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Cochrane Database Syst Rev ; 9: CD009604, 2023 09 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37665781


BACKGROUND: Anaemia affects approximately 1.8 billion people worldwide; over 60% of anaemia cases globally are due to iron deficiency (ID). Iron deficiency and anaemia contribute to the global burden of disease and affect physical and cognitive development in children, and work productivity and economic well-being in adults. Fortification of food with iron, alone or in combination with other nutrients, is an effective intervention to control ID. Condiments and seasonings are ideal food vehicles for iron fortification in countries where they are commonly used. OBJECTIVES: To determine the effects and safety of condiment and seasoning fortification with iron alone or iron plus other micronutrients on iron deficiency, anaemia, and health-related outcomes in the general population. SEARCH METHODS: We searched CENTRAL, MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL, and other databases up to 24 January 2023. We also searched the International clinical trials registry platform (ICTRP) for any ongoing trials. SELECTION CRITERIA: We included randomised controlled trials (RCTs) (randomisation at individual or cluster level), non-randomised controlled trials, interrupted time series with at least three measure points both before and after intervention, and controlled before-after studies. Participants were populations of any age (including pregnant women), from any country, excluding those with critical illness or severe co-morbidities. We included interventions in which condiments or seasonings have been fortified with any combination of iron and other vitamins and minerals, irrespective of the fortification technology used. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Two review authors independently screened and assessed the eligibility of studies. Disagreements were resolved through discussion or input from a third review author. Two review authors extracted the data and assessed the risk of bias in all the included studies. We followed the methods laid out by Cochrane and used GRADE criteria for assessing certainty of the evidence. MAIN RESULTS: Our search identified 15,902 records after removal of duplicates. We included 16 studies with 20,512 participants (18,410 participants after adjusting for clustering effects). They were all carried out in upper-middle- and lower-middle-income countries. Three studies were controlled before-after studies, one was non-randomised trial, and 12 were RCTs (including three cluster RCTs). Six studies took place in schools; seven in communities; and one each in a nursery/kindergarten, tea estate, and factory. Three studies involved only women, one study involved both women and their children, and all other studies focused on children and/or adolescents. Nine studies used salt as a vehicle for iron fortification, three used fish sauce, two used soy sauce, one used curry powder, and one a "seasoning powder". The dose of iron received by participants ranged from 4.4 mg to 55 mg/day. The sample sizes in the trials ranged from 123 to 14,398, and study durations ranged from three months to two years. Twelve RCTs contributed data for meta-analysis. Six trials compared iron-fortified condiments versus the unfortified condiment, and six trials provided data comparing iron fortification in combination with other micronutrients versus the same condiment with other micronutrients, but no added iron. In one trial, the fortificant contained micronutrients that may have affected the absorption of iron. Overall no studies were assessed as having a low risk of bias. All included studies were assessed to have a high overall risk of bias, with the most concerns being around allocation concealment, blinding, and random sequence generation. There was very high heterogeneity amongst studies in almost all examined outcomes. Condiments/seasonings fortified with iron versus unfortified condiments/seasonings We are uncertain about whether consuming condiments/seasonings fortified with iron in comparison to the same unfortified condiment reduces anaemia at the end of intervention (risk ratio (RR) 0.34, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.18 to 0.65; 2328 participants; 4 studies; very low-certainty of evidence). We are uncertain about whether consuming iron-fortified condiments increases haemoglobin concentrations (mean difference (MD) 6.40 (g/L), 95% CI -0.62 to 13.41; 2808 participants; 5 studies; very low-certainty evidence). Fortification of condiments/seasonings with iron probably slightly reduces ID (RR 0.33, 95% CI 0.11 to 1.01; 391 participants; 2 studies; moderate-certainty evidence). We are uncertain about whether fortification with iron increases ferritin concentration (MD 14.81 (µg/L), 95% CI 5.14 to 24.48; 4459 participants; 6 studies; very low-certainty evidence). Condiments/seasonings fortified with iron plus other micronutrients versus condiments/seasonings fortified with other micronutrients except iron Consuming condiments/seasonings fortified with iron plus other micronutrients may reduce anaemia (RR 0.59, 95% CI 0.40 to 0.89; 1007 participants; 4 studies; low-certainty evidence). We are uncertain about whether fortification of condiments/seasonings with iron plus other micronutrients will improve haemoglobin concentration (MD 6.22 g/dL, 95% CI 1.60 to 10.83; 1270 participants; 5 studies; very low-certainty evidence). It may reduce ID (RR 0.36, 95% CI 0.19 to 0.69; 1154 participants; 4 studies; low-certainty evidence). We are uncertain about whether fortification with iron plus other micronutrients improves ferritin concentration (MD 10.63 µg/L, 95% CI 2.40 to 18.85; 1251 participants; 5 studies; very low -certainty evidence). Condiments/seasonings fortified with iron versus no intervention No trial reported data on this comparison. No studies reported adverse effects. Funding sources do not appear to have distorted the results in any of the assessed trials. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: We are uncertain whether consuming iron-fortified condiments/seasonings reduces anaemia, improves haemoglobin concentration, or improves ferritin concentration. It may reduce ID. Findings about ferritin should be interpreted with caution since its concentrations increase during inflammation. Consuming condiments/seasonings fortified with iron plus other micronutrients may reduce anaemia, and we are uncertain whether this will improve haemoglobin concentration or ferritin concentration. More studies are needed to determine the true effect of iron-fortified condiments/seasonings on preventing anaemia and improving health. The effects of this intervention on other health outcomes like malaria incidence, growth and development are unclear.

