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Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 15(40): 17435-51, 2013 Oct 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24022263


We use femtosecond optical Kerr effect (OKE) spectroscopy to perform time- and wavelength-resolved pump-probe measurements on the energetics and lifetimes of transverse optical phonons and J = 2 rotons in solid para-hydrogen (pH2). By systematically studying the OKE spectroscopy of pH2 in the gas, liquid, and solid phases for delay times up to 300 ps, we can disentangle homodyne and heterodyne contributions in the solid to the signal that results from the slow phonon (900 fs) and fast roton (94 fs) dynamics. In solid pH2 at 8.5 K, the energies of the J = 2 Raman-active rotons are measured to be 351.98(8) cm(-1), 353.99(8) cm(-1), and 356.00(8) cm(-1) corresponding to the crystal field split MJ = ±1, ±2, and 0 substates. Consistent with the picture of quasi-free molecular rotation within the solid, we observe long-lived roton coherences with T2 lifetimes of 132(5), 114(5), and 82(5) ps for the MJ = ±1, ±2, and 0 substates. In contrast, similar measurements on normal-hydrogen (nH2) solids which nominally contain 75% ortho-hydrogen (oH2) and 25% pH2 molecules display qualitatively different roton dynamics; no persistent roton excitations are observed but rather overdamped librational excitations that decay within 3 ps. The measured low temperature T2 dephasing time of gaseous pH2 implies a collision cross section of 2.08(10) Å(2) which is close to the theoretical value for so-called elastic resonant collisions whereby rotational energy is exchanged between the two colliding partners, but the sum of the rotational energies is preserved. We argue that this same collisional process also determines the T2 dephasing lifetimes in the liquid and solid phases. Finally, OKE spectroscopy on pH2 solids with oH2 concentrations of 1-3% shows evidence for extremely long-lived rotational coherences which likely correspond to J = 2 rotons that are pinned next to single oH2 impurities within the pH2 solid.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 13(19): 8671-80, 2011 May 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21290046


We numerically investigate the post-pulse alignment of rotationally excited diatomic molecules upon nonresonant interaction with a linearly polarized laser pulse. In addition to the simulations, we develop a simple model which qualitatively describes the shape and amplitude of post-pulse alignment induced by a laser pulse of moderate power density. In our treatment we take into account that molecules in rotationally excited states can interact with a laser pulse not only by absorbing energy but also by stimulated emission. The extent to which these processes are present in the interaction depends, on the one hand, on the directionality of the molecular angular momentum (given by the M quantum number), and on the other hand on the ratio of transition frequencies and pulse duration (determined by the J number). A rotational wave packet created by a strong pulse from an initially pure state contains a broad range of rotational levels, over which the character of the interaction can change from non-adiabatic to adiabatic. Depending on the laser pulse duration and amplitude, the transition from the non-adiabatic to the adiabatic limit proceeds through a region with dominant rotational heating, or alignment, for short pulses and a large region with rotational cooling, and correspondingly preferred anti-alignment, for longer pulses.

Lasers , Simulação de Dinâmica Molecular , Teoria Quântica , Rotação
J Chem Phys ; 135(4): 044313, 2011 Jul 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21806125


Absorption and luminescence excitation spectra of Xe/CF(4) mixtures were studied in the vacuum UV region at high resolution using tunable synchrotron radiation. Pressure-broadened resonance bands and bands associated with dipole-forbidden states of the Xe atom due to collision-induced breakdown of the optical selection rules are reported. The spectra display in addition numerous satellite bands corresponding to transitions to vibrationally excited states of a Xe-CF(4) collisional complex. These satellites are located at energies of Xe atom transition increased by one quantum energy in the IR active v(3) vibrational mode of CF(4) (v(3) = 1281 cm(-1)). Satellites of both resonance and dipole-forbidden transitions were observed. Satellites of low lying resonance states are spectrally broad bands closely resembling in shape their parent pressure-broadened resonance bands. In contrast, satellites of dipole-forbidden states and of high lying resonance states are spectrally narrow bands (FWHM ∼10 cm(-1)). The satellites of dipole-forbidden states are orders of magnitude stronger than transitions to their parent states due to collision-induced breakdown of the optical selection rules. These satellites are attributed to a coupling of dipole-forbidden and resonance states induced by the electric field of the transient CF(4) (v(3) = 0 ↔ v(3) = 1) dipole. Similar satellites are present in spectra of Xe/C(2)F(6) mixtures where these bands are induced by the IR active v(10) mode of C(2)F(6). Transitions to vibrationally excited states of Xe-CF(4)(C(2)F(6)) collision pairs were also observed in two-photon LIF spectra.

