changes. The same improvements would also provide the opportunity to reduce the number of people at high glycaemic risk from 42 000 to 26 500. A key factor associated with practice-level target HbA1c achievement would be greater use of insulin pumps for up to an additional 56 000 people. CONCLUSION: If the HbA1c achievement rates in service provision, medication and use of technology currently seen in practices in the 90th percentile were to be matched with regard to HbA1c achievement rates in all general practices, glycaemic control might be improved for 36 500 people, with all the attendant health benefits.

Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 1/tratamento farmacológico , Hemoglobinas Glicadas/metabolismo , Hipoglicemiantes/administração & dosagem , Insulina/administração & dosagem , Padrões de Prática Médica/estatística & dados numéricos , Atenção Primária à Saúde , Glicemia/metabolismo , Automonitorização da Glicemia , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 1/metabolismo , Inglaterra , Humanos , Hipoglicemiantes/uso terapêutico , Insulina/uso terapêutico , Sistemas de Infusão de Insulina , Auditoria Médica , Melhoria de Qualidade , Resultado do Tratamento
Eur J Dent Educ ; 22(1): e131-e141, 2018 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28504872


OBJECTIVE: To compare the perceptions of students and teachers of the "Educational Climate" (EC) in Spanish public dental schools. METHODS: A group of 1064 students and 354 teachers from six Spanish public dental schools responded to the DREEM questionnaire. This has 50 items grouped into five subscales: perception of learning (Learning); perception of teachers (Teachers); academic self-perceptions (Academic); perception of the atmosphere in the faculty (Atmosphere); and social self-perceptions (Social). The DREEM scale provides results for each item, each subscale and the overall EC. RESULTS: The EC scores were 123.2 (61.6%) for the students and 134.1 (67.0%) for the teachers (P<.001). The scores of the students and teachers for the subscales were, respectively: 27.9 (58.1%) and 30.2 (63.0 %) for Learning (P<.001); 26.8 (60.9%) and 32.6 (74.1%) for Teachers (P<.001); 20.7 (64.7%) and 20.5 (64.0%) for Academic (P=.333); 29.9 (62.3%) and 33.7 (70.3%) for Atmosphere (P<.001); and 17.9 (64.0%) and 16.9 (60.5%) for Social (P<.001). The students identified six problematic items (12.0 %) compared to only two (4.0 %) highlighted by the teachers. CONCLUSION: The students and teachers considered the EC to be "more positive than negative" in Spanish public dental schools; and the different subscales to be "positive and acceptable." The teachers did, however, evaluate the EC, and specifically the learning-teaching process, more positively than their students, identifying fewer problematic educational aspects. Both groups agreed on the need to: improve support systems for students who suffer from stress and reduce teaching based on "factual learning."

Atitude , Educação em Odontologia , Docentes de Odontologia/psicologia , Faculdades de Odontologia , Meio Social , Estudantes de Odontologia/psicologia , Autorrelato , Espanha
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30341257


In relation to the article with reference "Carreño-Carreño J, Gómez-Moreno G, Aguilar-Salvatierra A, Menéndez-López-Mateos C, Piattelli A, Menéndez-Núñez M. Effect of smoking habit on crestal bone height in maxillary sinus augmentation with bone grafts. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. (2018), doi:10.4317/medoral.22439", published in Oral Medicine Oral Pathology and Oral Surgery in the modality "AHEAD OF PRINT - article in press", the authors mention that "The study was conducted according to the STROBE (Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology) Statement". However, and based on the opinion of several expert reviewers who have re-evaluated the article, it is considered that although "there has not been plagiarism", these STROBE criteria are not adequately met. In addition, the mentioned article is very similar to two articles that have already been published by the same authors in Clinical Oral Implants Research. The sample is the same; many data are repeated; and the only difference is the inclusion of a variable (smoking), which does not exert a significant effect. This outcome therefore would not justify publication of the paper in the journal. Retraction of the article is therefore decided.

Persoonia ; 41: 213-236, 2018 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30728606


Inocybe mixtilis constitutes a complex of species characterized by nodulose-angulose spores, absence of cortina and a more or less bulbous marginate stipe that is not darkening when desiccated. In order to elucidate species limits within the I. mixtilis complex, an ITS-RPB2 phylogeny was performed and interpreted using morphological and ecological characters. Six supported clades were obtained in our analyses that correspond to I. mixtilis, I. subtrivialis, and four new species to science: I. ceskae, I. johannis-stanglii, I. nothomixtilis and I. occulta. Species within this complex can be morphologically recognized through a unique combination of morphological characters, such as the spore shape, cystidial length and shape, presence and development of the velipellis and pileus colour and viscidity. Nevertheless, those characters overlap, especially among I. mixtilis, I. ceskae and I. occulta, and intermediate collections are therefore more reliably identified through ITS-sequencing. Two species, I. ceskae and I. occulta are present in both North America and Europe, while the rest are so far only known in Europe, or Europe and Asia (I. mixtilis). All species, except I. johannis-stanglii, seem to be able to establish ectomycorrhizal association both with conifers and angiosperms. Descriptions, colour illustrations and a key to all known species in the I. mixtilis group are provided.