ANTECEDENTES: La anemia afecta aproximadamente a 1800 millones de personas en todo el mundo; más del 60% de los casos de anemia en el mundo se deben a la deficiencia de hierro (DH). La deficiencia de hierro y la anemia contribuyen a la carga mundial de morbilidad y afectan al desarrollo físico y cognitivo de los niños, así como a la productividad laboral y el bienestar económico de los adultos. El enriquecimiento de los alimentos con hierro, solo o en combinación con otros nutrientes, es una intervención eficaz para controlar la DH. Los condimentos y sazonadores son vehículos alimentarios ideales para el enriquecimiento con hierro en los países donde se utilizan habitualmente. OBJETIVOS: Determinar los efectos y la seguridad del enriquecimiento de condimentos y aderezos con hierro solo o hierro más otros micronutrientes sobre la deficiencia de hierro, la anemia y los desenlaces relacionados con la salud en la población general. MÉTODOS DE BÚSQUEDA: Se realizaron búsquedas en CENTRAL, MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL y otras bases de datos hasta el 24 de enero de 2023. También se realizaron búsquedas de ensayos en curso en la Plataforma de registros internacionales de ensayos clínicos (ICTRP). CRITERIOS DE SELECCIÓN: Se incluyeron ensayos controlados aleatorizados (ECA) (asignación aleatoria a nivel individual o grupal), ensayos controlados no aleatorizados, series temporales interrumpidas con al menos tres puntos de medición tanto antes como después de la intervención, y estudios controlados del tipo antes­después. Los participantes fueron poblaciones de cualquier edad (incluidas mujeres embarazadas), de cualquier país, excluidos aquellos con enfermedades críticas o comorbilidades graves. Se incluyeron las intervenciones en las que los condimentos o sazonadores se han enriquecido con cualquier combinación de hierro y otras vitaminas y minerales, independientemente de la tecnología de enriquecimiento utilizada. OBTENCIÓN Y ANÁLISIS DE LOS DATOS: Dos autores de la revisión seleccionaron y evaluaron de forma independiente la elegibilidad de los estudios. Los desacuerdos se resolvieron mediante debate o aporte de material de un tercer autor de la revisión. Dos autores de la revisión extrajeron los datos y evaluaron el riesgo de sesgo en todos los estudios incluidos. Se siguieron los métodos establecidos por Cochrane y se utilizó el método GRADE para evaluar la certeza de la evidencia. RESULTADOS PRINCIPALES: La búsqueda identificó 15 902 registros tras eliminar los duplicados. Se incluyeron 16 estudios con 20 512 participantes (18 410 participantes después de ajustar los efectos del conglomerado). Todos ellos se llevaron a cabo en países de ingresos medios­bajos y medios­altos. Tres estudios fueron controlados del tipo antes­después, uno fue un ensayo no aleatorio y 12 fueron ECA (incluidos tres ECA grupales). Seis estudios tuvieron lugar en escuelas, siete en comunidades y uno en una guardería, uno en una plantación de té y uno en una fábrica. En tres estudios participaron solo mujeres, en un estudio participaron tanto mujeres como sus hijos, y todos los demás estudios se centraron en niños y/o adolescentes. Nueve estudios utilizaron la sal como vehículo para el enriquecimiento con hierro, tres la salsa de pescado, dos la salsa de soja, uno el curry en polvo y otro un "sazonador en polvo". La dosis de hierro recibida por los participantes osciló entre 4,4 mg y 55 mg/día. El tamaño muestral de los ensayos osciló entre 123 y 14 398, y la duración de los estudios, entre tres meses y dos años. Doce ECA aportaron datos para el metanálisis. Seis ensayos compararon condimentos enriquecidos con hierro versus el condimento no enriquecido, y seis ensayos proporcionaron datos que comparaban el