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J Phys Chem A ; 127(18): 4180-4193, 2023 May 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37129275


We have recently described the implementation of atomic electronic structure calculations within the finite element method with numerical radial basis functions of the form χµ(r) = r-1Bµ(r), where high-order Lagrange interpolating polynomials (LIPs) were used as the shape functions Bµ(r). In this work, we discuss how χµ(r) can be evaluated in a stable manner at small r and also revisit the choice of the shape functions Bµ(r). Three kinds of shape functions are considered: in addition to the C0 continuous LIPs, we consider the analytical implementation of first-order Hermite interpolating polynomials (HIPs) that are C1 continuous, as well as numerical implementations of n-th order (Cn continuous) HIPs that are expressed in terms of an underlying high-order LIP basis. Furnished with the new implementation, we demonstrate that the first-order HIPs are reliable even with large numbers of nodes and that they also work with nonuniform element grids, affording even better results in atomic electronic structure calculations than LIPs with the same total number of basis functions. We demonstrate that discontinuities can be observed in the spin-σ local kinetic energy τσ in small LIP basis sets, while HIP basis sets do not suffer from such issues; however, either set can be used to reach the complete basis set limit with smooth τσ. Moreover, we discuss the implications of HIPs on calculations with meta-GGA functionals with a number of recent meta-GGA functionals, and we find most Minnesota functionals to be ill-behaved. We also examine the potential usefulness of the explicit control over the derivative in HIPs for forming numerical atomic orbital basis sets, but we find that confining potentials are still likely a better option.

J Phys Chem A ; 127(51): 10872-10888, 2023 Dec 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38103024


Strong magnetic fields such as those found on white dwarfs have significant effects on the electronic structures of atoms and molecules. However, the vast majority of molecular studies in the literature in such fields are carried out with Gaussian basis sets designed for zero field, leading to large basis set truncation errors [Lehtola et al., Mol. Phys. 2020, 118, e1597989]. In this work, we aim to identify the failures of the Gaussian basis sets in atomic calculations to guide the design of new basis sets for strong magnetic fields. We achieve this by performing fully numerical electronic structure calculations at the complete basis set (CBS) limit for the ground state and low lying excited states of the atoms 1 ≤ Z ≤ 18 in weak to intermediate magnetic fields. We also carry out finite-field calculations for a variety of Gaussian basis sets, introducing a real-orbital approximation for the magnetic-field Hamiltonian. Our primary focus is on the aug-cc-pVTZ basis set, which has been used in many works in the literature. A study of the differences in total energies of the fully numerical CBS limit calculations and the approximate Gaussian basis calculations is carried out to provide insight into basis set truncation errors. Examining a variety of states over the range of magnetic field strengths from B = 0 to B = 0.6B0, we observe significant differences for the aug-cc-pVTZ basis set, while much smaller errors are afforded by the benchmark-quality AHGBSP3-9 basis set [Lehtola, J. Chem. Phys. 2020, 152, 134108]. This suggests that there is considerable room to improve Gaussian basis sets for calculations at finite magnetic fields.

J Phys Chem A ; 127(51): 10896-10907, 2023 Dec 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38100678


In a recent study [J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2021, 17, 1457-1468], some of us examined the accuracy of magnetizabilities calculated with density functionals representing the local density approximation (LDA), generalized gradient approximation (GGA), meta-GGA (mGGA), as well as global hybrid (GH) and range-separated (RS) hybrid functionals by assessment against accurate reference values obtained with coupled-cluster theory with singles, doubles, and perturbative triples [CCSD(T)]. Our study was later extended to local hybrid (LH) functionals by Holzer et al. [J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2021, 17, 2928-2947]; in this work, we examine a larger selection of LH functionals, also including range-separated LH (RSLH) functionals and strong-correlation LH (scLH) functionals. Holzer et al. also studied the importance of the physically correct handling of the magnetic gauge dependence of the kinetic energy density (τ) in mGGA calculations by comparing the Maximoff-Scuseria formulation of τ used in our aforementioned study to the more physical current-density extension derived by Dobson. In this work, we also revisit this comparison with a larger selection of mGGA functionals. We find that the newly tested LH, RSLH, and scLH functionals outperform all of the functionals considered in the previous studies. The various LH functionals afford the seven lowest mean absolute errors while also showing remarkably small standard deviations and mean errors. Most strikingly, the best two functionals are scLHs that also perform remarkably well in cases with significant multiconfigurational character, such as the ozone molecule, which is traditionally excluded from statistical error evaluations due to its large errors with common density functionals.

