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Chemistry ; 29(6): e202202448, 2023 Jan 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36239983


Single-crystals of Li2 Ba4 Al2 Ta2 N8 O:Eu2+ were synthesized from Ba3 N2 , Al2 O3 , Li3 N, Eu2 O3 , and lithium metal by a high-temperature solid-state reaction in a weld shut tantalum ampule. The crystal structure of Li2 Ba4 Al2 Ta2 N8 O was determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction and it crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group Pnnm (no. 58) with the lattice parameters a=1006.71(3), b=1026.58(3), c=607.10(2) pm, and a volume of V=0.62742(3) nm3 . The compound is built up from AlN4 and TaN4 tetrahedra, which form a three-dimensional network corresponding to the BCT-zeolite type structure. Li2 Ba4 Al2 Ta2 N8 O is homeotypic to Li2 Sr4 Si4 N8 O and Li2 Sr4 Al2 Ta2 N8 O but, additionally, it could be successfully doped with the activator ion Eu2+ and hence features an experimental observed overall emission at λmax =565 nm (fwhm=89 nm) consisting of a superposition of two adjusted emission bands at λmax =557 nm (fwhm=69 nm) and at λmax =604 nm (fwhm=102 nm).

Inorg Chem ; 62(1): 213-223, 2023 Jan 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36525562


The new compound Ba4Al7Li28.08O26.92N1.08 consists of AlO4/AlO3N tetrahedra, 10-fold coordinated Ba2+ cations, and a highly condensed edge- and corner-sharing LiO4 tetrahedra framework, which leads to a degree of condensation greater than 1. The first barium oxonitridolithoaluminate was synthesized by a high-temperature solid-state reaction in a weld-shut tantalum ampoule and the crystal structure has been determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Ba4Al7Li28.08O26.92N1.08 crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P21/m (no. 11) with the lattice parameters a = 1052.41(3), b = 615.93(2), c = 1088.45(4) pm, ß = 98.86(1)°, and a volume of V = 0.69712(4) nm3. In addition, Ba4Al7Li28.08O26.92N1.08 doped with the activator ion Eu2+, exhibits a broad band emission with a maximum at λmax = 524 nm (2.34 eV) with a fwhm of 112 nm (4373 cm-1/0.54 eV), which can be described by a superposition of two adjusted emission bands at λmax = 515 nm (2.41 eV) with a fwhm of 70 nm (2704 cm-1/0.34 eV), and at λmax = 574 nm (2.18 eV) with a fwhm of 127 nm (4127 cm-1/0.51 eV).

Chemistry ; 27(45): 11701-11706, 2021 Aug 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34111319


In order to expand the field of alkali lithosilicates, a new representative of the substance class with a previously unknown structure type was found based on solid-state synthesis. The novel compound with the sum formula Rb[Li5 Si2 O7 ] crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group Pbcm (no. 57) with a=7.6269(3), b=9.5415(4), and c=9.4095(3) Šby means of single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The structure consists of a highly condensed lithosilicate framework, built up of corner- and edge-linked [LiO4 ]-tetrahedra and [Si2 O7 ]-units, and the rubidium ions aligned in channels. Suitable crystals of the material were obtained using sealed tantalum ampoules as reaction tube at a temperature of 750 °C. The new compound was further characterized via powder diffraction, Rietveld analysis, and EDX measurements. At first glance, Eu2+ -doped Rb[Li5 Si2 O7 ] reveals an intense green luminescence. In-depth crystal analysis shows that a core-shell formation is present even for apparently high quality single-crystals. As a minority phase, the known green phosphor RbLi[Li3 SiO4 ]2 :Eu2+ is the origin of the luminescence, representing a tiny core inside of the particles surrounded by a large matrix of transparent Rb[Li5 Si2 O7 ] dominating the single-crystal diffraction pattern.

