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Gac Med Mex ; 148(1): 19-25, 2012.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22367305


OBJECTIVES: To determine the most important risk factors for the incidence of retinopathy in premature infants. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A retrospective study, controls and cases of newborn infants (≤ 32 weeks of gestation and birth weight ≤ 1,500) with diagnosis of retinopathy in the newborn intensive care unit were performed. RESULTS: Sixty cases of premature infants, with some grade of retinopathy, were found: 30 of which were male and 27 female.Three cases were excluded because of congenital problems. The two mainly involved risk factors in the retinopathy of neonates are gestational age (≤ 28 weeks; p ≤ 0.001; OR: 18.62; IC 95%: 7.36-47.09), and birth weight ≤ 1,000 g (p < 0.001; OR: 13.55; IC 95%: 5.59-32.84). Other risk factors found were: hyaline membrane disease(HMD), late sepsis, frequent desaturations in newborns up to the second week of life related to apnea, surfactant and postnatal steroids administration, as well as more than 5 blood transfusions, or stay at hospital longer than 45 days. CONCLUSION: The two main risk factors in the onset of retinopathy in premature infants are gestational age and birth weight.

Retinopatia da Prematuridade/epidemiologia , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Feminino , Humanos , Recém-Nascido , Masculino , Estudos Retrospectivos , Fatores de Risco
Perinatol. reprod. hum ; 19(3/4): 161-167, jul.-dic. 2005. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-632280


Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia y características del tabaquismo en trabajadores del Instituto Nacional de Perinatologta, para establecer las bases de un programa institucional. Material y métodos: Se aplicó un cuestionario de 33 preguntas basado en Fargerström. Siete reactivos fueron abiertos y los demás de opción múltiple. Se utilizó un muestreo probabiltstico estratificado por turnos laborales. Resultados: Veintiocho por ciento de los entrevistados refirió fumar y el hábito fue más frecuente en varones. Los perfiles de resultados fueron semejantes a los informados en la Encuesta Nacional de Adicciones, versiones 1988 y 2002, lo mismo que en el estudio de prevalencia de fumadores de los Institutos Nacionales de Salud, realizado por el Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias en 1999, pero se notó una mayor disposición a dejar el tabaco en nuestra población. Conclusiones: Dados los resultados informados, es importante implantar un programa antitabaco en el INPer.

Objective: This research intended to determine the prevalence and characteristics of addiction to nicotine among people working at the National Institute of Perinatology (Instituto Nacional de Perinatologta, INPer), so the problem could be appraised. Material and methods: Researchers administered a questionnaire that included 33 questions based upon Fargerstrom test. From those 33 questions, seven were open-ended and the rest were multiple-choice type. Data were collected using a stratified non-probabilistic sampling, according to working shifts. Results: Profiles of results are similar to those shown in the National Survey on Drug Abuse (1998, 2000), and to the ones yielded by the research on prevalence of smokers in the National Health Institutes conducted by the INER in 1997, which showed that employees of the INPer were well-disposed to quit smoking. Conclusion: Based upon the results, researchers concluded that it is important to implement an anti-tobacco program for workers of the National Institute of Perinatology (Instituto Nacional de Perinatologta, INPer).

Perinatol. reprod. hum ; 19(1): 4-12, ene.-mar. 2005. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-632274


Introducción: La ventilación nasofaríngea (VNF) no invasiva es un método que se ha utilizado para poder extubar a pacientes con ventilación mecánica, con lo cual se busca reducir el número de complicaciones; sin embargo, en el campo de la neonatología no se ha establecido como método rutinario. Objetivo: Evaluar la eficacia de la ventilación nasofaríngea con presión positiva intermitente (VNF/PPI) como método ventilatorio, posterior al proceso de extubación en recién nacidos (RN) < de 1,500 g, en comparación con RN sometidos a presión positiva continua de la vía aérea nasal (CPAPN) y cámara cefálica (CC). Material y métodos: Se llevó a cabo un ensayo clínico aleatorizado conformado por 90 neonatos estables clínica y gasométricamente durante su primer evento de extubación. Los pacientes fueron asignados en forma aleatoria en tres grupos: el grupo I con VNF/ PPI (n = 30) el grupo II con CPAPN (n = 30) y el grupo III con CC (n = 30). Las variables de interés incluyeron: éxito en la extubación, parámetros gasométricos y clínicos durante 72 h posteriores a la extubación, diagnóstico de ingreso, uso de surfactante, aminofilina, esteroides, tiempo de ventilación, edad gestacional y peso. Resultados: No hubo diferencias en cuanto a variables como peso, edad gestacional, uso de surfactante, esteroides y diagnóstico de ingreso en los tres grupos. El grupo I tuvo éxito (permanecer en la VNF o CC al menos 24 h o no necesitar ser intubado nuevamente) en 93.4%, el grupo II: 60% y el III: 80% (p = 0.009). Las complicaciones se presentaron en 20%, 73.3% y 63.3%, respectivamente. Conclusión: La VNF/PPI mostró ser un método efectivo y seguro, en comparación con los otros métodos de extubación, por lo que es posible proponerlo como una estrategia útil de extubación, en recién nacidos prematuros estables, menores de 1,500 g.

Introduction: The non invasive nasopharyngeal ventilation (NPV) is a method that has been used to extubate patient with mechanical ventilation, to reduce the number of complications, however, in neonatology it is not used as routinary method. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of nasopharyngeal ventilation with intermittent positive pressure (NPV/IPP) as ventilatory method, after extubation process in preterm new born smaller than < 1,500 g, in comparison with new born with continuous positive pressure of air nasal via (CPAPN) and cephalic camera (CC). Material and methods: It was carried out a randomized clinical trial conformed by 90 NB on clinic and gasometric stable state, during their first extubation event. The patients were randomly assigned to one of in three groups: group I with NPV/IPP (n = 30); group II with CPAPN (n = 30); and the group III with CC (n = 30). The variables of interest included: successfully extubation, gasometrics and clinical parameters during 72 h after the extubation, initial diagnosis, surfactant, aminophylline and steroids use, time of ventilation, gestational age and weight. Results: There were not differences in as weight, gestational age, surfactant use, steroids and initial diagnosis among the 3 groups. Group I, was successful (to remain in the NPV or CC at least 24 h or not do need intubation again in 93.4%, group II: 60% and the III: 80% (p = 0.009). The complications were presented in 20%, 73.3% and 63.3%, respectively. Conclusion: The (NPV/IPP) showed to be an effective and safe method, in comparison with the other extubation methods, for allowing to propose it like as useful extubation strategy, in stable premature new born smaller than 1,500 g.