J Chem Phys ; 159(18)2023 Nov 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37947507


The traditional foundation of science lies on the cornerstones of theory and experiment. Theory is used to explain experiment, which in turn guides the development of theory. Since the advent of computers and the development of computational algorithms, computation has risen as the third cornerstone of science, joining theory and experiment on an equal footing. Computation has become an essential part of modern science, amending experiment by enabling accurate comparison of complicated theories to sophisticated experiments, as well as guiding by triage both the design and targets of experiments and the development of novel theories and computational methods. Like experiment, computation relies on continued investment in infrastructure: it requires both hardware (the physical computer on which the calculation is run) as well as software (the source code of the programs that performs the wanted simulations). In this Perspective, I discuss present-day challenges on the software side in computational chemistry, which arise from the fast-paced development of algorithms, programming models, as well as hardware. I argue that many of these challenges could be solved with reusable open source libraries, which are a public good, enhance the reproducibility of science, and accelerate the development and availability of state-of-the-art methods and improved software.

J Chem Phys ; 159(11)2023 Sep 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37725491


Density functional theory is the workhorse of chemistry and materials science, and novel density functional approximations are published every year. To become available in program packages, the novel density functional approximations (DFAs) need to be (re)implemented. However, according to our experience as developers of Libxc [Lehtola et al., SoftwareX 7, 1 (2018)], a constant problem in this task is verification due to the lack of reliable reference data. As we discuss in this work, this lack has led to several non-equivalent implementations of functionals such as Becke-Perdew 1986, Perdew-Wang 1991, Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof, and Becke's three-parameter hybrid functional with Lee-Yang-Parr correlation across various program packages, yielding different total energies. Through careful verification, we have also found many issues with incorrect functional forms in recent DFAs. The goal of this work is to ensure the reproducibility of DFAs. DFAs must be verifiable in order to prevent the reappearance of the above-mentioned errors and incompatibilities. A common framework for verification and testing is, therefore, needed. We suggest several ways in which reference energies can be produced with free and open source software, either with non-self-consistent calculations with tabulated atomic densities or via self-consistent calculations with various program packages. The employed numerical parameters-especially the quadrature grid-need to be converged to guarantee a ≲0.1 µEh precision in the total energy, which is nowadays routinely achievable in fully numerical calculations. Moreover, as such sub-µEh level agreement can only be achieved when fully equivalent implementations of the DFA are used, the source code of the reference implementation should also be made available in any publication describing a new DFA.

J Chem Phys ; 158(1): 014104, 2023 Jan 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36610956


The Hellmann-Feynman (HF) theorem provides a way to compute forces directly from the electron density, enabling efficient force calculations for large systems through machine learning (ML) models for the electron density. The main issue holding back the general acceptance of the HF approach for atom-centered basis sets is the well-known Pulay force which, if naively discarded, typically constitutes an error upward of 10 eV/Å in forces. In this work, we demonstrate that if a suitably augmented Gaussian basis set is used for density functional calculations, the Pulay force can be suppressed, and HF forces can be computed as accurately as analytical forces with state-of-the-art basis sets, allowing geometry optimization and molecular dynamics to be reliably performed with HF forces. Our results pave a clear path forward for the accurate and efficient simulation of large systems using ML densities and the HF theorem.