Chemistry ; 27(38): 9801-9813, 2021 Jul 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33830547


As a consequence of the static Jahn-Teller effect of the 5 E ground state of MnIII in cubic structures with octahedral parent geometries, their octahedral coordination spheres become distorted. In the case of six fluorido ligands, [MnF6 ]3- anions with two longer and four shorter Mn-F bonds making elongated octahedra are usually observed. Herein, we report the synthesis of the compound K3 [MnF6 ] through a high-temperature approach and its crystallization by a high-pressure/high-temperature route. The main structural motifs are two quasi-isolated, octahedron-like [MnF6 ]3- anions of quite different nature compared to that met in ideal octahedral MnIII Jahn-Teller systems. Owing to the internal electric field of Ci symmetry dominated by the next-neighbour K+ ions acting on the MnIII sites, both sites, the pseudo-rhombic (site 1) and the pseudo-tetragonally elongated (site 2) [MnF6 ]3- anions are present in K3 [MnF6 ]. The compound was characterized by single-crystal and powder X-ray diffraction, and magnetometry as well as by FTIR, Raman, and ligand field spectroscopy. A theoretical interpretation of the electronic structure and molecular geometry of the two Mn sites in the lattice is given by using a vibronic coupling model with parameters adjusted from multireference ab-initio cluster calculations.

Chemistry ; 26(10): 2204-2210, 2020 Feb 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31711269


Understanding the origin and mechanisms of luminescence is a crucial point when it comes to the development of new phosphors with targeted luminescence properties. Herein, a new phosphor belonging to the substance class of alkali metal lithosilicates with the generalized sum formula Cs4-x-y-z Rbx Nay Liz [Li3 SiO4 ]4 :Eu2+ is reported. Single crystals of the cyan-emitting UCr4 C4 -type phosphor show a peculiar double-band luminescence with one ultranarrow emission band at 473 nm and a narrow emission band at 531 nm under excitation with UV light (λexc =408 nm). Regarding occupation of the channels by the light metal ions, investigations of single-crystal XRD data led to the assumption that domain formation with distinct lithium- and sodium-filled channels occurs. Depending on which of these channels hosts the activator ion Eu2+ , a green or blue emission results. The herein-presented results shed new light on the luminescence process in the well-studied UCr4 C4 -type alkali metal lithosilicate phosphors.

Chemistry ; 26(4): 795-798, 2020 Jan 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31747085


Innovative materials for phosphor-converted white light-emitting diodes (pc-LEDs) are much sought after due to the huge potential of the LED technology to reduce energy consumption worldwide. One of the main levers for further improvements are the conversion phosphors. The system Ca1-x Srx AlSiN3 :Eu2+ currently provides one of the most important red-emitting phosphors for pc-LEDs. We report the discovery of the new polymorph ß-Ca1-x Srx AlSiN3 :Eu2+ which allows for significant improvements to LED efficacies. It crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group Pbcn with lattice parameters a=982.43(10) pm, b=575.2(1) pm and c=516.12(5) pm. Compared to α-Ca1-x Srx AlSiN3 :Eu2+ , its emission shows a significantly reduced spectral full-width at half maximum (FWHM). With that, we demonstrated 3 % efficacy increase for white light-emitting pc-LEDs. The new polymorph can easily be industrialised, because the synthesis works on the same equipment as α-Ca1-x Srx AlSiN3 :Eu2+ .

Inorg Chem ; 58(9): 5518-5523, 2019 May 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30896155


Li2SiF6:Mn4+ was synthesized via a new HF-free synthesis route by a high-pressure/high-temperature doping experiment at 5.5 GPa and 750 °C. It is proven that the phosphor cannot be synthesized by the common wet-chemical precipitation route in aqueous HF. The sample was characterized by powder X-ray diffraction, EDX, and luminescence spectroscopy. At room temperature, Li2SiF6:Mn4+ exhibits seven emission lines with the strongest line at λmax ≈ 630 nm and a dominant wavelength of λdom ≈ 618 nm. The CIE coordinates are 0.688 and 0.312 for x and y, respectively. The compound shows a luminous efficacy of radiation (LER) of 218 lm Wopt-1, which exceeds the LER of current state-of-the-art red LED phosphor K2SiF6:Mn4+ by 7% due to a blue-shift of the emission. It reveals excellent thermal quenching behavior up to 125 °C.

