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Nature ; 554(7692): 337-340, 2018 02 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29446380


Auroral substorms, dynamic phenomena that occur in the upper atmosphere at night, are caused by global reconfiguration of the magnetosphere, which releases stored solar wind energy. These storms are characterized by auroral brightening from dusk to midnight, followed by violent motions of distinct auroral arcs that suddenly break up, and the subsequent emergence of diffuse, pulsating auroral patches at dawn. Pulsating aurorae, which are quasiperiodic, blinking patches of light tens to hundreds of kilometres across, appear at altitudes of about 100 kilometres in the high-latitude regions of both hemispheres, and multiple patches often cover the entire sky. This auroral pulsation, with periods of several to tens of seconds, is generated by the intermittent precipitation of energetic electrons (several to tens of kiloelectronvolts) arriving from the magnetosphere and colliding with the atoms and molecules of the upper atmosphere. A possible cause of this precipitation is the interaction between magnetospheric electrons and electromagnetic waves called whistler-mode chorus waves. However, no direct observational evidence of this interaction has been obtained so far. Here we report that energetic electrons are scattered by chorus waves, resulting in their precipitation. Our observations were made in March 2017 with a magnetospheric spacecraft equipped with a high-angular-resolution electron sensor and electromagnetic field instruments. The measured quasiperiodic precipitating electron flux was sufficiently intense to generate a pulsating aurora, which was indeed simultaneously observed by a ground auroral imager.

Space Sci Rev ; 219(3): 23, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37007704


The NASA Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON) was launched in October 2019 and has been observing the upper atmosphere and ionosphere to understand the sources of their strong variability, to understand the energy and momentum transfer, and to determine how the solar wind and magnetospheric effects modify the internally-driven atmosphere-space system. The Far Ultraviolet Instrument (FUV) supports these goals by observing the ultraviolet airglow in day and night, determining the atmospheric and ionospheric composition and density distribution. Based on the combination of ground calibration and flight data, this paper describes how major instrument parameters have been verified or refined since launch, how science data are collected, and how the instrument has performed over the first 3 years of the science mission. It also provides a brief summary of science results obtained so far.

J Geophys Res Space Phys ; 127(6): e2021JA030114, 2022 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35864908


In the present study we examine three substorm events, Events 1-3, focusing on the spatio-temporal development of auroral electrojets (AEJs) before auroral breakup. In Events 1 and 2, auroral breakup was preceded by the equatorward motion of an auroral form, and the ground magnetic field changed northward and southward in the west and east of the expected equatorward flow, respectively. Provided that these magnetic disturbances were caused by local ionospheric Hall currents, this feature suggests that the equatorward flow turned both eastward and westward as it reached the equatorward part of the auroral oval. The auroral breakup took place at the eastward-turning and westward-turning branches in Events 1 and 2, respectively, and after the auroral breakup, the westward AEJ enhanced only on the same side of the flow demarcation meridian. The zonal flow divergence is considered as an ionospheric manifestation of the braking of an earthward flow burst in the near-Earth plasma sheet and subsequent dawnward and duskward turning. Therefore, in Events 1 and 2, the auroral breakup presumably mapped to the dawnward and duskward flow branches, respectively. Moreover, for Event 3, we do not find any pre-onset auroral or magnetic features that can be associated with an equatorward flow. These findings suggest that the braking of a pre-onset earthward flow burst itself is not the direct cause of substorm onset, and therefore, the wedge current system that forms at substorm onset is distinct from the one that is considered to form as a consequence of the flow braking.

J Geophys Res Space Phys ; 126(11)2021 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35004096


The Far Ultra Violet (FUV) ultraviolet imager onboard the NASA-ICON mission is dedicated to the observation and study of the ionosphere dynamics at mid and low latitudes. We compare O+ density profiles provided by the ICON FUV instrument during nighttime with electron density profiles measured by the COSMIC-2 constellation (C2) and ground-based ionosondes. Co-located simultaneous observations are compared, covering the period from November 2019 to July 2020, which produces several thousands of coincidences. Manual scaling of ionogram sequences ensures the reliability of the ionosonde profiles, while C2 data are carefully selected using an automatic quality control algorithm. Photoelectron contribution coming from the magnetically conjugated hemisphere is clearly visible in FUV data around solstices and has been filtered out from our analysis. We find that the FUV observations are consistent with the C2 and ionosonde measurements, with an average positive bias lower than 1 × 1011 e/m3. When restricting the analysis to cases having an NmF2 value larger than 5 × 1011 e/m3, FUV provides the peak electron density with a mean difference with C2 of 10%. The peak altitude, also determined from FUV observations, is found to be 15 km above that obtained from C2, and 38 km above the ionosonde value on average.