enriquecimiento con hierro en combinación con otros micronutrientes versus el mismo condimento con otros micronutrientes, pero sin hierro agregado. En un ensayo, el fortificante contenía micronutrientes que podrían haber afectado la absorción del hierro. En general, no se evaluó ningún estudio como de riesgo de sesgo bajo. Se evaluó que todos los estudios incluidos tenían un riesgo de sesgo general alto, y las mayores preocupaciones se centraron en la ocultación de la asignación, el cegamiento y la generación de secuencias al azar. Hubo una heterogeneidad muy alta entre los estudios en casi todos los desenlaces examinados. Condimentos/sazonadores enriquecidos con hierro versus condimentos/sazonadores no enriquecidos Es incierto si el consumo de condimentos/sazonadores enriquecidos con hierro en comparación con el mismo condimento no enriquecido reduce la anemia al finalizar la intervención (razón de riesgos [RR] 0,34; intervalo de confianza [IC] del 95%: 0,18 a 0,65; 2328 participantes; cuatro estudios; evidencia de certeza muy baja). Es incierto si el consumo de condimentos enriquecidos con hierro aumenta las concentraciones de hemoglobina (diferencia de medias [DM] 6,40 g/l; IC del 95%: ­0,62 a 13,41; 2808 participantes; cinco estudios; evidencia de certeza muy baja). El enriquecimiento de condimentos/sazonadores con hierro probablemente reduce ligeramente la DH (RR 0,33; IC del 95%: 0,11 a 1,01; 391 participantes; dos estudios; evidencia de certeza moderada). Es incierto si el enriquecimiento con hierro aumenta la concentración de ferritina (DM 14,81 µg/L; IC del 95%: 5,14 a 24,48; 4459 participantes; seis estudios; evidencia de certeza muy baja). Condimentos/sazonadores enriquecidos con hierro y otros micronutrientes versus condimentos/sazonadores enriquecidos con otros micronutrientes excepto hierro El consumo de condimentos/sazonadores enriquecidos con hierro más otros micronutrientes podría reducir la anemia (RR 0,59; IC del 95%: 0,40 a 0,89; 1007 participantes; cuatro estudios; evidencia de certeza baja). Es incierto si el enriquecimiento de condimentos/sazonadores con hierro más otros micronutrientes mejorará la concentración de hemoglobina (DM 6,22 g/dL; IC del 95%: 1,60 a 10,83; 1270 participantes; cinco estudios; evidencia de certeza muy baja). Podría reducir la DH (RR 0,36; IC del 95%: 0,19 a 0,69; 1154 participantes; cuatro estudios; evidencia de certeza baja). Es incierto si el enriquecimiento con hierro más otros micronutrientes mejora la concentración de ferritina (DM 10,63 µg/L; IC del 95%: 2,40 a 18,85; 1251 participantes; cinco estudios; evidencia de certeza muy baja). Condimentos/sazonadores enriquecidos con hierro versus ninguna intervención Ningún ensayo informó datos sobre esta comparación. Ningún estudio informó efectos adversos. Las fuentes de financiación no parecen haber distorsionado los resultados en ninguno de los ensayos evaluados. CONCLUSIONES DE LOS AUTORES: Es incierto si el consumo de condimentos/sazonadores enriquecidos con hierro reduce la anemia, mejora la concentración de hemoglobina o mejora la concentración de ferritina. Podría reducir la DH. Los resultados sobre la ferritina deben interpretarse con cautela, ya que sus concentraciones aumentan durante la inflamación. El consumo de condimentos/sazonadores enriquecidos con hierro más otros micronutrientes podría reducir la anemia, y no se sabe con certeza si mejorará la concentración de hemoglobina o de ferritina. Se necesitan más estudios para determinar el verdadero efecto de los condimentos/sazonadores enriquecidos con hierro en la prevención de la anemia y la mejora de la salud. Los efectos de esta intervención en otros desenlaces sanitarios como la incidencia del paludismo, el crecimiento y el desarrollo son inciertos.

