During 2014 and 2015, 97 lettuce plants that showed big-vein-disease-like symptoms and seven weed plants were collected from the Riyadh region. DAS-ELISA revealed that 25% and 9% of the lettuce plants were singly infected with LBVaV and MiLBVV, respectively, whereas 63% had a mixed infection with both viruses. The results were confirmed by multiplex reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction using primers specific for LBVaV and MiLBVV. LBVaV and MiLBVV were also detected in Sonchus oleraceus and Eruca sativa, respectively. The nucleotide sequence of LBVaV and MiLBVV Saudi isolates ranged from 94.3-100%, and their similarities to isolates with sequences in the GenBank database ranged from 93.9 to 99.6% and 93.8 to 99.3%, respectively. Olpidium sp. was present in the roots of lettuce plants with big-vein disease and it was shown to facilitate transmission of both viruses.