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Nature ; 621(7979): 506-510, 2023 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37648858


Graphitic electrode is commonly used in electrochemical reactions owing to its excellent in-plane conductivity, structural robustness and cost efficiency1,2. It serves as prime electrocatalyst support as well as a layered intercalation matrix2,3, with wide applications in energy conversion and storage1,4. Being the two-dimensional building block of graphite, graphene shares similar chemical properties with graphite1,2, and its unique physical and chemical properties offer more varieties and tunability for developing state-of-the-art graphitic devices5-7. Hence it serves as an ideal platform to investigate the microscopic structure and reaction kinetics at the graphitic-electrode interfaces. Unfortunately, graphene is susceptible to various extrinsic factors, such as substrate effect8-10, causing much confusion and controversy7,8,10,11. Hereby we have obtained centimetre-sized substrate-free monolayer graphene suspended on aqueous electrolyte surface with gate tunability. Using sum-frequency spectroscopy, here we show the structural evolution versus the gate voltage at the graphene-water interface. The hydrogen-bond network of water in the Stern layer is barely changed within the water-electrolysis window but undergoes notable change when switching on the electrochemical reactions. The dangling O-H bond protruding at the graphene-water interface disappears at the onset of the hydrogen evolution reaction, signifying a marked structural change on the topmost layer owing to excess intermediate species next to the electrode. The large-size suspended pristine graphene offers a new platform to unravel the microscopic processes at the graphitic-electrode interfaces.

Nano Lett ; 22(24): 10111-10119, 2022 Dec 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36512804


The demand for emerging applications at the terahertz frequencies motivates the development of novel and multifunctional devices for the generation and manipulation of terahertz waves. In this work, we report the realization of multifunctional spintronic-metasurface emitters, which allow simultaneous beam-steering and full polarization control over a broadband terahertz beam. This is achieved through engineering individual meta-atoms with nanoscale magnetic heterostructures and, thus, implementing microscopical control over the laser-induced spin and charge dynamics. By arranging the spintronic meta-atoms in the metagrating geometry, the generated terahertz beam can be flexibly steered in space between different orders of diffraction. Furthermore, we demonstrate a simultaneous control over the terahertz polarization states at different emission angles and show that the two control capabilities are mutually independent of each other. The nanoengineered multifunctional terahertz emitter demonstrated in this work can provide a solution to the challenge associated with a growing variety of applications of terahertz technology.

Opt Express ; 30(2): 2918-2932, 2022 Jan 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35209423


The high power and variable repetition-rate of Yb femtosecond lasers makes them very attractive for ultrafast science. However, for capturing sub-200 fs dynamics, efficient, high-fidelity and high-stability pulse compression techniques are essential. Spectral broadening using an all-solid-state free-space geometry is particularly attractive, as it is simple, robust and low-cost. However, spatial and temporal losses caused by spatio-spectral inhomogeneities have been a major challenge to date, due to coupled space-time dynamics associated with unguided nonlinear propagation. In this work, we use all-solid-state free-space compressors to demonstrate compression of 170 fs pulses at a wavelength of 1030nm from a Yb:KGW laser to ∼9.2 fs, with a highly spatially homogeneous mode. This is achieved by ensuring that the nonlinear beam propagation in periodic layered Kerr media occurs in spatial soliton modes, and by confining the nonlinear phase through each material layer to less than 1.0 rad. A remarkable spatio-spectral homogeneity of ∼0.87 can be realized, which yields a high efficiency of >50% for few-cycle compression. The universality of the method is demonstrated by implementing high-quality pulse compression under a wide range of laser conditions. The high spatiotemporal quality and the exceptional stability of the compressed pulses are further verified by high-harmonic generation. Our predictive method offers a compact and cost-effective solution for high-quality few-cycle-pulse generation from Yb femtosecond lasers, and will enable broad applications in ultrafast science and extreme nonlinear optics.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 116(47): 23410-23415, 2019 Nov 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31690661


Among natural energy resources, methane clathrate has attracted tremendous attention because of its strong relevance to current energy and environment issues. Yet little is known about how the clathrate starts to nucleate and disintegrate at the molecular level, because such microscopic processes are difficult to probe experimentally. Using surface-specific sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopy, we have studied in situ the nucleation and disintegration of methane clathrate embryos at the methane-gas-water interface under high pressure and different temperatures. Before appearance of macroscopic methane clathrate, the interfacial structure undergoes 3 stages as temperature varies, namely, dissolution of methane molecules into water interface, formation of cage-like methane-water complexes, and appearance of microscopic methane clathrate, while the bulk water structure remains unchanged. We find spectral features associated with methane-water complexes emerging in the induction time. The complexes are present over a wide temperature window and act as nuclei for clathrate growth. Their existence in the melt of clathrates explains why melted clathrates can be more readily recrystallized at higher temperature, the so-called "memory effect." Our findings here on the nucleation mechanism of clathrates could provide guidance for rational control of formation and disintegration of clathrates.