Anemia , Deficiências de Ferro , Feminino , Gravidez , Anemia/prevenção & controle , Condimentos , Ferritinas , Hemoglobinas , Ferro , Pós
Public Health Nutr ; 24(13): 4346-4357, 2021 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33926609


OBJECTIVE: The breadth of research on the impact of nutrition-specific policies to address child undernutrition is not well documented. This review maps the evidence base and identifies gaps on such policies. DESIGN: We systematically searched Medline, Embase, PAIS Index for public policy, Scopus and Web of Science databases to identify eligible studies. Key study characteristics, including research design, type of policy, time span of policy before impact assessment, child age at outcome assessment and types of outcomes assessed, were abstracted in duplicate. SETTING: Low-, middle- and high-income countries. PARTICIPANTS: Studies were eligible for inclusion if they aimed to assess the impact of population-level nutrition-specific policies on undernutrition among children under 10 years of age. RESULTS: Of the 5646 abstracts screened, eighty-three studies were included. A range of policies to address child undernutrition were evaluated; the majority were related to micronutrient fortification. Most studies were observational, reported on mandatory regional or sub-national polices, were conducted in high-income countries and evaluated policies within 1 year of implementation. A narrow set of health outcomes were evaluated, most commonly iodine deficiency disorders and neural tube defects. CONCLUSIONS: Nutrition policies were commonly associated with improved child nutritional status and health. However, this evidence is primarily based on limited settings and on a limited number of outcomes. Further research is needed to assess the longer-term impact of a broader range of nutrition policies on child health, particularly in low- and middle-income countries.

Transtornos da Nutrição Infantil , Desnutrição , Criança , Transtornos da Nutrição Infantil/epidemiologia , Transtornos da Nutrição Infantil/prevenção & controle , Objetivos , Humanos , Desnutrição/epidemiologia , Desnutrição/prevenção & controle , Micronutrientes , Política Nutricional
Matern Child Nutr ; 17 Suppl 1: e13159, 2021 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34241958


Adolescent pregnancy can result in serious risks to the mother and her baby; yet, adolescents are among the least likely to access healthcare. Specific nutrition or antenatal care (ANC) guidelines for supporting pregnant adolescents are not available. To understand experiences and decision-making of pregnant adolescents in Bangladesh related to ANC and nutrition practices, peer interviewers were trained to conduct qualitative interviews in Dhaka and Rangpur with pregnant adolescents (n = 48), adolescent mothers (n = 48), adolescents' family members (n = 64) and health service providers (n = 32). Key themes explored included perception and support of adolescent pregnancy, experiences in seeking ANC, dietary practices, sources of information and roles of male and female family members. Spheres of influence on adolescent pregnancy were identified through analytical framework informed by the socio-ecological model. Respondents felt that adolescent pregnancy is risky and that adolescents require support and guidance through this experience. Families were highly influential on the care seeking, health and nutrition of pregnant adolescents, and mothers/mothers-in-law primarily took on the decision-making roles, with husbands actively participating. Adolescents valued family support but felt a loss of autonomy and agency upon becoming pregnant. Financial constraints were the greatest perceived barrier to appropriate nutrition and healthcare; yet, both were valued. There is sometimes discord of health and nutrition beliefs between families and health service providers; more research is needed to understand this further. It is essential to engage family members and adolescents in initiatives to increase access to quality ANC for pregnant adolescents, improve dietary practices and support the ability to delay pregnancy.

