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Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 18(32): 22693-705, 2016 Aug 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27478937


The rotational spectra of thioisocyanic acid (HNCS), and its three energetic isomers (HSCN, HCNS, and HSNC) have been observed at high spectral resolution by a combination of chirped-pulse and Fabry-Pérot Fourier-transform microwave spectroscopy between 6 and 40 GHz in a pulsed-jet discharge expansion. Two isomers, thiofulminic acid (HCNS) and isothiofulminic acid (HSNC), calculated here to be 35-37 kcal mol(-1) less stable than the ground state isomer HNCS, have been detected for the first time. Precise rotational, centrifugal distortion, and nitrogen hyperfine coupling constants have been determined for the normal and rare isotopic species of both molecules; all are in good agreement with theoretical predictions obtained at the coupled cluster level of theory. On the basis of isotopic spectroscopy, precise molecular structures have been derived for all four isomers by correcting experimental rotational constants for the effects of rotation-vibration interaction calculated theoretically. Formation and isomerization pathways have also been investigated; the high abundance of HSCN relative to ground state HNCS, and the detection of strong lines of SH using CH3CN and H2S, suggest that HSCN is preferentially produced by the radical-radical reaction HS + CN. A radio astronomical search for HSCN and its isomers has been undertaken toward the high-mass star-forming region Sgr B2(N) in the Galactic Center with the 100 m Green Bank Telescope. While we find clear evidence for HSCN, only a tentative detection of HNCS is proposed, and there is no indication of HCNS or HSNC at the same rms noise level. HSCN, and tentatively HNCS, displays clear deviations from a single-excitation temperature model, suggesting weak masing may be occurring in some transitions in this source.

J Phys Chem A ; 117(39): 9814-8, 2013 Oct 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23815068


The submillimeter-wave rotational spectra of CO(+), (13)CO(+) and C(18)O(+) in the v = 0 and 1 vibrational states were measured through a hollow cathode dc discharge in a cryogenic cell cooled to liquid nitrogen temperature. In addition, a few transitions of the main isotopic species have been measured between 1.1 and 1.3 THz. An updated isotopically invariant fit, including Born-Oppenheimer breakdown corrections, is presented: the derived set of independent molecular parameters, valid for all the isotopologues of the molecule included in the fit, allows to predict the rotational spectrum with calculated 1σ uncertainty of 280 kHz at 2 THz.

J Phys Chem A ; 117(50): 13843-54, 2013 Dec 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24070172


Pure rotational transitions of silicon monoxide, involving the main ((28)Si(16)O) as well as several rare isotopic species, were observed in their ground vibrational states by employing long-path absorption spectroscopy between 86 and 825 GHz (1 ≤ J" ≤ 18). Fourier transform microwave spectroscopy was used to study the J" = 0 transition frequencies in the ground and several vibrationally excited states. The vibrational excitation of the newly studied isotopologues extend to between υ = 9 and 29 for (28)Si(17)O and (30)Si(16)O, respectively. Data were extended for some previously investigated species up to υ = 51 for the main isotopologue. The high spectral resolution allowed us to resolve the hyperfine structure in (28)Si(17)O caused by the nuclear electric quadrupole and magnetic dipole moments of (17)O for the first time, and to resolve the much smaller nuclear spin-rotation splitting for isotopic species containing (29)Si. These data were combined with previous rotational and rovibrational (infrared) data to determine an improved set of spectroscopic parameters of SiO in one global fit which takes the breakdown of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation into account. Highly accurate rotational transition frequencies for this important astronomical molecule can now be predicted well into the terahertz region with this parameter set. In addition, a more complete comparison among physical properties of group 14/16 diatomics is possible.

J Phys Chem A ; 115(24): 6472-80, 2011 Jun 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21591798


Methyl formate presents a challenge for the conventional chemical mechanisms assumed to guide interstellar organic chemistry. Previous studies of potential formation pathways for methyl formate in interstellar clouds ruled out gas-phase chemistry as a major production route, and more recent chemical kinetics models indicate that it may form efficiently from radical-radical chemistry on ice surfaces. Yet, recent chemical imaging studies of methyl formate and molecules potentially related to its formation suggest that it may form through previously unexplored gas-phase chemistry. Motivated by these findings, two new gas-phase ion-molecule formation routes are proposed and characterized using electronic structure theory with conformational specificity. The proposed reactions, acid-catalyzed Fisher esterification and methyl cation transfer, both produce the less stable trans-conformational isomer of protonated methyl formate in relatively high abundance under the kinetically controlled conditions relevant to interstellar chemistry. Gas-phase neutral methyl formate can be produced from its protonated counterpart through either a dissociative electron recombination reaction or a proton transfer reaction to a molecule with larger proton affinity. Retention (or partial retention) of the conformation in these neutralization reactions would yield trans-methyl formate in an abundance that exceeds predictions under thermodynamic equilibrium at typical interstellar temperatures of ≤100 K. For this reason, this conformer may prove to be an excellent probe of gas-phase chemistry in interstellar clouds. Motivated by new theoretical predictions, the rotational spectrum of trans-methyl formate has been measured for the first time in the laboratory, and seven lines have now been detected in the interstellar medium using the publicly available PRIMOS survey from the NRAO Green Bank Telescope.

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