Small ; 17(12): e2006146, 2021 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33634590


The thermal expansion coefficient (TEC) of a 2D material is a fundamental parameter for both material property and applications. A joint study is hereby reported, using Raman microspectroscopy and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, of the substrate effects on thermal properties of graphene. It is found that besides the lateral strain induced by the substrate, out-of-plane coupling strongly affects the temperature-dependent vibrational modes and TEC of graphene. MD simulation shows significant reduction of the density of states for longer wavelength out-of-plane vibrations when the graphene is supported on an alkane substrate. The negative TEC of freestanding graphene becomes smaller when out-of-plane rippling is suppressed. In order to measure TEC of 2D materials with the out-of-plane coupling being taken into consideration, a Raman microspectroscopic scheme to separate the contributions of lateral strain and out-of-plane coupling to TEC is developed. The TEC of graphene on octadecyltrichlorosilane substrate is found to be (-0.6 ± 0.5) × 10-6 K-1 at room temperature, which is fundamentally smaller than that of freestanding graphene. These results shed light on the fundamental understanding of the interaction between 2D material and substrate, and offer a general recipe for studying separately in-plane and out-of-plane couplings on supported materials.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(15): 156803, 2020 Oct 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33095625


We report a joint study using surface-specific sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopy and ab initio molecular dynamics simulations, respectively, on a pristine hydrophobic (sub)monolayer hexane-water interface, namely, the hexane/water interface with varied vapor pressures of hexane and different pHs in water. We show clear evidence that hexane on water revises the interfacial water structure in a way that stabilizes the hypercoordinated solvation structure and slows down the migration of hydroxide ion (OH^{-}) relative to that in bulk water. This mechanism effectively attracts the OH^{-} to the water-hydrophobic interface with respect to its counterion. The result illustrates the striking difference of proton transfer of hydrated OH^{-} at the interface and in the bulk, which is responsible for the intrinsic charging effect at the hydrophobic interface.

Nano Lett ; 19(8): 5697-5702, 2019 Aug 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31348663


Two-dimensional superconductors have attracted growing interest because of their scientific novelty, structural tunability, and useful properties. Studies of their magnetic responses, however, are often hampered by difficulties to grow large-size samples of high quality and uniformity. We report here an imaging method that employed NV- centers in diamond as a sensor capable of mapping out the microwave magnetic field distribution on an ultrathin superconducting film of micron size. Measurements on a 33 nm thick film and a 125 nm thick bulklike film of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ revealed that the alternating current (ac) Meissner effect (or repulsion of ac magnetic field) set in at 78 and 91 K, respectively; the latter was the superconducting transition temperature of both films. The unusual ac magnetic response of the thin film presumably was due to thermally excited vortex-antivortex diffusive motion in the film. Spatial resolution of our ac magnetometer was limited by optical diffraction and the noise level was at 14 µT/Hz1/2. The technique could be extended with better detection sensitivity to extract local ac conductivity/susceptibility of ultrathin or monolayer superconducting samples as well as ac magnetic responses of other two-dimensional exotic thin films of limited lateral size.

Opt Lett ; 44(16): 3921-3923, 2019 Aug 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31415512


Nonlinear optical reflection spectroscopies for surface studies often suffer from their relatively weak signals. To enhance the signal strength, femtosecond input pulses are generally preferred, but their intensity is usually limited by supercontinuum (SC) generation in a bulk medium. We show here that the problem can be largely resolved by means of spatiotemporal focusing (STF) of the input that effectively suppresses the SC, permits much higher input intensity on a medium, and greatly enhances the nonlinear output signal. We use second-harmonic generation (SHG) on oxide as examples and demonstrate that, with STF, the input intensity for the onset of the SC can be increased by ∼30 times in comparison with conventional focusing, and the reflected SHG can be increased by about three orders of magnitude.

J Chem Phys ; 150(14): 144701, 2019 Apr 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30981245


Using phase-sensitive sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopy with a carefully chosen phase reference, we revisited the vibrational spectra of vapor/water interfaces of neat H2O and D2O as well as HDO in diluted isotopic mixtures. Using z-cut quartz as the phase reference, with proper frequency scaling, the gross features of the OH and OD stretching spectra from H2O and D2O and from HDO in two isotopic mixtures look similar and agree with those reported earlier, but differences are also apparent. In particular, a weak positive band at low frequencies, which has been asserted by molecular dynamic simulations but not detectable in the experimental OH spectrum with pure H2O, is now visible in the OD spectrum. The differences must arise from the change of intermolecular interaction of water molecules with their surrounding molecules upon exchange of the isotopes.

