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Conserv Biol ; : e14282, 2024 Apr 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38660922


Payments for ecosystem services (PES) are widely applied incentive-based instruments with diverse objectives that increasingly include biodiversity conservation. Yet, there is a gap in understanding of how to best assess and monitor programs' biodiversity outcomes. We examined perceptions and drivers of engagement related to biodiversity monitoring through surveys among current PES participants in 7 communities in Mexico's Selva Lacandona. We conducted workshops among survey participants that included training and field deployment of tools used to monitor biodiversity and land cover, including visual transects, camera traps, acoustic recorders, and forest cover satellite images. We conducted pre- and postworkshop surveys in each community to evaluate changes in respondents' perceptions following exposure to biodiversity monitoring training and related field activities. We also reviewed existing research on participatory environmental management and monitoring approaches. One quarter of current PES participants in the study area participated in our surveys and workshops. The majority stated interest in engaging in diverse activities related to the procedural aspects of biodiversity monitoring (e.g., planning, field data collection, results dissemination) and acknowledged multiple benefits of introducing biodiversity monitoring into PES (e.g., knowledge and capacity building, improved natural resource management, and greater support for conservation). Household economic reliance on PES was positively associated with willingness to engage in monitoring. Technical expertise, time, and monetary constraints were deterrents. Respondents were most interested in monitoring mammals, birds, and plants and using visual transects, camera traps, and forest cover satellite images. Exposure to monitoring enhanced subsequent interest in monitoring by providing respondents with new insights from their communities related to deforestation and species' abundance and diversity. Respondents identified key strengths and weaknesses of applying different monitoring tools, which suggests that deploying multiple tools simultaneously can increase local engagement and produce complementary findings and data. Overall, our findings support the relevance and usefulness of incorporating participatory biodiversity monitoring into PES.

Explorando las percepciones locales y los impulsores de la participación en el monitoreo de la biodiversidad entre participantes de esquemas de pagos por servicios ambientales en el sureste de México Resumen Los pagos por servicios ambientales (PSA) son instrumentos basados en incentivos ampliamente aplicados cuyos diversos objetivos incluyen cada vez más la conservación de la biodiversidad. Sin embargo, existe una brecha en la comprensión de cómo evaluar y monitorear los resultados de los programas en materia de biodiversidad. Examinamos las percepciones y los impulsores de la participación relacionados al monitoreo de la biodiversidad a través de encuestas entre participantes actuales de PSA en siete comunidades de la Selva Lacandona de México. Realizamos talleres entre los participantes de las encuestas que incluyeron capacitación y despliegue en campo de herramientas utilizadas para monitorear la biodiversidad y la cobertura del suelo, incluidos transectos visuales, cámaras trampa, grabadores acústicos e imágenes satelitales de la cobertura forestal. Realizamos encuestas antes y después del taller en cada comunidad para evaluar los cambios en las percepciones de los participantes tras su involucramiento en la capacitación de monitoreo de biodiversidad y las actividades de campo relacionadas. También revisamos la investigación existente sobre enfoques de monitoreo y gestión ambiental participativa. Una cuarta parte de los participantes actuales de PES en el área de estudio participaron en nuestras encuestas y talleres. La mayoría declaró interés en participar en diversas actividades relacionadas con los aspectos procesales del monitoreo de la biodiversidad (por ejemplo, planificación, recopilación de datos de campo, difusión de resultados) y reconoció múltiples beneficios de introducir el monitoreo de la biodiversidad en los PSA (por ejemplo, creación de conocimientos y capacidades, mejora de la gestión de los recursos naturales, y mayor apoyo a la conservación). La dependencia económica de los hogares de los PSA se asoció positivamente con la voluntad de participar en el monitoreo. Los factores inhibidores fueron la experiencia técnica, el tiempo y las limitaciones monetarias. Los encuestados estaban más interesados en monitorear mamíferos, aves y plantas y en utilizar transectos visuales, cámaras trampa e imágenes satelitales de la cubierta forestal. La exposición al monitoreo aumentó el interés posterior en el monitoreo al brindar a los encuestados nuevos conocimientos de sus comunidades relacionados con la deforestación y la abundancia y diversidad de especies. Los encuestados identificaron fortalezas y debilidades clave al aplicar diferentes herramientas de monitoreo, lo que sugiere que implementar múltiples herramientas simultáneamente puede aumentar la participación local y producir hallazgos y datos complementarios. En general, nuestros hallazgos respaldan la relevancia y utilidad de incorporar el monitoreo participativo de la biodiversidad en los PSA.