J Phys Chem A ; 126(25): 4046-4056, 2022 Jun 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35709531


The recombination ("dimerization") of peroxyl radicals (RO2•) is one of the pathways suggested in the literature for the formation of peroxides (ROOR', often referred to as dimers or accretion products in the literature) in the atmosphere. It is generally accepted that these dimers play a major role in the first steps of the formation of submicron aerosol particles. However, the precise reaction pathways and energetics of RO2• + R'O2• reactions are still unknown. In this work, we have studied the formation of tetroxide intermediates (RO4R'): their formation from two peroxyl radicals and their decomposition to triplet molecular oxygen (3O2) and a triplet pair of alkoxyl radicals (RO•). We demonstrate this mechanism for several atmospherically relevant primary and secondary peroxyl radicals. The potential energy surface corresponds to an overall singlet state. The subsequent reaction channels of the alkoxyl radicals include, but are not limited to, their dimerization into ROOR'. Our work considers the multiconfigurational character of the tetroxides and the intermediate phases of the reaction, leading to reliable mechanistic insights for the formation and decomposition of the tetroxides. Despite substantial uncertainties in the computed energetics, our results demonstrate that the barrier heights along the reaction path are invariably small for these systems. This suggests that the reaction mechanism, previously validated at a multireference level only for methyl peroxyl radicals, is a plausible pathway for the formation of aerosol-relevant larger peroxides in the atmosphere.

J Chem Phys ; 156(8): 084801, 2022 Feb 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35232182


Automatic differentiation represents a paradigm shift in scientific programming, where evaluating both functions and their derivatives is required for most applications. By removing the need to explicitly derive expressions for gradients, development times can be shortened and calculations can be simplified. For these reasons, automatic differentiation has fueled the rapid growth of a variety of sophisticated machine learning techniques over the past decade, but is now also increasingly showing its value to support ab initio simulations of quantum systems and enhance computational quantum chemistry. Here, we present an open-source differentiable quantum chemistry simulation code and explore applications facilitated by automatic differentiation: (1) calculating molecular perturbation properties, (2) reoptimizing a basis set for hydrocarbons, (3) checking the stability of self-consistent field wave functions, and (4) predicting molecular properties via alchemical perturbations.

J Chem Phys ; 157(17): 174113, 2022 Nov 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36347676


Sun et al. [J. Chem. Phys. 144, 191101 (2016)] suggested that common density-functional approximations (DFAs) should exhibit large energy errors for excited states as a necessary consequence of orbital nodality. Motivated by self-interaction corrected density-functional calculations on many-electron systems, we continue their study with the exactly solvable 1s, 2p, and 3d states of 36 hydrogenic one-electron ions (H-Kr35+) and demonstrate with self-consistent calculations that state-of-the-art DFAs indeed exhibit large errors for the 2p and 3d excited states. We consider 56 functionals at the local density approximation (LDA), generalized gradient approximation (GGA) as well as meta-GGA levels, and several hybrid functionals such as the recently proposed machine-learned DM21 local hybrid functional. The best non-hybrid functional for the 1s ground state is revTPSS. As predicted by Sun et al., the 2p and 3d excited states are more difficult for DFAs, and LDA functionals turn out to yield the most systematic accuracy for these states among non-hybrid functionals. The best performance for the three states overall is observed with the BHandH global hybrid GGA functional, which contains 50% Hartree-Fock exchange and 50% LDA exchange. The performance of DM21 is found to be inconsistent, yielding good accuracy for some states and systems and poor accuracy for others. Based on these results, we recommend including a variety of one-electron cations in future training of machine-learned density functionals.