Inorg Chem ; 58(18): 12146-12151, 2019 Sep 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31483621


Starting from the recently published narrow band red phosphor SALON, a tunable oxonitride-phosphor can be derived by introducing disorder into the structure. To achieve this, the oxygen content of the reaction mixture is increased, thereby prohibiting the oxygen/nitrogen ordering observed in SALON. The resulting compound is isotypic to UCr4C4 and exhibits mixed oxygen/nitrogen and lithium/aluminum sites. Further variation of the oxygen/nitrogen ratio revealed that the structure remains stable over a wide range of compositions. The compound can therefore be described by the general sum formula SrAl2-xLi2+xO2+2xN2-2x with x ranging between 0.12 and 0.66. When doped with Eu2+, the title compound exhibits an intense luminescence upon excitation with blue light. The maximum of this emission varies depending on the oxygen content and can be tuned to values between 581 nm (x = 0.66) and 672 nm (x = 0.12).

Inorg Chem ; 57(22): 14421-14426, 2018 Nov 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30379536


K2Cu3Ge4O12 was synthesized via a solid-state reaction in a high-temperature experiment at 1073 K. Crystal structure analysis provided the following data: space group Cmcm (no. 63), a = 1407.9(2), b = 578.0(1), c = 1389.2(1) pm, V = 1.1305 nm3, and Z = 4. The structure consists of alternating layers of netlike arranged trimeric [Cu3O8]10- units and layers of four-membered rings of GeO4 tetrahedra. The potassium cations connect the different structural moieties. Although both structural motifs are well-known, the way they are connected in K2Cu3Ge4O12 is unique. K2Cu3Ge4O12 was further characterized via vibrational spectroscopy and SEM-EDX measurements. Magnetic measurements exhibit an antiferromagnetic behavior at low temperatures along with an unusual pseudo-2D coupling.

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl ; 57(41): 13676-13680, 2018 Oct 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30102467


A hitherto unknown synthetic access to alkali lithosilicates, a substance class first described by Hoppe in the 1980s, is reported. With the synthesis and characterization of NaK7 [Li3 SiO4 ]8 , a new representative has been discovered, expanding the family of known alkali lithosilicates. Astonishingly, NaK7 [Li3 SiO4 ]8 and the already established alkali lithosilicates Na[Li3 SiO4 ] as well as K[Li3 SiO4 ] display unforeseen luminescence properties, when doped with Eu2+ . Na[Li3 SiO4 ]:Eu2+ exhibits an ultra-narrow blue, K[Li3 SiO4 ]:Eu2+ a broadband, and NaK7 [Li3 SiO4 ]8 :Eu2+ a yellow-green double emission upon excitation with near-UV to blue light. Consequently, all of the investigated substances of this class of compounds are highly interesting phosphors for application in phosphor converted LEDs.

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl ; 57(35): 11451-11455, 2018 Aug 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29989659


Explorative solid-state chemistry led to the discovery of the two new compounds Ga5 B12 O25 (OH) and In5 B12 O25 (OH). Extreme synthetic conditions within the range of 12 GPa and a temperature of 1450 °C realized in a Walker-type multianvil apparatus resulted in the formation of an unprecedented tetragonal structure with the exclusive presence of condensed BO4 tetrahedra, forming cuboctahedral cavities. Doping of these cavities with Eu3+ in In5 B12 O25 (OH) yielded in an orange-red luminescence. Photocatalytic tests of In5 B12 O25 (OH) revealed a hydrogen production rate comparable to TiO2 but completely co-catalyst free.