Conserv Biol ; 38(2): e14198, 2024 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37811729


Biodiversity compensation policies have emerged around the world to address the ecological harms of infrastructure expansion, but historically compliance is weak. The Westminster government is introducing a requirement that new infrastructure developments in England demonstrate they achieve a biodiversity net gain (BNG). We sought to determine the magnitude of the effects of governance gaps and regulator capacity constraints on the policy's potential biodiversity impacts. We collated BNG information from all new major developments across six early-adopter councils from 2020 to 2022. We quantified the proportion of the biodiversity outcomes promised under BNG at risk of noncompliance, explored the variation in strategies used to meet developers' biodiversity liabilities, and quantified the occurrence of simple errors in the biodiversity metric calculations. For large developments and energy infrastructure, biodiversity liabilities frequently met within the projects' development footprint. For small developments, the purchase of offsets was most common. We estimated that 27% of all biodiversity units fell into governance gaps that exposed them to a high risk of noncompliance because they were associated with better-condition habitats delivered on-site that were unlikely to be monitored or enforced. More robust governance mechanisms (e.g., practical mechanisms for monitoring and enforcement) would help ensure the delivery of this biodiversity on-site. Alternatively, more biodiversity gains could be delivered through off-site biodiversity offsetting. For the latter case, we estimated that the demand for offsets could rise by a factor of 4; this would substantially increase the financial contributions from developers for conservation activities on private land. Twenty-one percent of development applications contained a simple recurring error in their BNG calculations. One-half of these applications were approved by councils, which may indicate under-resourcing in council development assessments. Our findings demonstrate that resourcing and governance shortfalls risk undermining the policy's effectiveness.

sObtención de la ganancia neta de biodiversidad mediante el abordaje de las lagunas en la gobernanza que apuntalan las políticas de compensación ecológica Resumen Las políticas de compensación por biodiversidad han surgido en todo el mundo para abordar los daños ecológicos de la expansión infraestructural, aunque su cumplimiento histórico es deficiente. El gobierno de Westminster está introduciendo un requerimiento para que las nuevas infraestructuras en Inglaterra demuestren que obtienen una ganancia neta de biodiversidad (GNB). Buscamos determinar la magnitud que tienen los efectos de las lagunas de gobernanza y las restricciones de la capacidad regulatoria sobre los impactos potenciales de la política en la biodiversidad. Recopilamos la información de GNB de todos los desarrollos principales en seis consejos pioneros entre 2020 y 2022. Cuantificamos la proporción de los resultados de biodiversidad prometidos bajo la GNB en riesgo de no ser cumplidos, exploramos la variación de estrategias usadas para cumplir las responsabilidades de biodiversidad de los desarrolladores y cuantificamos la incidencia de errores simples en el cálculo de las medidas de biodiversidad. En los grandes desarrollos y en la infraestructura energética, las responsabilidades de biodiversidad fueron cumplidas con frecuencia dentro de la huella de desarrollo del proyecto. En los pequeños desarrollos, la compra de compensaciones fue más común. Estimamos que el 27% de todas las unidades de biodiversidad caen dentro de las lagunas de gobernanza que las exponen a un riesgo elevado de no ser cumplidas porque se asociaban con hábitats en mejores condiciones entregados en sitios con mayor probabilidad de no ser monitoreados o implementados. Tener mecanismos de gobernanza más robustos (mecanismos prácticos para el monitoreo y la implementación) ayudaría a asegurar la entrega de esta biodiversidad en sitio. Como alternativa, una mayor ganancia de biodiversidad podría entregarse a través de las compensaciones de biodiversidad fuera de sitio. Para el último caso, estimamos que la demanda de compensaciones podría aumentar en un factor de 4; esto incrementaría sustancialmente las contribuciones económicas de los desarrolladores para las actividades de conservación en suelo privado. El 21% de las aplicaciones de desarrollo incluyeron un error simple recurrente en los cálculos de su GNB. La mitad de estas aplicaciones fueron aprobadas por consejos, lo que podría indicar una escasez de evaluaciones en los consejos. Nuestros resultados demuestran que la insuficiencia en la dotación de recursos y la de gobernanza arriesga la efectividad de las políticas.

Biodiversidad , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Ecosistema , Políticas , Inglaterra
Conserv Biol ; 38(4): e14266, 2024 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38578127


Survival of the immobile embryo in response to rising temperature is important to determine a species' vulnerability to climate change. However, the collective effects of 2 key thermal characteristics associated with climate change (i.e., rising average temperature and acute heat events) on embryonic survival remain largely unexplored. We used empirical measurements and niche modeling to investigate how chronic and acute heat stress independently and collectively influence the embryonic survival of lizards across latitudes. We collected and bred lizards from 5 latitudes and incubated their eggs across a range of temperatures to quantify population-specific responses to chronic and acute heat stress. Using an embryonic development model parameterized with measured embryonic heat tolerances, we further identified a collective impact of embryonic chronic and acute heat tolerances on embryonic survival. We also incorporated embryonic chronic and acute heat tolerance in hybrid species distribution models to determine species' range shifts under climate change. Embryos' tolerance of chronic heat (T-chronic) remained consistent across latitudes, whereas their tolerance of acute heat (T-acute) was higher at high latitudes than at low latitudes. Tolerance of acute heat exerted a more pronounced influence than tolerance of chronic heat. In species distribution models, climate change led to the most significant habitat loss for each population and species in its low-latitude distribution. Consequently, habitat for populations across all latitudes will shift toward high latitudes. Our study also highlights the importance of considering embryonic survival under chronic and acute heat stresses to predict species' vulnerability to climate change.

