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Case Rep Dent ; 2018: 5180385, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30405917


Oral surgery to remove pyogenic granuloma in a high-risk patient is reported. A 47-year-old man with gastroesophageal reflux disease, diabetes mellitus II, dyslipidemia, and chronic coronary insufficiency (myocardial infarction within 2 years) with episodes of unstable angina was submitted to an excisional biopsy of hemorrhagic lesion in the lingual right mandibular gingiva. During dental treatment, the arterial blood pressure, oxygen saturation, heart rate, and electrocardiogram were monitored. Local anesthesia was performed with 0.45 ml of 3% prilocaine with 0.03 IU/ml felypressin. The anticoagulant therapy was not interrupted. No local or systemic complications were noticed during or after the surgery.

RSBO (Impr.) ; 9(1): 108-113, Jan.-Mar. 2012. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-748097


Introduction : The autogenous transplantation or dental autotransplantation is defined as the replacement of an absent or impaired tooth by another transplanted one, usually the third molar. The tooth is transplanted to a prepared or existing tooth socket occupied by the lost tooth, in a same person. This technique is considered a viable method due to its high success rate when properly indicated combined with a relatively low cost.Objective and case report:To report a clinical case study conducted in the Integrated Clinics of the Catholic University of Brasilia in a young melanoderm male patient, 13 years-old, who underwent late tooth transplantation technique, i.e., in two steps: the right upper third molar was transplanted to the socket of the right lower first molar. The case described showed incomplete root formation and radiographic following-up for eight consecutive months. Conclusion:This type of oral rehabilitation contributed to bone formation stimulation at the transplanted site, the maintenance of the masticatory function and the financial costs reduction for the patient, representing a further possible therapy in the dentist's armamentarium.

Rev. Assoc. Paul. Cir. Dent ; 63(2): 144-148, mar.-abr. 2009. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - odontologia (Brasil) | ID: lil-534150


Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o grau de aceitação, a ansiedade e a variação de frequência cardíaca (FC), saturação de oxigênio (SpO) e pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) e diastólica (PAD) em cirurgias de terceiros molares com e sem sedação consciente com óxido nitroso e oxigênio (N2O/ 02). Vinte voluntários saudáveis com necessidade de extração dos terceiros molares bilaterais participaram do estudo, o qual foi realizado em três fases: Fase A - N2O/ 02 sem intervenção odontológica; Fases B e C - exodontia de um dos lados, de forma aleatória, com (C-N2O) ou sem (S-N2O) sedação associada. Para definir o grau de ansiedade utilizou-se a Escala de Ansiedade Dental de Corah (EADC); a sensação dolorosa foi quantificada pela Escala de 11 pontos em caixa (EC); e o grau de aceitação da sedação pelo questionário subjetivo (QS). 60% dos voluntários deram nota máxima para C-N2O e todos os voluntários afirmaram que a sessão C-N2O foi mais agradável. O relato de dor após a sessão C-N2O foi menor ou igual à da sessão S-N2O para 85% dos voluntários. A FC apresentou diferença significante entre as fases C-N2O e S-N2O, diferentemente da Sp02, PAD e PAS. Concluiu-se que os voluntários mostraram-se moderadamente ansiosos em todas as fases, sendo a sessão C-N2O mais agradável que S-N20, a C-N20 reduziu significativamente a FC, mas não influenciou na PAS, PAD e Sp02. A C-N20 não alterou a sintomatologia dolorosa durante e após a cirurgia.

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the changes of heart rate (HR), oxygen saturation (SpO) and both diastolic (DBP) and systolic (SBP) blood pressure, anxiety and acceptance of nitrous oxide conscious sedation (N2O/ 0) in three phases: A - N2O/02 without surgery; B and C - extraction of one of the sides with (C-N2O) or without (S-N2O) nitrous oxide sedation, in a random cross-over manner. Twenty healthy volunteers, average age of 20.55 years, undergoing removal of third molars were selected. Corah's Dental Anxiety Scale (CDS); Eleven points in box Scale (EC) and subject questionnaire (QS) was used to evaluation. The comparative values between phases were analyzed by Wilcoxon's and Friedman's test (= 0,05) and by explorative analysis (QS). The volunteers moderately revealed anxious in all the phases and 60% of volunteers had given maximum note for C-N2O. All volunteers had affirmed that C-N2O was more pleasant. The pain report after the C-N2O was lesser or equal for 85% of volunteers. The HR presented significant difference between phases C-N2O and S-N2O (p= 0.020). There were no significant statistical differences between phases to SpO2 (p= 0.153), DBP (p= 0.730) and SBP (p= 0.975). These results suggest that C-N2O was most pleasant and reduced the HR significantly, but it did not influence in the SBP, DBP and Sp02, nor modified the pain during or after surgery.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Óxido Nitroso/administração & dosagem , Cirurgia Bucal , Sedação Consciente/efeitos adversos