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Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 22(33): 18304-18319, 2020 Sep 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32785311


The high temperature gas phase chemistry of the four butyl radical isomers (n-butyl, sec-butyl, iso-butyl, and tert-butyl) was investigated in a combined experimental and theoretical study. Organic nitrites were used as convenient and clean sources of each of the butyl radical isomers. Rate coefficients for dissociation of each nitrite were obtained experimentally and are at, or close to, the high pressure limit. Low pressure experiments were performed in a diaphragmless shock tube with laser schlieren densitometry at post-shock pressures of 65, 130, and 260 Torr and post-shock temperatures of 700-1000 K. Additional experiments were conducted with iso-butyl radicals at 805 K and 8.7 bar to elucidate changes in mechanism at higher pressures. These experiments were performed in a miniature shock tube with synchrotron-based photoionization mass spectrometry. The mass spectra confirmed that scission of the O-NO bond is the primary channel by which the precursors dissociate, but they also provided evidence of a minor channel (<7.7%) through HNO loss and formation of an aldehyde. These high pressure experiments were also used to determine the disproportionation/recombination ratio for iso-butyl radicals as 0.3. Reanalysis of the lower-temperature literature and the present data yielded rate constants for the disproportionation reaction, iso-butyl + iso-butyl = iso-butene + iso-butane. A chemical kinetics model was developed for the reactions of the butyl isomers that included new paths for highly energized adducts. These adducts are formed by the addition of H, CH3 or C2H5 to the butyl radicals. Accompanying theoretical investigations show that chemically activated pathways are competitive with stabilization of the adduct by collision under the conditions of the laser schlieren experiments. These calculations also show that at 10 bar and T < 1000 K stabilization is the only important reaction, but at higher temperatures, even at 10 bar, chemically activated product channels should also be considered. Branching fractions and rate coefficients are presented for these reactions. This study also highlights the importance of the radical structure for determining branching ratios for disproportionation and recombination of alkyl radicals, and these were facilitated by theoretical calculations of recombination rate coefficients for the four butyl radical isomers. The results reveal previously unknown features of butyl radical chemistry under conditions that are relevant to a wide range of applications and reaction mechanisms are presented that incorporate pressure dependent rate coefficients for the key steps.

J Phys Chem A ; 121(20): 3827-3850, 2017 May 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28440652


The chemistry of small unsaturated hydrocarbons, such as 1,3-butadiene (1,3-C4H6), 1,2-butadiene (1,2-C4H6), 2-butyne (2-C4H6), and 1-butyne (1-C4H6), is of central importance to the modeling of combustion systems. These species are important intermediates in combustion processes, and yet their high-temperature chemistry remains poorly understood, with various dissociation and isomerization pathways proposed in the literature. Here we investigate the thermal decompositions of 1,3-C4H6, 1,2-C4H6, 2-C4H6, and 1-C4H6 inside a diaphragmless shock tube, at postshock total pressures of 26-261 Torr and temperatures ranging from 1428 to 2354 K, using laser schlieren densitometry. The experimental work was complemented by high-level ab initio calculations, which collectively provide strong evidence that formally direct dissociation is the major channel for pyrolysis of 1,3-C4H6 and 2-C4H6; these paths have not been previously reported but are critical to reconciling the current work and disparate literature reports. The reaction mechanism presented here simulates the current experiments and experimental data from the literature very well. Pressure- and temperature-dependent rate coefficients are given for the isomerization, formally direct, and direct dissociation paths.

J Phys Chem A ; 119(28): 7872-93, 2015 Jul 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25886024


The thermal decomposition of nitromethane provides a classic example of the competition between roaming mediated isomerization and simple bond fission. A recent theoretical analysis suggests that as the pressure is increased from 2 to 200 Torr the product distribution undergoes a sharp transition from roaming dominated to bond-fission dominated. Laser schlieren densitometry is used to explore the variation in the effect of roaming on the density gradients for CH3NO2 decomposition in a shock tube for pressures of 30, 60, and 120 Torr at temperatures ranging from 1200 to 1860 K. A complementary theoretical analysis provides a novel exploration of the effects of roaming on the thermal decomposition kinetics. The analysis focuses on the roaming dynamics in a reduced dimensional space consisting of the rigid-body motions of the CH3 and NO2 radicals. A high-level reduced-dimensionality potential energy surface is developed from fits to large-scale multireference ab initio calculations. Rigid body trajectory simulations coupled with master equation kinetics calculations provide high-level a priori predictions for the thermal branching between roaming and dissociation. A statistical model provides a qualitative/semiquantitative interpretation of the results. Modeling efforts explore the relation between the predicted roaming branching and the observed gradients. Overall, the experiments are found to be fairly consistent with the theoretically proposed branching ratio, but they are also consistent with a no-roaming scenario and the underlying reasons are discussed. The theoretical predictions are also compared with prior theoretical predictions, with a related statistical model, and with the extant experimental data for the decomposition of CH3NO2, and for the reaction of CH3 with NO2.

J Chem Phys ; 140(19): 194303, 2014 May 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24852534


Photoionization efficiency spectra of (14)N2, (15)N(14)N, and (15)N2 from 15.5 to 18.9 eV were measured using synchrotron radiation at the Advanced Light Source at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory with a resolution of 6 meV, and significant changes in peak energies and intensities upon isotopic substitution were observed. Previously, we reported the isotope shifts and their applications to Titan's atmosphere. Here, we report more extensive experimental details and tabulate the isotope shifts of many transitions in the N2 spectrum, including those for (15)N(14)N, which have not been previously reported. The isotope shifts are used to address several long-standing ambiguities in spectral peak assignments just above the ionization threshold of N2. The feature at 15.677 eV (the so-called second "cathedral" peak) is of particular interest in this respect. The measured isotope shifts for this peak relative to (14)N2 are 0.015 ± 0.001 eV for (15)N2 and 0.008 ± 0.001 eV for (15)N(14)N, which match most closely with the isotope shifts predicted for transitions to the (A (2)Πu v' = 2)4sσ(g) (1)Π(u) state using Herzberg equations for the isotopic differences in harmonic oscillator energy levels plus the first anharmonic correction of 0.0143 eV for (15)N2 and 0.0071 eV for (15)N(14)N. More generally, the isotope shifts measured for both (15)N2 and (15)N(14)N relative to (14)N2 provide new benchmarks for theoretical calculations of interferences between direct and indirect autoionization states which can interact to produce intricate resonant structures in molecular photoionization spectra in regions near ionization thresholds.