Efectos colectivos del aumento de las temperaturas promedio y los eventos de calor en embriones ovíparos Resumen La supervivencia de los embriones inmóviles en respuesta al incremento de temperatura es importante para determinar la vulnerabilidad de las especies al cambio climático. Sin embargo, los efectos colectivos de dos características térmicas claves asociadas con el cambio climático (i. e., aumento de temperatura promedio y eventos de calor agudo) sobre la supervivencia embrionaria permanecen en gran parte inexplorados. Utilizamos mediciones empíricas y modelos de nicho para investigar cómo el estrés térmico crónico y agudo influye de forma independiente y colectiva en la supervivencia embrionaria de los lagartos en todas las latitudes. Recolectamos y criamos lagartos de cinco latitudes e incubamos sus huevos en un rango de temperaturas para cuantificar las respuestas específicas de la población al estrés por calor crónico y agudo. Posteriormente, mediante un modelo de desarrollo embrionario parametrizado con mediciones de tolerancia embrionaria al calor, identificamos un impacto colectivo de las tolerancias embrionarias al calor agudo y crónico en la supervivencia embrionaria. También incorporamos la tolerancia embrionaria crónica y aguda al calor en modelos de distribución de especies híbridas para determinar los cambios de distribución de las especies bajo el cambio climático. La tolerancia embrionaria al calor crónico (T­crónico) permaneció constante, mientras que la tolerancia al calor agudo (T­agudo) fue mayor en latitudes altas que en latitudes bajas. La tolerancia al calor agudo ejerció una influencia más pronunciada que la tolerancia al calor crónico. En los modelos de distribución de especies, el cambio climático provocó la pérdida de hábitat más significativa para cada población y especie en su distribución de latitudes bajas. En consecuencia, el hábitat para poblaciones en todas las latitudes se desplazará a latitudes altas. Nuestro estudio también resalta la importancia de considerar la supervivencia embrionaria bajo estrés térmico crónico y agudo para predecir la vulnerabilidad de las especies al cambio climático.

Cambio Climático , Embrión no Mamífero , Calor , Lagartos , Animales , Lagartos/fisiología , Lagartos/embriología , Embrión no Mamífero/fisiología , Oviparidad , Femenino , Modelos Biológicos , Desarrollo Embrionario , Termotolerancia
Conserv Biol ; 38(1): e14144, 2024 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37424366


Conservation offsets promise cost-effective conservation of biodiversity, especially under economic and environmental change, because they represent a more flexible approach to biodiversity conservation, allowing for the economic development of ecologically valuable land provided that this development is offset by restoration of previously developed areas. The level of flexibility is determined by the trading rules. Lax rules allow for more flexibility, which promises cost savings, but will likely lead to unintended loss of biodiversity. I analyzed the trade-off between economic costs and ecological benefits (biodiversity conservation) in biodiversity offsetting with an ecological-economic model that considered the three main types of offset flexibility: spatial, temporal, and ecosystem type. I sought to examine the influence of ecological and economic conditions on offset flexibility trade-offs. Large variation in the conservation costs and small costs of habitat restoration strongly increased trading activity and reduced the ecological benefit. The ecological benefit was most sensitive to spatial flexibility when a short range of ecological interaction was considered. At a large interaction range, spatial flexibility delivered large cost savings without overly reducing the ecological benefit. Risks and time lags associated with habitat restoration favored an offsetting scheme in which credits are awarded with the initiation of restoration projects rather than their successful completion-given appropriate offsetting multipliers were chosen. Altogether, under scarce resources, the level of flexibility in an offsetting scheme should be chosen by carefully balancing ecological benefits and economic costs.

Compromisos de flexibilidad en las compensaciones por conservación Resumen Las compensaciones por conservación prometen conservar la biodiversidad de forma rentable, especialmente de frente al cambio ambiental y económico. Ya que representan una estrategia más flexible para la conservación de la biodiversidad, esto permite el desarrollo económico de suelo con valor ecológico siempre y cuando este desarrollo esté compensado por la restauración de áreas con desarrollo previo. El nivel de flexibilidad está determinado por las reglas de intercambio. Las reglas laxas permiten una mayor flexibilidad, que promete ahorros, pero probablemente derive en la pérdida no intencionada de la biodiversidad. Analicé los compromisos entre los costos económicos y los beneficios ecológicos (conservación de la biodiversidad) en las compensaciones por biodiversidad con un modelo ecológico-económico que consideraba los tres tipos principales de flexibilidad: espacial, temporal y por tipo de ecosistema. Traté de examinar la influencia de las condiciones ecológicas y económicas sobre los compromisos de flexibilidad en las compensaciones. Una gran variación en los costos de conservación y los pequeños costos de la restauración del hábitat incrementaron fuertemente la actividad de intercambio y redujeron el beneficio ecológico. El beneficio ecológico fue más sensible a la flexibilidad espacial cuando consideré un corto alcance de la interacción ecológica. Con un alcance extenso, la flexibilidad espacial ofreció grandes ahorros son reducir por mucho el beneficio ecológico. Los riesgos y retrasos temporales asociados con la restauración del hábitat favorecieron un esquema de compensaciones en el que los créditos se otorgan al inicio del proyecto de restauración en lugar de con la conclusión exitosa del mismo-siempre y cuando se hayan elegido multiplicadores de compensación adecuados. En conjunto, si se tienen pocos recursos, el nivel de flexibilidad en un esquema de compensaciones debería elegirse con un balance cuidadoso entre los beneficios ecológicos y los costos económicos.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Ecosistema , Biodiversidad , Modelos Teóricos , Desarrollo Económico
Conserv Biol ; : e14328, 2024 Jul 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39045810


