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Front Insect Sci ; 3: 1240400, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38469488


The ability to measure flying insect activity and abundance is important for ecologists, conservationists and agronomists alike. However, existing methods are laborious and produce data with low temporal resolution (e.g. trapping and direct observation), or are expensive, technically complex, and require vehicle access to field sites (e.g. radar and lidar entomology). We propose a method called "Camfi" for long-term non-invasive population monitoring and high-throughput behavioural observation of low-flying insects using images and videos obtained from wildlife cameras, which are inexpensive and simple to operate. To facilitate very large monitoring programs, we have developed and implemented a tool for automatic detection and annotation of flying insect targets in still images or video clips based on the popular Mask R-CNN framework. This tool can be trained to detect and annotate insects in a few hours, taking advantage of transfer learning. Our method will prove invaluable for ongoing efforts to understand the behaviour and ecology of declining insect populations and could also be applied to agronomy. The method is particularly suited to studies of low-flying insects in remote areas, and is suitable for very large-scale monitoring programs, or programs with relatively low budgets.

Front Insect Sci ; 3: 1230501, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38469465


Introduction: The Bogong moth Agrotis infusa is well known for its remarkable annual round-trip migration from its breeding grounds across eastern and southern Australia to its aestivation sites in the Australian Alps, to which it provides an important annual influx of nutrients. Over recent years, we have benefited from a growing understanding of the navigational abilities of the Bogong moth. Meanwhile, the population of Bogong moths has been shrinking. Recently, the ecologically and culturally important Bogong moth was listed as endangered by the IUCN Red List, and the establishment of a program for long-term monitoring of its population has been identified as critical for its conservation. Methods: Here, we present the results of two years of monitoring of the Bogong moth population in the Australian Alps using recently developed methods for automated wildlife-camera monitoring of flying insects, named Camfi. While in the Alps, some moths emerge from the caves in the evening to undertake seemingly random flights, filling the air with densities in the dozens per cubic metre. The purpose of these flights is unknown, but they may serve an important role in Bogong moth navigation. Results: We found that these evening flights occur throughout summer and are modulated by daily weather factors. We present a simple heuristic model of the arrival to and departure from aestivation sites by Bogong moths, and confirm results obtained from fox-scat surveys which found that aestivating Bogong moths occupy higher elevations as the summer progresses. Moreover, by placing cameras along two elevational transects below the summit of Mt. Kosciuszko, we found that evening flights were not random, but were systematically oriented in directions relative to the azimuth of the summit of the mountain. Finally, we present the first recorded observations of the impact of bushfire smoke on aestivating Bogong moths - a dramatic reduction in the size of a cluster of aestivating Bogong moths during the fire, and evidence of a large departure from the fire-affected area the day after the fire. Discussion: Our results highlight the challenges of monitoring Bogong moths in the wild and support the continued use of automated camera-based methods for that purpose.

Aust Entomol ; 60(1): 66-81, 2021 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33777401


The Bogong moth Agrotis infusa is well known for its remarkable long-distance migration - a return journey from the plains of southeast Australia to the Australian Alps - as well as for its cultural significance for Indigenous Australians. Each spring, as many as four billion moths are estimated to arrive in the Australian Alps to aestivate in cool mountain caves and in boulder fields, bringing with them a massive annual influx of energy and nutrients critical for the health of the alpine ecosystem. However, a massive decline in moths present at their aestivation sites has occurred over the past 3 years, with only a few individuals present where hundreds of thousands could earlier be found. In order to understand the possible sources of decline, we analysed historical records of Bogong moth numbers at aestivation sites in the Australian Alps, including observations on Mt. Gingera (NSW) in the early 1950s, observations from 1980 onwards in the Snowy Mountains (NSW) and an almost-unbroken series of observations each summer over the past 53 years in three caves at different elevations on Mt. Buffalo (Victoria). This analysis shows that moth numbers were probably steady from 1951 until about 1980, fluctuated and slowly fell from then until 2016 and dramatically crashed in 2017. In the Murray-Darling Basin, the main winter breeding ground of Bogong moths, changes in farming practices, such as increasing land clearing for crops (which has removed around a quarter of a billion moths annually from the mountains compared to pre-European levels), has probably driven some of the decline in Bogong moth numbers observed from 1980 to 2016. The impact of insecticide remains unclear and is in urgent need of further study. Even though we found little evidence that increasing global temperatures per se are responsible for the Bogong moth decline, the Australian climate has nonetheless become drier and warmer over past decades, possibly hampering the survival of immature stages in the breeding areas and confining adult aestivation to gradually higher elevations. The crash in moth numbers from 2017 is most likely due to the recent severe drought in the moth's breeding grounds.

Front Physiol ; 11: 95, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32116798


Moth wings are densely covered by wing scales that are assumed to specifically function to camouflage nocturnally active species during day time. Generally, moth wing scales are built according to the basic lepidopteran Bauplan, where the upper lamina consists of an array of parallel ridges and the lower lamina is a thin plane. The lower lamina hence acts as a thin film reflector having distinct reflectance spectra that can make the owner colorful and thus conspicuous for predators. Most moth species therefore load the scales' upper lamina with variable amounts of melanin so that dull, brownish color patterns result. We investigated whether scale pigmentation in this manner indeed provides moths with camouflage by comparing the reflectance spectra of the wings and scales of the Australian Bogong moth (Agrotis infusa) with those of objects in their natural environment. The similarity of the spectra underscores the effective camouflaging strategies of this moth species.