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Nature ; 625(7995): 489-493, 2024 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38172641


The quantum Hall effect is a prototypical realization of a topological state of matter. It emerges from a subtle interplay between topology, interactions and disorder1-9. The disorder enables the formation of localized states in the bulk that stabilize the quantum Hall states with respect to the magnetic field and carrier density3. Still, the details of the localized states and their contribution to transport remain beyond the reach of most experimental techniques10-31. Here we describe an extensive study of the bulk's heat conductance. Using a novel 'multiterminal' short device (on a scale of 10 µm), we separate the longitudinal thermal conductance, [Formula: see text] (owing to the bulk's contribution), from the topological transverse value [Formula: see text] by eliminating the contribution of the edge modes24. When the magnetic field is tuned away from the conductance plateau centre, the localized states in the bulk conduct heat efficiently ([Formula: see text]), whereas the bulk remains electrically insulating. Fractional states in the first excited Landau level, such as the [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text], conduct heat throughout the plateau with a finite [Formula: see text]. We propose a theoretical model that identifies the localized states as the cause of the finite heat conductance, agreeing qualitatively with our experimental findings.

Nature ; 614(7949): 682-687, 2023 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36813895


The invention of scanning probe microscopy revolutionized the way electronic phenomena are visualized1. Whereas present-day probes can access a variety of electronic properties at a single location in space2, a scanning microscope that can directly probe the quantum mechanical existence of an electron at several locations would provide direct access to key quantum properties of electronic systems, so far unreachable. Here, we demonstrate a conceptually new type of scanning probe microscope-the quantum twisting microscope (QTM)-capable of performing local interference experiments at its tip. The QTM is based on a unique van der Waals tip, allowing the creation of pristine two-dimensional junctions, which provide a multitude of coherently interfering paths for an electron to tunnel into a sample. With the addition of a continuously scanned twist angle between the tip and sample, this microscope probes electrons along a line in momentum space similar to how a scanning tunnelling microscope probes electrons along a line in real space. Through a series of experiments, we demonstrate room-temperature quantum coherence at the tip, study the twist angle evolution of twisted bilayer graphene, directly image the energy bands of monolayer and twisted bilayer graphene and, finally, apply large local pressures while visualizing the gradual flattening of the low-energy band of twisted bilayer graphene. The QTM opens the way for new classes of experiments on quantum materials.

Nature ; 609(7926): 276-281, 2022 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36071191


Electrical resistance usually originates from lattice imperfections. However, even a perfect lattice has a fundamental resistance limit, given by the Landauer1 conductance caused by a finite number of propagating electron modes. This resistance, shown by Sharvin2 to appear at the contacts of electronic devices, sets the ultimate conduction limit of non-interacting electrons. Recent years have seen growing evidence of hydrodynamic electronic phenomena3-18, prompting recent theories19,20 to ask whether an electronic fluid can radically break the fundamental Landauer-Sharvin limit. Here, we use single-electron-transistor imaging of electronic flow in high-mobility graphene Corbino disk devices to answer this question. First, by imaging ballistic flows at liquid-helium temperatures, we observe a Landauer-Sharvin resistance that does not appear at the contacts but is instead distributed throughout the bulk. This underpins the phase-space origin of this resistance-as emerging from spatial gradients in the number of conduction modes. At elevated temperatures, by identifying and accounting for electron-phonon scattering, we show the details of the purely hydrodynamic flow. Strikingly, we find that electron hydrodynamics eliminates the bulk Landauer-Sharvin resistance. Finally, by imaging spiralling magneto-hydrodynamic Corbino flows, we show the key emergent length scale predicted by hydrodynamic theories-the Gurzhi length. These observations demonstrate that electronic fluids can dramatically transcend the fundamental limitations of ballistic electrons, with important implications for fundamental science and future technologies.