The motivations for incorporating nature into the design of cities have never been more compelling. Creating experiences with nature that occur every day (everyday nature) in cities could help reverse the fate of many threatened species and connect people with nature and living cultural traditions. However, this requires more than just urban greening; it involves ensuring daily doses of nature in a way that also supports nonhuman organisms. A major shift in the way nature is conceived of and is made part of the design of cities is required. Principles include reconsidering nature as a development opportunity rather than a constraint and eliminating offsetting of biodiversity site values. Processes include using biodiversity-sensitive design frameworks and establishing meaningful professional engagement among ecologists, planners, and designers. Challenges include design obstacles, conflicts between nature and people (e.g., safety, disease, and noise) that require careful management, and socioeconomic and political considerations (e.g., Global North vs. Global South). Research to interrogate the multiple benefits of nature in cities can complement experimental interventions, ultimately supporting better urban design and creating much more resiliently built environments for people and nature.

Diseño de ciudades para la naturaleza cotidiana Resumen Los motivos para incorporar a la naturaleza dentro del diseño urbano jamás habían sido tan convincentes. La creación en las ciudades de experiencias con la naturaleza que ocurren a diario (naturaleza cotidiana) podría ayudar a cambiar el destino de muchas especies amenazadas y conectar a las personas con la naturaleza y las tradiciones culturales vivientes. Lo anterior requiere más que reverdecimiento urbano ya que involucra dosis diarias de naturaleza de manera que también mantengan a los organismos no humanos. Se necesita de un cambio mayor en la manera en la que se concibe a la naturaleza y cómo se le hace parte del diseño urbano. Los principios incluyen reconsiderar a la naturaleza como una oportunidad de desarrollo en lugar de una limitación y eliminar la compensación del valor de los sitios de biodiversidad. Los procesos incluyen el uso de marcos de diseños sensibles con la biodiversidad y el establecimiento de una participación profesional significativa entre los ecologistas, los planeadores y los diseñadores. Los retos incluyen los obstáculos del diseño, conflictos entre la naturaleza y las personas (seguridad, enfermedades y ruido) que requieren de un manejo cuidadoso y consideraciones políticas (Norte Global versus Sur Global). La investigación para interrogar los múltiples beneficios de la naturaleza en las ciudades puede complementar a las intervenciones, a la larga respaldando un mejor diseño urbano y creando ambientes para las personas y la naturaleza construidos con mayor resiliencia.

Conserv Biol ; : e14369, 2024 Sep 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39225268


Conservation literature addresses a broad spectrum of interdisciplinary questions and benefits. Conservation science benefits most when a diverse range of authors are represented, particularly those from countries where much conservation work is focused. In other disciplines, it is well known that barriers and biases exist in the academic publishing sphere, which can affect research dissemination and an author's career development. We used a discrete choice experiment to determine how 7 journal attributes affect authors' choices of where to publish in conservation. We targeted authors directly by contacting authors published in 18 target journals and indirectly via communication channels for conservation organizations. We only included respondents who had previously published in a conservation-related journal. We used a multinomial logit model and a latent class model to investigate preferences for all respondents and distinct subpopulations. We identified 3 demographic groups across 1038 respondents (older authors from predominantly middle-income countries, younger authors from predominantly middle-income countries, and younger authors from high-income countries) who had published in conservation journals. Each group exhibited different publishing preferences. Only 2 attributes showed a consistent response across groups: cost to publish negatively affected journal choice, including authors in high-income countries, and authors had a consistent preference for double-blind review. Authors from middle-income countries were willing to pay more for society-owned journals, unlike authors from high-income countries. Journals with a broad geographical scope that were open access and that had relatively high impact factors were preferred by 2 of the 3 demographic groups. However, journal scope and open access were more important in dictating journal choice than impact factor. Overall, different demographics had different preferences for journals and were limited in their selection based on attributes such as open access policy. However, the scarcity of respondents from low-income countries (2% of respondents) highlights the pervasive barriers to representation in conservation research. We recommend journals offer double-blind review, reduce or remove open access fees, investigate options for free editorial support, and better acknowledge the value of local-scale single-species studies. Academic societies in particular must reflect on how their journals support conservation and conservation professionals.