J Am Chem Soc ; 140(42): 13746-13752, 2018 Oct 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30257558


Graphene-based electric power generation that converts mechanical energy of flow of ionic droplets over the device surface into electricity has emerged as a promising candidate for blue-energy network. Yet the lack of a microscopic understanding of the underlying mechanism has prevented ability to optimize and control the performance of such devices. This requires information on interfacial structure and charging behavior at the molecular level. Here, we use sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopy to study the roles of solvated ions, graphene, surface moiety on substrate and water molecules at the aqueous solution/graphene/polymer interface. We discover that the surface dipole layer of the neutral polymer is responsible for ion attraction toward and adsorption at the graphene surface that leads to electricity generation in graphene. Graphene itself does not attract ions and only acts as a conducting sheet for the induced carrier transport. Replacing the polymer by an organic ferroelectric substrate could allow switching of the electricity generation with long durability. Our microscopic understanding of the electricity generation process paves the way for the rational design of scalable and more efficient droplet-motion-based energy transducer devices.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 112(19): 5883-7, 2015 May 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25918404


Sum-frequency generation spectroscopy is surface specific only if the bulk contribution to the signal is negligible. Negligible bulk contribution is, however, not necessarily true, even for media with inversion symmetry. The inevitable challenge is to find the surface spectrum in the presence of bulk contribution, part of which has been believed to be inseparable from the surface contribution. Here, we show that, for nonpolar media, it is possible to separately deduce surface and bulk spectra from combined phase-sensitive sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopic measurements in reflection and transmission. The study of benzene interfaces is presented as an example.

Opt Express ; 25(24): 30754-30763, 2017 Nov 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29221101


Enhanced interactions of light with graphene on the surface of a lossless dielectric magnetic mirror (DMM) are studied theoretically and experimentally in the visible range, where the DMM is composed of truncated dielectric photonic crystals (PCs). The absorption of graphene on the DMM was enhanced by about 4-fold for the spectral range within the forbidden gap of PCs over a wide range of incidence angles for both transverse electric and transverse magnetic polarizations compared with that of free-standing graphene. Moreover, the enhanced local electric field on the DMM surface led to much better detection efficiencies of the photocurrent, Raman spectroscopy and enhanced third-harmonic generation of graphene. These results offer a new way to achieve an enhanced interaction of light with graphene and develop new compact graphene-based devices.

Phys Rev Lett ; 116(1): 016101, 2016 Jan 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26799031


A sum-frequency spectroscopy scheme is developed that allows the measurement of vibrational spectra of the interfacial molecular structure of charged water interfaces. The application of this scheme to a prototype lipid-aqueous interface as a demonstration reveals an interfacial hydrogen-bonding water layer structure that responds sensitively to the charge state of the lipid headgroup and its interaction with specific ions. This novel technique provides unique opportunities to search for better understanding of electrochemistry and biological aqueous interfaces at a deeper molecular level.

J Chem Phys ; 144(24): 244711, 2016 Jun 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27369537


Phase-sensitive sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopy (PS-SFVS) has been established as a powerful technique for surface characterization, but for it to generate a reliable spectrum, accurate phase measurement with a well-defined phase reference is most important. Incorrect phase measurement can lead to significant distortion of a spectrum, as recently seen in the case for the air/water interface. In this work, we show theoretically and experimentally that a transparent, highly nonlinear crystal, such as quartz and barium borate, can be a good phase reference if the surface is clean and unstrained and the crystal is properly oriented to yield a strong SF output. In such cases, the reflected SF signal is dominated by the bulk electric dipole contribution and its phase is either +90° or -90°. On the other hand, materials with inversion symmetry, such as water, fused quartz, and CaF2 are not good phase references due to the quadrupole contribution and phase dispersion at the interface. Using a proper phase reference in PS-SFVS, we have found the most reliable OH stretching spectrum for the air/water interface. The positive band at low frequencies in the imaginary component of the spectrum, which has garnered much interest and been interpreted by many to be due to strongly hydrogen-bonded water species, is no longer present. A weak positive feature however still exists. Its magnitude approximately equals to that of air/D2O away from resonances, suggesting that this positive feature is unrelated to surface resonance of water.

