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Sociol Health Illn ; 45(1): 128-144, 2023 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36194516


Eugenic ideas in Mexico were popularised after the Mexican Revolution (1910-1920) as a way of 'modernising' and 'civilising' the nation. As a result, eugenic ideas were able to linger and be maintained through different departments, institutions, and individuals from all disciplines. After eugenics was considered a pseudoscience, its practices and ideas continued through population control measures that targeted indigenous populations for sterilisation, a trend that still prevails. The purpose of this article is to explore the legacies of eugenics in current sterilizations procedures mostly targeted at indigenous communities in Mexico. I offer the term 'slippery eugenics' to account for the legacies of eugenics in Mexico which, in this specific case, resurface in the systematic forced and coerced sterilisation procedures targeted at indigenous communities.

Eugenia (Ciência) , Controle da População , Humanos , México , Povos Indígenas
Puesta día urgenc. emerg. catastr ; 9(2): 105-109, abr.-jun. 2009. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS (Espanha) | ID: ibc-74870


En el tratamiento de la parada cardiaca, la desfibrilación temprana integrada en una cadena de socorro efectiva es la llave para la supervivencia. Por ello las organizaciones científicas internacionales han elaborado un conjunto de recomendaciones dirigidas a potenciar, con suficientes garantías de seguridad, la difusión de la desfibrilación semiautomática en la comunidad. Este artículo tiene como objetivo plasmar el resultado de una minuciosa revisión de la literatura científica sobre el desarrollo de la desfibrilación temprana, dando a conocer la señalización internacional de la presencia de un desfibrilador externo semiautomático, así como la evolución legal que regula la utilización de los desfibriladores semiautomáticos fuera del ámbito sanitario mediante el establecimiento de los requisitos mínimos de seguridad y calidad en su uso en todo el territorio, dando eficaz y amplia cobertura a las exigencias de utilización de estos aparatos en las situaciones de emergencia que requiere la desfibrilación temprana, favoreciendo su disponibilidad en el mayor número de lugares donde se concentre una gran afluencia de personas y fijando los contenidos esenciales de la formación de quienes estén habilitados para usarlos(AU)

In the treatment of the cardiac stop, the early desfibrilación integrated to an effective chain of help, is the key for the survival. for it the scientific international organizations have elaborated a set of recommendations directed to promoting, with sufficient guarantees of safety, the diffusion of the semiautomatic desfibrilación in the community. This article has as aim form the result of a meticulous review of the scientific literature on the development of the early defibrillation, announcing the international signposting of the presence of an external semiautomatic defibrillator, as well as the royal decree that regulates the utilization of the semiautomatic desfibriladores out of the sanitary area by means of the establishment of the minimal requirements of safety and quality in his use in the whole territory, giving effective and wide coverage to requirements of utilization of these devices in the emergency situations that the early defibrillation needs, favouring his availability in the major number of places where people great abundance centers and fixing the essential contents of the formation of those who are enabled to use them(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Cardioversão Elétrica/métodos , Cardioversão Elétrica/tendências , Parada Cardíaca/terapia , Medicina de Emergência/métodos , Desfibriladores/tendências , Desfibriladores , Cardioversão Elétrica/classificação , Cardioversão Elétrica/instrumentação , Cardioversão Elétrica/estatística & dados numéricos , Cardioversão Elétrica/normas , Desfibriladores/classificação
Puesta día urgenc. emerg. catastr ; 8(3): 136-143, jul.-sept. 2008. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS (Espanha) | ID: ibc-78593


La capacidad de absorber desorganización es directamenteproporcional a la capacidad de desplegar estructuraseventuales en proximidad al punto de impacto.La asistencia en PMDA se va a prestar en situacionesconflictivas, dramáticas y, con frecuencia, en condicionesadversas de luz y meteorología. El terreno en el que desplegamosdeberá suplir o amortiguar las condiciones ambientalesexpuestas para que el rendimiento sea mejor; cualquiersitio no es bueno, hay que buscarlo sin que nospreocupe excesivamente la distancia. Si nos colocamos muycerca del punto de conflicto, tendremos dificultades paradesplegar y además nos engullirá la inercia caótica resultante.Si nos separamos, desplegamos con soltura, y las víctimasnos llegarán atraídas por nuestra visibilidad organizativa.El despliegue no tiene solución de continuidad, sudesarrollo es funcional, y atenderá a criterios de salvar almayor número de víctimas en el menor tiempo posible.Para resolver de la mejor manera posible una catástrofese precisan tres elementos concluyentes: a) personal organizadoy perfectamente entrenado; b) elementos de despliegueen la zona; y c) logística adecuada al tiempo de desplieguey a las circunstancias medioambientales.La organización es la clave del grupo humano, que lotransforma en equipo de gestión de crisis, dotándole de autoridady disciplina, y marcando la dirección de sus esfuerzos (AU)

The aptitude to absorb disorganization is directly proportionalto the aptitude to deploy eventual structures.The assistance in PMDA is going to lend in troubled,dramatic situations and, often, in adverse conditions oflight and meteorology. The area in which we deploy willhave to replace or muffle the environmental exposed conditionsin order that the yield is better. Not any site is notgood, it is necessary to look for it without the distance worryingexcessively. If we place closely together of the point ofconflict we will have difficulties to deploy and in additionwe will be devoured by the chaotic resultant inertia. If weare separated, we deploy with fluency, and the victims willcome to us attracted for our organization. The display doesnot have solution of continuity, its development is functional,and it will attend to criteria for saving the major numberof victims in the minor possible time.To solve in a best possible way a catastrophe three conclusiveelements are needed: a) Organized and perfectlytrained personal; b) Elements of display in the zone, and c)Adapted logistics to the problemOrganization is the key of the human group, whichtransforms it into team of management of crisis, providingit with authority and discipline, and marking the directionof its efforts (AU)

Humanos , Instalações para Vítimas de Desastres , Serviços Médicos de Emergência/métodos , Serviços Médicos de Emergência/organização & administração , Zona de Concentração de Vítimas , Centros de Saúde , Desastres