Comprensión de las elecciones de los autores en el entorno actual de publicaciones sobre la conservación Resumen La bibliografía sobre conservación aborda un amplio espectro de preguntas y beneficios interdisciplinarios. La mayor parte de ella representa una gama diversa de autores, sobre todo de países en los que se centra gran parte del trabajo de conservación. Es bien sabido que en otras disciplinas existen barreras y sesgos en el ámbito de la publicación académica que pueden afectar a la difusión de la investigación y al desarrollo de la carrera de un autor. Usamos un experimento de elección discreta para determinar cómo afectan siete atributos de las revistas sobre conservación en la elección de los autores sobre en cuál publicar. Nos dirigimos directamente a los autores y nos pusimos en contacto con quienes publicaban en 18 revistas objetivo e indirectamente a través de los canales de comunicación de las organizaciones de conservación. Sólo incluimos a los encuestados que habían publicado anteriormente en una revista relacionada con la conservación. Usamos un modelo logit multinominal y un modelo de clases latentes para investigar las preferencias de todos los encuestados y de las distintas subpoblaciones. Identificamos tres grupos demográficos entre los 1038 encuestados (autores de más edad de países con predominancia de ingresos medios, autores más jóvenes de países con predominancia de ingresos medios y autores más jóvenes de países con ingresos altos) que habían publicado en revistas de conservación. Cada grupo mostraba preferencias editoriales diferentes. Sólo dos atributos mostraron una respuesta coherente en todos los grupos: el costo de la publicación afectaba negativamente a la elección de la revista, incluidos los autores de países con ingresos altos, y los autores tenían una preferencia coherente por la revisión doble ciego. Los autores de países con ingresos medios están dispuestos a pagar más por las revistas pertenecientes a la sociedad, a diferencia de los autores de países de ingresos altos. Dos de los tres grupos demográficos prefieren las revistas de ámbito geográfico amplio, de acceso abierto y con un factor de impacto relativamente alto. Sin embargo, el alcance de la revista y el acceso abierto fueron más importantes que el factor de impacto. En general, los distintos grupos demográficos tenían preferencias diferentes en cuanto a las revistas y su selección se veía limitada por atributos como la política de acceso abierto. No obstante, la falta de encuestados procedentes de países con bajos ingresos (2% de los encuestados) destaca las barreras generalizadas para la representación en la investigación sobre conservación. Recomendamos que las revistas ofrezcan revisiones doble ciego, reduzcan o eliminen las tarifas de acceso abierto, investiguen opciones de apoyo editorial gratuito y reconozcan mejor el valor de los estudios de una sola especie a escala local. Las sociedades académicas, en particular, deben reflexionar sobre la forma en que sus revistas apoyan la conservación y a los profesionales de la conservación.

Aesthetic Plast Surg ; 48(6): 1104-1110, 2024 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38315230


BACKGROUND: With an increasing number of East Asians undergoing blepharoplasty, the number of patients with secondary upper eyelid deformities is increasing. The sunken eyelid deformity is a common deformity after upper blepharoplasty in Asians due to over-resection, retraction, or atrophy of the nasal and central orbital fat pads. Herein, we present a novel procedure, the pendulum movement of orbital fat and retro-orbicularis oculi fat ("POR" technique), for correction of sunken eyelid deformity in secondary Asian blepharoplasty. METHODS: Patients who underwent secondary upper blepharoplasty with the POR technique by the senior author between January 2020 and October 2021 were identified retrospectively. Those with fewer than 6 months of follow-up were excluded. Patient charts and images were reviewed for demographic data, comorbidities, concomitant eyelid deformities, and postoperative complications. Pre- and postoperative aesthetics, including degree of sunken eyelid deformity, were assessed by two independent raters and by self-reported patient satisfaction. RESULTS: Forty-nine consecutive patients were identified, all of whom were female and had grade I or II sunken eyelid deformity. Median follow-up was 8 months. Concomitant deformities included high tarsal crease (N = 31 patients, 63.3%), ptosis (N = 13, 26.5%), and upper eyelid retraction (N = 5, 10.2%). Almost patients had improvement in their eyelid volume, and 95.9% had improvement in their aesthetic rating. Approximately 93.9% of patients were satisfied with the outcome. CONCLUSIONS: The POR technique is an effective technique for correction of sunken eyelid deformity and can be utilized in conjunction with other techniques during secondary blepharoplasty. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE III: This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors .

Blefaroplastia , Párpados , Femenino , Humanos , Tejido Adiposo/trasplante , Pueblo Asiatico , Blefaroplastia/métodos , Párpados/cirugía , Párpados/anomalías , Estudios Retrospectivos
Gastroenterol Hepatol ; 47(4): 327-336, 2024 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37285933


INTRODUCTION AND AIM: Pancreatobiliary tumours are challenging to diagnose exclusively by imaging methods. Although the optimum moment for carrying out the EUS is not well defined, it has been suggested that the presence of biliary stents may interfere with the proper staging of tumours and the acquisition of samples. We performed a meta-analysis to evaluate the impact of biliary stents on EUS-guided tissue acquisition yield. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We conducted a systematic review in different databases, such as PubMed, Cochrane, Medline, and OVID Database. A search was made of all studies published up to February 2022. RESULTS: Eight studies were analyzed. A total of 3185 patients were included. The mean age was 66.9±2.7 years; 55.4% were male gender. Overall, 1761 patients (55.3%) underwent EUS guided tissue acquisition (EUS-TA) with stents in situ, whereas 1424 patients (44.7%) underwent EUS-TA without stents. The technical success was similar in both groups (EUS-TA with stents: 88% vs EUS-TA without stents: 88%, OR=0.92 [95% CI 0.55-1.56]). The type of stent, the needle size and the number of the passes were similar in both groups. CONCLUSIONS: EUS-TA has similar diagnostic performance and technical success in patients with or without stents. The type of stent (SEMS or plastic) does not seem to influence the diagnostic performance of EUS-TA. Future prospectives and RCT studies are needed to strengthen these conclusions.