Nano Lett ; 15(10): 6501-5, 2015 Oct 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26367247


Sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopy was employed to probe polymer contaminants on chemical vapor deposition (CVD) graphene and to study alkane and polyethylene (PE) adsorption on graphite. In comparing the spectra from the two surfaces, it was found that the contaminants on CVD graphene must be long-chain alkane or PE-like molecules. PE adsorption from solution on the honeycomb surface results in a self-assembled ordered monolayer with the C-C skeleton plane perpendicular to the surface and an adsorption free energy of ∼42 kJ/mol for PE(H(CH2CH2)nH) with n ≈ 60. Such large adsorption energy is responsible for the easy contamination of CVD graphene by impurity in the polymer during standard transfer processes. Contamination can be minimized with the use of purified polymers free of PE-like impurities.

J Phys Chem A ; 119(19): 4573-80, 2015 May 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25580676


Sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopy in the CH and OH stretch region was used to study ethanol adsorption on fused silica from vapor of different ethanol partial pressures. It was found that the adsorbed ethanol molecules were oriented with their methyl group tilted away from the surface normal by an average angle of ∼45° at low ethanol vapor pressures and ∼39° when approaching saturated vapor pressure. The spectral change with ethanol vapor pressure and the deduced adsorption isotherm show that ethanol molecules have two distinct adsorption sites on silica: One is the silanol group site to which an ethanol molecule can be strongly hydrogen-bonded, and the other is the siloxane (Si-O-Si) group site to which an ethanol molecule can be weakly bonded. The presence of water in vapor significantly reduced the surface coverage of ethanol on silica due to competitive adsorption between ethanol and water.

Sci Bull (Beijing) ; 69(2): 183-189, 2024 Jan 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38057234


In correlated oxides, collaborative manipulation on light intensity, wavelength, pulse duration and polarization has yielded many exotic discoveries, such as phase transitions and novel quantum states. In view of potential optoelectronic applications, tailoring long-lived static properties by light-induced effects is highly desirable. So far, the polarization state of light has rarely been reported as a control parameter for this purpose. Here, we report polarization-dependent metal-to-insulator transition (MIT) in phase-separated manganite thin films, introducing a new degree of freedom to control static MIT. Specifically, we observed giant photoinduced resistance jumps with striking features: (1) a single resistance jump occurs upon a linearly polarized light incident with a chosen polarization angle, and a second resistance jump occurs when the polarization angle changes; (2) the amplitude of the second resistance jump depends sensitively on the actual change of the polarization angles. Linear transmittance measurements reveal that the origin of the above phenomena is closely related to the coexistence of anisotropic micro-domains. Our results represent a first step to utilize light polarization as an active knob to manipulate static phase transitions, pointing towards new pathways for nonvolatile optoelectronic devices and sensors.

Light Sci Appl ; 12(1): 34, 2023 Feb 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36732493


Ultrashort energetic terahertz (THz) pulses have created an exciting new area of research on light interactions with matter. For material studies in small laboratories, widely tunable femtosecond THz pulses with peak field strength close to MV cm-1 are desired. Currently, they can be largely acquired by optical rectification and difference frequency generation in crystals without inversion symmetry. We describe in this paper a novel scheme of THz pulse generation with no frequency tuning gap based on Raman-resonance-enhanced four-wave mixing in centrosymmetric media, particularly diamond. We show that we could generate highly stable, few-cycle pulses with near-Gaussian spatial and temporal profiles and carrier frequency tunable from 5 to >20 THz. They had a stable and controllable carrier-envelop phase and carried ~15 nJ energy per pulse at 10 THz (with a peak field strength of ~1 MV cm-1 at focus) from a 0.5-mm-thick diamond. The measured THz pulse characteristics agreed well with theoretical predictions. Other merits of the scheme are discussed, including the possibility of improving the THz output energy to a much higher level.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 13(6): 1465-1472, 2022 Feb 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35129985


Despite its success in many fields, the implementation of coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS) in tackling the problems at interfaces was hindered by the enormous resonant and nonresonant background from the bulk. In this work, we have developed a novel CARS scheme that can probe a buried interface via ≥105-fold suppression of the nonresonant and resonant bulk contribution. The method utilizes self-destructive interference between the forward and backward CARS generated in the bulk near the Brewster angle. As a result, we can resolve the vibrational spectrum of submonolayer interfacial polar/apolar species immersed in the surrounding medium with huge CARS responses. We expect that our approach opens up the opportunity to interrogate the interfaces involving apolar molecules and benefits other nonlinear optical spectroscopic techniques, e.g., sum-frequency spectroscopy and four-wave mixing spectroscopy in general, to promote the signal-to-background noise ratio.