Nature ; 592(7853): 214-219, 2021 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33828314


In the 1950s, Pomeranchuk1 predicted that, counterintuitively, liquid 3He may solidify on heating. This effect arises owing to high excess nuclear spin entropy in the solid phase, where the atoms are spatially localized. Here we find that an analogous effect occurs in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene2-6. Using both local and global electronic entropy measurements, we show that near a filling of one electron per moiré unit cell, there is a marked increase in the electronic entropy to about 1kB per unit cell (kB is the Boltzmann constant). This large excess entropy is quenched by an in-plane magnetic field, pointing to its magnetic origin. A sharp drop in the compressibility as a function of the electron density, associated with a reset of the Fermi level back to the vicinity of the Dirac point, marks a clear boundary between two phases. We map this jump as a function of electron density, temperature and magnetic field. This reveals a phase diagram that is consistent with a Pomeranchuk-like temperature- and field-driven transition from a low-entropy electronic liquid to a high-entropy correlated state with nearly free magnetic moments. The correlated state features an unusual combination of seemingly contradictory properties, some associated with itinerant electrons-such as the absence of a thermodynamic gap, metallicity and a Dirac-like compressibility-and others associated with localized moments, such as a large entropy and its disappearance under a magnetic field. Moreover, the energy scales characterizing these two sets of properties are very different: whereas the compressibility jump has an onset at a temperature of about 30 kelvin, the bandwidth of magnetic excitations is about 3 kelvin or smaller. The hybrid nature of the present correlated state and the large separation of energy scales have implications for the thermodynamic and transport properties of the correlated states in twisted bilayer graphene.

Nature ; 582(7811): 203-208, 2020 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32528091


Twisted bilayer graphene near the magic angle1-4 exhibits rich electron-correlation physics, displaying insulating3-6, magnetic7,8 and superconducting phases4-6. The electronic bands of this system were predicted1,2 to narrow markedly9,10 near the magic angle, leading to a variety of possible symmetry-breaking ground states11-17. Here, using measurements of the local electronic compressibility, we show that these correlated phases originate from a high-energy state with an unusual sequence of band population. As carriers are added to the system, the four electronic 'flavours', which correspond to the spin and valley degrees of freedom, are not filled equally. Rather, they are populated through a sequence of sharp phase transitions, which appear as strong asymmetric jumps of the electronic compressibility near integer fillings of the moiré lattice. At each transition, a single spin/valley flavour takes all the carriers from its partially filled peers, 'resetting' them to the vicinity of the charge neutrality point. As a result, the Dirac-like character observed near charge neutrality reappears after each integer filling. Measurement of the in-plane magnetic field dependence of the chemical potential near filling factor one reveals a large spontaneous magnetization, further substantiating this picture of a cascade of symmetry breaking. The sequence of phase transitions and Dirac revivals is observed at temperatures well above the onset of the superconducting and correlated insulating states. This indicates that the state that we report here, with its strongly broken electronic flavour symmetry and revived Dirac-like electronic character, is important in the physics of magic-angle graphene, forming the parent state out of which the more fragile superconducting and correlated insulating ground states emerge.

Nature ; 576(7785): 75-79, 2019 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31802019


Hydrodynamics, which generally describes the flow of a fluid, is expected to hold even for fundamental particles such as electrons when inter-particle interactions dominate1. Although various aspects of electron hydrodynamics have been revealed in recent experiments2-11, the fundamental spatial structure of hydrodynamic electrons-the Poiseuille flow profile-has remained elusive. Here we provide direct imaging of the Poiseuille flow of an electronic fluid, as well as a visualization of its evolution from ballistic flow. Using a scanning carbon nanotube single-electron transistor12, we image the Hall voltage of electronic flow through channels of high-mobility graphene. We find that the profile of the Hall field across the channel is a key physical quantity for distinguishing ballistic from hydrodynamic flow. We image the transition from flat, ballistic field profiles at low temperatures into parabolic field profiles at elevated temperatures, which is the hallmark of Poiseuille flow. The curvature of the imaged profiles is qualitatively reproduced by Boltzmann calculations, which allow us to create a 'phase diagram' that characterizes the electron flow regimes. Our results provide direct confirmation of Poiseuille flow in the solid state, and enable exploration of the rich physics of interacting electrons in real space.

