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Int J Fertil Steril ; 13(1): 1-5, 2019 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30644237


Urocortin (UCN) is a neuropeptide that belongs to the corticotrophin-releasing hormone family and is expressed by eutopic and ectopic human endometria. The past years, this expression has been thoroughly investigated in the field of endometriosis. The objective of this systematic review is to accumulate current evidence related to the expression of UCN in tissue and blood samples of patients suffering from endometriosis. Literature search was designed according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines and primarily conducted using the Medline (1966-2018), Scopus (2004-2018), EMBASE (1947-2018) and (2008- 2018) databases, along with the reference lists of electronically retrieved full-text papers. Overall, eight studies were retrieved. Current evidence suggests that the expression of UCN is increased in patients with ovarian endometriomas and that its levels may correlate with the severity of the disease. The diagnostic efficacy of UCN1 plasma levels was evaluated in three studies. Two of them suggested that the sensitivity and specificity of the method may reach, and even exceed, 80%. However, the wide variation in outcome reporting and outcome reporting measures in endometriosis among the included studies precludes meta-analysis of available data. Therefore, although UCN seems to be a promising biomarker for the identification and follow-up of patients that suffer from endometriosis, more studies are needed to reach firm conclusions with respect to its predictive accuracy.

Ann Transl Med ; 6(12): 256, 2018 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30069458


Mitochondria are the source of cellular energy production and are present in different types of cells. However, their function is especially important for the heart due to the high demands in energy which is achieved through oxidative phosphorylation. Mitochondria form large networks which regulate metabolism and the optimal function is achieved through the balance between mitochondrial fusion and mitochondrial fission. Moreover, mitochondrial function is upon quality control via the process of mitophagy which removes the damaged organelles. Mitochondrial dysfunction is associated with the development of numerous cardiac diseases such as atherosclerosis, ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury, hypertension, diabetes, cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure (HF), due to the uncontrolled production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Therefore, early control of mitochondrial dysfunction is a crucial step in the therapy of cardiac diseases. A number of anti-oxidant molecules and medications have been used but the results are inconsistent among the studies. Eventually, the aim of future research is to design molecules which selectively target mitochondrial dysfunction and restore the capacity of cellular anti-oxidant enzymes.