Nature ; 426(6966): 533-7, 2003 Dec 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-14654835


The most important process that allows solar-wind plasma to cross the magnetopause and enter Earth's magnetosphere is the merging between solar-wind and terrestrial magnetic fields of opposite sense-magnetic reconnection. It is at present not known whether reconnection can happen in a continuous fashion or whether it is always intermittent. Solar flares and magnetospheric substorms--two phenomena believed to be initiated by reconnection--are highly burst-like occurrences, raising the possibility that the reconnection process is intrinsically intermittent, storing and releasing magnetic energy in an explosive and uncontrolled manner. Here we show that reconnection at Earth's high-latitude magnetopause is driven directly by the solar wind, and can be continuous and even quasi-steady over an extended period of time. The dayside proton auroral spot in the ionosphere--the remote signature of high-latitude magnetopause reconnection--is present continuously for many hours. We infer that reconnection is not intrinsically intermittent; its steadiness depends on the way that the process is driven.

Space Sci Rev ; 2142018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33758433


The Ionospheric Connection Explorer, or ICON, is a new NASA Explorer mission that will explore the boundary between Earth and space to understand the physical connection between our world and our space environment. This connection is made in the ionosphere, which has long been known to exhibit variability associated with the sun and solar wind. However, it has been recognized in the 21st century that equally significant changes in ionospheric conditions are apparently associated with energy and momentum propagating upward from our own atmosphere. ICON's goal is to weigh the competing impacts of these two drivers as they influence our space environment. Here we describe the specific science objectives that address this goal, as well as the means by which they will be achieved. The instruments selected, the overall performance requirements of the science payload and the operational requirements are also described. ICON's development began in 2013 and the mission is on track for launch in 2017. ICON is developed and managed by the Space Sciences Laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley, with key contributions from several partner institutions.

Space Sci Rev ; 212: 655-696, 2017 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33758431


ICON Far UltraViolet (FUV) imager contributes to the ICON science objectives by providing remote sensing measurements of the daytime and nighttime atmosphere/ionosphere. During sunlit atmospheric conditions, ICON FUV images the limb altitude profile in the shortwave (SW) band at 135.6 nm and the longwave (LW) band at 157 nm perpendicular to the satellite motion to retrieve the atmospheric O/N2 ratio. In conditions of atmospheric darkness, ICON FUV measures the 135.6 nm recombination emission of O+ ions used to compute the nighttime ionospheric altitude distribution. ICON Far UltraViolet (FUV) imager is a CzernyTurner design Spectrographic Imager with two exit slits and corresponding back imager cameras that produce two independent images in separate wavelength bands on two detectors. All observations will be processed as limb altitude profiles. In addition, the ionospheric 135.6 nm data will be processed as longitude and latitude spatial maps to obtain images of ion distributions around regions of equatorial spread F. The ICON FUV optic axis is pointed 20 degrees below local horizontal and has a steering mirror that allows the field of view to be steered up to 30 degrees forward and aft, to keep the local magnetic meridian in the field of view. The detectors are micro channel plate (MCP) intensified FUV tubes with the phosphor fiber-optically coupled to Charge Coupled Devices (CCDs). The dual stack MCP-s amplify the photoelectron signals to dominate the CCD noise and the rapidly scanned frames are co-added to digitally create 12-second integrated images. Digital on-board signal processing is used to compensate for geometric distortion and satellite motion and to achieve data compression. The instrument was originally aligned in visible light by using a special grating and visible cameras. Final alignment, functional and environmental testing and calibration were performed in a large vacuum chamber with a UV source. The test and calibration program showed that ICON FUV meets its design requirements and is ready to be launched on the ICON spacecraft.

