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Rep Prog Phys ; 87(9)2024 Aug 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39059436


Decoherence-free subspaces and subsystems (DFS) preserve quantum information by encoding it into symmetry-protected states unaffected by decoherence. An inherent DFS of a given experimental system may not exist; however, through the use of dynamical decoupling (DD), one can induce symmetries that support DFSs. Here, we provide the first experimental demonstration of DD-generated decoherence-free subsystem logical qubits. Utilizing IBM Quantum superconducting processors, we investigate two and three-qubit DFS codes comprising up to six and seven noninteracting logical qubits, respectively. Through a combination of DD and error detection, we show that DFS logical qubits can achieve up to a 23% improvement in state preservation fidelity over physical qubits subject to DD alone. This constitutes a beyond-breakeven fidelity improvement for DFS-encoded qubits. Our results showcase the potential utility of DFS codes as a pathway toward enhanced computational accuracy via logical encoding on quantum processors.

Nature ; 560(7719): 461-465, 2018 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30135528


The hallmark property of two-dimensional topological insulators is robustness of quantized electronic transport of charge and energy against disorder in the underlying lattice1. That robustness arises from the fact that, in the topological bandgap, such transport can occur only along the edge states, which are immune to backscattering owing to topological protection. However, for sufficiently strong disorder, this bandgap closes and the system as a whole becomes topologically trivial: all states are localized and all transport vanishes in accordance with Anderson localization2,3. The recent suggestion4 that the reverse transition can occur was therefore surprising. In so-called topological Anderson insulators, it has been predicted4 that the emergence of protected edge states and quantized transport can be induced, rather than inhibited, by the addition of sufficient disorder to a topologically trivial insulator. Here we report the experimental demonstration of a photonic topological Anderson insulator. Our experiments are carried out in an array of helical evanescently coupled waveguides in a honeycomb geometry with detuned sublattices. Adding on-site disorder in the form of random variations in the refractive index of the waveguides drives the system from a trivial phase into a topological one. This manifestation of topological Anderson insulator physics shows experimentally that disorder can enhance transport rather than arrest it.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(4): 040602, 2020 Jul 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32794797


Long-range interacting spin systems are ubiquitous in physics and exhibit a variety of ground-state disorder-to-order phase transitions. We consider a prototype of infinite-range interacting models known as the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model describing the collective interaction of N spins and investigate the dynamical properties of fluctuations and correlations after a sudden quench of the Hamiltonian. Specifically, we focus on critical quenches, where the initial state and/or the postquench Hamiltonian are critical. Depending on the type of quench, we identify three distinct behaviors where both the short-time dynamics and the stationary state at long times are effectively thermal, quantum, and genuinely nonequilibrium, characterized by distinct universality classes and static and dynamical critical exponents. These behaviors can be identified by an infrared effective temperature that is finite, zero, and infinite (the latter scaling with the system size as N^{1/3}), respectively. The quench dynamics is studied through a combination of exact numerics and analytical calculations utilizing the nonequilibrium Keldysh field theory. Our results are amenable to realization in experiments with trapped-ion experiments where long-range interactions naturally arise.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(11): 115701, 2019 Sep 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31573251


The study of quantum phase transitions requires the preparation of a many-body system near its ground state, a challenging task for many experimental systems. The measurement of quench dynamics, on the other hand, is now a routine practice in most cold atom platforms. Here we show that quintessential ingredients of quantum phase transitions can be probed directly with quench dynamics in integrable and nearly integrable systems. As a paradigmatic example, we study global quench dynamics in a transverse-field Ising model with either short-range or long-range interactions. When the model is integrable, we discover a new dynamical critical point with a nonanalytic signature in the short-range correlators. The location of the dynamical critical point matches that of the quantum critical point and can be identified using a finite-time scaling method. We extend this scaling picture to systems near integrability and demonstrate the continued existence of a dynamical critical point detectable at prethermal timescales. We quantify the difference in the locations of the dynamical and quantum critical points away from (but near) integrability. Thus, we demonstrate that this method can be used to approximately locate the quantum critical point near integrability. The scaling method is also relevant to experiments with finite time and system size, and our predictions are testable in near-term experiments with trapped ions and Rydberg atoms.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(15): 150601, 2019 Apr 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31050545


We study the quasiparticle excitation and quench dynamics of the one-dimensional transverse-field Ising model with power-law (1/r^{α}) interactions. We find that long-range interactions give rise to a confining potential, which couples pairs of domain walls (kinks) into bound quasiparticles, analogous to mesonic states in high-energy physics. We show that these quasiparticles have signatures in the dynamics of order parameters following a global quench, and the Fourier spectrum of these order parameters can be exploited as a direct probe of the masses of the confined quasiparticles. We introduce a two-kink model to qualitatively explain the phenomenon of long-range-interaction-induced confinement and to quantitatively predict the masses of the bound quasiparticles. Furthermore, we illustrate that these quasiparticle states can lead to slow thermalization of one-point observables for certain initial states. Our work is readily applicable to current trapped-ion experiments.

Phys Rev Lett ; 114(5): 056801, 2015 Feb 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25699461


We investigate the possibility of realizing a disorder-induced topological Floquet spectrum in two-dimensional periodically driven systems. Such a state would be a dynamical realization of the topological Anderson insulator. We establish that a disorder-induced trivial-to-topological transition indeed occurs, and characterize it by computing the disorder averaged Bott index, suitably defined for the time-dependent system. The presence of edge states in the topological state is confirmed by exact numerical time evolution of wave packets on the edge of the system. We consider the optimal driving regime for experimentally observing the Floquet topological Anderson insulator, and discuss its possible realization in photonic lattices.

Phys Rev Res ; 2(3)2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33367285


We study the dissipative propagation of quantized light in interacting Rydberg media under the conditions of electromagnetically induced transparency. Rydberg blockade physics in optically dense atomic media leads to strong dissipative interactions between single photons. The regime of high incoming photon flux constitutes a challenging many-body dissipative problem. We experimentally study in detail the pulse shapes and the second-order correlation function of the outgoing field and compare our data with simulations based on two novel theoretical approaches well-suited to treat this many-photon limit. At low incoming flux, we report good agreement between both theories and the experiment. For higher input flux, the intensity of the outgoing light is lower than that obtained from theoretical predictions. We explain this discrepancy using a simple phenomenological model taking into account pollutants, which are nearly stationary Rydberg excitations coming from the reabsorption of scattered probe photons. At high incoming photon rates, the blockade physics results in unconventional shapes of measured correlation functions.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35005328


We study the heating time in periodically driven D-dimensional systems with interactions that decay with the distance r as a power law 1 / r α . Using linear-response theory, we show that the heating time is exponentially long as a function of the drive frequency for α > D . For systems that may not obey linear-response theory, we use a more general Magnus-like expansion to show the existence of quasiconserved observables, which imply exponentially long heating time, for α > 2 D . We also generalize a number of recent state-of-the-art Lieb-Robinson bounds for power-law systems from two-body interactions to k-body interactions and thereby obtain a longer heating time than previously established in the literature. Additionally, we conjecture that the gap between the results from the linear-response theory and the Magnus-like expansion does not have physical implications, but is, rather, due to the lack of tight Lieb-Robinson bounds for power-law interactions. We show that the gap vanishes in the presence of a hypothetical, tight bound.