Inorg Chem ; 56(5): 2736-2741, 2017 Mar 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28191968


The structure of (NbO)2P4O13 was solved and refined based on new single-crystal diffraction data revealing considerably more complexity than previously described. (NbO)2P4O13 crystallizes in the triclinic space group P1̅ with Z = 6. The lattice parameters determined at room temperature are a = 1066.42(4) pm, b = 1083.09(4) pm, c = 1560.46(5) pm, α = 98.55(1)°, ß = 95.57(1)°, γ = 102.92(1)°, and V = 1.7213(2) nm3. The superstructure contains 64 unique atoms including two disordered semioccupied oxygen positions. An unusual 180° bond angle between two [P4O13]6- groups was refined to form half-occupied, split positions in agreement with previous reports. The IR and Raman spectra reflect the appearance of overlapping bands assignable to specific group vibrations as well as P-O-P linkages present in the [P4O13]6- entities. Investigation of the powdered product concerning its photoluminescence properties revealed an excitability in the UV at 270 nm assigned to O2p-Nb4d charge transfer transitions. A resulting broad-band emission with the maximum in the visible region at 455 nm was determined.

Chem Mater ; 36(15): 7429-7437, 2024 Aug 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39156712


While highly efficient red-emitting inorganic phosphors have been discovered in the substance class of alkaline earth oxo(nitrido)lithoaluminates, new narrow-band green- and yellow-emitting components are being sought to improve the performance of phosphor-converted light-emitting diodes (pc-LEDs). Various solid-state reactions were carried out under protective gas atmosphere in nickel crucibles and sealed tantalum ampules to synthesize Sr[Li3AlO4], Sr[Li3GaO4], and five substitutional derivates of Sr[Li3(Al1-x Ga x )O4] at moderate temperatures. The observation of a linear increase in the unit cell parameters as a function of the increasing gallium mole fraction x in Sr[Li3(Al1-x Ga x )O4] revealed Vegard behavior in the solid-solution series, which was derived from powder X-ray diffraction data. The isomorphic crystallization of the new oxolithogallate Sr[Li3GaO4] and the known oxolithoaluminate Sr[Li3AlO4] in an ordered variant of the U[Cr4C4] aristotype was verified on the basis of powder and single-crystal X-ray diffraction data. Photoluminescence spectroscopy was used to investigate the narrow-band emissions in the substitution series of Eu2+-activated Sr[Li3(Al1-x Ga x )O4] under blue-light excitation. The emission maximum was shifted to higher energies as the gallium mole fraction increased. Peak wavelengths were observed at λem = 572 nm (fwhm equals 47 nm, 1446 cm-1, 0.18 eV) for yellow-emitting Sr[Li3AlO4]:Eu2+ and at λem = 554 nm (fwhm equals 49 nm, 1589 cm-1, 0.20 eV) for green-emitting Sr[Li3GaO4]:Eu2+. Sr[Li3AlO4]:Eu2+ has excellent thermal quenching resistance with a photoluminescence emission intensity of >93% at T = 423 K relative to the room temperature value, making this inorganic phosphor a potential candidate for solid-state lighting applications.

J Am Chem Soc ; 135(44): 16668-79, 2013 Nov 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24090235


Dinitrogen (N2) ligation is a common and well-characterized structural motif in bioinorganic synthesis. In solid-state chemistry, on the other hand, homonuclear dinitrogen entities as structural building units proved existence only very recently. High-pressure/high-temperature (HP/HT) syntheses have afforded a number of binary diazenides and pernitrides with [N2](2­) and [N2](4­) ions, respectively. Here, we report on the HP/HT synthesis of the first ternary diazenide. Li2Ca3[N2]3 (space group Pmma, no. 51, a = 4.7747(1), b = 13.9792(4), c = 8.0718(4) Å, Z = 4, wRp = 0.08109) was synthesized by controlled thermal decomposition of a stoichiometric mixture of lithium azide and calcium azide in a multianvil device under a pressure of 9 GPa at 1023 K. Powder X-ray diffraction analysis reveals strongly elongated N­N bond lengths of dNN = 1.34(2)­1.35(3) Å exceeding those of previously known, binary diazenides. In fact, the refined N­N distances in Li2Ca3[N2]3 would rather suggest the presence of [N2](3·­) radical ions. Also, characteristic features of the N­N stretching vibration occur at lower wavenumbers (1260­1020 cm(­1)) than in the binary phases, and these assignments are supported by first-principles phonon calculations. Ultimately, the true character of the N2 entity in Li2Ca3[N2]3 is probed by a variety of complementary techniques, including electron diffraction, electron spin resonance spectroscopy (ESR), magnetic and electric conductivity measurements, as well as density-functional theory calculations (DFT). Unequivocally, the title compound is shown to be metallic containing diazenide [N2](2­) units according to the formula (Li(+))2(Ca(2+))3([N2](2­))3·(e(­))2.