J Chem Phys ; 157(17): 174114, 2022 Nov 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36347696


Most computational studies in chemistry and materials science are based on the use of density functional theory. Although the exact density functional is unknown, several density functional approximations (DFAs) offer a good balance of affordable computational cost and semi-quantitative accuracy for applications. The development of DFAs still continues on many fronts, and several new DFAs aiming for improved accuracy are published every year. However, the numerical behavior of these DFAs is an often-overlooked problem. In this work, we look at all 592 DFAs for three-dimensional systems available in Libxc 5.2.2 and examine the convergence of the density functional total energy based on tabulated atomic Hartree-Fock wave functions. We show that several recent DFAs, including the celebrated SCAN family of functionals, show impractically slow convergence with typically used numerical quadrature schemes, making these functionals unsuitable both for routine applications and high-precision studies, as thousands of radial quadrature points may be required to achieve sub-µEh accurate total energies for these functionals, while standard quadrature grids like the SG-3 grid only contain O(100) radial quadrature points. These results are both a warning to users to always check the sufficiency of the quadrature grid when adopting novel functionals, as well as a guideline to the theory community to develop better-behaved density functionals.

J Phys Chem A ; 125(8): 1778-1786, 2021 Mar 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33605721


We develop a methodology for calculating, analyzing, and visualizing nuclear magnetic shielding densities which are calculated from the current density via the Biot-Savart relation. Atomic contributions to nuclear magnetic shielding constants can be estimated within our framework with a Becke partitioning scheme. The new features have been implemented in the GIMIC program and are applied in this work to the study of the 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic shieldings in benzene (C6H6) and cyclobutadiene (C4H4). The new methodology allows a visual inspection of the spatial origins of the positive (shielding) and negative (deshielding) contributions to the nuclear magnetic shielding constant of a single nucleus, something which has not been hitherto easily accomplished. Analysis of the shielding densities shows that diatropic and paratropic current-density fluxes yield both shielding and deshielding contributions, as the shielding or deshielding is determined by the direction of the current-density flux with respect to the studied nucleus instead of the tropicity. Becke partitioning of the magnetic shieldings shows that the magnetic shielding contributions mainly originate from the studied atom and its nearest neighbors, confirming the localized character of nuclear magnetic shieldings.

J Chem Phys ; 155(22): 224109, 2021 Dec 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34911315


Fermi-Löwdin orbitals (FLOs) are a special set of localized orbitals, which have become commonly used in combination with the Perdew-Zunger self-interaction correction (SIC) in the FLO-SIC method. The FLOs are obtained for a set of occupied orbitals by specifying a classical position for each electron. These positions are known as Fermi-orbital descriptors (FODs), and they have a clear relation to chemical bonding. In this study, we show how FLOs and FODs can be used to initialize, interpret, and justify SIC solutions in a common chemical picture, both within FLO-SIC and in traditional variational SIC, and to locate distinct local minima in either of these approaches. We demonstrate that FLOs based on Lewis theory lead to symmetry breaking for benzene-the electron density is found to break symmetry already at the symmetric molecular structure-while ones from Linnett's double-quartet theory reproduce symmetric electron densities and molecular geometries. Introducing a benchmark set of 16 planar cyclic molecules, we show that using Lewis theory as the starting point can lead to artifactual dipole moments of up to 1 D, while Linnett SIC dipole moments are in better agreement with experimental values. We suggest using the dipole moment as a diagnostic of symmetry breaking in SIC and monitoring it in all SIC calculations. We show that Linnett structures can often be seen as superpositions of Lewis structures and propose Linnett structures as a simple way to describe aromatic systems in SIC with reduced symmetry breaking. The role of hovering FODs is also briefly discussed.

J Chem Phys ; 152(13): 134108, 2020 Apr 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32268746