Nature ; 569(7754): 89-92, 2019 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31019303


Majorana zero modes-quasiparticle states localized at the boundaries of topological superconductors-are expected to be ideal building blocks for fault-tolerant quantum computing1,2. Several observations of zero-bias conductance peaks measured by tunnelling spectroscopy above a critical magnetic field have been reported as experimental indications of Majorana zero modes in superconductor-semiconductor nanowires3-8. On the other hand, two-dimensional systems offer the alternative approach of confining Majorana channels within planar Josephson junctions, in which the phase difference φ between the superconducting leads represents an additional tuning knob that is predicted to drive the system into the topological phase at lower magnetic fields than for a system without phase bias9,10. Here we report the observation of phase-dependent zero-bias conductance peaks measured by tunnelling spectroscopy at the end of Josephson junctions realized on a heterostructure consisting of aluminium on indium arsenide. Biasing the junction to φ ≈ π reduces the critical field at which the zero-bias peak appears, with respect to φ = 0. The phase and magnetic-field dependence of the zero-energy states is consistent with a model of Majorana zero modes in finite-size Josephson junctions. As well as providing experimental evidence of phase-tuned topological superconductivity, our devices are compatible with superconducting quantum electrodynamics architectures11 and are scalable to the complex geometries needed for topological quantum computing9,12,13.

Phys Rev Lett ; 132(8): 086501, 2024 Feb 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38457700


In this work we investigate the ground state of a momentum-confined interacting 2D electron gas, a momentum-space analog of an infinite quantum well. The study is performed by combining analytical results with a numerical exact diagonalization procedure. We find a ferromagnetic ground state near a particular electron density and for a range of effective electron (or hole) masses. We argue that this observation may be relevant to the generalized Stoner ferromagnetism recently observed in multilayer graphene systems. The collective magnon excitations exhibit a linear dispersion, which originates from a diverging spin stiffness.

Nature ; 562(7726): E6, 2018 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30108363


In this Article, the publication details for references 33, 34 and 40 have been corrected online.

Nature ; 559(7713): 205-210, 2018 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29867160


Topological states of matter are characterized by topological invariants, which are physical quantities whose values are quantized and do not depend on the details of the system (such as its shape, size and impurities). Of these quantities, the easiest to probe is the electrical Hall conductance, and fractional values (in units of e2/h, where e is the electronic charge and h is the Planck constant) of this quantity attest to topologically ordered states, which carry quasiparticles with fractional charge and anyonic statistics. Another topological invariant is the thermal Hall conductance, which is harder to measure. For the quantized thermal Hall conductance, a fractional value in units of κ0 (κ0 = π2kB2/(3h), where kB is the Boltzmann constant) proves that the state of matter is non-Abelian. Such non-Abelian states lead to ground-state degeneracy and perform topological unitary transformations when braided, which can be useful for topological quantum computation. Here we report measurements of the thermal Hall conductance of several quantum Hall states in the first excited Landau level and find that the thermal Hall conductance of the 5/2 state is compatible with a half-integer value of 2.5κ0, demonstrating its non-Abelian nature.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(18): 186601, 2023 Nov 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37977648


We propose a method to extract the mutual exchange statistics of the anyonic excitations of a general Abelian fractional quantum Hall state, by comparing the tunneling characteristics of a quantum point contact in two different experimental conditions. In the first, the tunneling current between two edges at different chemical potentials is measured. In the second, one of these edges is strongly diluted by an earlier point contact. We describe the case of the dilute beam in terms of a time-domain interferometer between the anyons flowing along the edge and quasiparticle-quasihole excitations created at the tunneling quantum point contact. In both cases, temperature is kept large, such that the measured current is given to linear response. Remarkably, our proposal does not require the measurement of current correlations, and allows us to carefully separate effects of the fractional charge and statistics from effects of intra- and interedge interactions.