Opt Express ; 21(19): 21728-40, 2013 Sep 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24104067


Extending single attosecond pulse technology from currently sub-200 eV to the so called 'water window' spectral range may enable for the first time the unique investigation of ultrafast electronic processes within the core states of bio-molecules as proteins or other organic materials. Aperiodic multilayer mirrors serve as key components to shape these attosecond pulses with a high degree of freedom and enable tailored short pulse pump-probe experiments. Here, we report on chirped CrSc multilayer mirrors, fabricated by ion beam deposition with sub-angstrom precision, designed for attosecond pulse shaping in the 'water window' spectral range.

Biopolímeros/análise , Biopolímeros/química , Lasers , Lentes , Nefelometria e Turbidimetria/instrumentação , Refratometria/instrumentação , Água/química , Desenho de Equipamento , Análise de Falha de Equipamento
Dalton Trans ; 52(15): 4900-4910, 2023 Apr 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36943330


Building on studies of monoclinic Li3SiNO2, a polymorph, ß-Li3SiNO2, with a previously unknown structure type was synthesized. The ß-phase crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group Pbca (no. 61) with lattice parameters of a = 18.736(2), b = 11.1267(5), c = 5.0897(3) Å, and a cell volume of V = 1057.2(1) Å3. Using high-temperature solid-state reactions in sealed tantalum tubes, it was possible to obtain high purity samples (<5 wt% of side phase LiSi2N3 according to Rietveld analysis) containing exclusively one or the other polymorph, depending solely on the cooling rate. In contrast to the monoclinic phase, orthorhombic ß-Li3SiNO2 additionally contains a third layer and shows a layer-sequence of the type ABCB. Doped with the activator ion Eu2+, the new polymorph exhibits an intense yellow emission (λmax = 586 nm, fwhm = 89 nm, 0.33 eV, 2650 cm-1) under irradiation with UV to blue light. Hence, the structural difference between the two polymorphs goes along with a significant blue-shift of 16 nm. The results from single-crystal diffraction and single-grain luminescence measurements were confirmed by Rietveld analysis of bulk samples and powder luminescence data.

Chemistry ; 18(42): 13446-52, 2012 Oct 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22968845


Owing to a parity allowed 4f(6)((7)F)5d(1)→4f(7)((8)S(7/2)) transition, powders of the nominal composition Sr(0.25)Ba(0.75)Si(2)O(2)N(2):Eu(2+) (2 mol% Eu(2+)) show surprising intense blue emission (λ(em)=472 nm) when excited by UV to blue radiation. Similarly to other phases in the system Sr(1-x)Ba(x)Si(2)O(2)N(2):Eu(2+), the described compound is a promising phosphor material for pc-LED applications as well. The FWHM of the emission band is 37 nm, representing the smallest value found for blue emitting (oxo)nitridosilicates so far. A combination of electron and X-ray diffraction methods was used to determine the crystal structure of Sr(0.25)Ba(0.75)Si(2)O(2)N(2):Eu(2+). HRTEM images reveal the intergrowth of nanodomains with SrSi(2)O(2)N(2) and BaSi(2)O(2)N(2)-type structures, which leads to pronounced diffuse scattering. Taking into account the intergrowth, the structure of the BaSi(2)O(2)N(2)-type domains was refined on single-crystal diffraction data. In contrast to coplanar metal atom layers which are located between layers of condensed SiON(3)-tetrahedra in pure BaSi(2)O(2)N(2), in Sr(0.25)Ba(0.75)Si(2)O(2)N(2):Eu(2+) corrugated metal atom layers occur. HRTEM image simulations indicate cation ordering in the final structure model, which, in combination with the corrugated metal atom layers, explains the unexpected and excellent luminescence properties.

