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J Phys Chem A ; 123(8): 1487-1497, 2019 Feb 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30702890


We combine recent advances in excited state variational principles, fast multi-Slater Jastrow methods and selective configuration interaction, to create multi-Slater Jastrow wave function approximations that are optimized for individual excited states. In addition to the Jastrow variables and linear expansion coefficients, this optimization includes state-specific orbital relaxations in order to avoid the compromises necessary in state-averaged approaches. We demonstrate that, when combined with variance matching to help balance the quality of the approximation across different states, this approach delivers accurate excitation energies even when very modest multi-Slater expansions are used. Intriguingly, this accuracy is maintained even when we study a difficult chlorine-anion-to-π* charge transfer in which traditional state-averaged multireference methods must contend with different states that require drastically different orbital relaxations.

J Chem Phys ; 147(16): 164114, 2017 Oct 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29096451


In the regime where traditional approaches to electronic structure cannot afford to achieve accurate energy differences via exhaustive wave function flexibility, rigorous approaches to balancing different states' accuracies become desirable. As a direct measure of a wave function's accuracy, the energy variance offers one route to achieving such a balance. Here, we develop and test a variance matching approach for predicting excitation energies within the context of variational Monte Carlo and selective configuration interaction. In a series of tests on small but difficult molecules, we demonstrate that the approach is effective at delivering accurate excitation energies when the wave function is far from the exhaustive flexibility limit. Results in C3, where we combine this approach with variational Monte Carlo orbital optimization, are especially encouraging.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 17(7): 4028-4038, 2021 Jul 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34125549


We introduce a machine learning-based approach to selective configuration interaction, dubbed Chembot, that utilizes many novel choices for its model design and training. These choices include the use of a support vector machine to select important configurations, the use of the charge density matrix and configuration energy as features, and heuristics to improve the quality of training data. We test Chembot's ability to obtain near full configuration interaction quality energies and find that it definitively outperforms its purely Stochastic cousin Monte Carlo configuration interaction by requiring fewer iterations to converge, fewer determinants in the variational space, and fewer important configurations to achieve the same energy. In addition, Chembot at times requires fewer determinants in its variational space than the heat-bath configuration interaction method to achieve the same energy. We demystify Chembot's innards and then showcase our claims on the set of small but challenging systems: the hydrogen ring (H4), stretched methylene (H2C), and stretched water (H2O).

J Phys Condens Matter ; 30(19): 195901, 2018 May 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29582782


QMCPACK is an open source quantum Monte Carlo package for ab initio electronic structure calculations. It supports calculations of metallic and insulating solids, molecules, atoms, and some model Hamiltonians. Implemented real space quantum Monte Carlo algorithms include variational, diffusion, and reptation Monte Carlo. QMCPACK uses Slater-Jastrow type trial wavefunctions in conjunction with a sophisticated optimizer capable of optimizing tens of thousands of parameters. The orbital space auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo method is also implemented, enabling cross validation between different highly accurate methods. The code is specifically optimized for calculations with large numbers of electrons on the latest high performance computing architectures, including multicore central processing unit and graphical processing unit systems. We detail the program's capabilities, outline its structure, and give examples of its use in current research calculations. The package is available at