Int J Obes (Lond) ; 41(10): 1473-1480, 2017 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28588306


BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Insulin resistance (IR) is the cornerstone of the obesity-associated metabolic derangements observed in obese children. Targeted metabolomics was employed to explore the pathophysiological relevance of hyperinsulinemia in childhood obesity in order to identify biomarkers of IR with potential clinical application. SUBJECTS/METHODS: One hundred prepubertal obese children (50 girls/50 boys, 50% IR and 50% non-IR in each group), underwent an oral glucose tolerance test for usual carbohydrate and lipid metabolism determinations. Fasting serum leptin, total and high molecular weight-adiponectin and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (CRP) levels were measured and the metabolites showing significant differences between IR and non-IR groups in a previous metabolomics study were quantified. Enrichment of metabolic pathways (quantitative enrichment analysis) and the correlations between lipid and carbohydrate metabolism parameters, adipokines and serum metabolites were investigated, with their discriminatory capacity being evaluated by receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis. RESULTS: Twenty-three metabolite sets were enriched in the serum metabolome of IR obese children (P<0.05, false discovery rate (FDR)<5%). The urea cycle, alanine metabolism and glucose-alanine cycle were the most significantly enriched pathways (PFDR<0.00005). The high correlation between metabolites related to fatty acid oxidation and amino acids (mainly branched chain and aromatic amino acids) pointed to the possible contribution of mitochondrial dysfunction in IR. The degree of body mass index-standard deviation score (BMI-SDS) excess did not correlate with any of the metabolomic components studied. In the ROC analysis, the combination of leptin and alanine showed a high IR discrimination value in the whole cohort (area under curve, AUCALL=0.87), as well as in boys (AUCM=0.84) and girls (AUCF=0.91) when considered separately. However, the specific metabolite/adipokine combinations with highest sensitivity were different between the sexes. CONCLUSIONS: Combined sets of metabolic, adipokine and metabolomic parameters can identify pathophysiological relevant IR in a single fasting sample, suggesting a potential application of metabolomic analysis in clinical practice to better identify children at risk without using invasive protocols.

Hiperinsulinismo/metabolismo , Metabolômica , Obesidade Infantil/metabolismo , Adiponectina/sangue , Área Sob a Curva , Biomarcadores/sangue , Glicemia/metabolismo , Índice de Massa Corporal , Criança , Jejum , Feminino , Teste de Tolerância a Glucose , Humanos , Hiperinsulinismo/sangue , Hiperinsulinismo/fisiopatologia , Resistência à Insulina , Leptina/sangue , Estudos Longitudinais , Masculino , Obesidade Infantil/sangue , Obesidade Infantil/complicações , Obesidade Infantil/fisiopatologia , Valor Preditivo dos Testes , Curva ROC , Valores de Referência , Espanha/epidemiologia
J Fish Biol ; 90(6): 2504-2511, 2017 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28474410


Eight farmed Atlantic bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus were tagged with temperature and depth transmitters inserted in chub mackerels Scomber colias to characterize their digestive activity, feeding physiology and behaviour in captivity. Results obtained in the experiment can be used to optimize daily T. thynnus feeding strategy in farms, reducing the early regurgitation of food and thus the environmental effects of inappropriate feeding practices.

Digestão , Comportamento Alimentar , Temperatura , Atum/fisiologia , Acústica , Animais , Aquicultura , Estômago/fisiologia , Fatores de Tempo
Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal ; 22(2): e258-e263, 2017 Mar 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28160591