Procedimientos Quirúrgicos del Sistema Biliar , Neoplasias Pancreáticas , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Femenino , Neoplasias Pancreáticas/diagnóstico por imagen , Neoplasias Pancreáticas/patología , Endosonografía/métodos , Stents , Drenaje/métodos , Ultrasonografía Intervencional
Gastroenterol Hepatol ; 47(7): 763-770, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38101615


Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease being their most common presentations, comprise a spectrum of diverse disease phenotypes, exhibiting variable behaviors ranging from an indolent course to aggressive phenotypes that impact quality of life of these patients. The last two decades have been marked by the development of new medications (biological therapy and novel small molecules) with diverse mechanisms of action, which have revolutionized the management of IBD, thereby enhancing the quality of life for these patients. This landscape of multiple therapeutic options underscores the need to define which medication will benefit each patient the most and at what speed it should be started. The objective of this review is to present personalized approaches for patients with IBD, thus contributing to therapeutic management.

Enfermedades Inflamatorias del Intestino , Medicina de Precisión , Humanos , Enfermedades Inflamatorias del Intestino/tratamiento farmacológico , Enfermedades Inflamatorias del Intestino/terapia , Enfermedad de Crohn/tratamiento farmacológico , Enfermedad de Crohn/terapia , Colitis Ulcerosa/tratamiento farmacológico , Colitis Ulcerosa/terapia , Calidad de Vida
Gastroenterol Hepatol ; : 502235, 2024 Aug 05.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39111390


OBJECTIVE: Crohn's disease (CD) is heterogeneous, and proximal involvement in the small bowel (SB) is associated with worse outcomes. Nonetheless, studies on the impact of duodenal and jejunal lesions in SB CD are limited. This study aimed to investigate the clinical characteristics and outcomes of individuals diagnosed with SB CD, comparing those with and without proximal inflammation. METHODS: A cohort of 53 treatment-naive SB CD patients that underwent Capsule Endoscopy at diagnosis were retrospectively selected. The inflammatory activity was quantified using the Lewis Score for each SB tertile. RESULTS: Thirty-seven (69.8%) patients displayed inflammatory activity in the first and/or second tertile together with third tertile involvement (Proximal+T3 group). Sixteen (30.2%) had inflammation in the third tertile only (T3 group). Individuals in the Proximal+T3 group had a higher risk for moderate-to-severe inflammation (OR 4.93, 95% CI: 1.3-18.3, p=0.013). A subgroup analysis for those with mild inflammatory activity showed that individuals in the Proximal+T3 group initiated biologic drugs more often (OR 11, 95% CI: 1.1-109.7, p=0.036). CONCLUSION: Proximal SB lesions are associated with increased inflammatory activity, necessitating more frequent use of biologics in patients with mild disease. Early detection of proximal SB CD with Capsule Endoscopy may contribute to timely treatment.

Rev Argent Microbiol ; 2024 Jul 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38991918


Understanding the proportion of SARS-CoV-2 patients with Mycoplasmapneumoniae coinfection is crucial for treating patients suffering from coronavirus disease (COVID-19), help to ensure responsible use of antibiotics and minimize the negative consequences of overuse. In addition, this knowledge could have an impact on empirical antibiotic management guidelines for patients with COVID-19. This systematic review aimed to identify the prevalence of M. pneumoniae in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). A bibliographic search of studies published in Spanish or English was conducted using the PubMed search engine. Fourteen articles from different continents (America, Asia and Europe) were included, involving a total of 5855 patients in these studies. The mean age of COVID-19 patients with M. pneumoniae was 48 years old (range 1-107), most of whom were male. The detection of laboratory-confirmed M. pneumoniae infection varied between 0 and 33.3%. Most of patients referred fever, cough, and dyspnea, and received empirical antibiotic treatment. Bacterial coinfection was not associated with increased ICU admission and mortality. The prevalence of coinfection showed extremely dissimilar figures according to the population studied and diagnostic criteria. However, it is important to develop Latin American studies, given the heterogeneity observed in the studies conducted in different countries. Standardized definitions should be developed in order to be able to assess the impact of coinfections in patients with a diagnosis of COVID-19.

Rev Argent Microbiol ; 2024 Aug 01.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39095319


The first autochthonous case of rickettsiosis is reported here. The case occurred in the Costanera Sur Ecological Reserve, a protected area of the City of Buenos Aires, in August 2022, where 4 species of ticks were found, namely Amblyomma aureolatum, Ixodes auritulus sensu lato, Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu stricto and Amblyomma triste. The epidemiological, ecological, clinical and laboratory aspects that allowed timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment are also described.

Aten Primaria ; 2024 Jan 24.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38272784


Gender violence has multiple and serious consequences for the health of victims and their families, hence the reason for the important role that the health system plays in addressing it. Health professionals have a key role in the response, which must include early detection, care, and follow-up; actions in which primary care, because of its privileged position in the system, can play a fundamental part. This article establishes the necessary characteristics for the intervention to be effective: comprehensive care, multidisciplinary approach, intersectoral coordination, and integrated service provision; all of it community-oriented, person-centered, and adapted to its context (social factors and vulnerabilities) with an intersectional approach. The woman, her sons and daughters, and other cohabitants, as well as the perpetrator, are considered the object of intervention in the response, and specific guidelines for action are provided for detection, care, and follow-up. Reorientation of interventions, with emphasis on a community approach, is also proposed.