We demonstrate that basis sets suitable for electronic structure calculations can be obtained from simple accuracy considerations for the hydrogenic one-electron ions Y(Y-1)+ for Y ∈ [1, Z], necessitating no self-consistent field calculations at all. It is shown that even-tempered basis sets with parameters from the commonly used universal Gaussian basis set (UGBS) [E. V. R. de Castro and F. E. Jorge, J. Chem. Phys. 108, 5225 (1998)] reproduce non-relativistic spin-restricted spherical Hartree-Fock total energies from fully numerical calculations to better accuracy than UGBS, which is shown to exhibit huge errors for some elements, e.g., 0.19 Eh for Th+ and 0.13 Eh for Lu, as it has been parameterized for a single atomic configuration. Having shown the feasibility of the one-electron approach, partially energy-optimized basis sets are formed for all atoms in the Periodic Table, 1 ≤ Z ≤ 118, by optimizing the even-tempered parameters for Z(Z-1)+. As the hydrogenic Gaussian basis sets suggested in this work are built strictly from first principles, polarization shells can also be obtained in the same fashion in contrast to previous approaches. The accuracy of the polarized basis sets is demonstrated by calculations on a small set of molecules by comparison to fully numerical reference values, which show that chemical accuracy can be reached even for challenging cases such as SF6. This approach is straightforward to extend to relativistic calculations and could facilitate studies beyond the established Periodic Table.

J Chem Phys ; 152(14): 144105, 2020 Apr 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32295364


The superposition of atomic potentials (SAP) approach has recently been shown to be a simple and efficient way to initialize electronic structure calculations [S. Lehtola, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 15, 1593-1604 (2019)]. Here, we study the differences between effective potentials from fully numerical density functional and optimized effective potential calculations for fixed configurations. We find that the differences are small, overall, and choose exchange-only potentials at the local density approximation level of theory computed on top of Hartree-Fock densities as a good compromise. The differences between potentials arising from different atomic configurations are also found to be small at this level of theory. Furthermore, we discuss the efficient Gaussian-basis implementation of SAP via error function fits to fully numerical atomic radial potentials. The guess obtained from the fitted potentials can be easily implemented in any Gaussian-basis quantum chemistry code in terms of two-electron integrals. Fits covering the whole periodic table from H to Og are reported for non-relativistic as well as fully relativistic four-component calculations that have been carried out with fully numerical approaches.

J Chem Phys ; 153(8): 084104, 2020 Aug 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32872868


We present pyflosic, an open-source, general-purpose python implementation of the Fermi-Löwdin orbital self-interaction correction (FLO-SIC), which is based on the python simulation of chemistry framework (pyscf) electronic structure and quantum chemistry code. Thanks to pyscf, pyflosic can be used with any kind of Gaussian-type basis set, various kinds of radial and angular quadrature grids, and all exchange-correlation functionals within the local density approximation, generalized-gradient approximation (GGA), and meta-GGA provided in the libxc and xcfun libraries. A central aspect of FLO-SIC is the Fermi-orbital descriptors, which are used to estimate the self-interaction correction. Importantly, they can be initialized automatically within pyflosic; they can also be optimized within pyflosic with an interface to the atomic simulation environment, a python library that provides a variety of powerful gradient-based algorithms for geometry optimization. Although pyflosic has already facilitated applications of FLO-SIC to chemical studies, it offers an excellent starting point for further developments in FLO-SIC approaches, thanks to its use of a high-level programming language and pronounced modularity.

J Chem Phys ; 152(18): 184108, 2020 May 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32414239


PSI4 is a free and open-source ab initio electronic structure program providing implementations of Hartree-Fock, density functional theory, many-body perturbation theory, configuration interaction, density cumulant theory, symmetry-adapted perturbation theory, and coupled-cluster theory. Most of the methods are quite efficient, thanks to density fitting and multi-core parallelism. The program is a hybrid of C++ and Python, and calculations may be run with very simple text files or using the Python API, facilitating post-processing and complex workflows; method developers also have access to most of PSI4's core functionalities via Python. Job specification may be passed using The Molecular Sciences Software Institute (MolSSI) QCSCHEMA data format, facilitating interoperability. A rewrite of our top-level computation driver, and concomitant adoption of the MolSSI QCARCHIVE INFRASTRUCTURE project, makes the latest version of PSI4 well suited to distributed computation of large numbers of independent tasks. The project has fostered the development of independent software components that may be reused in other quantum chemistry programs.