BACKGROUND: The aim is to evaluate periodontal alteration and biochemical markers associated with bone turnover in chronic oral with dicoumarins anticoagulant treatment patients. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 80 patients treated with oral anticoagulants were divided into 2 cohort: Group A (n=36) 6 month to 1 year with anticoagulant treatment and Group B (n=44) > 2 years with anticoagulant treatment. Clinical evaluation included: Clinical attachment level (CAL), plaque index (PI) and gingival index (GI). Analytically biochemical parameters of bone remodeling (calcium and phosphorus), formation (total acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase and osteocalcin) and resorption (tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase and beta-crosslaps) were evaluated. RESULTS: High values of PI (67-100%) especially in men and in Group B were observed. Men with anticoagulation treatment length showed an increased GI (49.167 vs 78.083) while Group B women showed a decreased GI in comparison with Group A (59.389 vs 42.120). Women presented a greater average CAL than men as well as Group B vs Group A but without statistical significance. All biochemical markers were decreased respect to values of general population. Osteocalcin in GroupB women showed a statistically significant outcome vs GroupA (p=0.004). Acid phosphatase (total and tartrate-resistant) has a slight increase in Group B women versus Group A, and Beta-crosslap showed lower values in Group A men than Group B and slightly lower in Group A women versus Group B, without statistical significance. CONCLUSIONS: Patients showed a slight to moderate degree of periodontal affectation, especially gingivitis related to bacterial plaque. Periodontal disorders tended to be more severe in Group B. While bone remodeling showed an overall decrease with greater affectation of bone neoformation phenomena, bone destruction tended to recover and normalize in time.

Anticoagulantes/administração & dosagem , Osso e Ossos/metabolismo , Dicumarol/administração & dosagem , Periodonto/metabolismo , Administração Oral , Idoso , Biomarcadores/análise , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino
Persoonia ; 38: 240-384, 2017 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29151634


Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Australia: Banksiophoma australiensis (incl. Banksiophoma gen. nov.) on Banksia coccinea, Davidiellomycesaustraliensis (incl. Davidiellomyces gen. nov.) on Cyperaceae, Didymocyrtis banksiae on Banksia sessilis var. cygnorum, Disculoides calophyllae on Corymbia calophylla, Harknessia banksiae on Banksia sessilis, Harknessia banksiae-repens on Banksia repens, Harknessia banksiigena on Banksia sessilis var. cygnorum, Harknessia communis on Podocarpus sp., Harknessia platyphyllae on Eucalyptus platyphylla, Myrtacremonium eucalypti (incl. Myrtacremonium gen. nov.) on Eucalyptus globulus, Myrtapenidiella balenae on Eucalyptus sp., Myrtapenidiella eucalyptigena on Eucalyptus sp., Myrtapenidiella pleurocarpae on Eucalyptuspleurocarpa, Paraconiothyrium hakeae on Hakea sp., Paraphaeosphaeria xanthorrhoeae on Xanthorrhoea sp., Parateratosphaeria stirlingiae on Stirlingia sp., Perthomyces podocarpi (incl. Perthomyces gen. nov.) on Podocarpus sp., Readeriella ellipsoidea on Eucalyptus sp., Rosellinia australiensis on Banksia grandis, Tiarosporella corymbiae on Corymbia calophylla, Verrucoconiothyriumeucalyptigenum on Eucalyptus sp., Zasmidium commune on Xanthorrhoea sp., and Zasmidium podocarpi on Podocarpus sp. Brazil: Cyathus aurantogriseocarpus on decaying wood, Perenniporia brasiliensis on decayed wood, Perenniporia paraguyanensis on decayed wood, and Pseudocercospora leandrae-fragilis on Leandrafragilis.Chile: Phialocephala cladophialophoroides on human toe nail. Costa Rica: Psathyrella striatoannulata from soil. Czech Republic: Myotisia cremea (incl. Myotisia gen. nov.) on bat droppings. Ecuador: Humidicutis dictiocephala from soil, Hygrocybe macrosiparia from soil, Hygrocybe sangayensis from soil, and Polycephalomyces onorei on stem of Etlingera sp. France: Westerdykella centenaria from soil. Hungary: Tuber magentipunctatum from soil. India: Ganoderma mizoramense on decaying wood, Hodophilus indicus from soil, Keratinophyton turgidum in soil, and Russula arunii on Pterigota alata.Italy: Rhodocybe matesina from soil. Malaysia: Apoharknessia eucalyptorum, Harknessia malayensis, Harknessia pellitae, and Peyronellaea eucalypti on Eucalyptus pellita, Lectera capsici on Capsicum annuum, and Wallrothiella gmelinae on Gmelina arborea.Morocco: Neocordana musigena on Musa sp. New Zealand: Candida rongomai-pounamu on agaric mushroom surface, Candida vespimorsuum on cup fungus surface, Cylindrocladiella vitis on Vitis vinifera, Foliocryphia eucalyptorum on Eucalyptus sp., Ramularia vacciniicola on Vaccinium sp., and Rhodotorula ngohengohe on bird feather surface. Poland: Tolypocladium fumosum on a caterpillar case of unidentified Lepidoptera.Russia: Pholiotina longistipitata among moss. Spain: Coprinopsis pseudomarcescibilis from soil, Eremiomyces innocentii from soil, Gyroporus pseudocyanescens in humus, Inocybe parvicystis in humus, and Penicillium parvofructum from soil. Unknown origin: Paraphoma rhaphiolepidis on Rhaphiolepsis indica.USA: Acidiella americana from wall of a cooling tower, Neodactylaria obpyriformis (incl. Neodactylaria gen. nov.) from human bronchoalveolar lavage, and Saksenaea loutrophoriformis from human eye. Vietnam: Phytophthora mekongensis from Citrus grandis, and Phytophthora prodigiosa from Citrus grandis. Morphological and culture characteristics along with DNA barcodes are provided.

