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Zookeys ; 1110: 39-102, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36761454


The carnivorous terrestrial snail family Streptaxidae, recognized by having a regular to eccentric shell with complex apertural dentition, remains little-known and largely unexplored in Myanmar. This article presents historically recorded species and provides new data on this family. A total of eighteen species in five genera, namely Carinartemis, Discartemon, Haploptychius, Oophana, and Perrottetia from the southeastern and eastern parts of Myanmar, is examined herein. Among these, Haploptychius is the most diverse with eight species, while the remaining genera are comprised of fewer than five species each. Streptaxisbirmanica and Streptaxisblanfordianus are herein synonymized with Haploptychiusblanfordi, while Streptaxishanleyanus is synonymized with Carinartemissankeyi. Furthermore, the first genitalia and radula descriptions for three previously known species, D.tonywhitteni, C.exacutus, and C.sankeyi, are provided. Using comparative morphological and anatomical approaches, four new species are described: D.paurodeviatus sp. nov., H.heliakosus sp. nov., H.tenasserimicus sp. nov., and H.karenorum sp. nov. This present study enhances the understanding of the land snail fauna in Myanmar, specifically the streptaxids, and highlights that limestone areas are important for biodiversity conservation.

Zookeys ; (589): 23-53, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27408533


The family Streptaxidae in Laos is revised. Twelve species are known, mainly from limestone areas, in the genera Discartemon Pfeiffer, 1856, Perrottetia Kobelt, 1905, Haploptychius Möllendorff, 1906, and Indoartemon Forcart, 1946. Three new species, Perrottetia unidentata sp. n. and Perrottetia megadentata sp. n. from northern and central Laos, and Indoartemon diodonta sp. n. from central Laos, are described. All eight species of these three genera previously recorded from Laos are revised and discussed based on examined material from Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand. Type material was examined and lectotypes are designated. Details of genital anatomy and radulae are provided, including the first detailed genitalia and radula descriptions from Haploptychius. Two novelties in Streptaxidae, a vaginal caecum, and the occurrence of aphallic individuals, are reported from Haploptychius pellucens (Pfeiffer, 1863).

Zookeys ; (401): 45-107, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24843260


Twelve new species of the streptaxid snail genus Discartemon Pfeiffer, 1856 are described from southern Thailand and western Malaysia, D. afthonodontia sp. n., D. circulus sp. n., D. deprima sp. n., D. discadentus sp. n., D. discamaximus sp. n., D. expandus sp. n., D. flavacandida sp. n., D. kotanensis sp. n., and D. megalostraka sp. n. from southern Thailand, as well as D. conicus sp. n., D. epipedis sp. n. and D. triancus sp. n. from western Malaysia. All 15 previously described species are revised and commented upon based on examined material. Streptaxis paradiscus Möllendorff, 1900 is considered a junior subjective synonym of the type species D. discus (Pfeiffer, 1853). Details of the genital anatomy of twelve species, and the radula and pallial system, are provided for the first time. An identification key is provided.

Zookeys ; (287): 41-57, 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23794847


Three new species of the streptaxid snail genus Perrottetia are described from north and northeastern Thailand, Perrottetia aquilonaria sp. n., Perrottetia dermapyrrhosa sp. n. and Perrottetia phuphamanensis sp. n. Each species is endemic to a single or a few limestone mountain ranges. The species are characterized by the morphology of their genital organs, as well as by shell characters. Perrottetia aquilonaria sp. n. has a club shaped distal penis and large penial hooks are present and penial papillae cover almost the entire penial hook portion; adjacent areas possess low reticulated folds. Perrottetia dermapyrrhosa sp. n. has a long genital atrium and the penial sheath is about two-thirds of the penis length. Penial hooks are long, scattered and sunken into deep ovate hollows; vaginal hooks are present. Perrottetia phuphamanensis sp. n. has a rounded and protruded shell periphery. The aperture is subcircular, peristome is thick and the second parietal lamella is adjacent to the first parietal lamella; a basal lamella is the smaller than in the other Thai species.