Plant inflorescence architecture is determined by inflorescence meristem (IM) activity and controlled by genetic mechanisms associated with environmental factors. In Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), TERMINAL FLOWER1 (TFL1) is expressed in the IM and is required to maintain indeterminate growth, whereas LEAFY (LFY) is expressed in the floral meristems (FMs) formed at the periphery of the IM and is required to activate determinate floral development. Here, we address how Arabidopsis indeterminate inflorescence growth is determined. We show that the 26S proteasome subunit REGULATORY PARTICLE AAA-ATPASE 2a (RPT2a) is required to maintain the indeterminate inflorescence architecture in Arabidopsis. rpt2a mutants display reduced TFL1 expression levels and ectopic LFY expression in the IM and develop a determinate zigzag-shaped inflorescence. We further found that RPT2a promotes DNA METHYLTRANSFERASE1 degradation, leading to DNA hypomethylation upstream of TFL1 and high TFL1 expression levels in the wild-type IM. Overall, our work reveals that proteolytic input into the epigenetic regulation of TFL1 expression directs inflorescence architecture in Arabidopsis, adding an additional layer to stem cell regulation.
TERMINAL FLOWER1 (TFL1) was named from knockout Arabidopsis thaliana mutants in which the inflorescence abnormally terminates into a flower. In wild type plants, the expression of TFL1 in the center of the inflorescence meristem represses the flower meristem identity genes LEAFY (LFY) and APETALA1 (AP1) to maintain indeterminacy. LFY and AP1 are activated by flowering signals that antagonize TFL1. Its characterization in numerous species revealed that the TFL1-mediated regulation of meristem fate has broader impacts on plant development than originally depicted in A. thaliana. By blocking floral transition, TFL1 genes participate in the control of juvenility, shoot growth pattern, inflorescence architecture, and the establishment of life history strategies. Here, we contextualize the role of the TFL1-mediated protection of meristem indeterminacy throughout plant development.