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Phys Rev Lett ; 132(23): 230602, 2024 Jun 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38905686


Large-amplitude squeezed cat states and high-quality Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill (GKP) states are essential for effective quantum error correction, yet their optical preparation has been hindered by challenges such as low success probabilities, small amplitudes, and insufficient squeezing. Addressing these limitations, our research introduces scalable optical schemes for the deterministic preparation of large-amplitude squeezed cat states from photon-number states. Fock states have the benefit of producing consistent cat states across all measurement outcomes and intrinsically provides a degree of squeezing. Notably, these squeezed cat states facilitate the deterministic generation of high-quality approximate GKP states via "breeding," showing that GKP error correction in optics is technically feasible in near-term experiments. Our schemes allow fault-tolerant quantum computation through the use of GKP error correction.

Phys Rev Lett ; 129(16): 160401, 2022 Oct 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36306752


The Unruh effect can not only arise out of the entanglement between modes of left and right Rindler wedges, but also between modes of future and past light cones. We explore the geometric phase resulting from this timelike entanglement between the future and past, showing that it can be captured in a simple Λ system. This provides an alternative paradigm to the Unruh-deWitt detector. The Unruh effect has not been experimentally verified because the accelerations needed to excite a response from Unruh-deWitt detectors are prohibitively large. We demonstrate that a stationary but time-dependent Λ-system detects the timelike Unruh effect with current technology.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(16): 160501, 2022 Apr 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35522492


We introduce a linear optical technique that can implement ideal quantum teleamplification up to the nth Fock state, where n can be any positive integer. Here teleamplification consists of both quantum teleportation and noiseless linear amplification (NLA). This simple protocol consists of a beam splitter and an (n+1) splitter, with n ancillary photons and detection of n photons. For a given target fidelity, our technique improves success probability and physical resource costs by orders of magnitude over current alternative teleportation and NLA schemes. We show how this protocol can also be used as a loss-tolerant quantum relay for entanglement distribution and distillation.

Nature ; 568(7751): 178-179, 2019 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30971837
Phys Rev Lett ; 121(14): 143602, 2018 Oct 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30339432


We propose a method to subtract a photon from a double sideband mode of continuous-wave light. The central idea is to use phase modulation as a frequency sideband beam splitter in the heralding photon subtraction scheme, where a small portion of the sideband mode is down-converted to 0 Hz to provide a trigger photon. An optical cat state is created by applying the proposed method to a squeezed state at 500 MHz sideband, which is generated by an optical parametric oscillator. The Wigner function of the cat state reconstructed from a direct homodyne measurement of the 500 MHz sideband modes shows the negativity of W(0,0)=-0.088±0.001 without any loss corrections.

Phys Rev Lett ; 120(4): 040406, 2018 Jan 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29437418


A Bell inequality is a fundamental test to rule out local hidden variable model descriptions of correlations between two physically separated systems. There have been a number of experiments in which a Bell inequality has been violated using discrete-variable systems. We demonstrate a violation of Bell's inequality using continuous variable quadrature measurements. By creating a four-mode entangled state with homodyne detection, we recorded a clear violation with a Bell value of B=2.31±0.02. This opens new possibilities for using continuous variable states for device independent quantum protocols.

Phys Rev Lett ; 118(15): 150505, 2017 Apr 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28452523


Within the context of semiquantum nonlocal games, the trust can be removed from the measurement devices in an entanglement-detection procedure. Here, we show that a similar approach can be taken to quantify the amount of entanglement. To be specific, first, we show that in this context, a small subset of semiquantum nonlocal games is necessary and sufficient for entanglement detection in the local operations and classical communication paradigm. Second, we prove that the maximum payoff for these games is a universal measure of entanglement which is convex and continuous. Third, we show that for the quantification of negative-partial-transpose entanglement, this subset can be further reduced down to a single arbitrary element. Importantly, our measure is measurement device independent by construction and operationally accessible. Finally, our approach straightforwardly extends to quantify the entanglement within any partitioning of multipartite quantum states.