Gravidez na Adolescência , Gestantes , Adolescente , Bangladesh , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Mães , Gravidez , Gravidez na Adolescência/prevenção & controle , Cuidado Pré-Natal , Pesquisa Qualitativa
Curr Dev Nutr ; 7(4): 100070, 2023 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37304846


Background: The School Nutrition for Adolescents Project (SNAP) provided weekly iron and folic acid (WIFA) supplementation and menstrual hygiene management (MHM) support for girls; actions to improve water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) practices; and behavior change interventions to adolescents aged 10-19 y in 65 intervention schools in 2 districts of Bangladesh. Objectives: We aimed to describe the project design and select baseline results of students and school project implementers. Methods: Girls (n = 2244) and boys (n = 773) in 74 schools (clusters) and project implementers [headteachers (n = 74), teachers (n = 96), and student leaders (n = 91)] participated in a survey assessing nutrition, MHM, and WASH knowledge and experience. Hemoglobin, inflammation-adjusted ferritin, retinol-binding protein, and serum and RBC folate (RBCF) levels in girls were measured. School WASH infrastructure was observed and drinking water was tested for E. coli. Results: IFA and deworming tablet intake in the last 1 and 6 mo were 4% and 81% for girls and 1% and 86%, respectively. Applying the Minimum Dietary Diversity for Women (MDD-W) tool, most (63%-68%) girls and boys achieved minimum dietary diversity. Fewer adolescents (14%-52%) had ever heard of anemia, IFA tablets, or worm infestation than project implementers (47%-100%). Girls (35%) missed school during menstruation; 39% reported of ever leaving school due to unexpected menstruation. The micronutrient status and deficiency severity varied: anemia (25%), RBCF insufficiency (76%), risk of serum folate deficiency (10%), deficiencies of iron (9%), and vitamin A (3%). WASH in school sustainable development goal (SDG) indicators achievement varied: basic drinking water service (70%), basic sanitation service (42%), and basic hygiene service (3%); 59% of sampled drinking water access points complied with WHO E. coli standards. Conclusions: There is room for improvement of nutrition and health awareness, practices, micronutrient status, SDG basic WASH in-school services, and E coli contamination in school drinking water.This trial was registered in as NCT05455073.

Ann N Y Acad Sci ; 1446(1): 21-43, 2019 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30569544


Excessive micronutrient intake causes a variety of adverse health effects, depending on dose and duration. The risk of excess intake carries significant implications for micronutrient delivery interventions, particularly when such programs are overlapping. To minimize risk and provide public health guidance, several countries and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations/World Health Organization have set upper intake levels (ULs) for various life-stage populations using the risk assessment framework. However, there is a lack of international consensus on the actual ULs due to variability in application of this framework and a scarcity of evidence from which to draw upon, especially for children. Often ULs for children are established through a downward weight-based extrapolation from adult ULs, which is not always appropriate. The published ULs of nine organizations are compared, recent population nutrient intake evidence is presented, and the toxic effects of key minerals and vitamins are reviewed. Finally, the evidence for toxicity and setting of ULs for each nutrient is discussed including a comment on our degree of confidence in the strength of existing individual ULs. Challenges with risk assessment and opportunities for strengthening the definition of ULs are discussed.

Micronutrientes/administração & dosagem , Populações Vulneráveis , Adulto , Criança , Humanos