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Opt Express ; 27(19): 27124-27135, 2019 Sep 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31674579


We present the results of a systematic study of photoelectron emission from isolated dielectric nanoparticles (SiO2) irradiated by intense 25 fs, 780 nm linearly polarized laser pulses as a function of particle size (20 nm to 750 nm in diameter) and laser intensity. We also introduce an experimental technique to reduce the effects of focal volume averaging. The highest photoelectron energies show a strong size dependence, increasing by a factor of six over the range of particles sizes studied at a fixed intensity. For smaller particle sizes (up to 200 nm), our findings agree well with earlier results obtained with few-cycle, ∼4 fs pulses. For large nanoparticles, which exhibit stronger near-field localization due to field-propagation effects, we observe the emission of much more energetic electrons, reaching energies up to ∼200 times the ponderomotive energy. This strong deviation in maximum photoelectron energy is attributed to the increase in ionization and charge interaction for many-cycle pulses at similar intensities.

Opt Express ; 25(3): 1646-1655, 2017 Feb 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29519019


We present a compact, simple design for the generation and tuning of both the spot size and effective focal length of Bessel-like beams. In particular, this setup provides an important tool for the use of Bessel-like beams with high-power, femtosecond laser systems. Using a shallow angle axicon in conjunction with a spherical lens, we show that it is possible to focus Bessel-like modes to comparable focal spot sizes to sharp axicons while maintaining a long effective focal length. The resulting focal profiles are characterized in detail using an accurate high dynamic range imaging technique. Quantitatively, we introduce a metric (R0.8) which defines the spot-size containing 80% of the total energy. Our setup overcomes the typical compromise between long working distances and small spot sizes. This is particularly relevant for strong-field physics where most experiments must operate in vacuum.

Opt Express ; 23(4): 4563-72, 2015 Feb 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25836493


We demonstrate a chirped-pulse-amplified Ti:Sapphire laser system operating at 1 kHz, with 20 mJ pulse energy, 26 femtosecond pulse duration (0.77 terawatt), and excellent long term carrier-envelope-phase (CEP) stability. A new vibrational damping technique is implemented to significantly reduce vibrational noise on both the laser stretcher and compressor, thus enabling a single-shot CEP noise value of 250 mrad RMS over 1 hour and 300 mrad RMS over 9 hours. This is, to the best of our knowledge, the best long term CEP noise ever reported for any terawatt class laser. This laser is also used to pump a white-light-seeded optical parametric amplifier, producing 6 mJ of total energy in the signal and idler with 18 mJ of pumping energy. Due to preservation of the CEP in the white-light generated signal and passive CEP stability in the idler, this laser system promises synthesized laser pulses spanning multi-octaves of bandwidth at an unprecedented energy scale.

Opt Express ; 22(4): 4235-46, 2014 Feb 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24663747


Ultrashort, intense light pulses permit the study of nanomaterials in the optical non-linear regime. Non-linear regimes are often present just below the damage threshold thus requiring careful tuning of the laser parameters to avoid melting the materials. Detailed studies of the damage threshold of nanoscale materials are therefore needed. We present results on the damage threshold of gold (Au) nanowires when illuminated by intense femtosecond pulses. These nanowires were synthesized via the directed electrochemical nanowire assembly (DENA) process in two configurations: (1) free-standing Au nanowires on tungsten (W) electrodes and (2) Au nanowires attached to fused silica slides. In both cases the wires have a single-crystalline structure. For 790 nm laser pulses with durations of 108 fs and 32 fs at a repetition rate of 2 kHz, we find that the free-standing nanowires melt at intensities close to 3 TW/cm2 (194 mJ/cm2) and 7.5 TW/cm2 (144 mJ/cm2), respectively. The Au nanowires attached to silica slides melt at slightly higher intensities, just above 10 TW/cm2 (192 mJ/cm2) for 32 fs pulses. Our results can be explained with an electron-phonon interaction model that describes the absorbed laser energy and subsequent heat conduction across the wire.

Sci Adv ; 10(32): eadp1890, 2024 Aug 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39110806


Surface charges play a fundamental role in physics and chemistry, in particular in shaping the catalytic properties of nanomaterials. However, tracking nanoscale surface charge dynamics remains challenging due to the involved length and time scales. Here, we demonstrate time-resolved access to the nanoscale charge dynamics on dielectric nanoparticles using reaction nanoscopy. We present a four-dimensional visualization of the spatiotemporal evolution of the charge density on individual SiO2 nanoparticles under strong-field irradiation with femtosecond-nanometer resolution. The initially localized surface charges exhibit a biexponential redistribution over time. Our findings reveal the influence of surface charges on surface molecular bonding through quantum dynamical simulations. We performed semi-classical simulations to uncover the roles of diffusion and charge loss in the surface charge redistribution process. Understanding nanoscale surface charge dynamics and its influence on chemical bonding on a single-nanoparticle level unlocks an increased ability to address global needs in renewable energy and advanced health care.

Sci Rep ; 9(1): 6002, 2019 Apr 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30979938


For the last several decades, the wavelength range accessible for strong-field, few-cycle studies has remained limited to the visible, near infrared and mid-wave infrared regimes. In particular, sources in the long-wave infrared have been lacking. We report the development of a 1 kHz, few-cycle laser source with up to a 9 µm central wavelength and gigawatt peak powers. When focused, this source can ionize gas targets, which we demonstrate here through the ionization of atomic xenon at wavelengths ranging from 5 µm to 9 µm. This opens up new opportunities for fundamental atomic and molecular physics, enabling experimental tests of strong-field ionization theories in the extreme long-wavelength, few-cycle limit and the direct excitation of vibrational transitions in organic molecules.