Aten Primaria ; 2024 Mar 26.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38538482


Intimate partner violence against women (IPV) has devastating effects on the healthcare and well-being of women and their children. Physical, psychological, and social consequences, a worse perception of their own health, and loss of quality of life are well-documented, while aftereffects persist in time even after the end of abuse. Psychological consequences of abuse last longer and are more serious. IPV also affects sons and daughters, disabled people, family, and the attacker himself. Many health problems, both physical and mental, that lead women to go to healthcare services in search of help have an origin in the violence they experience. Treatment of the symptoms without awareness of its relation to such violence favours medicalization, iatrogenesis, and chronification. Psychological violence poses a threat that is invisible, subtle, cumulative, and difficult to detect; it is, however, the most destructive.

Actas Dermosifiliogr ; 115(3): 288-292, 2024 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37244395


Few reports describing an association between UV radiation and fixed skin eruptions have been published since 1975. These reactions have received various names, including fixed sunlight eruption, fixed exanthema due to UV radiation, and broad-spectrum abnormal localized photosensitivity syndrome. We present a series of 13 patients (4 men [30.8%] and 9 women [69.2%]) aged between 28 and 56 years who were evaluated for fixed eruptions induced by UV radiation at a dermatology referral hospital in Bogotá, Colombia. The lesions were located on the inner thighs, buttocks, popliteal region, anterior and posterior axilla, and dorsum of the feet. Photoprovocation reproduced lesions in all the affected areas, and histopathology showed changes similar to those seen in fixed drug eruptions. While these UV-provoked reactions may be a type of fixed skin eruption, we cannot rule out that they may also be a distinct condition that simply shares a pathogenic mechanism with fixed eruptions.

Exantema , Trastornos por Fotosensibilidad , Masculino , Humanos , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Colombia/epidemiología , Luz Solar/efectos adversos , Trastornos por Fotosensibilidad/etiología , Trastornos por Fotosensibilidad/patología , Rayos Ultravioleta/efectos adversos , Exantema/etiología
Actas Dermosifiliogr ; 115(1): 10-20, 2024 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37442420


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: A significant proportion of women of childbearing age have psoriasis. The aim of this study was to examine family planning concerns in this population. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Observational, descriptive, cross-sectional, multicenter study conducted between March 2020 and October 2021. We collected sociodemographic data and analyzed responses to a family planning questionnaire administered to women aged 18 to 45 years with plaque psoriasis who were candidates for systemic treatment. RESULTS: We studied 153 patients (mean [SD] age, 35.4 [8.0] years; mean disease duration, 16.7 years) being treated at 11 Spanish hospitals. Overall, 38.4% of women were considered to have moderate to severe psoriasis by their physicians; perceived severity ratings were significantly higher among women. Psoriasis affected the women's desire to become pregnant or led to their delaying pregnancy in 1 in 3 respondents. They were concerned that their condition might worsen if they had to discontinue or switch treatment or that the treatment might harm the baby. Approximately half of the women had not received family planning counseling from their physicians, and this was more likely to be the case among never-pregnant women. Women on biologic therapy (58.7%) had better psoriasis control and a better quality of life than women on other treatments. Their sexual health was also less affected. CONCLUSIONS: Women with psoriasis have numerous family planning concerns, which in some cases can lead them to delay pregnancy or affect their desire to become pregnant. Dermatologists need to receive better training regarding family planning in women with psoriasis so that they can provide their patients with more and better information.

Servicios de Planificación Familiar , Psoriasis , Humanos , Femenino , Embarazo , Adulto , Estudios Transversales , Calidad de Vida , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Psoriasis/tratamiento farmacológico
Actas Dermosifiliogr ; 115(1): T10-T20, 2024 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37923069


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: A significant proportion of women of childbearing age have psoriasis. The aim of this study was to examine family planning concerns in this population. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Observational, descriptive, cross-sectional, multicenter study conducted between March 2020 and October 2021. We collected sociodemographic data and analyzed responses to a family planning questionnaire administered to women aged 18 to 45 years with plaque psoriasis who were candidates for systemic treatment. RESULTS: We studied 153 patients (mean [SD] age, 35.4 [8.0] years; mean disease duration, 16.7 years) being treated at 11 Spanish hospitals. Overall, 38.4% of women were considered to have moderate to severe psoriasis by their physicians; perceived severity ratings were significantly higher among women. Psoriasis affected the women's desire to become pregnant or led to their delaying pregnancy in 1 in 3 respondents. They were concerned that their condition might worsen if they had to discontinue or switch treatment or that the treatment might harm the baby. Approximately half of the women had not received family planning counseling from their physicians, and this was more likely to be the case among never-pregnant women. Women on biologic therapy (58.7%) had better psoriasis control and a better quality of life than women on other treatments. Their sexual health was also less affected. CONCLUSIONS: Women with psoriasis have numerous family planning concerns, which in some cases can lead them to delay pregnancy or affect their desire to become pregnant. Dermatologists need to receive better training regarding family planning in women with psoriasis so that they can provide their patients with more and better information.