Dalton Trans ; 51(43): 16465-16478, 2022 Nov 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36301123


The compound Li3SiNO2:Eu2+ was synthesized in high temperature solid-state reactions in weld shut tantalum ampules and the crystal structure of Li3SiNO2 has been determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. It crystallizes in the monoclinic space group C2/c (no. 15) with the lattice parameters a = 1049.01(3), b = 1103.42(3), c = 511.86(2) pm, ß = 116.14(1)°, and a volume of V = 0.53187(2) nm3. This compound is built up from two different layers, which are arranged alternately along the crystallographic a-axis. The results from single-crystal diffraction were confirmed by the Rietveld analysis of bulk samples. Moreover, Li3SiNO2 could be successfully doped with the activator ion Eu2+ and the luminescence spectroscopy of single-crystals revealed broad band emission at λmax = 601 nm (fwhm = 90 nm).

Chemistry ; 16(31): 9646-57, 2010 Aug 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20669191


The efficient green phosphor Ba(3)Si(6)O(12)N(2):Eu(2+) and its solid-solution series Ba(3-x)Sr(x)Si(6)O(12)N(2) (with x approximately = 0.4 and 1) were synthesized in a radio-frequency furnace under nitrogen atmosphere at temperatures up to 1425 degrees C. The crystal structure (Ba(3)Si(6)O(12)N(2), space group P3 (no. 147), a = 7.5218(1), c = 6.4684(1) A, wR2 = 0.048, Z = 1) has been solved and refined on the basis of both single-crystal and powder X-ray diffraction data. Ba(3)Si(6)O(12)N(2):Eu(2+) is a layer-like oxonitridosilicate and consists of vertex-sharing SiO(3)N-tetrahedra forming 6er- and 4er-rings as fundamental building units (FBU). The nitrogen atoms are connected to three silicon atoms (N3), while the oxygen atoms are either terminally bound (O1) or bridge two silicon atoms (O2) (numbers in superscripted square brackets after atoms indicate the coordination number of the atom in question). Two crystallographically independent Ba(2+) sites are situated between the silicate layers. Luminescence investigations have shown that Ba(3)Si(6)O(12)N(2):Eu(2+) exhibits excellent luminescence properties (emission maximum at approximately 527 nm, full width at half maximum (FWHM) of approximately 65 nm, low thermal quenching), which provides potential for industrial application in phosphor-converted light-emitting diodes (pc-LEDs). In-situ high-pressure and high-temperature investigations with synchrotron X-ray diffraction indicate decomposition of Ba(3)Si(6)O(12)N(2) under these conditions. The band gap of Ba(3)Si(6)O(12)N(2):Eu(2+) was measured to be 7.05+/-0.25 eV by means of X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) and X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy (XANES). This agrees well with calculated band gap of 6.93 eV using the mBJ-GGA potential. Bonding to the Ba atoms is highly ionic with only the 4p(3/2) orbitals participating in covalent bonds. The valence band consists primarily of N and O p states and the conduction band contains primarily Ba d and f states with a small contribution from the N and O p states.

Nat Commun ; 10(1): 1824, 2019 04 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31015399


Innovative materials for phosphor converted white light-emitting diodes are in high demand owing to the huge potential of the light-emitting diode technology to reduce energy consumption worldwide. As the primary blue diode is already highly optimized, the conversion phosphors are of crucial importance for any further improvements. We report on the discovery of the high performance red phosphor Sr[Li2Al2O2N2]:Eu2+ meeting all requirements for a phosphor's optical properties. It combines the optimal spectral position for a red phosphor, as defined in the 2016 Research & Development-plan of the United States government, with an exceptionally small spectral full width at half maximum and excellent thermal stability. A white mid-power phosphor-converted light-emitting diode prototype utilising Sr[Li2Al2O2N2]:Eu2+ shows an increase of 16% in luminous efficacy compared to currently available commercial high colour-rendering phosphor-converted light-emitting diodes, while retaining excellent high colour rendition. This phosphor enables a big leap in energy efficiency of white emitting phosphor-converted light-emitting-diodes.