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Nano Lett ; 18(5): 3241-3249, 2018 05 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29667835


Chemical and mechanical properties interplay on the nanometric scale and collectively govern the functionalities of battery materials. Understanding the relationship between the two can inform the design of battery materials with optimal chemomechanical properties for long-life lithium batteries. Herein, we report a mechanism of nanoscale mechanical breakdown in layered oxide cathode materials, originating from oxygen release at high states of charge under thermal abuse conditions. We observe that the mechanical breakdown of charged Li1- xNi0.4Mn0.4Co0.2O2 materials proceeds via a two-step pathway involving intergranular and intragranular crack formation. Owing to the oxygen release, sporadic phase transformations from the layered structure to the spinel and/or rocksalt structures introduce local stress, which initiates microcracks along grain boundaries and ultimately leads to the detachment of primary particles, i.e., intergranular crack formation. Furthermore, intragranular cracks (pores and exfoliations) form, likely due to the accumulation of oxygen vacancies and continuous phase transformations at the surfaces of primary particles. Finally, finite element modeling confirms our experimental observation that the crack formation is attributable to the formation of oxygen vacancies, oxygen release, and phase transformations. This study is designed to directly observe the chemomechanical behavior of layered oxide cathode materials and provides a chemical basis for strengthening primary and secondary particles by stabilizing the oxygen anions in the lattice.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 11(41): 37885-37891, 2019 Oct 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31589393


Elemental doping represents a prominent strategy to improve interfacial chemistry in battery materials. Manipulating the dopant spatial distribution and understanding the dynamic evolution of the dopants at the atomic scale can inform better design of the doping chemistry for batteries. In this work, we create a targeted hierarchical distribution of Ti4+, a popular doping element for oxide cathode materials, in LiNi0.8Mn0.1Co0.1O2 primary particles. We apply multiscale synchrotron/electron spectroscopy and imaging techniques as well as theoretical calculations to investigate the dynamic evolution of the doping chemical environment. The Ti4+ dopant is fully incorporated into the TMO6 octahedral coordination and is targeted to be enriched at the surface. Ti4+ in the TMO6 octahedral coordination increases the TM-O bond length and reduces the covalency between (Ni, Mn, Co) and O. The excellent reversibility of Ti4+ chemical environment gives rise to superior oxygen reversibility at the cathode-electrolyte interphase and in the bulk particles, leading to improved stability in capacity, energy, and voltage. Our work directly probes the chemical environment of doping elements and helps rationalize the doping strategy for high-voltage layered cathodes.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 10(28): 23842-23850, 2018 Jul 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29920072


Nickel-rich layered cathode materials have the potential to enable cheaper and higher energy lithium ion batteries. However, these materials face major challenges (e.g., surface reconstruction, microcracking, potential oxygen evolution) that can hinder the safety and cycle life of lithium ion batteries. Many studies of nickel-rich materials have focused on ways to improve performance. Understanding the effects of temperature and cycling on the chemical and structural transformations is essential to assess the performance and suitability of these materials for practical battery applications. The present study is focused on the spectroscopic analysis of surface changes within a strong performing LiNi0.8Mn0.1Co0.1O2 (NMC811) cathode material. We found that surface chemical and structural transformations (e.g., gradient metal reduction, oxygen loss, reconstruction, dissolution) occurred quicker and deeper than expected at higher temperatures. Even at lower temperatures, the degradation occurred rapidly and eventually matched the degradation at high temperatures. Despite these transformations, our performance results showed that a better performing nickel-rich NMC is possible. Establishing relationships between the atomic, structural, chemical, and physical properties of cathode materials and their behavior during cycling, as we have done here for NMC811, opens the possibility of developing lithium ion batteries with higher performance and longer life. Finally, our study also suggests that a separate, systematic, and elaborate study of surface chemistry is necessary for each NMC composition and electrolyte environment.