Servicios de Planificación Familiar , Psoriasis , Humanos , Femenino , Embarazo , Adulto , Estudios Transversales , Calidad de Vida , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Psoriasis/tratamiento farmacológico
Actas Dermosifiliogr ; 2024 Jul 18.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39032780


AIM: This study aimed to investigate the effects of age, period, and cohort on the incidence of psoriasis in Spain from 1990 through 2019 using the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) database and age-period-cohort (A-P-C) analysis. METHODS: We conducted an ecological trend study to analyze the incidence rates of psoriasis in Spain from 1990 through 2019. Joinpoint Regression Program, Version 5.0.2 - May 2023; Surveillance Research Program, National Cancer Institute and National Cancer Institute A-P-C tools were used to identify trends and assess the effects of age, period, and cohort. RESULTS: From 1990 through 2019, an estimated 2.99 million cases of psoriasis were diagnosed in Spain, with a mean annual increase of 0.49%. Significant decreases in age-standardized incidence rates (ASIR) were reported for both sexes, with women consistently maintaining a slightly higher ASIR. Joinpoint analysis revealed multiple turning points in the downward trend, indicating periods of stabilization. A-P-C analysis demonstrated significant declines in both net (overall trend) and local drift (age-specific trends), indicating a broad decrease in the incidence of psoriasis across most age groups. While the risk of psoriasis increased with age, peaking in the 50-54 age group, it declined thereafter. Furthermore, the analysis revealed a continuous decline in risk from 1990 through 2019 for both sexes, with individuals born in the early 21st century exhibiting a significantly lower risk vs those born in the early 20th century. CONCLUSION: This study observed a slight decline in the reported psoriasis ASIR in Spain, potentially due to reduced exposure to risk factors. However, limitations in data and the complexity of factors influencing the incidence of psoriasis require further research.

Actas Dermosifiliogr ; 2024 Jun 08.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38857843


BACKGROUND: Patient-reported outcomes (PROs) are outcomes evaluated by patients based on their perception of their disease and treatment. OBJECTIVES: Determine antipsoriatic treatment-related adherence, quality of life (QoL) and satisfaction. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We conducted an observational cross-sectional, prospective, and single-center study in which PROs surveys were conducted on adherence (Morisky-Green [MG] test), treatment satisfaction (Spanish Questionnaire of Treatment Satisfaction in Psoriasis [CESTEP]) and QoL (Skindex-29 and DLQI). Additional variables include: PASI, BSA. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: Jamovi®2.3.26. RESULTS: A total of 100 surveys were conducted. Based on the MG questionnaire, we found that 75% (75/100) of patients were adherent vs 94% (94/100) from the dispensation records. Regarding CESTEP, a mean score of 7.4±7.7 (close to maximum satisfaction 0) was obtained, while DLQI yielded a score of 2.6±4.6 (indicating a small effect on QoL), and SKINDEX-29 a score of 14.6±15.4 (68% indicating mild (< 5) or very mild (6-17) impact according to Nijsten et al.). Based on CESTEP a p.Rho Spearman value of 0.338 (p=0.004) was obtained in relation to PASI when the study was conducted with a BSA of 0.255 (p=0.050), DLQI results of 0.508 (p <0.001) and Skindex-29 results of 0.397(p <0.001). At the time of the study, the correlation matrix between DLQI result and PASI was 0.365 (p=0.002) with a BSA of 0.347 (p=0.007). Skindex-29 results with PASI were 0.380 (p=0.001) and with BSA, 0.295 (p=0.022). CONCLUSIONS: Patients on therapy exhibit a good QoL, high adherence and satisfaction with their treatment. A significant correlation was seen among satisfaction, QoL, and PASI-BSA at the time of the study.

Mol Carcinog ; 62(2): 249-260, 2023 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36321415


Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide. Although tamoxifen (TAM), a selective estrogen receptor (ER) modulator, is widely used to treat ER-positive breast cancers, resistance to TAM remains a major clinical problem. NADPH-dependent cytochrome P450 reductase (POR) is known to participate in drug metabolism and steroid metabolism. Recent studies showed that high POR expression was correlated with poor outcomes in triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), and POR might be a prognostic biomarker in TNBC. However, the role of POR in TAM resistance is still elusive. In this study, we found that high POR expression was associated with poor prognosis of ER-positive and TAM-treated breast cancer patients. In addition, COX analysis showed that POR expression was an independent prognostic biomarker for ER-positive as well as TAM-treated breast cancer patients. Furthermore, our results suggested that POR overexpression promoted TAM resistance by activating the STAT1/c-Myc pathway in ER-positive breast cancer cells. Immunohistochemical analysis showed that high POR/STAT1 expression was correlated with poor prognosis in TAM-treated breast cancer patients. Notably, combined treatment with TAM and a specific STAT1 inhibitor Fludarabine was more effective for inhibiting TAM-resistant breast cancer cells. Altogether, our findings suggested that POR overexpression induced TAM resistance through STAT1/c-Myc pathway and might serve as an independent prognostic biomarker in TAM-treated breast cancer patients. Combining TAM and STAT1 inhibitors might be an effective strategy for treating POR-induced TAM-resistant breast cancer.

Neoplasias de la Mama , Neoplasias de la Mama Triple Negativas , Femenino , Humanos , Antineoplásicos Hormonales/farmacología , Antineoplásicos Hormonales/uso terapéutico , Biomarcadores , Neoplasias de la Mama/tratamiento farmacológico , Neoplasias de la Mama/genética , Neoplasias de la Mama/metabolismo , Resistencia a Antineoplásicos/genética , Factor de Transcripción STAT1/genética , Factor de Transcripción STAT1/metabolismo , Tamoxifeno/farmacología , Tamoxifeno/uso terapéutico , Neoplasias de la Mama Triple Negativas/tratamiento farmacológico , Neoplasias de la Mama Triple Negativas/genética
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