Phys Rev Lett ; 119(26): 269901, 2017 12 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29328687


This corrects the article DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.110502.

Phys Rev Lett ; 118(11): 110502, 2017 Mar 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28368625


Entanglement witnesses are invaluable for efficient quantum entanglement certification without the need for expensive quantum state tomography. Yet, standard entanglement witnessing requires multiple measurements and its bounds can be elusive as a result of experimental imperfections. Here, we introduce and demonstrate a novel procedure for entanglement detection which simply and seamlessly improves any standard witnessing procedure by using additional available information to tighten the witnessing bounds. Moreover, by relaxing the requirements on the witness operators, our method removes the general need for the difficult task of witness decomposition into local observables. We experimentally demonstrate entanglement detection with our approach using a separable test operator and a simple fixed measurement device for each agent. Finally, we show that the method can be generalized to higher-dimensional and multipartite cases with a complexity that scales linearly with the number of parties.

Phys Rev Lett ; 119(12): 120502, 2017 Sep 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29341656


Determination of the quantum nature of correlations between two spatially separated systems plays a crucial role in quantum information science. Of particular interest is the questions of if and how these correlations enable quantum information protocols to be more powerful. Here, we report on a distributed quantum computation protocol in which the input and output quantum states are considered to be classically correlated in quantum informatics. Nevertheless, we show that the correlations between the outcomes of the measurements on the output state cannot be efficiently simulated using classical algorithms. Crucially, at the same time, local measurement outcomes can be efficiently simulated on classical computers. We show that the only known classicality criterion violated by the input and output states in our protocol is the one used in quantum optics, namely, phase-space nonclassicality. As a result, we argue that the global phase-space nonclassicality inherent within the output state of our protocol represents true quantum correlations.

Phys Rev Lett ; 114(6): 060501, 2015 Feb 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25723196


Considering the problem of sampling from the output photon-counting probability distribution of a linear-optical network for input Gaussian states, we obtain results that are of interest from both quantum theory and the computational complexity theory point of view. We derive a general formula for calculating the output probabilities, and by considering input thermal states, we show that the output probabilities are proportional to permanents of positive-semidefinite Hermitian matrices. It is believed that approximating permanents of complex matrices in general is a #P-hard problem. However, we show that these permanents can be approximated with an algorithm in the BPP^{NP} complexity class, as there exists an efficient classical algorithm for sampling from the output probability distribution. We further consider input squeezed-vacuum states and discuss the complexity of sampling from the probability distribution at the output.

Phys Rev Lett ; 114(11): 113603, 2015 Mar 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25839269


We propose a Bell-measurement scheme by employing a logical qubit in Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger entanglement with an arbitrary number of photons. Remarkably, the success probability of the Bell measurement as well as teleportation of the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger entanglement can be made arbitrarily high using only linear optics elements and photon on-off measurements as the number of photons increases. Our scheme outperforms previous proposals using single-photon qubits when comparing the success probabilities in terms of the average photon usages. It has another important advantage for experimental feasibility in that it does not require photon-number-resolving measurements. Our proposal provides an alternative candidate for all-optical quantum information processing.

Nature ; 500(7462): 282-3, 2013 Aug 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23955227
Opt Express ; 21(11): 13450-8, 2013 Jun 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23736598


We introduce an efficient method for fully characterizing multimode linear-optical networks. Our approach requires only a standard laser source and intensity measurements to directly and uniquely determine all moduli and non-trivial phases of the matrix describing a network. We experimentally demonstrate the characterization of a 6×6 fiber-optic network and independently verify the results via nonclassical two-photon interference.

Phys Rev Lett ; 111(5): 050504, 2013 Aug 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23952378


Traditional continuous-variable teleportation can only approach unit fidelity in the limit of an infinite (and unphysical) amount of squeezing. We describe a new method for continuous-variable teleportation that approaches unit fidelity with finite resources. The protocol is not based on squeezed states as in traditional teleportation but on an ensemble of single photon entangled states. We characterize the teleportation scheme with coherent states, mesoscopic superposition states, and two-mode squeezed states and we find several situations in which near-unity teleportation fidelity can be obtained with modest resources.

