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Front Neurol ; 4: 207, 2013.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24391625


Cerebrovascular lesions are frequently observed in patients with sickle-cell disease (SCD) and these structural lesions are preceded by insidious perfusion deficits. Our aim was to investigate the presence of brain perfusion deficits in neurologically asymptomatic SCD patients, especially affecting microvessels. For this study, 42 SCD patients [33 sickle-cell anemia (HbSS), 6 sickle hemoglobin C disease (HbSC), and 3 sickle ß-thalassemia disease (HbSß)] with mean hematocrit of 25.1 (±4.85; 15.6-38.5) underwent brain perfusion single photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT) using the tracer (99m)Tc-ECD. Images from SCD patients were compared to images of a healthy control group (29 females and 20 males, mean age 31 ± 8; range 25-49 years). Images underwent voxel-wise comparison of regional tracer uptake using paired t-test to estimate the probability of each voxel to have an increased or decreased tracer uptake. When compared to controls, SCD patients exhibited significantly reduced tracer uptake in basal ganglia and thalami, the anterior frontal region and the watershed region of the temporo-parietal-occipital transition (p < 0.05). Our study showed that neurologically asymptomatic adult SCD patients exhibit a pattern of reduced (99m)Tc-ECD tracer uptake demonstrated by SPECT. Early diagnosis of this cerebral vasculopathy has prognostic implications and can be determinant in considering therapeutic alternatives to avoid increasing brain lesion load and progressive disability.

Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-621055


Introdução: Os carcinomas diferenciados da tireoide nãocostumam apresentar grande agressividade clínica, principalmenteo seu tipo histológico mais comum, o carcinoma palilífero (80%),cuja forma de disseminação é preferencialmente por via linfáticapara os linfonodos regionais, e, portanto, dificilmente desenvolvemetástases sistêmicas. Metástases ósseas de tumores papilíferossão raras, e as que envolvem o crânio foram poucas vezesrelatadas na literatura. Objetivo: Relatar o caso de uma pacientecom metástase de carcinoma papilífero para o osso frontal, comoapresentação inicial da doença, que obteve excelente respostacom a Radioiodoterapia. Relato de Caso: Mulher de 55 anosapresentou uma volumosa metástase de carcinoma papilíferopara o osso frontal, e que obteve regressão total da metástasecom a radioiodoterapia realizada após a tireoidectomia total.Considerações Finais: O relato mostra que, apesar de remota,existe a possibilidade de metástases de carcinoma papilífero datireoide para o crânio e a iodoterapia pode ser uma forma detratamento importante.

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