J Geophys Res Space Phys ; 121(8): 7728-7738, 2016 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27867797


Monochromatic all-sky imagers at South Pole and other Antarctic stations of the Automatic Geophysical Observatory chain recorded the aurora in the region where the Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS) satellites crossed the dayside magnetopause. In several cases the magnetic field lines threading the satellites when mapped to the atmosphere were inside the imagers' field of view. From the THEMIS magnetic field and the plasma density measurements, we were able to locate the position of the magnetopause crossings and map it to the ionosphere using the Tsyganenko-96 field model. Field line mapping is reasonably accurate on the dayside subsolar region where the field is strong, almost dipolar even though compressed. From these coordinated observations, we were able to prove that the dayside cusp aurora of high 630 nm brightness is on open field lines, and it is therefore direct precipitation from the magnetosheath. The cusp aurora contained significant highly structured N2+ 427.8 nm emission. The THEMIS measurements of the magnetosheath particle energy and density taken just outside the magnetopause compared to the intensity of the structured N2+ 427.8 nm emissions showed that the precipitating magnetosheath particles had to be accelerated. The most likely electron acceleration mechanism is by dispersive Alfvén waves propagating along the field line. Wave-accelerated suprathermal electrons were seen by FAST and DMSP. The 427.8 nm wavelength channel also shows the presence of a lower latitude hard-electron precipitation zone originating inside the magnetosphere.

J Geophys Res Space Phys ; 119(2): 927-946, 2014 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26167439


The substorm current wedge (SCW) is a fundamental component of geomagnetic substorms. Models tend to describe the SCW as a simple line current flowing into the ionosphere toward dawn and out of the ionosphere toward dusk, linked by a westward electrojet. We use multispacecraft observations from perigee passes of the Cluster 1 and 4 spacecraft during a substorm on 15 January 2010, in conjunction with ground-based observations, to examine the spatial structuring and temporal variability of the SCW. At this time, the spacecraft traveled east-west azimuthally above the auroral region. We show that the SCW has significant azimuthal substructure on scales of 100 km at altitudes of 4000-7000 km. We identify 26 individual current sheets in the Cluster 4 data and 34 individual current sheets in the Cluster 1 data, with Cluster 1 passing through the SCW 120-240 s after Cluster 4 at 1300-2000 km higher altitude. Both spacecraft observed large-scale regions of net upward and downward field-aligned current, consistent with the large-scale characteristics of the SCW, although sheets of oppositely directed currents were observed within both regions. We show that the majority of these current sheets were closely aligned to a north-south direction, in contrast to the expected east-west orientation of the preonset aurora. Comparing our results with observations of the field-aligned current associated with bursty bulk flows (BBFs), we conclude that significant questions remain for the explanation of SCW structuring by BBF-driven "wedgelets." Our results therefore represent constraints on future modeling and theoretical frameworks on the generation of the SCW. KEY POINTS: The substorm current wedge (SCW) has significant azimuthal structureCurrent sheets within the SCW are north-south alignedThe substructure of the SCW raises questions for the proposed wedgelet scenario.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 80(12): 124501, 2009 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20059157


Coupling of the solar wind to the Earth magnetosphere/ionosphere is primarily through the high latitude regions, and there are distinct advantages in making remote sensing observations of these regions with a network of ground-based observatories over other techniques. The Antarctic continent is ideally situated for such a network, especially for optical studies, because the larger offset between geographic and geomagnetic poles in the south enables optical observations at a larger range of magnetic latitudes during the winter darkness. The greatest challenge for such ground-based observations is the generation of power and heat for a sizable ground station that can accommodate an optical imaging instrument. Under the sponsorship of the National Science Foundation, we have developed suitable automatic observing platforms, the Automatic Geophysical Observatories (AGOs) for a network of six autonomous stations on the Antarctic plateau. Each station housed a suite of science instruments including a dual wavelength intensified all-sky camera that records the auroral activity, an imaging riometer, fluxgate and search-coil magnetometers, and ELF/VLF and LM/MF/HF receivers. Originally these stations were powered by propane fuelled thermoelectric generators with the fuel delivered to the site each Antarctic summer. A by-product of this power generation was a large amount of useful heat, which was applied to maintain the operating temperature of the electronics in the stations. Although a reasonable degree of reliability was achieved with these stations, the high cost of the fuel air lift and some remaining technical issues necessitated the development of a different type of power unit. In the second phase of the project we have developed a power generation system using renewable energy that can operate automatically in the Antarctic winter. The most reliable power system consists of a type of wind turbine using a simple permanent magnet rotor and a new type of power control system with variable resistor shunts to regulate the power and dissipate the excess energy and at the same time provide heat for a temperature controlled environment for the instrument electronics and data system. We deployed such systems and demonstrated a high degree of reliability in several years of operation in spite of the relative unpredictability of the Antarctic environment. Sample data are shown to demonstrate that the AGOs provide key measurements, which would be impossible without the special technology developed for this type of observing platform.

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