J Phys Chem A ; 113(26): 7439-50, 2009 Jul 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19309130


Vibronic progressions are programmed into a pulse shaper which converts them via the inherent Fourier transformation into a train of femtosecond pulses in time domain for chromophore excitation. Double pulse results agree with phase-sensitive wave packet superposition from a Michelson interferometer which delivers coherence times with high reliability. Spectral resolution of 1 nm and a spacing of around 4 nm within the 20 nm envelope centered at 590 nm delivers a train of seven phase-controlled 40 fs subpulses separated by 250 fs. Combs adjusted to the zero phonon lines (ZPL) and phonon sidebands (PSB) of the B state vibronic progression are reproduced in the chromophore for a coherent subpulse accumulation. B state ZPL wave packet dynamics dominates in pump-probe spectra due to its coherence despite an overwhelming but incoherent A state contribution in absorption. PSB comb accumulation is also phase sensitive and demonstrates coherence within several 100 matrix degrees of freedom in the vicinity.

Phys Rev Lett ; 102(8): 088301, 2009 Feb 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19257795


With a train of 5 phase controlled ultrashort pulses, we enhance a coherent vibronic transition to exceed a dominant incoherent background. The interference in the chromophore generates a spectral comb which is adjusted to a progression of internal Br2 vibrations coupled to phonons of the surrounding Ar lattice. It steers the mode-specific phase evolution of the system. The trains are generated by straightforward programing of the spectral comb in a pulse shaper unit. Excitations involving several hundred degrees of freedom remain coherent on a picosecond time scale.

J Chem Phys ; 128(6): 064504, 2008 Feb 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18282053


Fluorescence spectra from v(')=0 of the B, A and A(') states of Br(2)Ar are presented for excitation wavelengths from 630 to 540 nm with high resolution, to evaluate isotopic splittings in emission and absorption. The observed progression of sharp zero phonon lines (ZPLs) from v(')=2 to v(')=19 in B excitation is used to derive spectroscopic constants. The ZPL broadening and the growing phonon sideband (PSB) contributions indicate an increase of matrix influence on the X-B transition with rising v('). Contributions of the PSB are parameterized with the Huang-Rhys coupling constant S, where S=1 near the potential minimum reflects the electron-phonon coupling and S=4 close to Franck-Condon maximum originates from vibrational coupling. The PSB spectral composition correlates with the matrix phonon density of states, and the ZPL broadens and shifts with temperature. Two crossings with repulsive states (between v(')=4-5 and v(')=7-9) leading to matrix induced predissociation and a third tentative one between v(')=14 and 15 are indicated by ZPL broadening, population flow, and spectral shifts. The crossing energies are close to gas phase and matrix calculations. The stepwise flow of intensity from B via repulsive states to A(') and, similarly, from the A continuum to A(') is discussed. Emission quantum efficiency of the B state decreases from near unity at v(')=0 to less than 10(-3) at v(')=19. Broadening of ZPL near crossings yields predissociation times of 5 and 2.5 ps corresponding to probabilities of 5% and 10% per round-trip for the two lowest crossings, respectively.

J Chem Phys ; 124(16): 164502, 2006 Apr 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16674141


The hindered rotational states of molecules confined in crystal fields of octahedral symmetry, and their time-dependent alignment obtained by pulsed nonresonant laser fields, are studied computationally. The control over the molecular axis direction is discussed based on the evolution of the rotational wave packet generated in the cubic crystal-field potential. The alignment degree obtained in a cooperative case, where the alignment field is applied in a favorable crystal-field direction, or in a competitive direction, where the crystal field has a saddle point, is presented. The investigation is divided into two time regimes where the pulse duration is either ultrashort, leading to nonadiabatic dynamics, or long with respect to period of molecular libration, which leads to synchronous alignment due to nearly adiabatic following. The results are contrasted to existing gas phase studies. In particular, the irregularity of the crystal-field energies leads to persistent interference patterns in the alignment signals. The use of nonadiabatic alignment for interrogation of crystal-field energetics and the use of adiabatic alignment for directional control of molecular dynamics in solids are proposed as practical applications.

Phys Rev Lett ; 94(12): 123003, 2005 Apr 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15903916


The combined effect of static octahedral potential and anisotropic interactions with intense linearly polarized light on the rotational motion of linear molecules is investigated. Avoided crossings of quantized energy levels corresponding to pendular states with different degrees of alignment are found by varying the strength parameters for the light and static fields. High alignment is achieved for both cooperative and competitive choices of the relative directionality of the two fields, thus presenting means for controlling the dynamics of impurity centers with respect to the surrounding media.