J Chem Phys ; 153(2): 024109, 2020 Jul 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32668948


PySCF is a Python-based general-purpose electronic structure platform that supports first-principles simulations of molecules and solids as well as accelerates the development of new methodology and complex computational workflows. This paper explains the design and philosophy behind PySCF that enables it to meet these twin objectives. With several case studies, we show how users can easily implement their own methods using PySCF as a development environment. We then summarize the capabilities of PySCF for molecular and solid-state simulations. Finally, we describe the growing ecosystem of projects that use PySCF across the domains of quantum chemistry, materials science, machine learning, and quantum information science.

Molecules ; 25(5)2020 Mar 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32182727


A uniform derivation of the self-consistent field equations in a finite basis set is presented. Both restricted and unrestricted Hartree-Fock (HF) theory as well as various density functional approximations are considered. The unitary invariance of the HF and density functional models is discussed, paving the way for the use of localized molecular orbitals. The self-consistent field equations are derived in a non-orthogonal basis set, and their solution is discussed also in the presence of linear dependencies in the basis. It is argued why iterative diagonalization of the Kohn-Sham-Fock matrix leads to the minimization of the total energy. Alternative methods for the solution of the self-consistent field equations via direct minimization as well as stability analysis are briefly discussed. Explicit expressions are given for the contributions to the Kohn-Sham-Fock matrix up to meta-GGA functionals. Range-separated hybrids and non-local correlation functionals are summarily reviewed.

Modelos Químicos
J Chem Phys ; 151(24): 241102, 2019 Dec 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31893881


The description of weakly bound electronic states is especially difficult with atomic orbital basis sets. The diffuse atomic basis functions that are necessary to describe the extended electronic state generate significant linear dependencies in the molecular basis set, which may make the electronic structure calculations ill-convergent. We propose a method where the overcomplete molecular basis set is pruned by a pivoted Cholesky decomposition of the overlap matrix, yielding an optimal low-rank approximation that is numerically stable, the pivot indices determining a reduced basis set that is complete enough to describe all the basis functions in the original overcomplete basis. The method can be implemented either by a simple modification to the usual canonical orthogonalization procedure, which hides the excess functions and yields fewer efficiency benefits, or by generating custom basis sets for all the atoms in the system, yielding significant cost reductions in electronic structure calculations. The pruned basis sets from the latter choice allow accurate calculations to be performed at a lower cost even at the self-consistent field level, as illustrated on a solvated (H2O)24 - anion. Our results indicate that the Cholesky procedure allows one to perform calculations with accuracies close to standard augmented basis sets with cost savings which increase with the size of the basis set, ranging from 9% fewer functions in single-ζ basis sets to 28% fewer functions in triple-ζ basis sets.

J Chem Phys ; 150(17): 174102, 2019 May 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31067878


Semilocal approximations to the density functional for the exchange-correlation energy of a many-electron system necessarily fail for lobed one-electron densities, including not only the familiar stretched densities but also the less familiar but closely related noded ones. The Perdew-Zunger (PZ) self-interaction correction (SIC) to a semilocal approximation makes that approximation exact for all one-electron ground- or excited-state densities and accurate for stretched bonds. When the minimization of the PZ total energy is made over real localized orbitals, the orbital densities can be noded, leading to energy errors in many-electron systems. Minimization over complex localized orbitals yields nodeless orbital densities, which reduce but typically do not eliminate the SIC errors of atomization energies. Other errors of PZ SIC remain, attributable to the loss of the exact constraints and appropriate norms that the semilocal approximations satisfy, suggesting the need for a generalized SIC. These conclusions are supported by calculations for one-electron densities and for many-electron molecules. While PZ SIC raises and improves the energy barriers of standard generalized gradient approximations (GGAs) and meta-GGAs, it reduces and often worsens the atomization energies of molecules. Thus, PZ SIC raises the energy more as the nodality of the valence localized orbitals increases from atoms to molecules to transition states. PZ SIC is applied here, in particular, to the strongly constrained and appropriately normed (SCAN) meta-GGA, for which the correlation part is already self-interaction-free. This property makes SCAN a natural first candidate for a generalized SIC.

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