Int J Obes (Lond) ; 40(10): 1494-1502, 2016 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27163744


BACKGROUND: Insulin resistance (IR) is usually the first metabolic alteration diagnosed in obese children and the key risk factor for development of comorbidities. The factors determining whether or not IR develops as a result of excess body mass index (BMI) are still not completely understood. OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to elucidate the mechanisms underpinning the predisposition toward hyperinsulinemia-related complications in obese children by using a metabolomic strategy that allows a profound interpretation of metabolic profiles potentially affected by IR. METHODS: Serum from 60 prepubertal obese children (30 girls/30 boys, 50% IR and 50% non-IR in each group, but with similar BMIs) were analyzed by using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry following an untargeted metabolomics approach. Validation was then performed on a group of 100 additional children with the same characteristics. RESULTS: When obese children with and without IR were compared, 47 metabolites out of 818 compounds (P<0.05) obtained after data pre-processing were found to be significantly different. Bile acids exhibit the greatest changes (that is, approximately a 90% increase in IR). The majority of metabolites differing between groups were lysophospholipids (15) and amino acids (17), indicating inflammation and central carbon metabolism as the most altered processes in impaired insulin signaling. Multivariate analysis (OPLS-DA models) showed subtle differences between groups that were magnified when females were analyzed alone. CONCLUSIONS: Inflammation and central carbon metabolism, together with the contribution of the gut microbiota, are the most altered processes in obese children with impaired insulin signaling in a sex-specific fashion despite their prepubertal status.

Resistência à Insulina , Síndrome Metabólica/complicações , Síndrome Metabólica/metabolismo , Metabolômica , Obesidade Infantil/complicações , Obesidade Infantil/metabolismo , Biomarcadores/sangue , Glicemia/metabolismo , Índice de Massa Corporal , Criança , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/sangue , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/complicações , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/genética , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/metabolismo , Feminino , Predisposição Genética para Doença , Humanos , Hiperinsulinismo/sangue , Hiperinsulinismo/complicações , Hiperinsulinismo/genética , Hiperinsulinismo/metabolismo , Inflamação/sangue , Inflamação/complicações , Inflamação/genética , Inflamação/metabolismo , Masculino , Síndrome Metabólica/sangue , Síndrome Metabólica/genética , Obesidade Infantil/sangue , Obesidade Infantil/genética , Fatores de Risco , Espanha/epidemiologia
Mol Ecol ; 25(14): 3319-31, 2016 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27146553


Low-latitudinal range margins of temperate and boreal plant species typically consist of scattered populations that persist locally in microrefugia. It remains poorly understood how their refugial habitats affect patterns of gene flow and connectivity, key components for their long-term viability and evolution. We examine landscape-scale patterns of historical and contemporary gene flow in refugial populations of the widespread European forest tree Pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) at the species' southwestern range margin. We sampled all adult trees (n = 135) growing in a 20 km long valley and genotyped 724 acorns from 72 mother trees at 17 microsatellite loci. The ten oak stands that we identified were highly differentiated and formed four distinct genetic clusters, despite sporadic historical dispersal being detectable. By far most contemporary pollination occurred within stands, either between local mates (85.6%) or through selfing (6.8%). Pollen exchange between stands (2.6%) was remarkably rare given their relative proximity and was complemented by long-distance pollen immigration (4.4%) and hybridization with the locally abundant Quercus pyrenaica (0.6%). The frequency of between-stand mating events decreased with increasing size and spatial isolation of stands. Overall, our results reveal outstandingly little long-distance gene flow for a wind-pollinated tree species. We argue that the distinct landscape characteristics of oaks' refugial habitats, with a combination of a rugged topography, dense vegetation and humid microclimate, are likely to increase plant survival but to hamper effective long-distance pollen dispersal. Moreover, local mating might be favoured by high tree compatibility resulting from genetic purging in these long-term relict populations.

Fluxo Gênico , Genética Populacional , Polinização , Quercus/genética , Ecossistema , Genótipo , Hibridização Genética , Repetições de Microssatélites , Modelos Genéticos , Pólen/genética , Refúgio de Vida Selvagem , Espanha , Árvores/genética