Phys Rev Lett ; 130(3): 030602, 2023 Jan 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36763391


Entangling gates are an essential component of quantum computers. However, generating high-fidelity gates, in a scalable manner, remains a major challenge in all quantum information processing platforms. Accordingly, improving the fidelity and robustness of these gates has been a research focus in recent years. In trapped ions quantum computers, entangling gates are performed by driving the normal modes of motion of the ion chain, generating a spin-dependent force. Even though there has been significant progress in increasing the robustness and modularity of these gates, they are still sensitive to noise in the intensity of the driving field. Here we supplement the conventional spin-dependent displacement with spin-dependent squeezing, which creates a new interaction, that enables a gate that is robust to deviations in the amplitude of the driving field. We solve the general Hamiltonian and engineer its spectrum analytically. We also endow our gate with other, more conventional, robustness properties, making it resilient to many practical sources of noise and inaccuracies.

Phys Rev Lett ; 130(9): 096202, 2023 Mar 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36930915


We report simultaneously acquired local and nonlocal transport spectroscopy in a phase-biased planar Josephson junction based on an epitaxial InAs-Al hybrid two-dimensional heterostructure. Quantum point contacts at the junction ends allow measurement of the 2×2 matrix of local and nonlocal tunneling conductances as a function of magnetic field along the junction, phase difference across the junction, and carrier density. A closing and reopening of a gap was observed in both the local and nonlocal tunneling spectra as a function of magnetic field. For particular tunings of junction density, gap reopenings were accompanied by zero-bias conductance peaks (ZBCPs) in local conductances. End-to-end correlation of gap reopening was strong, while correlation of local ZBCPs was weak. A model of the device, with disorder treated phenomenologically, shows comparable conductance matrix behavior associated with a topological phase transition. Phase dependence helps distinguish possible origins of the ZBCPs.

Nature ; 545(7652): 75-79, 2017 05 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28424514


The quantum of thermal conductance of ballistic (collisionless) one-dimensional channels is a unique fundamental constant. Although the quantization of the electrical conductance of one-dimensional ballistic conductors has long been experimentally established, demonstrating the quantization of thermal conductance has been challenging as it necessitated an accurate measurement of very small temperature increase. It has been accomplished for weakly interacting systems of phonons, photons and electronic Fermi liquids; however, it should theoretically also hold in strongly interacting systems, such as those in which the fractional quantum Hall effect is observed. This effect describes the fractionalization of electrons into anyons and chargeless quasiparticles, which in some cases can be Majorana fermions. Because the bulk is incompressible in the fractional quantum Hall regime, it is not expected to contribute substantially to the thermal conductance, which is instead determined by chiral, one-dimensional edge modes. The thermal conductance thus reflects the topological properties of the fractional quantum Hall electronic system, to which measurements of the electrical conductance give no access. Here we report measurements of thermal conductance in particle-like (Laughlin-Jain series) states and the more complex (and less studied) hole-like states in a high-mobility two-dimensional electron gas in GaAs-AlGaAs heterostructures. Hole-like states, which have fractional Landau-level fillings of 1/2 to 1, support downstream charged modes as well as upstream neutral modes, and are expected to have a thermal conductance that is determined by the net chirality of all of their downstream and upstream edge modes. Our results establish the universality of the quantization of thermal conductance for fractionally charged and neutral modes. Measurements of anyonic heat flow provide access to information that is not easily accessible from measurements of conductance.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(5): 056801, 2022 Feb 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35179934


We consider the stability of fragile topological bands protected by space-time inversion symmetry in the presence of strong electron-electron interactions. At the single-particle level, the topological nature of the bands prevents the opening of a gap between them. In contrast, we show that when the fragile bands are half filled, interactions can open a gap in the many-body spectrum without breaking any symmetry or mixing degrees of freedom from remote bands. Furthermore, the resulting ground state is not topologically ordered. Thus, a fragile topological band structure does not present an obstruction to forming a "featureless insulator" ground state. Our construction relies on the formation of fermionic bound states of two electrons and one hole known as "trions." The trions form a band whose coupling to the electronic band enables the gap opening. This result may be relevant to the gapped state indicated by recent experiments in magic angle twisted bilayer graphene at charge neutrality.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(1): 016401, 2022 Jan 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35061467


We propose an experiment to identify the topological order of the ν=5/2 state through a measurement of the electric conductance of a mesoscopic device. Our setup is based on interfacing ν=2,5/2, and 3 in the same device. Its conductance can unambiguously establish or rule out the particle-hole symmetric Pfaffian topological order, which is supported by recent thermal measurements. Additionally, it distinguishes between the Moore-Read and anti-Pfaffian topological orders, which are favored by numerical calculations.

