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BMC Bioinformatics ; 23(1): 167, 2022 May 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35525918


BACKGROUND: De novo genome assembly typically produces a set of contigs instead of the complete genome. Thus additional data such as genetic linkage maps, optical maps, or Hi-C data is needed to resolve the complete structure of the genome. Most of the previous work uses the additional data to order and orient contigs. RESULTS: Here we introduce a framework to guide genome assembly with additional data. Our approach is based on clustering the reads, such that each read in each cluster originates from nearby positions in the genome according to the additional data. These sets are then assembled independently and the resulting contigs are further assembled in a hierarchical manner. We implemented our approach for genetic linkage maps in a tool called HGGA. CONCLUSIONS: Our experiments on simulated and real Pacific Biosciences long reads and genetic linkage maps show that HGGA produces a more contiguous assembly with less contigs and from 1.2 to 9.8 times higher NGA50 or N50 than a plain assembly of the reads and 1.03 to 6.5 times higher NGA50 or N50 than a previous approach integrating genetic linkage maps with contig assembly. Furthermore, also the correctness of the assembly remains similar or improves as compared to an assembly using only the read data.

Genoma , Sequenciamento de Nucleotídeos em Larga Escala , Sequenciamento de Nucleotídeos em Larga Escala/métodos , Análise de Sequência de DNA/métodos
Bioinformatics ; 33(6): 799-806, 2017 03 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27273673


Motivation: New long read sequencing technologies, like PacBio SMRT and Oxford NanoPore, can produce sequencing reads up to 50 000 bp long but with an error rate of at least 15%. Reducing the error rate is necessary for subsequent utilization of the reads in, e.g. de novo genome assembly. The error correction problem has been tackled either by aligning the long reads against each other or by a hybrid approach that uses the more accurate short reads produced by second generation sequencing technologies to correct the long reads. Results: We present an error correction method that uses long reads only. The method consists of two phases: first, we use an iterative alignment-free correction method based on de Bruijn graphs with increasing length of k -mers, and second, the corrected reads are further polished using long-distance dependencies that are found using multiple alignments. According to our experiments, the proposed method is the most accurate one relying on long reads only for read sets with high coverage. Furthermore, when the coverage of the read set is at least 75×, the throughput of the new method is at least 20% higher. Availability and Implementation: LoRMA is freely available at . Contact:

Análise de Sequência de DNA/métodos , Software , Algoritmos , Escherichia coli/genética , Genoma , Sequenciamento de Nucleotídeos em Larga Escala/métodos , Saccharomyces cerevisiae/genética
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34057895


A key problem in processing raw optical mapping data (Rmaps) is finding Rmaps originating from the same genomic region. These sets of related Rmaps can be used to correct errors in Rmap data, and to find overlaps between Rmaps to assemble consensus optical maps. Previous Rmap overlap aligners are computationally very expensive and do not scale to large eukaryotic data sets. We present Selkie, an Rmap overlap aligner based on a spaced (l,k)-mer index which was pioneered in the Rmap error correction tool Elmeri. Here we present a space efficient version of the index which is twice as fast as prior art while using just a quarter of the memory on a human data set. Moreover, our index can be used for filtering candidates for Rmap overlap computation, whereas Elmeri used the index only for error correction of Rmaps. By combining our filtering of Rmaps with the exhaustive, but highly accurate, algorithm of Valouev et al. (2006), Selkie maintains or increases the accuracy of finding overlapping Rmaps on a bacterial dataset while being at least four times faster. Furthermore, for finding overlaps in a human dataset, Selkie is up to two orders of magnitude faster than previous methods.

Algorithms Mol Biol ; 14: 8, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30930956


BACKGROUND: With long reads getting even longer and cheaper, large scale sequencing projects can be accomplished without short reads at an affordable cost. Due to the high error rates and less mature tools, de novo assembly of long reads is still challenging and often results in a large collection of contigs. Dense linkage maps are collections of markers whose location on the genome is approximately known. Therefore they provide long range information that has the potential to greatly aid in de novo assembly. Previously linkage maps have been used to detect misassemblies and to manually order contigs. However, no fully automated tools exist to incorporate linkage maps in assembly but instead large amounts of manual labour is needed to order the contigs into chromosomes. RESULTS: We formulate the genome assembly problem in the presence of linkage maps and present the first method for guided genome assembly using linkage maps. Our method is based on an additional cleaning step added to the assembly. We show that it can simplify the underlying assembly graph, resulting in more contiguous assemblies and reducing the amount of misassemblies when compared to de novo assembly. CONCLUSIONS: We present the first method to integrate linkage maps directly into genome assembly. With a modest increase in runtime, our method improves contiguity and correctness of genome assembly.

PLoS One ; 12(9): e0184608, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28886164


Although recent developments in DNA sequencing have allowed for great leaps in both the quality and quantity of genome assembly projects, de novo assemblies still lack the efficiency and accuracy required for studying genetic variation of individuals. Thus, efficient and accurate methods for calling and genotyping genetic variants are fundamental to studying the genomes of individuals. We study the problem of genotyping insertion variants. We assume that the location of the insertion is given, and the task is to find the insertion sequence. Insertions are the hardest structural variant to genotype, because the insertion sequence must be assembled from the reads, whereas genotyping other structural variants only requires transformations of the reference genome. The current methods for constructing insertion variants are mostly linked to variation calling methods and are only able to construct small insertions. A sub-problem in genome assembly, the gap filling problem, provides techniques that are readily applicable to insertion genotyping. Gap filling takes the context and length of a missing sequence in a genome assembly and attempts to assemble the intervening sequence. In this paper we show how tools and methods for gap filling can be used to assemble insertion variants by modeling the problem of insertion genotyping as filling gaps in the reference genome. We further give a general read filtering scheme to make the method scalable to large data sets. Our results show that gap filling methods are competitive against insertion genotyping tools. We further show that read filtering improves performance of insertion genotyping especially for long insertions. Our experiments show that on long insertions the new proposed method is the most accurate one, whereas on short insertions it has comparable performance as compared against existing tools.

Genótipo , Algoritmos , Biologia Computacional , Sequenciamento de Nucleotídeos em Larga Escala , Humanos , Software