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Anal Chem ; 88(23): 11783-11790, 2016 12 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27779871


Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) is a common, relatively low cost, and straightforward analytical technique for the study of trace quantities of metals in solid materials, but its applicability to nanocarbons (e.g., graphene and nanotubes) has suffered from the lack of efficient digestion steps and certified reference materials (CRM). Here, various commercial and certified graphitic carbon materials were subjected to a "two-step" microwave-assisted acid digestion procedure, and the concentrations of up to 18 elements were analyzed by ICP-OES. With one exception (Sm), successful quantification of all certified elements in the two reference nanocarbons studied was achieved, hence validating the sample preparation approach used. The applicability of our "two-step" protocol was further confirmed for a commercial single-walled carbon nanotube sample. However, the digestion was markedly incomplete for all other commercial materials tested. Where possible, the digestion residues of the carbon materials analyzed (CRM included) were characterized to understand the structural changes that take place and how this may explain the challenge of disintegrating graphitic carbon. In this respect, it was found that solid state nuclear magnetic resonance holds considerable promise as a nonlocalized, easily interpretable, and reliable tool to access the efficient disintegration of these materials.

Talanta ; 148: 94-100, 2016 Feb 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26653428


It is common for as-prepared carbon nanotube (CNT) and graphene samples to contain remnants of the transition metals used to catalyze their growth; contamination may also leave other trace elemental impurities in the samples. Although a full quantification of impurities in as-prepared samples of carbon nanostructures is difficult, particularly when trace elements are intercalated or encapsulated within a protective layer of graphitic carbon, reliable information is essential for reasons such as quantifying the adulteration of physico-chemical properties of the materials and for evaluating environmental issues. Here, we introduce a microwave-based fusion method to degrade single- and double-walled CNTs and graphene nanoplatelets into a fusion flux thereby thoroughly leaching all metallic impurities. Subsequent dissolution of the fusion product in diluted hydrochloric and nitric acid allowed us to identify their trace elemental impurities using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. Comparisons of the results from the proposed microwave-assisted fusion method against those of a more classical microwave-assisted acid digestion approach suggest complementarity between the two that ultimately could lead to a more reliable and less costly determination of trace elemental impurities in carbon nanostructured materials.