Nat Commun ; 14(1): 4745, 2023 Aug 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37550329


Quantum teleportation constitutes a fundamental tool for various applications in quantum communication and computation. However, state-of-the-art continuous-variable quantum teleportation is restricted to moderate fidelities and short-distance configurations. This is due to unavoidable experimental imperfections resulting in thermal decoherence during the teleportation process. Here we present a heralded quantum teleporter able to overcome these limitations through noiseless linear amplification. As a result, we report a high fidelity of 92% for teleporting coherent states using a modest level of quantum entanglement. Our teleporter in principle allows nearly complete removal of loss induced onto the input states being transmitted through imperfect quantum channels. We further demonstrate the purification of a displaced thermal state, impossible via conventional deterministic amplification or teleportation approaches. The combination of high-fidelity coherent state teleportation alongside the purification of thermalized input states permits the transmission of quantum states over significantly long distances. These results are of both practical and fundamental significance; overcoming long-standing hurdles en route to highly-efficient continuous-variable quantum teleportation, while also shining new light on applying teleportation to purify quantum systems from thermal noise.

Nat Commun ; 13(1): 4002, 2022 Jul 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35821022


Bohmian mechanics is a nonlocal hidden-variable interpretation of quantum theory which predicts that particles follow deterministic trajectories in spacetime. Historically, the study of Bohmian trajectories has mainly been restricted to nonrelativistic regimes due to the widely held belief that the theory is incompatible with special relativity. Here, we present an approach for constructing the relativistic Bohmian-type velocity field of single particles. The advantage of our proposal is that it is operational in nature, grounded in weak measurements of the particle's momentum and energy. We apply our weak measurement formalism to obtain the relativistic spacetime trajectories of photons in a Michelson-Sagnac interferometer. The trajectories satisfy quantum-mechanical continuity and the relativistic velocity addition rule. We propose a modified Alcubierre metric which could give rise to these trajectories within the paradigm of general relativity.

Nat Commun ; 13(1): 1832, 2022 Apr 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35383154


Long-distance optical quantum channels are necessarily lossy, leading to errors in transmitted quantum information, entanglement degradation and, ultimately, poor protocol performance. Quantum states carrying information in the channel can be probabilistically amplified to compensate for loss, but are destroyed when amplification fails. Quantum correction of the channel itself is therefore required, but break-even performance-where arbitrary states can be better transmitted through a corrected channel than an uncorrected one-has so far remained out of reach. Here we perform distillation by heralded amplification to improve a noisy entanglement channel. We subsequently employ entanglement swapping to demonstrate that arbitrary quantum information transmission is unconditionally improved-i.e., without relying on postselection or post-processing of data-compared to the uncorrected channel. In this way, it represents realization of a genuine quantum relay. Our channel correction for single-mode quantum states will find use in quantum repeater, communication and metrology applications.

Phys Rev Lett ; 106(11): 110404, 2011 Mar 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21469846


We note that massless fields within the future and past light cone may be quantized as independent systems. The vacuum is shown to be a nonseparable state of these systems, exactly mirroring the known entanglement between the spacelike separated Rindler wedges. This leads to a notion of timelike entanglement. We describe an inertial detector which exhibits a thermal response to the vacuum when switched on at t=0, due to this property. The feasibility of detecting this effect is discussed, with natural experimental parameters appearing at the scale of 100 GHz.

Phys Rev Lett ; 104(25): 250503, 2010 Jun 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20867355


We present a compact experimental design for producing an arbitrarily large optical continuous-variable cluster state using just one single-mode vacuum squeezer and one quantum nondemolition gate. Generating the cluster state and computing with it happen simultaneously: more entangled modes become available as previous modes are measured, thereby making finite the requirements for coherence and stability even as the computation length increases indefinitely.

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