The GPER1 agonist G1 reduces brain injury and improves the qEEG and behavioral outcome of experimental ischemic stroke

Ferreira, Luan Oliveira; Souza, Rafael Dias de; Teixeira, Leonan Lima; Pinto, Laine Celestino; Rodrigues, João Cleiton Martins; Martins Filho, Arnaldo Jorge; Costa, Edmar Tavares da; Hamoy, Moisés; Lopes, Dielly Catrina Favacho.
FERREIRA, Luan Oliveira et al. The GPER1 agonist G1 reduces brain injury and improves the qEEG and behavioral outcome of experimental ischemic stroke. Journal of Neuropathology & Experimental Neurology, v. 82, n. 9, p. 787-797, Sept. 2023. DOI:
Artigo em Inglês | IED | ID: ied-6895