Phys Rev Lett ; 129(15): 157701, 2022 Oct 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36269972


It has long been realized that even a perfectly clean electronic system harbors a Landauer-Sharvin resistance, inversely proportional to the number of its conduction channels. This resistance is usually associated with voltage drops on the system's contacts to an external circuit. Recent theories have shown that hydrodynamic effects can reduce this resistance, raising the question of the lower bound of resistance of hydrodynamic electrons. Here, we show that by a proper choice of device geometry, it is possible to spread the Landauer-Sharvin resistance throughout the bulk of the system, allowing its complete elimination by electron hydrodynamics. We trace the effect to the dynamics of electrons flowing in channels that terminate within the sample. For ballistic systems this termination leads to back-reflection of the electrons and creates resistance. Hydrodynamically, the scattering of these electrons off other electrons allows them to transfer to transmitted channels and avoid the resistance. Counterintuitively, we find that in contrast to the ohmic regime, for hydrodynamic electrons the resistance of a device with a given width can decrease with its length, suggesting that a long enough device may have an arbitrarily small total resistance.

Elétrons , Hidrodinâmica
Phys Rev Lett ; 127(24): 247703, 2021 Dec 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34951791


We introduce and analyze a model that sheds light on the interplay between correlated insulating states, superconductivity, and flavor-symmetry breaking in magic angle twisted bilayer graphene. Using a variational mean-field theory, we determine the normal-state phase diagram of our model as a function of the band filling. The model features robust insulators at even integer fillings, occasional weaker insulators at odd integer fillings, and a pattern of flavor-symmetry breaking at noninteger fillings. Adding a phonon-mediated intervalley retarded attractive interaction, we obtain strong-coupling superconducting domes, whose structure is in qualitative agreement with experiments. Our model elucidates how the intricate form of the interactions and the particle-hole asymmetry of the electronic structure determine the phase diagram. It also explains how subtle differences between devices may lead to the different behaviors observed experimentally. A similar model can be applied with minor modifications to other moiré systems, such as twisted trilayer graphene.

Phys Rev Lett ; 127(1): 016602, 2021 Jul 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34270311


The axion insulator is a higher-order topological insulator protected by inversion symmetry. We show that, under quenched disorder respecting inversion symmetry on average, the topology of the axion insulator stays robust, and an intermediate metallic phase in which states are delocalized is unavoidable at the transition from an axion insulator to a trivial insulator. We derive this conclusion from general arguments, from classical percolation theory, and from the numerical study of a 3D quantum network model simulating a disordered axion insulator through a layer construction. We find the localization length critical exponent near the delocalization transition to be ν=1.42±0.12. We further show that this delocalization transition is stable even to weak breaking of the average inversion symmetry, up to a critical strength. We also quantitatively map our quantum network model to an effective Hamiltonian and we find its low-energy k·p expansion.

Phys Rev Lett ; 124(10): 106805, 2020 Mar 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32216381


For strongly screened Coulomb interactions, quantum Hall interferometers can operate in a novel regime: the intrinsic energy gap can be larger than the charging energy, and addition of flux quanta can occur without adding quasiparticles. We show that flux superperiods are possible and reconcile their appearance with the Byers-Yang theorem. We explain that the observation of anyonic statistical phases is possible by tuning to the transition from a regime with constant chemical potential to a regime with constant particle density, where a flux superperiod changes to a periodicity with one flux quantum at a critical magnetic field strength.